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Everything posted by Foredaddy

  1. well do you any movies that you like the way I like AB?
  2. You know, I dont really get touched by movies very often, but today I watched American Beauty and I have to say that I think it is one of the most brilliant movies out there. It conveys a great story, it has great actors and actresses(Kevin Spacey = the man), and the camera work is awesome. Nothing can really top it in my book. So what Im trying to say is(to give this thread a point;)), do you guys have any movies that make you feel this way?
  3. And as long as he plays a mean game of soccer Im down with that mofo.:devil:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]foredaddy was REAlly FUNNY.. he should still me in [/B][/QUOTE] *sniff* That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. *sniff* At least somebody thinks Im funny.... wait a min.... I wasnt trying to be funny! :eek:
  5. I hate this place. Version 2.0 sucked and I hate all of you!:devil: *did I mention its opposite day*:)
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]Who da man? Yo-da man! lol...so corny.....[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Man you guys are big dorks..... but HEY! so aint I! *singing* WHO DA MAN!? YO-DA MAN! GETTING JIGGY NOW!:mrt:
  7. I think skateboarding is cooler personally, but I just said you sucked cause I have no idea how good you are at either. Cant beat that logic.:devil:
  8. well it would be sweet if Bruce Lee was still alive. Then he could play the character based on him, Law. Now that would be sweet.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I can't wait for this movie. Even before the original came out, they were planning about five movies in the series, apparently. So, I don't know if they have said anything about a fourth and fifth...but I thought that was the original plan. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No it is just a trilogy. The directors(who also came up with the idea for The Matrix) planned on the idea of the story being a trilogy.
  10. Foredaddy


    man no wonder there is so much water in the show! Nothing but islands! :devil:
  11. I had my tonsils out in the 9th grade. Does that count? Other than that I havent ha a ny surgery.:devil:
  12. 1. What did they bang together to make horse hooves sounds? Coconuts 2. What was the first question that the bridge troll asked Arthur? what is your name? 3. What did the old woman that Arthur harrassed about a shrubbary beat with a stick? a cat 4. Finish this name: The Knights Who Say ___! Ni 5. What stopped them from getting the grail in the end? The police 6. What was the terrible monster that guarded the cave? The rabbit 7. What was the castle called that Galahad found and entered? Anthrax 8. Name two other Monty Python movies. Life of Brian The Flying circus(it is in movie form, kinda) 9. Who won the fight between the Black Knight and Arthur? It was a draw 10. Did they ever go to Camelot? no it was a silly place
  13. they are filming one after the other. Not at the same time. I also believe I heard that we get to see Zion when I watched "Inside The Matrix". It is gonna be pretty sweet.
  14. oh yeah. I dont know where I got the Rudy thing from.:drunk:
  15. Foredaddy


    I dont even understand the riddle, but Im retarded so thats prolly why.:drunk:
  16. I wish I had a stalker. Then Id know somebody wanted me.:wigout: [edit]: Man that sounds stupid
  17. yeah I know you guys mean well, but come on. 5 different people dont have to say that this topic has already been done. on topic: When Gohan first powered up and his eyes changed I thought I saw the screen wrong. I got all excited for the next time he powered up but his eyes didnt change. Whats up with that?
  18. man you guys spend more time bitchin about topics than you do discussing them. on topic: Can Mystic Gohan even go Super Saiya-jin?
  19. Is that the girl who played Rudy on the Cosby Show?
  20. I hate the osbournes. Ozzy is so messed up I feel bad for him. I really dont see what people think is so funny about the show.:devil:
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Tough Enough is pretty............getting.......really....BORING!I mean it's ok but the asian guy got sick by the meat.And there wasn't much wrestler quiality people. Drama is getting into the wrestling buisness.For example: Brock Lesner messing up Undertaker's life by mind games.( Slept with other women :rolleyes: ) Whats next? [/B][/QUOTE] Thats the exact reason that I stopped watching it. I used to love wrestling, but now its just femme-alicious.:devil:
  22. Here's some to start you all off: 1. What was the original name for Evil Dead? The book of the dead 2. Who is the producer these movies? Bruce Campbell 3. Who is the Co-Producer of them? Sam Raimi 4. What type of car has Sam Raimi used in his films since Evil Dead? '78 oldsmobile 5. What was the time on the clock when the girl was sketching it (before it changed). 10:00?
  23. well to be honest I wasnt thourghly impressed with the games graphics. I spent about 3 hours playing it. Though it is fun.
  24. old/mature people just dont know whats funny.:devil: Its a damn dirty shame.
  25. Foredaddy


    The **** on Ryan's lip makes me laugh everytime and I own the dvds!:wigout:
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