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Everything posted by Foredaddy

  1. Ever heard impotent Lepricauhn (sp?)? Didn't think so. Its my own private band that plays nights in the bar of my mind. And they take requests!! :devil: Vast? um... never heard of em. Are they pirates? Like "Vast Ye Skurvy Dogs!" no. ok.:butthead:
  2. I hate the singles that cool artists put out so everyone gets back into them. Eminem is a big player in this category. Ya know what Im talkin bout willis? For example: The Real SLim Shady, Without Me. Dont get me wrong Slim is the shiz, but I just don't like those first singles of his tracks. They get old so fast. Even if they don't get old fast, so many people like the song it turns me off from it. :devil: yeah.....
  3. The closest thing to street racing I have done was accidentally peeling out at the old folks home I was volunteering at. :devil: Im a bad mother!
  4. "Ehhhhh!"-The Fonz I like it. Can't go wrong with Final Fantasy or Cloud. They just plain rock. :devil:
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LittleFluteSan [/i] [B]I have to say that Goku's first transformation to SSJ-3 was actually better in English than in the original version. The music, the mood, the dialogue... one of the few instances where the dubs did the original some justice... [/B][/QUOTE] Booyah! I can't wait :devil: Im getting all tingly and stuff. Oh wait that was the crack. jj. Dont ban me:confused:
  6. I thought it was pretty fun actually. The repetion was there, but that was taken out with the cool techno music during battles. Oh yeah and the sounds of chopping into the puppets was awesome, blood guts and **** all over the place. :devil:
  7. I had the demo for the PC. I used to play it constantly :devil:
  8. I acquired a gif program (Ulead Gif animator 5) and I made my first gif. I have a condensed version for my avatar, but my first one is my baby. Tell me what you think and remember it was my first. :devil: P.S. I moved this from the sprites section, so dont bother posting about it. :p
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Galvatron [/i] [B] Cut out parts from when Goku and Vegeta were inside evil Buu's body. [/B][/QUOTE] You really cant spoil DBZ or DBGT because everyone pretty much already knows what happens or I should say happened. :devil:
  10. All I know is that I need to get me one of those suicide machines in the first ep of futurama. Id be like "Hey bro! Wanna make a phone call. Its only 25 cents!" :devil:
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]This is rediculus and should be closed. Not only does it seem to be just to get post up, but it also is still unknown. Dozens have asked what a darnded e cake is and that hasnt even been answered yet, none the less, no one has even done one. Or maybe someone has but none of us would know because no one has said what these things are. Where are those post closing crazed mods when you need them. [/B][/QUOTE] Just to get post up what?:devil: Little Devil Strikes Again!
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]Just $19.99 get yours now! [/B][/QUOTE] I hope I can beat the christmas rush!! :devil: Widows and lonely housewives are going to be at each others throuts for these things!
  13. I was talkin about a back massager. I dont know what youre talkin bout willis. :devil:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]now I know I'm going to hell for even looking at that thing... [/B][/QUOTE] I found out I was going to hell when I bought that 8 inch Tony Danza Doll. The proof of purchase was a one-way ticket to hell. So I pretty much do what I want now. :devil:
  15. Oh those crazy mixed up american suburbinites! What will they do next. :devil: This is how I think the crap went down: [QUOTE]"Strike and we'll beat ya up!" "Ill strike if I wanna!" [B]"IYA!"[/B][/QUOTE]:butthead:
  16. I should have watched it. I heard good things. I wanted to the goofy haired guy to win though. I saw him on the MTV music awards. :devil:
  17. Yeah that japanese version is definately cool, but I really can't make judgement for that bite. Although Goku was dominate until right at the end. I thought it was kinda cool. :devil:
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Yeah, they did a show on the tricks behind street magic. How they are done and all. [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't see that. I kinda figureed out as soon as I saw it. I do it sometimes to freak people out. Its pretty cool when you get it right. It looks pretty good.:devil:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]Warped Tour sucked in Barry, There was like NFG,Green Day, Blink and all that other crap, Next year the line-up better have more bands, though some bands did kick *** there.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Please stay on topic.:p
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson]Please stick to the subject.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] you're the one who brought it up. Anyways, Avril whatsit is obviously a total rip. There songs aren't even really punk. Just a big pile pop in a punk imaged box. Actually I thought it was funny during the MTV awards when she said "I have finally achieved my dream after all these years." Now that was good. She is all of 17. Yeah, thats all I got. :devil: P.S. Where is the sense of humor around here? Man its a PC political mess around here now.:( oops Id better stick to the subject. my bad.
  21. Foredaddy


    Whats with these racist comments? Does he ever say anything racist? Ive never heard it. Give me an example.:devil:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B] [color=crimson] It's just a fad like pogs were. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Pogs are out!? :devil: I just bought a new smasher!:flaming: son of a...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super Goten [/i] [B]I would change the cut scene in MGS 1 where gray fox died because he is by far the best character and he died. I think revolver should have died instead because gray fox would all out whoop his western ***. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah Gray Fox was one of the best characters and they tainted his name by ripping him off with olga (the rip off of revolver). So Id have to say Id change MGS2 in the sense that I would either have made Gfx live or just left him out of the game completely and replaced him with something else. I would also change Raiden's character. He is just to much of a femme. The only thing he has kinda cool is the sword and even then its not that cool. Id make Raiden like Smee from Peter Pan. Ya know Captain Hook's Lackey. Now he would have kicked some butt. :devil:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Devidramon [/i] [B]Morphin: Jason, then Rocky Aquitian: Aurico Zeo: Tommy Turbo: Tommy, then TJ Space: Andros Lost Galaxy: Leo Lightspeed: Carter Time Force: Wes Wild Force: Cole And an honorable mention for the Quantum Ranger. Eric's costume's pretty much identical to the Leo's, except straight lines become skewed and white becomes black. And if you want to get [i]really[/i] picky, there's whoever put the Quasar Saber that Leo wound up with in the stone, and whoever had the Falcon Zord before Cole. But that's a few [i]millennia[/i] ago, so I don't think they count. [/B][/QUOTE] sweet jesus.... I am embarassed for you. :devil:
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