Hi All
This is my furst time posting on the boards. I was touched by the way the community helped wiccansamurai and thought perhaps I could recieve advice. A while back my best friend began dating this new gurl, jo. For no reason whatsoever I developed a crush on her. This wus sorta a furst crush fing. I... didnt realli like gurls in dat way before. I saw the ways love used to tear apart people and didnt realli want ne part of it. I eventually told my best friend about it, and he wus very supportive, then I told jo (while she wus going out wid my best friend). My friend wus very supportive, but jo jus ignored the subject and after a while dat wus it. So its present day and for no reason I still like her. My best friend has dumped her and is seeing someone else who he loves dearly. Jo loved him dearly and was torn apart by the breakup.... I've been a constant good friend to her and I think she thinks I dont hav feeling for her. But the problem is I do. My best friend wont support me ne more cos it brings bak bad memories of the breakup. I am afraid of telling her of my feelings because I almost definitely know she is in pining for my best friend and I am afraid our good friendship could be alienated. On top of all of dat.... My parents r strict followers of the islamic faith and its like a rule dat im not allowed to date gurls for sum reason etc etc Also she is of the jewish faith, which I kno wnt go down well wid dem. God, I love her, but i dont know what to do. I am afraid that the answer is staring me straight in the face, but it is too much for me to handle.
Sorri for the long post, thank u for ur replies, if any.