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Everything posted by Rika&Shugo

  1. true i watched like the first four episodes the other day, but my favorite episode out of all of the episodes ever made is the one where misty leaves, because its so sad...T.T
  2. yeah, i heard that, and believed it too, until my unlce can to visit one day and said that his friend (who works on the episodes type thingy) was looking for new names for the wat 10th season, but i don't know what to believe...
  3. i knew that it was a girl who played his voice, but yeah, so,misty wears like a lad coat thingy in one episode, and yeah, she only visits in this season, but in the next shes there permenitly, or w/e.
  4. true, but i wonder, what's to come of the near future with the group. All i know is that when misty returns( i live in japan which means i've al ready seen 3/4 of Poke'mon advanced) she lox totally different. i mean really...
  5. does ash have a deeper voice, i mean think about it, does he really? i haven't really had time to notice, you know? it seems the smae to me, actually. And if you think dhes filled out in the episodes, you should see some of the doujinshi here in Japan, its horrible how old she looks. [center]- - - - - - - - - - - - -[/center] i meant if you think she's as in may...^___^'''' [color=indigo]Please don't double post. If you want to add something, you can just use the Edit button in the lower right-hand corner of your posts. Thanks. ^_^ - Desbreko[/color]
  6. i would have yo say I like DarkMagicianGirl. i think she's awesome, note my avatar.
  7. well, if you count the manga, they do look older...a "tad" bit, but in the show....*silence* okay well, yeah, i now though, that when misty comes back, she has a new hair style. does that count?
  8. :smooch: I have done research, and have come to a conclusion, that the people on Poke'mon never seem to age, i mean if you compare the way they look in the first session, they look exactly the same in the newest seeion, Poke'mon Advanced.
  9. Has any one wondered, about Ishizu's me=ullenium necklace? i mean before she gave it away, how come she didn't have a spirit within it?
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