ya and some times they make big mistakes like Yuska(sorry if I spelled it wrong) from yu yu hokisho (sorry again) in the episode were he first meets Kurama ( the spirit fox guy if you don't know)
and Botone and Yuska are talking about him, yuska looks much older than he really is. *giggle, giggle* ;)
What? how can you not just love Inuyasha? There's lots of romance, drama, action, and surprises around every corner, and lots of cute guys too.( like sessshomaru)
Ya And alot of anime characters have different colored hair too, like Jessy and James on Poke'mon and other anime characters, I'm not shore but I think it's for remembering who they are.
And I now realize the curlly hair thing..ThAnK YoU!:)
Oh ya! Its Changed me! I now wast time saving pics of myfaverite anime Characters! I'm not done there, noo, I have to print them out too! I think I'm obsessed....oh no...that can be a good thing or a bad thing..oh well!:rolleyes:
[FONT=arial]What is up with sraight hair withAnime girls? I mean I can only think of one, Mai Valintine, and I can't think of anyone else!!! I mean whats wrong with curls! With strong waves! With Naturually Fuzzy HAIR![/FONT] :flaming: :bawl: Opps.. lost my cool..
...-_- ..ok ..I think i'm ok now... Will post what you think.
Oh ya some please tell me how to get a picture with my sign.