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    I like to make moosic, good sir. :D
  • Occupation
    You kiddin' me, foo?

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  1. [B]Meanwhile...[/B] Mario and Luigi had been livin' the hard life. Mario, the once-famous plumber, was having difficulties paying off the rent for his Brooklyn apartment. Luigi, as usual, was left in the shadows. [quote name='Mario']Leaping lasagna! After becoming an actor, things have been going in a downward spiral! I'ma justa trying to pay off the rent, unlike that other poopface head, Link.[/quote] The 8-Bit icons, Mario and Luigi, were certainly much brighter than their RPG arch-rivals, Blak Maje and Fitar. You see, the two used their so-called Italian "connections" to get around. Living the good life during reality TV never works out, however. [quote name='Mario']Sucky spaghetti! I never would've asked for a ride to TownHome if I had known that the driver was a retired kamikaze pilot! *sigh* ...[/quote] The car changed course in an instant. "You will DYAR!" bellowed the crazy taxman who had 200 too many Twinkies© that night. "Oh. My. GOD!" Luigi yelled in his oddly feminine voice, "He's gotten high offa Twinkies©!" And so, Mario and Luigi were headed for Death Drive. Will they survive? Tune in next time for Dr... ... ... nevermind. [quote name='Luigi']OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODDD! That announcer was soooo gay, mister! (What's with gay jokes? Are we really THAT immature? I guess so. :
  2. [B]With Blak Maje and Fitar...[/B] As the day neared its completion, it was fairly obvious that these two weren't going to last very long. The two didn't work very well together, just like an oreo and orange juice. The question wasn't if chaos was going to erupt; it was when. [quote name='Fitarr'] 'Eeeyyyy. Yeah, I was all that in my fraternity, dude. That reminds me of beer. And women. Where are all the chicks at!?[/quote] The light-hearted adventure had changed faces in no less than a day. No longer was treasure a motivation. That is, unless "get me outta here" means treasure in French. "Say, do you know what ******* **** time it is, ****ar?" Blak Maje asked knowing the answer would involve one of the words in Fitar's three word vocabulary. "Beer," Fitar responded all too quickly. [quote name='Blak Maje']I hated this moron from the start. I mean, it was like having a ******* rock for a ******* partner! ****! [/quote] When later asked about his opinion on Blak Maje, Fitar immediately let us in on how awful it was to be with this very... uhh... man (?). [quote name='Fitar']That guy, or should I say "gay", sucked. He didn't have beer. Or women. Did I mention beer!?[/quote] By the time the sun had set, the two felt they had no chance of surviving the eerie, maze-like forest. [quote name='Fitar']Uhh... you didn't know when... uhh... nothing was going to happen. It was ****** scary as ******* ****![/quote] Checking his 32 item inventory, Blak Maje found an indispensable treasure. The words "tent found" echoed through this 16 color mind. However, he wasn't about to share it with shmuck, Fitar. And so, Day 1 was almost over...
  3. I'm not much of an artist these days, but I can tell you that I am a sucker for the cartoony styles. I like how incredibly distorted everything is in the picture; the nifty-ness is further aided by your choice of greys. Great work as usual, DW, and I don't see anything wrong with it. Since when could this style have errors anyway?
  4. Well, well, well! My online chum (the (in) famous Dragon Warrior) always told me how he went to a wonderful, wonderful place called Otakuboards. Being the curious chap that I was, I checked out the place, registered, and never posted again. THAT WAS, until I decided to post here today. :3 Oh! Howdy, DW! Sup? :< (He's starting to rub off on me, guys! :( )
  5. Meh, I would, but I am too lazy. I might join, Frodo. :<
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