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Shugo Kunisaki

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About Shugo Kunisaki

  • Birthday 05/14/1989

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  • Occupation
    9th grade student of Paramount High School West Campus

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  1. WARNING: minor spoiler spillage ( i dunno what you consider a spoiler, but just for precaution... ) Refering to the game, and .hack//DUSK, there is no possibility that on a controller of so few buttons, ( the one shown in .hack//DUSK ) would it be literally possible to perform all of the functions in .hack//DUSK. The goggle-things they use to log in and view the world in are called Neuro-goggles ( reference .hack//OUTBREAK, world news section thing ) while those are not beyond our time, it wouldnt be cheap to buy them. Im sensing some peoples reaction to fiction is a bit...hyper, yet understandable. Though, it would be pitiful to see such a splendid MMORPG idea fall to the virtual reality simulator i looked at while in an arcade in Guam, which i highly doubt will happen.* cringe * The Realism is most likely described in what appears to be an animated style of roleplay. like, in certain MMORPGS, you type in a certain word, and an emoticon pops out above your head. I hope I helped clear some thoughts about the Show/game. mostly based on my opinion though
  2. Im Semi-sure that it will be released. Ive heard numerous release dates from sources, most which obviously look fake, some convincing, that it will be released. I wouldnt expect an American version of the MMORPG till late Autumn or early Winter 2004 or so. With a prayer and a little support, It will be released ^-^; . sooner the better eh? I'm considering signing this petition myself if it can ever increase the chance of there being a new version even 0.0001% ^-^;.
  3. I agree with Black_pheonix's theory, its well educated, and well, yeah o.o; plus I know about the future of the .hack world @_@; so i pretty much know what the phases are about and why they exist. No spoilers in this department unless ya want me to tell you via instant messages.
  4. pardon the typos, if i have any that is, im tired as ever. well.. my favorate .hack character is shugo, but if i had to choose from the selection above, it would be sora or....hey, wait, A-20( or was it 21) isnt up there * growl * hmm.....whats the limit of choices for characters? i mean, its quite lacking in the number of characters department if ya catch my drift @_@
  5. The easiest way to find out what episode is on tonight, would be to head to cartoonnetwork.com and look for the time table thing. im not sure howreliable this is, but its saved me from watching a 3 hour marathon of stuff i dont wanna see before.
  6. well, when I visited Guam, i got to see the whole seires of .hack//DUSK. it was in japanese and roughly translated by my cousins, but still, from that view i enjoyed it. I'd rather not go into detail about it for the chance that i might spoil it for people here in america ^^;. anyways, i was wondering if anyone besides me got to watch it or read the manga?
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