WARNING: minor spoiler spillage ( i dunno what you consider a spoiler, but just for precaution... )
Refering to the game, and .hack//DUSK, there is no possibility that on a controller of so few buttons, ( the one shown in .hack//DUSK ) would it be literally possible to perform all of the functions in .hack//DUSK. The goggle-things they use to log in and view the world in are called Neuro-goggles ( reference .hack//OUTBREAK, world news section thing ) while those are not beyond our time, it wouldnt be cheap to buy them. Im sensing some peoples reaction to fiction is a bit...hyper, yet understandable. Though, it would be pitiful to see such a splendid MMORPG idea fall to the virtual reality simulator i looked at while in an arcade in Guam, which i highly doubt will happen.* cringe * The Realism is most likely described in what appears to be an animated style of roleplay. like, in certain MMORPGS, you type in a certain word, and an emoticon pops out above your head.
I hope I helped clear some thoughts about the Show/game. mostly based on my opinion though