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Everything posted by Blista

  1. Wrong place to put this, Yami :) Belongs in Art & Design.
  2. Blista


    That actually isn't that bad. Interesting shape and color. The placement of the pictures is spot on. I can almost feel the character's arrogance from his pose and facial expression. Nicely done :) 8.5/10
  3. Try not to mix and match pictures from different animes. All animes have a unique and different color/picture/clarity/etc. If you take two pictures from two different animes, they won't look well together. The background is, i'm sorry to say, a bit amateur. I think you just used a single filter on a gradient. You didn't bother to cut out the picture of the rabbit, and thus decided to blur the edge to try and make it blend. Try using the [i]Polygonal Lasso Tool[/i], if you have Photoshop, to crop out the background and leave the picture for you to manipulate. The red text is hard to read, mainly because red looks horrible on green/brown. If it's your first banner, it's very well put together. Nicely done for your first time. 6.5/20. Keep at it :D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ARTommy [/i] [B]okay heres another one and blista is that megaman in ur banner [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, it is.
  5. The picture is way too stretched out and distorted. Try not to do that :/ And try not to use a picture as a background, and as the main image. It doesn't work well as both. The text is boring and doesn't grab my attention. Sorry, but it's not very good.
  6. Just give a little review and rating for the most recent movie you've seen :) [b]The Core[/b] Rented it on NDemand, and I must say, it was much better then I had at first thought. The soundtrack could have been a tad better, and if the ending hadn't been so predictable, it would have been better as well. Overall: 8/10.
  7. Way too simple. It's only a picture and text placed lazily on a single color background. The color of the text doesn't match at all. Keep trying though :/
  8. Yeah, there's just way too much empty space in my opinion. Probably could have put another picture in, and faded it a little. I get what you were going for leaving it empty like that, but it just doesn't really work for me. 6.5/10. [B]Edit:[/b] Didn't notice that you posted a second one. That's a little better, but the text is a little hard to read. Try getting a more legible font and maybe lower the opacity of it a bit :)
  9. Nicely done. Very nice job on the folds of her dress. I'm not sure what that curvy thing is next to [i]her[/i] left hand is though. Nicely done with the shading and and hair. Overall, very good job. Show us more :D
  10. My current one is a bit wider then I usually do...I'd say anywhere between 375x100, to 475x100, since 100px height is the maximum. You can probably experiment with different sizes and stuff in Photoshop, or whatever paint program your using. Good luck :)
  11. What do you guys think?
  12. Are there any fans in here? I've recently become a pretty big listener after purchasing their latest album, Thirteenth Step. [i]The Noose[/i], [i]Blue[/i], and [i]Gravity[/i] are by far my favorites. This is probably one of the most underrated bands I've seen.
  13. If I could control my life, I would make it so that I couldn't. I don't think I could handle so much power and responsibility. Hell, I can barely have a decent life [i]now[/i], so there's not much chance it would be any better if I could control every aspect of it.
  14. There's no way that I could take anything like that seriously. I'd probably shut the door, and if they persisted, I'd call the police.
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