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Everything posted by FennirIrvine

  1. hey have ne of you people played the online version of final fantasy for the computer?ive heard its aight :demon:
  2. yeah ive played risk i like 2031 ad risk but i also like civ the boardgame thats a cool one too [COLOR=indigo]I'm sorry about your contition. I just hope that you could work past your disability to type more quality posts. Once again, my heart does go out to the mentally challenged. ~Drix.[/COLOR]
  3. ;) hey wich final fantasy that youve played so far wich one had the best gameplay battle system ect? :cool: also who has played final fantasy x-2 or the online final fantasy 11 [COLOR=indigo]You are now on my no-no list. It's obvious that you are incapable of reading the rules and posting productive threads. I urge you ammend your err, read the rules, and refrain from posting until all those big words seep into comprehension. ~Drix[/COLOR]
  4. who else besides me thinks anime is the very best thing in the world!!!:cool:
  5. id say how do u know this bla bla bla then id call the cops and be like theres a hippie at my door lol
  6. [SIZE=3].hack //sign[/SIZE] I just started watching the .hack//sign series and im confused cause i just watched the episode party last night can someone help me out and explain to me whats happened so far thnx
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