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About Kyokokeiji

  • Birthday 06/01/1989

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Im 14 and im in 9th grade. When im not at school or out walking around with my friends im drawing because i love too, my art has really improved since 7h grade and now my drawings all rock. I love to play sports like baketball,soccer, & skateboar
  • Occupation
    striving artist/slacker student @ crappy school

Kyokokeiji's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. just a quick rough draft, figured id post it before i go insane and spend 12 hours perfecting it :P Drew it with a 4H pencil
  2. overall I think it turned out okay, woulda looked better if i had been using my electric, but its broken :( but acoustics are great to! :D
  3. i cant find anyone who can tell e how to make coffee so ic ame in search to the otakuboards, i need to know asap how to amke coffee. not any of that fancy stuff just basic coffee, im gonna need it so ill b awake during classes 2morrow. so if someone could plz plz plz tell me it be very very very much appreciated!
  4. Well i decided it was time for a new banner and avi. ive been feelint he landscape vibe lately, well actually im happy ive been felin any creative vibe lately lol. anyway i found this cool forest picture, photoshoped it and sha-zam! a new banner n matching avi. the quote is from kill bill volume 1 Revenge is never a straight line It is a forest and like a forest it is easy to loose your way To get lost To forget your way in i reeeeeeallylike that quote lol, neway heres the piccys
  5. heres my entry, hope u like it! i used some kool effects to mess with the text and picture. oh, the picture of vincent i used was originally drawn by seifersama. seifers a wicked good artist, search the fan art section 4 him!! k lol well anyway i really like the effect i used on the picture.
  6. okay well ive drawn 3 pictures and well, i cant think of anyting else to do on them, summer vactaion has caused me to become creativly burned out! anyway here are the pics the first one is inuyasha and kikyo. it was a request drawing, i used a pic of inu+kag to help me and swicth kag with kikyo. im basically done it i just need to do something in the backround, any ideas? the second pic is another one of my random characters, i decided to name her anon because she has no eyes, or at least you cant see them. well anyway also having backround problems on this one. the third pic is a warrior type person, another chracter i made up, ive yet to give her name. i think im doing pretty good so far seen as i got the base body and everything done but once agian, what to do in the backround. i tried drawing so kool kung-fu poses but that didnt exactly work out.
  7. lol well i made this just last week actually, my sister had a laugh riot. i snooped around on her files to find the 98 degrees pic and it was an album cover, the album was called revalation so i just wrote what the revalation was lol :tasty: dont ask me to explain my thinking, no one can lol :P
  8. What does that mean? Allow me to explain: One day upon being uber-bored I got to talking to a friend of mine about music. My friend mentioned about how boy bands suck and I agreed. Five minutes later, this was born. The Anti Boy Band Coallition! Do you hate boy bands? Are you sick of hearing noises that sound like guys getting kicked you know where? Well then this is the organization for you! Is this an actual organization? Yes and No. this organization is simalir to the Foamy Card Cult [URL=http://www.illwillpress.com](Click here for details)[/URL] E-mailme, PM me, just contact me in some sort of form and you get this neat splash image for your site, or just to show off to your friends!At now and recieve a matching banner and avatar set for your otaku account! MSN display pictures also available. MSN Displays pictures are availible in Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake. Banners are Availble in 98degrees and NSYNC(as seen on The Simpsons boy band episode) Otaku Board Avatars availible in Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake Splash Image avilble only in Backstreet Boys
  9. Ive recently discoverd that Jimi Hendrix is completly totally utterly awesome. Anyway Ive also recently made this banner and avatar, and I plan on making more once i get some more pictures of him. anyway take a look and tell me what ya think!
  10. here ya go buddy, hope ya like it! helter skelter tongiht 7pm central!
  11. Okay well i think that now id like to state for the record, i am officially boycotting borders. the only time you ever see a border in something i made is desktop backrounds. So no more saying anything about forgetting a border or needing a border. Anway i made this banner a while ago but i still like it. You gotta love the punisher right. I cant wait to see the movie ^.^
  12. i dont pay anything. im a girlso youd think I would but whos to say who really looks good
  13. okay this isnt mine its my friend melanies yearbook quote for this year, but i love it its hilarious Live your life as if no one is looking, and when the coast is clear, stick a straw in your armpit and blow incase you dont know that makes a very realistic farting noise :laugh:
  14. I have a hard time cheering myself up. If im mad then seriously, just stay away because i dont get slightly irritated. When i get mad i go from happy to full blown b***h. They only way for me to cool down from ebing mad is to sleep on it. Being sad is a whole different issue. Ive been sad alot lately. im 14 though, so go figure right? Im not about to expose my issues all over the net thought so i just do something that makes me laugh. luckily i have a friend( a very cute fried, if u know what i meen ;) ) that has a video camera. He makes really funny videos to. I asked him if i could burn them and he said ok as long as I use it for personal reasons. So whenever i need a laugh i pop the dvd into the dvd player. I suppose laughter is the ebst medicine, unless of course your sick, then stay away from laughing :wigout:
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