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About meow-lin

  • Birthday 02/24/1981

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    pretty shy eyes loves hip hop & DB/DBZ/GT
  • Occupation
    broke student

meow-lin's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. my bad- i guess corrections are a way of life- im so used to hearing 'seasons' on tv. . . .
  2. [COLOR=burlywood]as much as i actually like Ayeka and Tenchi, i think that she's still got issues steaming from when Yosho left her. she would always be looking for a bit of Yosho in Tenchi[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]therefore i pick Ryoko [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=burlywood]the new DBZ season is scheduled for Sept. 9 on Toonami![/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=burlywood]okay, i might not be a tenchi pro, but i know the low down rather well. but what i dont get is what were Yosho's motives when he left Jurai? and if he was half human who is his father is it possible or probable that he went to find him on Earth?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Holla! [/COLOR] thanks-:blush:
  5. i gotta vote for Oolong, he's a strait pig headed pervert. i never liked pork anyway:rolleyes:
  6. [COLOR=burlywood]no matter how much damage they cause or recieve the only thing that happens is they faint- i say Kame Hame Ha the pokemon league and see who actually walks out. if i had to pick one though, it'd be meowth-he's a prick[/COLOR] :ball:
  7. [COLOR=burlywood]i go to a major university, and being a girl who'll break her leg tryin' to get to the dorms to watch DBZ/GT is not exactly popular. i wouldnt change a thing-[/COLOR] :o
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