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  • Birthday March 16

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  1. Instead of restricting yourself to the name witchcraft, why not just look under Sumerian mythos, sorcery, and the various other ideas of magick out there? Hell, just PM me or something. I've got a thing or two to share about the [I]arts[/I].
  2. Problem with a lot of books is they confuse witchcraft with Wicca. Dont you make the same mistake.
  3. LP sonically are really really irritating. In fact, I for a long time hated them. At least until I saw them live last summer. Their music, lyrics, and all around goal as a band suck, no questions there, but their live performances are without a doubt, really really really fun to watch. Anyone hating them, go ahead, but dont let them pass your town without seeing them at least once. They are that fun.
  4. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] P.S.: What is with you? I make one comment that you don't like, and suddenly you become a cocky ***, acting like you're the best in the world, and that you are like God. I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say, but live with it. I made rude comments, you did too. Why can't you be mature about this? I used to think you were actually a nice person, and now I know better.[/color][/QUOTE] I didnt say I didnt like your thoughts. You assumed. I merely threw in my opinion in that protests are worthless wastes of time. You took it a bit too far, now didnt you? Petey: I have no "tone" to check. Read my initial reply in this thread. There were no indications of insults, even covert ones. My opinion was just taken personally. On another more personal note, I am a very pleasant and kind person. I'm just very opinionated and blunt. *shrugs* Thats a shame if it upsets you.
  5. Never had anything like that other than chronic depression, but I had a thing to say about that disorder. Its really misrepresented. And misdiagnosed. I knew of an old friend throughout my years in catholic elementary school, in where growing up, he had anger problems and was really irritable. Immediately a few teachers recommended he be put on meds for ADHD. Turns out that he actually had a really infectious buildup in his ear, which led to hearing complications, which led to frustration, which led to simply acting out. They cleaned his ear, gave him meds for the buildup, and magically the "ADHD" disappeared. My point is, too many people resort to certain disorders without a proper investigation.
  6. Hmm...*reads post* I dont recall exactly telling you what an opinion was, nor if I knew what it was or not. Oh, but you are such a smart girl, you figured out that I knew what an opinion was all by yourself. Congrats kid. Whats this? Oh, but you overassumed. You assumed I didnt think your post was an opinion. Thats a shame. You were so close to looking like you were thinking coherently. Oh well, pobody's nerfect, right, kid?
  7. [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]Ahem, I read somewhere that there was this clan of crazy ninjas living under the sands of the Mongolian deserts. And that in the year 2068 they will all suddenly go on a rampage across the globe and kill maybe 200 people. But it is only theoretical at this point. [/QUOTE] I think its funny that the theory describes a rampage as 200 slain. 200, out of the the estimated...what...36 billion people on the planet by that time? Oh yeah, thats a slaughter. lol
  8. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]My earth science teacher back in 9th grade said that the sun has like a billion years left of life in it before it burns out. So scientifically speaking the world won't end for quite some time. Religously speaking. I've heard the whole end of the world speech so many times from my grandma I could scream. Infact I think I will..."AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! there :wigout: Nostradomous predicted that the world would be dictated by a warlike ruler and would meet a firey end in July 1999. According to Eastern calanders we've been past the year 1999 for quite some time and Western calanders say we are five years past that so, I guess ol' Nostradomus was wrong eh?[/color][/QUOTE] Speaking in terms of our yellow dwarf of a sun, the sun will [B]not[/B] burn out. She will mature eventually into a white dwarf, which is very very very very much the exact opposite of burning out. In fact, it is quite a bit hotter than the yellow dwarf we have now. If anything, it will coax Mars, after a few million years, into becoming possibly life sustaining; albeit incredible durable life that can withstand hot days. Maybe I can even theorize so far that a particular moon on Jupiter, its name escapes me...but anyway, the moon is a reasonable size for a very very small planet, it has water, it has an atmosphere, which means it has air, and it has oxygen. In a few trillion years, its possible that this moon will be the next earth in our solar system. By then humans will have either died out, mutated into another race, or just plum left this galaxy.
  9. Done and done. Bush will be gone soon, dont worry so much about him. You gotta remember, while he is a bit of a maverick, he's still under the thumb of other orgs. In other words, he wont be allowed to get [I]too[/I] out of control with his 'shoot ath the hip' attitude.
  10. I dont think protests do anything other than waste peoples time. I have, however, gathered petitions, and formal complaints and sent them to congressional members of California on many occasions. Its amazing how much you can get done, by [B]directly[/B] going to the source for changes. Protesting is just propaganda.
  11. If you want to know more information regarding crimes, dont forget the Freedom of Information Act. You can go directly to the FBI for files and data on various cases. Its actually pretty trippy, what a person can find out legally. And pretty useful when state jurisdiction files run dry.
  12. [B]Every[/B] generation thinks [I]their[/I] generation is "the" generation. Throughout history, people have come up with fantastic ideals of their own interpretation of doomsday; everyone thinks the world is coming to an end. I dont think humans can destroy life on earth, but I do think we are capable of seriously decreasing our own numbers. Its a bit arrogant to assume we are strong enough to kill our planet, and ALL life. There is no question we will die out long before the planet reaches its death of natural causes. On another note, we just might migrate to another place eventually. I mean, its happened before, some theorists believe anyway.
  13. *claps* This is me giving Chibihorsewoman all the applause I can. Brilliant posts. *claps s'more*
  14. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]That's what you think with your "mighty" attitude. If you want to believe that it doesn't matter, hey, go right ahead, but your thoughts aren't the only ones that count you know. This is really a light hearted discussion, kid, so there's no need to get deeply serious or anything like that. keke. color][/QUOTE] Dont forget dingus, it was an [I]opinion[/I]. Do you know what an [I]opinion[/I] is kid? You do? Ahhhhh thats just swell! Now remember kid, what I said was [I]my opinion[/I]. Dont forget that kid, okay? Dont forget what the mighty Winter has told you; it was an [I]opinion[/I]. Ah, I'm sure you wont let the mighty Winter down, will you? Of course you wont, right kid? Because you know it was an [I]opinion[/I], right?
  15. There's a saying I picked up during high school [I]"Censorship causes blindness; lack thereof is mindless."[/I] There is a problem with telling others what they can and cant see, it restricts growth, and realization of what reality is. But when you dont set up boundries, people can lose their sense of compassion, and gain a stronger apathetic sense of the world around them. Basically its the "damned if you do, and damned if you dont" philosophy.
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