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Everything posted by Heretic_Hatred

  1. For you all living in the states, Wrestlemania is on today. I would have to wait an extra 2 weeks to see it on tv, but since its the 15th over here, I can grab it off the net. Its going to be up around noon, so I have to wait till then. But until then the suspense is killin me.
  2. Yeah, i remember that one, Sable and Tori vs Stacy and miss jackie, forgot to mention that. I heard something about the Rock and Sock connection being back again, but didnt know they were goin up against evolution. Cena vs the big show for the intercontinental? Wouldnt it be the US belt? I havent heard of the 4 way tag, 10 man cruiserweight match, or the Jericho vs Christian but thanks for the heads up.
  3. Wrestlemania XX is only one week away. Here overseas my Raw hasn't even reached the Royal Rumble. But thanks to the internet, im up to date on the WWE. I have seen Royal Rumble/No Way Out. I am going to see Wrestlemania, but i'd like to know the matches first. I haven't heard of every single match set up for Wrestlemania but the ones that I know so far are: 1. HHH, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Benoit for the World Title. 2. Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg (Austin as special guest Referee.) 3. Undertaker Vs Kane 4. Eddie vs Angle 5. I heard something about A womens title match with Molly having to shave her head if she loses. Thats all that i have heard of, and could someone please tell me the remaining matches? My estimate for the winners of the matches i've listed are: 1. It is hard to decide between Benoit and Michaels but i would have to go with michaels on this one. He's a legend that can pull off great things in matches. I still find it cool how he was bleeding and he fought through the match at S. Series. 2. I dont have an opinion on this one, due to Austin as the Ref, i think that hes going to count them both out like he did in a match in the past Taker vs Kane. 3. Taker is going to win in my opinion. 4. I haven't come to a decision on this but im leaning towards Eddie on this one. 5. I hope Molly loses if she has to lose the hair, lol. Thats all, but ill check the thread again a little later to see if anyone posted the match-ups that i missed. Thanks.
  4. The first anime that i really dug into was the DB series. I started watching it when i was a kid, and it started my love for anime. It inspired me to watch many more animes like Trigun, Rurouni Kenshin, and stuff like that. Ill sometimes surf the TV channels and find some animes on the korean/japanese channels, they arent that great compared to all the other awesome animes. But anime found its way into me, and i have the urge to know much more about it.
  5. I used to watch South Park all the time, but its too bad it doesnt air overseas, at least where i live. I sometimes watch some stuff on it from the computer. The family guy on the other hand, is a show that i love to watch, entertains me easily. Stewie is a cool character, and its funny to watch the stuff he can come up with.
  6. I've played every tekken, and ever since the first game, it has evolved falling into Tekken 4. But Tekken tag, was a game that was sort of addicting, and i caught myself playing it daily. I usually see Korean kids playing it daily, at this korean place that i go to, and i take a seat and whoop every single one of them. My favorite characters are Jin and Paul, Kazuya and Hwoarangs alright too. Right now, its not that great of a game towards my opinion even though i did enjoy it while it lasted, but now my favorite fighting game is Soul Calibur 2.
  7. I would have to side with the good, even though the evil is cool. The evil will usually have advantages..and they sometimes look awesome as well. Good can have the same traits at times, but i would have to stick with good. Mostly, they pull off something unbelievable to end the fight.
  8. I listen to music everyday. If i'm on the computer, ill pop in a CD and start listening. When im busy with work, ill put a CD into my DVD player, and blast some metal on my surround sound, :p Music is definitely something i couldnt live without.
  9. I have used something from Ranma 1/2 in an elementary report. I wrote that i was ryoga and made a story. But other than that i havent used any anime on school projects. My friend used "How to simply draw Anime." as a science fair and won first, but thats all i've seen.
  10. I've seen this game everywhere, Korean TV channels, the news, game sites, it is indeed an excellent fighting game. I have tried it on Ps2 and Xbox, and it is an addicting game, hehe. I usually just use Nightmare and play with a friend, have some fun for a while. This game shows explicit detail/graphics that amazed me when i first saw it.
  11. You?re right in some ways, about Wolfwood, and how it took surprise to the fans out there. But when Wolfwood did [spoiler]die[/spoiler], it threw a huge wad of suspense into the show, which I liked, but I think it would have been better if he [spoiler]lived[/spoiler]. But it did all build up into the end, [spoiler]by how Vash avenged him, using the cross to finish off Knives.[/spoiler] Man these spoilers suck?lol.
  12. I have just finished the Trigun series, kind of late eh? It took a couple of weeks to actually get the episodes onto the computer from the internet, but i've finally finished. This remains my favorite anime, at least from what i have seen in the past. Im fixing to buy the manga since i saw it when i was renting movies. You all are talking about Wolfwood, hes one of my favorites.He is an excellent character, and it was a shame [spoiler]that he died[/spoiler]. Like Japan said, he did bring something to every episode he was in, bringing more into what was seen.
  13. One night, i got bored so i just turned on the TV. The OC was on so i decided to take a look at it since a friend of mine really loves this show and kept sayin it rocked. Although I didnt understand a tiny bit of it, it all made sense towards the end of the episode, i thought it was alright. I've only seen 2 episodes but I dont watch it anymore, it was alright when i did see them though.
  14. I live overseas, so i get some snow, theres still some on the ground over here. I'll stay home and get on the comp, play games on my ps2, or go over to a friends house to do the same things, lol. I haven't missed a huge period of school because of snow, just like 1 or 2 days often.
  15. I watch the american version of this show, and it makes me laugh most of the time. I've seen the British one, but it wasn't good in my opinion. I just got dont watchin this show 45 minutes ago. I usually watch it every week, and my favorite actors are probably Colin and Ryan, waynes cool too but i like the others better.
  16. I saw this movie a couple of months ago. It wasn't that great of a movie, i expected more out of it. The beginning was kind of cool when everyone got sliced up, lol. Other then that, i have seen better horror movies.
  17. Name: Zetsumei Age: 27 Entity: Death Personality: Zetsumei is ignorant, cold-hearted, and clever. Likes to wound his victims to near-death before killing. Bio: When Zetsumei was only 6 years old, he woke up to see his parents, dead. He did not know what happened to his parents at the time, but he didnt seem to care at the least. He was put into a foster family that was very abusive to him. As years passed, visions started running through his mind, visions that showed him killing his parents and foster parents. When he was 16, he had enough of his foster parents, and killed them with the same pair of Desert Eagles that he supposedly killed his own parents with. He was never caught. After all these years, he has been killing anyone for fun. Magic: Death Description: [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/guy/2-4.htm]Click here.[/URL] Weapon: Two desert eagles with the Capacity of 6 bullets each.
  18. Hey Xyandar and all, I used to watch this show all the time, and like James Goodwin said, its an old show. I thought it was funny when i watched it a couple years back. I've seen a whole lot of episodes since it used to be one of my favorite shows. It was a good show back then, but i wouldnt really enjoy it anymore. It doesnt come on tv here overseas, but i just like to watch SNL on tv now, that show is my favorite.
  19. I got The Simpson's road rage about 2 years back. I played it for some while, but it quickly got boring. I used all kind of different riders, and it seemed entertaining and funny at first. It isn't a game that would be recommended for playing.
  20. The Super bowl commercials were great in my opinion, since i dont get commercials overseas...BUt i did see some good ones that made me laugh, with the mosquito exploding in the tabasco, the bud light commercial was great how he slid out the window. Its good to see commercials again, lol.
  21. All of us like the bands that we mentioned. Bloodfight, you dont need to go around tellin people that the bands they enjoy suck. If you like all of those bands you mentioned, you could at least recommend them to others instead of criticizing other's ideas. For example, recommend a song from Cannibal Corpse or somethin. You say youre not actin like a music god? Think again, ur actin like you know all about metal. You say this thread annoys you, well ur annoyin the thread in my opinion. I'm not tryin to start any conflict, it just seems that you barged in taking over others ideas. Also, im not trying to act as a moderator, its just that It annoyed me to see that post.
  22. I've played Co-op with my sister, we've beatin it already, it was simple, really. I liked usin Gandalf and aragorn. My sister would always take legolas, lol. But it was a simple game, but not that long really, i expected more out of it.
  23. I too believe that the movie would have been alot better if the person who saw it was about 8 or 9, lol. But i had some laughs with friends when i saw it. I was 11 or 12 when i saw it though. It had a good plot for the younger kids, but a little boring for the teens+ in my opinion.
  24. If you want to keep this thread going, mention why you like...all of those cool bands, lol. I like Slipknot, Godsmack, Cradle of Filth and many other bands. I have liked Slipknot for quite a while now, they are a great band with great lyrics, vocalists, and beats. I also like how the band looks with all their cool masks and all. I've liked KoRn as well, but i don't see too many good songs in there new album Take a Look in the Mirror, its alright, but i like their previous album better. I started listening to Godsmack about 2 months ago, and they have become one of my favorites. Their music is great, and i find myself listening to them often. I dont listen to Cradle of Filth a whole lot, but there music is alright. I like other bands too like Mudvayne, MM, and disturbed as well, but mostly for the same reason of the other bands.
  25. I've only played drums for about a year now, but im workin on it. We are just starting our band, like The (Sic) Shape mentioned. We still need some members, we're lookin, but right now we are progressin, not quick, but we'll get to our goal. Even though it will tkae a whole lot of work, we will try to get as far as we possibly can.
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