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Everything posted by Heretic_Hatred

  1. Thats Simple, I would like the Millenium Eye, and probably the Millenium Puzzle. The eye has many different capabilities, like Deathbug had mentioned, and the puzzle is liked by me for the same fact that CrH mentioned.
  2. I havent played No Mercy for N64. I've only played one WWF/E game on n64 and it was Wrestlemania..i think 2000. It wasnt that much of a good game, but i do have warzone. I used to play it every day, but then newer WWF/E games kept comin out, and it lowered my interest in war zone. But now, Here comes the pain is the game i usually focus on playing out of the WWF/E series of games, Well im out, peace.
  3. Anime- Who wouldnt live without it? Blizzard- The company that made diablo! Computer- I like to surf da net and play games sometimes. David- My good friend, we love to make fun of ppl! lol Electricity/Eric- Essential for comp games and watching anime :D And my good ol buddy, Fatty_McGee. Family and friends- Need them no matter what God(smack)- God, and A fav band of mine. Heretic Anthem- My fav song. Internet- Thats how i do all the fun games and go on the forums. Jesus- What else needs to be said? Lighter- I love fireworks! Music- I listen to it when i got nothin else to do. Nuklearpower- I love reading those comics! OtakuBoards- I go on here every day and browse around. Ps2, The best gaming system in my opinion! Q...i dunno what to put for Q, but i agree with duorocks17, quesadillas are great! Rock music- I love rock music! Slipknot- another one of my fav bands. Trigun- My favorite anime. Uber- a word that i first found out about on SSX, cant think of nothin else... Video games- I Love them! WWE- I like watchin it and playin the games. X-Men, better than xylophones eh? Yelnats- Like arcadia said, its stanley spelled backwards, It be my last name =D lol. Zeromus, hes in final fantasy, the best game series EVER!
  4. I see everyone likes sayin sephiroth, but i as well. Sephiroth is cool for his hate and personality. His weapon is also cool. I've only played FF 4,7,8,9, and 10. Seven was my fav, which leads to the point that sephiroth is my fav FF villain. I havent finished ff4, im on zeromus, but havent tried him yet. But out of the FFs ive played, sephiroth remains at the top of my list.
  5. Ill list some stuff. 1. The Animation 2. Cool Music 3. A funny main character, in other words..comedy (sometimes) 4. The action/blood. 5. Suspense, definitely. Some of my fav animes that fall into these categories are Trigun, DragonBall Z, maybe Ranma 1/2.
  6. I would say H.T the Trigun Opening theme is a cool opening theme. Its got a nice beat to it, and trigun is my fav anime, tied with dbz, so i think it has the best openin theme. I havent heard all anime show opening themes, but so far this would be my favorite.
  7. Hey I tried to watch this thing a couple of days ago, but i was too tired so i just finished it now. I think you did a great job, and there were some pretty funny parts. Keep up the good work.
  8. Here is a thread where you can discuss and list your favorite WWE game for Ps2, and maybe it'll provide people with some info on the games. I own about 4 WWF/E games myself, and my favorite would have to be Here Comes the Pain. I just played it yesterday and thought it was an excellent game due to the nice effects/graphics, and how it was alot more realistic than any other WWE game I've seen so far. It even includes the legends from long ago. Before this game was my favorite of the WWE games, my fav was Just Bring it, but Here comes the pain beats that game to the ground. This game also made it a favoriter for me after i speared my friend off the cell into a table, :D Ok well im out, leave ur choice here, Peace.
  9. It is weird how life can be compared and seen from a box of edible sweets. But, i agree to the fact, that it is a nice saying, and it is true how there are good days and bad days in everyones lives. For me, right now is a good day, for i am eating a box of chocolates! (Quite the right time to post in this thread eh?) Haha, well Peace to all, im out.
  10. I've seen some threads that have quizzes on different subjects, so why not start one on DB? I'll post a question first, and someone will answer making this a series of constant questions. Feel free to list questions on DB DBZ and GT. 1st Question: DBZ How did Brolly survive the huge explosion on Planet Vegeta?
  11. I'd say i like DBZ perfect cell theme (techno remix) and definitely the Trigun Opening theme. I think they are both cool songs that are worth listening to.
  12. This thread has been up a while, and i never got to post in it, but I think Trigun is one of my favorites, maybe #1, but i love alot of other animes, but no need to discuss those. I havent seen that many episodes out of the 26, but so far this show is just great!
  13. My fav war movie is We were Soldiers, and maybe Black Hawk Down. They are great movies that show a lot of detail in my opinion.
  14. I got some stuff this year but not as much as the other years, so i also got some cash, haha. i got 200 bucks, dont know what im gonna do with it, heh. The other things i got were: 1. An electronic snowboard that ya hook up to your ps2. I played SSx tricky earlier today haha. 2. NBA and NHL game. 3. 2 GBA games 4. One of those portable PS with the 5" LCD screen. 5. At last, a CD carrying vase to hold my CD player and discs. Well Merry christmas to all and a happy new year as well!
  15. Man, im a wrestlin fan and all, but you guys can come up with some pretty good questions. I knew a couple, but some were unbelievably hard. I dont have a clue on the most recent post (nice job nightwingfan), so ill be waitin for the next question...
  16. My favorite bands are Slipknot and Godsmack. I like a lot of others but these two seem to be my favorite. My fav songs from slipknot are the Heretic Anthem and I am Hated. I like faceless and make me believe from Godsmack. Well Im out, Peace.
  17. Any slipknot fans out there, talk in here and mention favorite song if ya can from any album, Lets start a big slipknot chat..thing haha. Well peace to everyone.
  18. I am currently listening to Slipknot's "The Heretic Anthem" I think its got a cool beat to it...Like all of the other Slipknot songs!
  19. I havent played that many DBZ games...but i have played some. Out of the ones that i have played, My favorite DBZ games so far are: 1. DBZ Budokai on Ps2 2. Dbz Legacy of Goku 2 (GBA) 3. DBZ Budokai 2 (Came out here Yesterday) I've beaten Budokai 1 a total of 3 times, legacy of goku twice, and budokai 2 twice. Hopefully they come out with more hotter DBZ games in the future.
  20. Man this is a difficult one. Ill pcik some of My favs and just list them. The FF series, without a doubt is one of the greatest things to happen to video gaming. Socom U.S. Navy Seals is a great game as well, and theres also Budokai and Soul Calibur II. Haha there are so many great games out there, hopefully they get better.
  21. I cant wait till advent children comes, hopefully its better than Spirits Within, i didnt like that one myself, but i have a good feeling on Advent Children. After all, FF7 is my favorite RPG!
  22. I'd say i liked Invader Zim the most, i still kinda do :D lol but i used to watch all those Nick kids crap, lol.
  23. I'd say its quite hard to decide which RPG to pick as my favorite but if I really had to pick one it would probably be Final Fantasy VII (7) because i think the story is quite great and the gameplay is awesome. The only FFs I had played are 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. If I played the other ones i don know if it would have changed my opinion, but for now I would say FF7 is the best RPG i played, and hopefully FF7 Advent Children comes out soon!
  24. One of My fav moments is when Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegetto to fight the super BUU. Another was when Trunks came into the future and sliced up frieza and killed king cool too. One more...when Goku first went SSJ3 to fight. I thought the ssJ3 was the coolest looking form. Thats all i got ta say about that.
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