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Kitten Kisses

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Everything posted by Kitten Kisses

  1. Ahhh! I LOVED fallen! such a nice song! :D
  2. I have three dogs Shady -female, 1/2 german shepherd, 1/2 black lab (her brother died this summer...) Casey- female, Beagle Kyppr- Walker Hound, male Three cats Katiedid- *glomps her* My favorite kitty!! Female, inside Fuzzi- male, outside Buttons- female, inside in the winter, outside in the summer, 1/2 persian. A parakeet (Barney) - male, blue&white Fish- two guppies (all others died...>__>) Ehhh i think that's it. ^-^;; I used to have a pet rooster named "George" (i wanted to name him Oosta but my mother wouldn't let me...lol) but he was eaten by something a few weeks ago...
  3. "Here Without You" If that counts as a love song...i'm not too sure what everyone here considers a love song... lol =^.^=
  4. Hehe, i used to watch "Lamb Chop" >_> She died not too long ago, didn't she? I used to watch TV b/c my parents made me... I was only allowed to watch four or five television shows until i was about 12... and then i was allowed to watch a few more. I'm still very restricted on what i'm allowed to watch, and i'm 17...
  5. I like Sarah too- though "White Flag" was a nice song. ^-^ Sarah's songs are so pretty...^-^ Shoot...i wish i could sing so well...
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