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Everything posted by Xeno-
[size=1][center].::My Top Ten::. [b].::1..Spirited Away::.[/b] Maybe its because im a major anime freak, or maybe its because I loved everything about this movie, I dont think Ive ever seen a better made movie That could make me watch it over and over and not get sick of it.. [b].::2..Chocolate::.[/b] Can you say.. I love Jhonny Depp? Damn he got hot. I love movies where they take something and make it better, Like they moved into that place and made it into a chocolate shop, Plus it showed the whole temptation thing, that was kinda cool. [b].::3..Pirates Of the Carribian::.[/b] Who doesnt love pirates?! Who doesnt love Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom?! I liked this movie because it was witty and because I watch anything that has to do with 'before technology.' [b].::4..LOTR: The Two Towers::.[/b] All I can say to this is, Wow. The fighting scenes were awesome, and Golem, I'll have to admit, was a tad bit amusing with his whole split personality peice. [b].::5..The Matrix::.[/b] The Blue pill or the Red Pill..? I Think I'll just take neo.... [b].::6..Ghost Ship::.[/b] Gotta love the whole eating maggots thing.. And the whole watching Everyone die at the begining Other than the movie making me want to throw up, It was pretty cool. [b].::7..Scary Movie 3::.[/b] Just because its funny.. [b].::8..The ShawShank Redemption::.[/b] Woah. My dad made me watch this But I found myself loving it. I dont understand why I didnt put this at first. [b].::9..Cant think of one.. .::10..Cant think of one..[/b] [/size][/center]
[size=1] My Favorites would have to be either the power rangers or ren and stimpy. I had the action figures of the power rangers and sang that song that ren listend to and went all psycho about, cant really remember what it was called. Then we have Roccos modern life, which I only watched because the dog was weird. I didnt even remember those shows until I saw the thread Lol..[/size]
[size=1] I kinda found myself drifting away from the whole Blink 182 scene when I heard their new album, I liked their old ones much better, the change doesnt do them justice in my opinion..[/size]
[size=1] Most of my friends look at me funny When I say some anime guy is hott. Great to know there are other people out there who think the same things Lol [b]My Top Five[/b] [b]1.[/b] I'd have to pick Maria-Trunks as My first pick, Calm and Cool. Just way I like them ~.^ [b]2.[/b] For my second choice Id go with Sukasa because, from what I saw of .hack//sign, he didnt give a tic about what anyone thought and thats really hott.. [b]3.[/b] Thirdly, Would be Haku from spirited away, even though he seems younger than me, hes really cute and has that serious thing going on. [b]4.[/b] Tenchi, from Tenchi in Tokyo, is fourth on my list, I cant give any other reason other than the fact that hes kinda cute. [b]5.[/b] And Lastly, I pick Vegeta from DBZ, Because, even if he does have mostache in the GT series, his personality, you know, the 'holier than thou' attitude, is hott.[/size]
[size=1]I started watching .Hack//sign a While back And then stopped And started watching again What had me confused, is when I started watching sukasa and subaru were supposedly madly in love And I came back to watch months later And they suddenly cants stand eachother Anyone want to fill me In On what I missed?[/size]
[size=1] I agree with you hunkycorn, I've been waiting for GT to come on Cartoon network for a while now, And when it finally Did, I was so bored I couldnt even finish watching the first episode. It was a major let down.. I was majorly creeped out when I saw vegeta with a mustache. Him and mustaches dont mix, it makes him look homely instead of the almighty prince of vegeta-sia He is...[/size]
[size=1] Well, It was awesome. Other than the fact that I was gagging while reading it.. And Now Im kinda creeped out, but hey, It was good..[/size]
[SIZE=1]I dont know about the other people who have ever done it, But my reason was stress releif. Its almost like when the blood flows out, you can almost see your problems flow with them even if its for one minute, ' I suppose it could be a turn on, If your into that sort of thing, Some people Are. Sorry for ranting Lol.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=crimson][size=1] Ive never really looked at Self Mutilation like the way you described it. It brings a whole new image to my mind. Anyways, It was an Awesome poem, and I hope to see more from you![/size][/COLOR]