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Everything posted by Ganon6d9

  1. Not sure I could come up with 5 seperate voices but Resident Evil for the PS1 comes to my mind as being particularly horrid. I played the remake of it on the GameCube before the original and was curious to see what it was like, I just laughed and laughed until the first zombie, then I turned it off. A lot of PS1 and Nintendo 64 games had pretty bad voice acting actually, I guess noone took it seriously back then.
  2. I thought this movie had disappeared off the face of the Earth for the longest time. Thanks for the heads up about the trailer, Shin. Only problem is I haven't found the novel anywhere, guess it's eBay for me.
  3. Ganon6d9


    OK, about another hour of pondering just what the hell this means for Nintendo's third-party relations I wonder how they could possibly port anything. I though that perhaps the d-pad could be used as more buttons just as the c-pad was on the 64, plus the analogue plugin is a big help for it too., in fact if that is the case then the Revolution would have [i]more[/i] buttons than it's competitors, and it's not like Nintendo couldn't release a standard pad, or plugin, for that little slot on the bottom for it. Also, Hideo Kojima(of Metal Gear Solid fame) and Square-Enix had praise for it, which could mean very big things. I can see Crystal Chronicles being put to good use with this. Ah, the possibilities people, try not to worry at all until you actually see the titles that Nintendo have planned.
  4. Ganon6d9


    OK boys and girls, they finally revealed the controller, and damn it's a shocker. [url="http://cube.ign.com"] Click here to see it.[/url] When I first saw it I wondered what Iwata must havebeen on when the idea popped into his head, now the more I think about it the more it sorta makes sense. I got to thinking how it could possibly be used in any setting other than arcade games in the tradition of EyeToy, but when you think about controlling Samus' arms or really piloting Fox's Arwing with that kind of precision it all seems right again. Think about swinging around Link's sword, or playing as Chris Redfield(just pretend RE5 is coming to Revolution) and mowing down hordes of zombies with bullseye headshots every single time. Imagine if Eternal Darkness made a comeback, the trageting system would be insanely realistic. Or you could just be boring and imagine playing Half-Life or Warcraft or something. How about a new Super Monkey Ball? And on a final note, it appears Nintendo have dropped the Revolution label.
  5. I think it all the more easier to have a spherical world, the acre system was pretty retarded when you had to get somewhere quickly and end up about 5 screens from your target. With this you'll be able to see landmarks and such in the background so it'll be easier to navigate around the town. Also, Wild World does sound a bit like an expansion, like a theme park add-on to AC or something like that. Oh well, we get what we're given, I guess.
  6. People of the Boards of Otaku! I have gathered you all here in search of assistance, you see when I was but a young lad laying in bed I came across a rather wonderful anime on the television. To my young eyes it was rather a treat to behold(and it had boobs!) and I beg you all to help me identify with this long lost relic of my childhood. Ok so, you can't help me ID it without some basic knowledge of what actually happens in it, so here are some of the things I remember: It was about a group of people(whoa, detective Ganon on the case), I think they were police or something. There was like the big tough guy and the small woman(they fell in love) and the depressed loony of a hero, and the hot girl who ends up falling for him. That's basically every anime ever made so here's some more for you! They were fighting some crazy psychic woman who could control things, she eventually caught up with the group and showed off one of the girls boobs to the big tough guy, and I think that girl got killed, too. They can't kill the crazy lady by conventional methods so they make a huge solar gun or something, which they need special glasses for so as not to go blind while firing. Well the last resort wepaon fails and rips the hero to shreds so he's turned into a cyborg. I think he falls into some kind of manic depression and his lover is forced to kill him to kill the creepy psychic lady. This is about where the memories end... Well I hope my extremely sketchy details are enough to uncover the mystery of my long lost movie. Now go, Otakuboardians, go out and find me my movie. EDIT: yeah, I know my details suck, but you don't know how bad I want to find this movie and I've searched for years with absolutely no results. If it helps the movie was around the mid 90's, but I'm guessing a lot of anime came out in those few years... And it was a standalone movie, not a series or anything like that.
  7. [b]Most[/b] beautiful lyrics, you say? Well this is gonna be a hell of a time going through my collection, but two songs that really come to mind are [b]Name[/b] by the [b]Goo Goo Dolls[/b] and [b]Under The Bridge[/b] by the [b]Red Hot Chili Peppers[/b]. Even if [b]Under The Bridge[/b] is about drugs, heh. [b]Goo Goo Dolls - Name[/b] [size=2][size=1]And even though the moment passed me by I still can't turn away 'Cause all the dreams you never thought you'd lose Got tossed along the way And letters that you never meant to send Get lost or thrown away And now we're grown up orphans That never knew their names We don't belong to no one That's a shame But if you could hide beside me Maybe for a while And I won't tell no one your name And I won't tell 'em your name And scars are souvenirs you never lose The past is never far Did you lose yourself somewhere out there Did you get to be a star And don't it make you sad to know that life Is more than who we are We grew up way too fast And now there's nothing to believe Reruns all become our history A tired song keeps playing on a tired radio And I won't tell no one your name And I won't tell 'em your name I won't tell 'em your name Mmm, mmm, mmm, I won't tell 'em your name? Ow! I think about you all the time But I don't need the same It's lonely where you are come back down, And I won't tell 'em your name [b][size=2]Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge [size=1] [/size][/size][/b][/size][/size][size=1] Sometimes I feel Like I don't have a partner Sometimes I feel Like my only friend Is the city I live in The city of angels Lonely as I am Together we cry I drive on her streets 'Cause she's my companion I walk through her hills 'Cause she knows who I am She sees my good deeds And she kisses me windy I never worry Now that is a lie I don't ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all the way It's hard to believe That there's nobody out there It's hard to believe That I'm all alone At least I have her love The city she loves me Lonely as I am Together we cry I don't ever want to feel Like I did that day Take me to the place I love Take me all that way Under the bridge downtown Is where I drew some blood Under the bridge downtown I could not get enough Under the bridge downtown Forgot about my love Under the bridge downtown I gave my life away [size=2]Other notable songs are: A Perfect Circle - Orestes Finch - Ender Hoobastank - Escape Incubus - Aqueous Transmission Lostprophets - Last Train Home Lostprophets - Sway Mudvayne - World So Cold Pacifier - Run Slipknot - Vermilion (yeah, yeah. But I find it rather beautiful in a strange way.) Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces I could ramble for a few more paragraphs but I think this is sufficient, ciao. [/size][/size]
  8. I've just been browsing around the net and stumbled across a new Richard Linklater movie by the name Of [i]A Scanner Darkly[/i]. I'm not really familiar with any of his works but I've seen pictures of the movie and the visual style itself is enough to get me intrigued, so after a little research I found out it was based off of a Phillip K. Dick novel. Again, I'm unfamiliar with his work, but whatever. The visuals really are something different, like [i]Waking Life[/i](which I never got the chance to see) but still rather different. Apperently it's made by animating over the top of live-action filming, it comes off as looking like a vectorised animation very cool. It stars Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson and Rory Cochran. Discussion is open, people. Please fill me in on any more info that I'm missing, I'm off to look for a place to buy the book. Pics: [url="http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd1.jpg"]http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd1.jpg[/url] [url="http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd2.jpg"]http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd2.jpg[/url] [url="http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd3.jpg"]http://www.aintitcool.com/image/bigasd3.jpg[/url]
  9. Sure Nintendo have had the most impact on the industry, they revived games and kept them going long enough for the market to expand and grow into the mainstream, and they're still going strong and innovating even more today. But what have other companies done to influence the industry and mold it into what it is today? To say that it was entirely Sony that brought videogaming into the mainstream is stupid, the only reason games became bigger with the release of Sony is because there were 2 home systems for people to choose from now, more games means bigger industry. The bigger the industry the more people pay attention, the more people paying attention the more popular it is. And so, videogames became mainstream, Sony and Nintendo did it almost together. Then this time around, we have online console games, This time it was largely Microsoft's hand, but Sony also helped. I'm not big on online games(one could even go so far as to say I hate them, and I think they belong to the PC market only) So I can't discuss it too much, I can only point out this fact. But Nintendo, as well as molding the way we play our games, also influence the way games are made. Platformers were huge back in the days of the PS and 64, and still fare rather well nowadays(Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank etc.). But it's not just Nintendo that made the games, Sega were huge innovators back then(and still are today). Sonic and Mario were the big guns in the 16-bit era, every kid wanted either Mario or Sonic. Now those kids have grown up and now we're getting their games, they suck, but that's not the point. The point is that Nintendo and Sega influenced the industry. Other companies also influence games, I think Halo would be missing a couple of things(or not exist at all) if it weren't for Rare's Goldeneye 007 on the 64. EA and their sporting game monopoly, do you think sports would be as big in games if it weren't for these guys? And lastly, SNK, Capcom and Namco. Fighting game extraordinaires, these guys push the bar up every generation with their fighting titles, leaving all posers in the dust. Fighting just wouldn't be as cool without these guys. [size=1]*sticks tongue out at Des*[/size][size=1] (no hard feelings, just a little fun)[/size]
  10. Well James, I live in a lovely little state called Tasmania, in a relatively small town called Scottsdale. To my knowledge there's no Electronics Boutiques in my state so yeah... I guess I could try ordering crap, but whatever. So James, can you get the RE4 disc in Australia or what? I'm a bit in the dark nowadays. [b]EDIT[/b]: Who cares anymore? IGN seemingly answered my prayers and updated with some new boss and level info(AND SCREENS!). You can find the article right [url="http://cube.ign.com/articles/576/576574p1.html"]here[/url]. [b]Spoilers[/b], so beware. OK, so the new boss is [SPOILER]Garrador, his eyes have been stitched shut and massive claws have been strapped to his arms. I assume he's located in the castle dungeons, the only appropriate place for freaks of this nature. IGN say he has heightened hearing abilities, so I hope Capcom does the cool thing and make it so that if you make noise, he attacks in your direction.[/SPOILER] And the new level is the [SPOILER]Castle, right after the village emptie out Leon follows a path out and to a castle in the distance. The castle is complete with traps, most you've probably seen in videos, but there's the new razorblade pendulums ^_^. And you can use vehicles within the castle(assuming you'd call a minecart a vehicle).[/SPOILER] Quite cool, really. This seems more and more like Eternal Darkness crossed with Rambo(to me, at least). I mean, Leon can run and jump out windows and snipe from towers and get caught in bear traps and etc etc, but there's all the creepy atmosphere which made me crap my pants while playing Eternal Darkness. Awesome... [b]EDIT TWO :[/b] As I opened up IGN's frontpage today a shudder went down my spine, the day I've been waiting for for over a year. [url="http://cube.ign.com/articles/577/577841p1.html"]Click here please[/url]. I'm in the process of reading so I'll pick out some choice quotes as I go along. "Simply put, this game not only delivers on the hype, it exceeds it. You will be wowed. You will be terrified. And when it's all over, you'll wonder why Capcom didn't do this sooner." "Rated M for a reason: extreme violence and gore" [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] "There are no pre-rendered sequences in Resident Evil 4, but you wouldn't know it when watching the opening cinematic." "After some consideration, and much more play time, we came to realize the reason for this: more than any other entry in this series, this is true survival horror." "Armed only with a flashlight, the nearly helpless girl must slink by robed enemies and rapidly raise and lower gateways before her attackers can catch her. Playing through levels like these, it's impossible not to notice just how far Capcom has come, and why it continues to lead the way when it comes to survival horror." That's just from the first page, though. Why the hell are you still here!? GO READ IT!!! I am... March... Why so damn long? [b]EDIT THREE :[/b] It's official, Resident Evil 4 kicks some major ***, the *** of what, I don't know. I just checked in on [url="http://www.gamestats.com"]GameStats[/url] and the official press verdict so far is [b]9.9[/b] out of 10(IGN=9.8/10, GameSpy=5/5, GMR=10/10). So far there's no official GS score or a reader's score, but judging by events thus far, it's gonna be good. [img]http://otakuboards.com/images/smilies/lick.gif[/img]
  11. Thankyou Charles. Something for me to theorise about. But whatever, that comes later. I've never seen an EB or Gamestop in my life, I live in Australia and I'm pretty sure that the demo isn't anywhere to be found over here, and I won't get the game until after March. This is why I need some kind of discussion... Those pics are pretty awesome, That [SPOILER]army guy looks like he could be Leon's superior officer[/SPOILER], subplots ahoy! I'm guessing perhaps [SPOILER]he was behind Ashley's abduction,[/SPOILER] or something along those B-Grade lines. I suppose he's part of that creepy cult(those weird monks) and is part of a giant conspiracy to make genetic superweapons to conquer the world, assuming Capcom tread the traditional RE path. And sorry about the spoiler thingy in my last post, completely slipped my mind. See, I was careful this time.
  12. [quote name='Edward1066']I wouldn't, and won't, get the PSP or the Nintendo DS. There's no point, there's just going to be an even better version eventually.[/quote] That's just stupidity, if that's what you think then why play games at all? There's eventually going to be another console from Nintendo, one from Sony and one from Microsoft. So why do you play games?
  13. Unless I'm sorely mistaken and I've screwed up my dates, Resident Evil 4 is on track for release in less than a month. And the last post was made something like 2 months ago, don't let it slip away people, we want to keep the discussion alive. Seen any new movies, any new screenshots? TELL US! I, for one, am starving for new RE4 media and haven't seen anything new on the game in about a month. Perhaps this is why the thread is dying, no new info and media = no more discussion. Can't anyone at least try and photoshop some pics of Chris and Jill into the game, then we can blast them after they make the discovery and we point out that those are from a cutscene on the Cube version of RE. Well enough of my rambling, [spoiler]We should all know by now that Ada Wong is in the game, for what purpose nobody really knows, but it looks like shes kicks a fair amount of *** and saves Leon and Luis(that right?) a few times.[/spoiler] We should have all seen a couple of the new locales, that weird canyon village thing interconnected with bridges and ramps and stuff. If it weren't for my 56k I'd know a hell of a lot more by now and I'd be able to discuss further, but alas, I don't. REVEL IN THE GORE PEOPLE!!! I HAVE AN ITCHING THAT NOTHING BUT SOME GOOD VIOLENCE CAN SCRATCH!!! [color=red]Added spoiler tags for obvious reasons--Charles[/color]
  14. DAMNIT! Motion to ban Inu500 and Tigervx. They don't know what they're talking about, don't listen to them they're... They're crazy! Yeah, that's it. You don't wanna listen to crazy people do you? No, that's what I thought. But seriously, I agree with everything James said and he may as well just delete everyone elses posts, close the thread and put his post in real big writing. I really can't think of anything to say that hasn't been said here so I'll just leave this, a useless post on a great thread...
  15. I dunno, The 64 cartridges went all the way up to 512 megabytes, half as much as a cube disc. And if I'm not mistaken the DS carts are only half that of the 64, I'm not so sure it's going to be as [i]complete[/i] as the other versions. But whatever, even a quarter of Animal Crossing is about as big as an average Final Fantasy game(or so I'm lead to believe). So it should be quite interesting to see how everything turns out, I'm sure no matter how many optimisation techniques they use, they'll still need to compress a lot of things and cut a lot of things out.
  16. Yeah from what I've seen of the game it looks too good to be true, perhaps I was dreaming that day I downloaded all those DS videos at school... Anyway. What I want to know is, is the DS cart big enough to make a game as huge as the GCN version? I imagine they're going to have to cut out a lot of items and speech and such to mash it all into one cart. Or perhaps they'll go the cheap way, reuse the same models with a different texture map and call it a completely new item. Well regardless of how big it is, I'm getting it as soon as I have a DS(or when it comes out, whatever comes first). Should be quite fun with Wi-Fi and friends(yes, I have those).
  17. [QUOTE]Earlier this week, the respected Japanese business magazine [url="http://dw.diamond.ne.jp/index.shtml"]Shuukan Diamond[/url] reported in its 2005 Preview Edition that the Nintendo Revolution Controller will not feature a directional pad or A and B buttons.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]None of the magazine's claims were substantiated by Nintendo, but given the publication's track record of accurate business reporting since 1913, we'd be surprised if Diamond's claims turned out to be false.[/QUOTE] - From [url="http://cube.ign.com"]IGNCube[/url] As for Xbox 2 and Halo 3, we all know it doesn't matter how good the game is. Microsoft are going to hype the hell out of it as though it's the second coming of Jesus and MS fanboys and casual gamers will lap up every crappy advertisement and catchy slogan they see, it's almost inevitable. The Xbox 2 dev kit is a Mac? What the hell? And Des, what the hell is the Gizmundo?
  18. [size=2][color=Black]I don't think any of the systems will [i]fail[/i], but surely there's going to be one system that gets walked all over and one system that stands out above the rest(regardless of wether it actually is the best). All of the systems are going to have their strengths and weaknesses, because all of them seem to be gong in their own direction this time. Microsoft are pushing their whole hard drive and more power thing and I'm sure X-Box 2 Live(whatever) is going to be the main selling point this time. Sony with their Blu-Ray discs, some of the games are going to be absolutely freaking huge and theres going to be no need to save on disc space with low resolution crappy textures. And Lastly, Nintendo have been reported to have scrapped the A and B buttons(almost a trademark, really) and the D-Pad, I don't know what the hell is up with that. But the X-Box 2 will cost a very pretty penny I imagine, Microsoft can't afford to make it cheaper this time around, or else they'll be losing even more money than they did with the X-Box. But reportedly there's going to be two versions, Hard Drive and no, but what will the people with no hard drive do with all that custom content from Live? Memory Cards are a bit bothersome when you have more then two or three. Sony seem to be the only one that is marketing it right, PS3 is going to have a lot of power, possibly easier to develop for, and the huge Blu-Ray discs. But with all the space the developers are given, will they actually use it? Not even San Andreas could be cut into two discs. Revolution, who knows? Assuming Nintendo really have scrapped A and B and the D-Pad then they're either backing themselves into a corner or making a console so good nobody will want to do anythng for the others. The D-Pad has become something of a staple in most games, using it to switch items quickly, bring up sub-menus and other things, it's going to be tough without it. but just because they've scrapped the A and B buttons, it doesn't mean they've scrapped buttons altogether. Perhaps Nintendo are just updating their image and bringing it into a new generation, putting another Analog stick where the D-Pad would be... Maybe... As for the handhelds, I think the jury is out on that one. Nintendo have put down every opponent before them, but there's really been nothing like the PSP(never been anything like the DS, either). But I'm not judging the PSP and the DS, I'm waiting for the next Gameboy, Nintendo better have something special up their sleeves for this battle.[/color][/size]
  19. Ganon6d9

    Nintendo DS

    The new DS looks pretty damn sexy, the new design reminds me of a Game and Watch, all boxy-like like that. Now there's a helluva lot more incentive to buy one when it comes out. Perhaps still not as nice looking as the PSP but hey, what are you gonna do?
  20. When it comes to lyrics nothing, and I mean [i]nothing[/i] can compare to The Butterfly Effect. "The Butterfly Effect? What's that?" I hear you ask. No, it's not that movie, it's an Australian band and a damn good one at that. Clint writes some of the best lyrics ever and he's a damn good singer as well, just download the(legitimate) MP3's from the links in my sig, Black Lung is one of the coolest songs I've ever heard. [QUOTE]Clutching my heart I can't feel any more Laughing to death as I fall to the floor Irony cruel, calling my name Suffer this consequence The shame that you've given me I still breathe Your loving sickness I savour like wine Drilling down hard like a blade in my spine Damaged nerve endings are feeding me Raw Thought patterns processed, I still can?t ignore your hate Precious pain Broken and bitter on the faces you tread Left in your wake are the trails of the dead Shape shifting sands move and twist undertow No depth perception has made you shallow I'm freezing for you Burn alive Wont stop now and still I try I'm alive Bleed if I want to Still you lie Won't you stop now and still I try I'm alive Frostbitten fingertips scratching my name You've left me here to suffer the blame Callously cruel is your punishment Lies to deceive is this my consequence Damage me, damage me hate me to death Cripple me, cripple me there's nothing left Parasite poisonous left under skin Slow self addiction no prize you will win --[b]Consequence[/b][/QUOTE]That was Consequence, quite possibly the best song ever made. I could leave it on a loop for a whole day and not get tired of it. So anyway, I think I've plugged The Butterfly Effect long enough. Some other bands and artists I think have great lyrics are: [b]Linkin Park[/b] - Greatest band in the world, don't even try to tell me different. Chester comes up with some amazing lyrics in their songs and I think the band's whole sound is just awesome. [b]Lostprophets[/b] - Second best band in the world... OK, that sounded dumb. But these guys have some damn good lyrics in their songs, especially Hello Again and Last Train Home. [b]Eminem[/b] - Come on, admit it. This guy comes up with some of the best lyrics ever and you all know it. [b]Trapt[/b] - It's too bad these guys don't get much attention, they have a wicked sound. I especially like Hollow Man and Made Of Glass. [i]"Am I still breathing? Have I lost that feeling? Am I made of glass, 'cause you see right through me? I don't know who I am, you're the only one that sees that. I can't ask these questions that cannot be answered today." -- Made Of Glass[/i] If you're wondering what the song in my sig is, it's called Always and it's by The Butterfly Effect.
  21. [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]I don't see why they wouldn't go for complete analogue control considering they've already scrapped what could have been an awesome stroyline, why stop there? I think that by the time it comes out the controls will be analogue, after all, Capcom aren't ones to disappoint. I do remember the 'original' Resident Evil 2, or as the fans call it, Resident Evil 1.5. I wish I could play it too, but that'll probably never happen. Maybe Capcom will put in that blue zombie dude who carried around a big fishing hook on a chain, you never really know. Capcom always manage to surprise people.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=DimGray]I don't think they'll actually call it Goldeneye 2 by the time it comes out, but I don't like the way it being called Goldeneye 2, either. I don't even know how they'd do it from the enemies POV, because who wants to play for the side that always loses? EA has really gotten a lot better at Bond lately, and judging by EoN it should be a good one. Perhaps even good enough to stand up to Rare's masterpiece. If it is from the side of the bad guys I think that they'll have to completely rework the storyline, prompting them to change the title. I'll probably buy this one regardless of how good it is, because I have Agent Under Fire and you'd have to sink pretty low to get worse than that.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Shin, I had the same reaction in that part of Eternal Darkness. Even though it's pretty much the same thing with each Artifact(big stain on the floor). My favourite death scene is in Eternal Darkness at the end when [spoiler]Pious is almost dead and he's just lying there and Alexandra walks over to him and he says, "The Darkness is not so easily defeated. No, young fool. My death...Is only the beginning." Then Alexandra grabs his staff and spears him with it. It kinda made me think "When will the sequel be out?"[/spoiler] A number of others come to mind, too. Majora's Mask after three days, Metroid Prime's game over screen. Probably one of the more notable ones is in Resident Evil on the Cube where you try to walk over the bridge in Neptune's "cage" while it's still filled with water, it's almost Jaws like [spoiler]to see the camera coming up through the water and focusing on your character. Then it switches to a view of them on the bridge and BAM. Neptune comes up and tears them apart.[/spoiler] I'm sure I could keep this post going for a hell of a lot longer but I think I'll leave it at that.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]Being the Nintendo fanboy that I am I'm way more psyched up for The Twin Snakes, but I'll be damned if this isn't one impressive looking game. I've always wondered what it'd be like to be Rambo, this sounds about as close as I'll get without actually being him(probaby a good thing). I haven't really been following this game but from what I've heard it's... well... impressive, I'm pretty sure it's going to set the bar for adventure games up a few notches. Here's hoping for MGS3 remade on the 'Cube(don't own a PS2).[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=DimGray]I was on IGN earlier and they said there was new media of RE4, being the Resi fan that I am I squealed like a girl(no offense, ladies) then kicked my 56k modem for being so slow and keeping me from new RE, then I found two...[I]two[/I] new screenshots, they weren't even good quality. But the one that Semjaza showed made me soil myself it was so damn good. I'm sure that when this game comes out it will be an ***-rippingly good... er, [I]scary[/I] time. Can't wait...[/SIZE][SIZE=1] Chainsaw Dude comin' to get ya...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] EDIT: IGN Cube just had a hands-on preview of the game and an interview with Hiroyuki Kobayashi, the producer of the game. Here's the interview; [URL]http://cube.ign.com/articles/499/499419p1.html[/URL] Here's the hands-on; [URL]http://cube.ign.com/articles/499/499572p1.html[/URL] And here's the screenshots; [URL]http://media.cube.ign.com/media/015/015821/imgs_1.html[/URL] Apparently all of the stuff that was shown at the Tokyo Game Show has been scrapped and they're making a whole new storyline.
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