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Everything posted by Ganon6d9

  1. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][COLOR=DimGray]I know I'm going to be one of the first in line to grab a copy of Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, and I was also one of the first to get myself Resident Evil on the Cube. So I guess my opinion of remakes is a good one. If the game was good the first time around, why not get a bigger, better and badder(metaphorically speaking, of course) version of a title that you treasured so many years ago. With titles like Resident Evil and MGS: TTS on the Cube, they have so many extras it's like a whole new game that you're playing. I know how terrible the acting was and how easy the gameplay was in the original Resident Evil, but in Remake I was blown away by how much harder and more believable it was, even if Wesker's VA sucked worse than that Queer Eye show does, it was still miles ahead of the quality of the original. Of course, there's always bad remakes. I'll never enjoy a Pokémon game as much as I enjoyed Red and Blue, but there's always emulators and roms for that kind of stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DimGray]Goldeneye 2, you must be thinking that this is some kind of practical joke. But no, you better believe that [B] Goldeneye 2 is coming to a console near you.[/B] Details are sketchy to say the least, but from what is known of the title is that you get to play against Bond as one of the villains, most likely a soldier, but here's hoping that Oddjob or Jaws will be available to play as. The game is believed to be in development by Electronic Arts LA and not Free Radical, the company that was part of the original Goldeneye team. All questions asked of an EA representative were answered with "No comment." The original article on IGN Cube is [URL=http://cube.ign.com/articles/494/494775p1.html]here[/URL] but you won't find out too much more from the article other than what I've said here. Here's hoping for playable Jaws.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=DimGray]This game just tied Metal Gear Solid : TTS for my most wanted game, seriously, can graphics be any better than that (maybe Doom 3, but this ain't about Doom). For some reason the game reminds me of the Halloween movies, especially Chainsaw Dude. I just can't picture a Resi Evil game without zombies though, I'm still going to expect at least a couple of walking dead-men. Maybe the villagers go into some sort of Crimson-Head type thing after so many hours of playing, here's hoping. Another theory that I have is that the game will make use of the Cube's clock and have a day-night system. Just compare those two shots of that boss in the Village, one is in the day, one's in the night. mmmmmmmmmmm...Localised Body Damage....Bear Traps.....Chainsaw Dude......*sits in corner and waits for RE4*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. Well is there really any Nintendo music that isn't good??? But in all seriousness I'd have to say my favourite Nintendo music is from the [B]Legend of Zelda[/B], particularly Ocarina of Time. That music was just so good, I can't really explain why, it was just good. Another game that has good music is [B]Resident Evil[/B], that music added a whole new level of creepiness to the game that couldn't be done with any other musical score. The haunting pianos in the background as you walked down an empty hallway, I soiled myself on more than a few occasions in that game. Other good ones include [B]Super Smash Bros. Melee[/B], who doesn't want to hear their favourite Ninty tunes of old remastered by an orchestra. the [B]Mario[/B] series, that game just had good music, no question about it. I often find myself humming along to the music when I play these games. [B]Eternal Darkness[/B], much for the same reasons as Resident Evil , although not as scary. and the [B]Metroid[/B] series, the musical score in this game just fit perfectly into the games setting, and Metroid Prime's music was a work of art.
  5. Favourite Temple....hmmmmm. Well I'd have to say the Forest Temple and Spirit Temple are tied for this one, I don't know why I like the Forest Temple. Sure, it may be short and easy, but I just loved the way it was set out. As for the Spirit Temple, I just like where it was located, that's all. My most hated Temple... Well I don't see why people hate the Water Temple so much. I thought it was the easiest, you may think I'm insane, but I just got back from finishing that Temple and it took me about 30 minutes. No joke. I agree with Desbreko and Shinmaru on this one, Dondongo's Cavern is just plain BAD. I don't know why, it just is. I also liked the Shadow Temple, it reminded me of hell. Which isn't necessarily a good thing, it was just creepy and stuff...:devil:
  6. Ganon6d9

    Nintendo DS

    This one actually sounds like a pretty good idea to me, taking into account the size of a handheld screen. you could, for example, be playing a First-Person Shooter and while one screen displays the main action the other one could show your ammo and weapons etc. It would also work well in a racing game, while one screen shows your car, the other one could show you a map. It would greatly improve upon the amount of action shown in the actual game, you could display more without having to sacrifice quality for the speed of a game or something along those lines. Another way they could use the Dual Screens is to have an Eternal Darkness style game with an isometric perepective, but when you target an enemy you could target specific parts of their body by using the other screen. The same idea could also apply for an FPS, use one screen for sniping when you zoom in but still being able to see an enemy that is right in front of you. All things considering, I think this is a step up from handhelds and a step forward in gaming. I'm eagerly awaiting the unveiling of it at E3 to see how the idea works out.
  7. This is my first ever thread so I don't really know what I'm doing but I really love the game Animal Crossing and I keep thinking of ways to improve it so I decided to do this. A thread where everyone could post their ideas on how Nintendo could make Animal Crossing 2 better than the original (I just hope Nintendo listens to their fans). So here goes nothing. How about the ability to move the camera about and look out at the town from a first person view, maybe they could even include a watch tower or something so you could have a 360 degree view of your whole town. How about customising your ceiling, you could be able to change the colour of it and put on different lights. Like putting chandeliers or disco lights up. Then you could string your own surround sound system up and have a party. That's another thing, you should be able to throw parties and the animals that you invite could judge you on how good it is by the music etc. Then you could go into town as another person the next day and all the animals would comment on how good [your name]'s party was and that you should've been there. I also think that you should be able to have data from certain games in another memory card which opens new features in the game. Like a karting arena from Mario Kart data, or if it's winter time and you have 1080 data you could go snowboarding. How about if you have Wave Race data then Kapp'n could take you to a Jet Skiing area out in the middle of the sea. Another thing they could do would be to have a character customiser at the start of the game so you could have a say in what your character looks like instead of having eyes that look like you're on some kind of crack binge. And you should also have seperate hats, like you could be able to put a cap or a beanie on. And you should be able to change your hair style, and then if you get bored with that style you could go to the barbershop and change it. You should be able to change your height and size etc. as well. You should also have different kinds of clothes, like having trousers and stuff. It would be wicked to have a pair of jeans and a jacket on. Or maybe overalls or something. They should also improve the design editor, maybe make it so you can have the front and back different, maybe put a little writing down the sleeves of your brand new jacket. How about shoes, hiking boots and sneakers etc. Another thing would be to choose where your house goes, and be able to add different rooms, like a living room and a games room, things like that. You should also be able to store things in the attic as well as the basement. The town should also be bigger, so then there would be more space for more animals. And when your town gets big enough Tortimer could build a bridge to another town so then you wouldn't be stuck in the one place all the time. Also I think that the Acre system should be taken out so that it's just one big scrolling map. I don't like the idea of making the town the way you want it because that takes away from the realism of moving in to a new town. I like the idea of bikes and boats and other things, every time Kapp'n takes me out on the boat I feel like making him stop and we can do some deep-sea fishing. There should also be bigger beaches, so then you would walk down on a sunny day and see other animals swimming and getting a tan and stuff. That's also another thing that should be in there, swimming. Then they could put a coral reef there and you could do some scuba diving. I would also like to see the return of K.K. Slider but he should bring a band along with him, just to give his music a little more style. Another thing that I'd like to see but it probably wouldn't happen is that they let you go spear fishing, how fun would that be. Well that's my two cents worth, I hope that everyone here has something that they'd like to see in AC2.
  8. Zelda has already been introduced through another medium....kind of. Toki no Ocarina and Majora no Kamen as well as the Oracle mangas are out in Japan and have been for ages. I reckon the best thing to do would be to translate those and release them in the Western world, that would be a smart thing to do (Nintendo, are you listening?). But an anime, I'm all for it. I mean, Nintendo have already started airing the Legend of the Falcon anime based on F-Zero in Japan, and that's hardly their most popular franchise. So why not make a Zelda one? Unlike that horrible cartoon they had some years back *shudders*. I reckon a CG movie would do pretty well, just imagine a hi-resolution version of that GameCube tech demo they showed a few Spaceworld's back. Maybe if Square Movies reopens Nintendo could strike a deal with them to make a Zelda movie (Nintendo, are you still listening?).
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