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Everything posted by sublime1

  1. [color=crimson][b][size=1] The setting is a large office with several people running frantically to complete their own tasks. Many large computer screens flash red and alarms sound. Every single person in the room stops dead in their tracks. A deep sense of dread seeps into the once upbeat aura of the room. "Oh God." a man in uniform whispers to himself. He runs to a black door over to the side of the room into a smaller office. On the mahogany desk lies a brass name plate embossed with the title "Gen. Robert Charles". Next to the handsome name plate lies a plain black telephone. "RRRIIIINNNGGG!!!" it bellows. "Y-Yes s-sir?" the General stammers. Several moments pass until finally he speaks again, "Yes, sir. I understand, sir. They will be brought in immediately." The General walks out of the office and into the center of the still faces of the many workers. They all knew what this meant. But, there was no way this could ever happen! There were safeguards! It was infallible! Unless... "You all know what these alarms mean." General Charles spoke, "And though I cannot tell you very much about the situation at hand, you all should know that we are now taking every step possible to contain this..." he broke off. Several commandos dressed in black stormed into the office. Each one of them pulled out a silenced submachine gun and took aim at the crowd. Moments later, the walls were sprayed with the blood of each person in the room. The lead soldier walked up to the General, who was still alive, and pulled the mask off of his face to reveal short, spiky, white-blonde hair and malevolent red eyes. The general's eyes widened. "Tell the Tempests hello for me in hell." "I'll see [i]you[/i] in hell, mother fu..." "POP!!!" General Charles dropped to his knees and fell sideways with a dull thud.[/color][/b][/size] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b][size=1] This story is about a criminal mastermind who was able to steal secrets from the U.S. Government to successfully build means of transporting matter back and forth along the path of time itself. In this story, contrary to popular theory, time [i]can[/i] be changed by the addition a differing stimulus into the timeline. This man needs to be stopped. Stopped by the only force known to man to have the same capabilities as this evil. They are the Tempests. Seven humans with the ability to manitpulate time. [/b][/size] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b][color=crimson][size=1] What I need are seven volunteers to be The Tempests and the Bad Guy. All of the Tempests gained the use of the devices that allow them to travel through time by one of any number of ways while working in the Special Projects Division of their organization. If you want to be a Tempest, you must fill out a sign-up. Use mine below as a template. [/b][/color][/size] [b][size=1] Name: Louis Garner Codename: Blink Weapons(3 max): [URL=http://www.impactguns.com/store/bushmaster_carbon_15_p97.html][color=blue]Bushmaster Carbon 15 Type 97 Pistol[/color][/URL] and 2 Black Escrima Sticks (only one gun and up to two hand-to-hand weapon. MUST BE REALISTIC) Age: 27 Description: Tall, Black spiky hair with red tips. Gold eyes. Long black coat, pants and shirt. Gun strapped to right leg and staffs slung over both shoulders. Silver belt with bright blue buckle that contains his time-travel device. Bio: As a child prodigy, Louis Garner was educated at MIT and was soon recruited by a secretive organization claiming to be with the U.S. government. When presented with the enormous amount of money that he would recieve if his project was successful, he quickly obliged his employers. He was surprised to find that his work would be in the field of temporal distortion and manipulation. Even more to his surprise was that he somehow intuitively understood and helped to build this technology. When his team was complete, he was asked to head his team to refine and advance this machinery. And, since this technology was so difficult to operate, he would also head a group in preemptive anti-terrorism. The top-secret team called The Tempests. [/b][/size] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b][size=1][color=crimson] As for the Bad Guy, whoever signs up for his role will need to know that he is a scientist that worked on the time-travel project. But, you must also know that nobody else knows who he is. Whoever wants to be him will sign up just like all the others. But, remember to include that he is the Bad Guy. One last point that I'd like to make is that, in the introdution story, I had a physical description of him, this makes no difference, he could have just changed his appearance. So, if you [i]do[/i] sign up as the Bad Guy, you can look like whatever you want. [/b][/size][/color]
  2. [b][size=1] OOC: Sorry it took so long for me to post. I wasn't able to get on yesterday.[/size][/b] [color=crimson][b][size=1] IC: The attack upon the Jaffa Guard had left several of the dead on the ground. "Should have kept firing." Scapefield thought to himself as he dodged behind the pedestal on which the Stargate stood. After a few more moments of unceasing fire, the Colonel pulled several grenades from his vest. Yanking the pins out of the first, he hurled it several meters. "Fire in the hole!" he shouted. Everyone took point and ducked for cover. Eveyone, that is, except Karthus. He obviously did not know what that term meant. The blast however did not hurt him. it only knocked him off his feet. A resounding "BOOM" echoed off of the high hills of this planet. Once all of SG-1 had reoriented themselves, they continuesed to fire on. Popping guns and darting Zat blasts filled the air until the last of the guard had retreated. "Let's go!" Scapefield commanded as they all picked up their equipment. "Hurry up! We don't have a lot of time here!" "But, sir." said Hernandez, "They're on the run." "Yeah, but more'll be here any time now." They all took their orders and moved out. The group ambled across the hard, rocky ground with great difficulty. At one point or another, all of them had gotten a false footing and smaked their shins on the cold stone. Once they had reached the forest, it was mostly clear. After hiking several miles west of the Gate, they all sat to gain their bearings and figure out where to go next. "Sekhmet will most likely send patrols to the north, east and west of the Gate." told Toldorin. "Right, so we should head south and keep moving until we get an opportunity to break through one of the patrols for entry into his temple." "I concurr." agreed Karthus. Jerith appeared. "We all need to keep moving if we want to stay clear of the other Jaffa." "Let's go." The group hurriedly gathered their things and trekked on. They had walked for three hjours until they heard the sound of an approaching patrol squad. "Get your zats ready." he whispered to his team. They all pulled the metallic pistols, which are now standard issue, out of their holsters. After a series of hand signals, Scapefield unlocked his weapon. They all fired at once. The Jaffa didn't see it coming. A hallf of a minute later, the scuffle was finished. All lay stunned or dead. "Where's the temple?" Scapefield asked one of the Jaffa. "You will pay dearly for your transgressions against my god." He spat at him. Scapefield fired a second zat bolt, killing him. This was the same for the rest of the patrol. No one would give up any useful information. This was no matter. They would only need to follow another to their destination. "Stow your belongings in that bush." he motioned to his left, as he began to relieve one of the guards of his armor. Once Scapefield was suited up, he disintegrated that body that lay on the ground. "What are you waiting for people? Suit up." "Yes, sir." his underlings followed orders. "Karthus," the Colonel looked over at him, "We need you to go in as a prisoner." "I understand." he said with a clenched jaw. He was clearly unhappy with this decision. "All we need to do is say you're a prisoner long enough to get inside." reassured Scapefield, as he saw the attempt on Karthus' part to hide his dissatisfaction. Wehen the rest of them had donned their guises, they followed the trial until they met another group of Jaffa. There was a mild chatter about where they had found the prisoner and they continued up to the pyramid...[/color][/b][/size]
  3. [color=crimson][size=1][b] Col. Scapefield took a seat near the end of the long table, opposite Vassikin. He was quite insulted by Vassikin's insolent nature. After a brief stare into his eyes, he was distracted by the General's movements. He was passing around several official looking folders. He could see, just by looking, that they were all written in each person's idividual dialect. When Scapefield looked at his own, he read a background on each of his new charges. It was all pretty standard information. Nothing new. Also inside the folder was a pile of papers describing what their first mission would be. "We Have recieved intelligence from the Tok'ra..." Oliver looked over toward Karthus/Jerith, "That a previously unknown Goa'uld System Lord named... I'm sorry, Karthus. What did you say he was called?" "Sekhmet." He told in the voice unique to his species, "We have learned, through several of our undercover operatives, that he has access to a new type of technology allowing him to achieve greater power than ever attained by any previous System Lords." "So, what kinda technology are we talkin' about here?" Scapefield asked. "His Jaffa warriors have been equipped with even more powerful Staff weapons and Zatn'kitel energy pistols. The latter now having the ability to kill with only one shot. The former now able to emit constant beams of energy used for several purposes." "Da?" chimed in Vassikin skeptically. "Like wot?" Karthus' cold eyes locked onto the Captain and he continued, "Purposes such as cutting, blasting through force fields except those of great power. And the most popular use among his followers is decapitation." Vassikin heard this and shut up. He wasn't the only one who these words had affected. Captain Thorne and Lieutenant Hernandez both gulped and looked worried. "Well, he couldn't have gotten this powerful with only new staffs and Zats." Scapefield told, "What else does he have up his sleave?" "Word has been recieved from the Asgard High Council." interjected General Oliver, "that a new ship, operated by Sekh..." he glanced at Jerith/Karthus "met has destroyed eleven of their most powerful attack vessels in a singular attack." "What are [i]we[/i] supposed to do, sir?" Hernandez asked nervously. "Well, your mission is to infiltrate and disable. And in the process, gather as much information as possible on the ship's construction." Oliver revealed. "Jerith?" The host regained control, "All of our operatives that have ever been able to gain access to the ship have been found out. We do not know how he is able to locate us, but I believe that it does not matter for this particular mission." "Oh, ahnd why noht?" Vassikin asked. "You, Captain," Oliver showed him his place, "Aren't going undercover." You will be going to the planet PX4-596 where the ship is currently being parked for repairs." "Excuse me, sir." Col. Scapefield said, "But, if all of the Tok'ra that have been aboard the ship have all been located, how do you know all of this intel is accurate." Jerith closed his eyes for a moment and Karthus emerged. "The last officer we came into contact with was able to send a limited amount of information back to out base before he was stopped. We were only able to recover a map of the corridors, information on the Jaffa weapons, and, of course, the location of the ship." Jerith surfaced once aagin "You now know all that we do." Jerith told. [i]I doubt that[/i] Vassikin thought. "You all should go to the infirmary for a check-up before you send off." Oliver ordered. "Sir, when exactly are we leaving?" Scapefield asked. "1400 hours." the General replied. Col. Scapefield looked at the clock on the wall that read 8:00 a.m.. "Today?" Scapefield looked at him increduously, "Sir?" "Yes, Colonel, today." It seemed like only minutes later that they were all in the Embarkation Room. (herein known as the Gate Room) "Chevron Seven in ecoded and locked." a voice called over a loudspeaker. A pool of standing water rushed forth and receeded back into a glimmering smooth surface. The rippling wormhole was entered by a MALP and THe picture of several Jaffa warriours appeared on a screen in the Control Room. Several flashes of light later, the video feed was cut. "You know what to do, Colonel." Oliver told as He looked at the last clear image. "Yes, sir." The new team walked over to the event horizon and Scapefield locked and loaded his weapon. He fired several clips into the wormhole and then, he walked through... [/color][/size][/b]
  4. [color=crimson][b][size=1] A familiar but different scene appears before us. There are long and short corridors. There are cables and wired running along each wall. There is also a large cast monolith with the Stargate's chevron for earth at the top along with a bronze plaque. Col. Rowan Scapefield walks the halls looking for the office of three-star General Nelson Oliver. He finally gives up and asks a man walking, "Can you tell me how to get to Gen. Oliver's office?" "Sure." he replied, "YOu need to go back the way you came until you reach corridor SL-23.27. Then you head down until you get to SL-27.23.6. It's just before the main atrium." "Right." He said as if he understood the directions. "Thanks." "No problem." The Colonel went until he reached a sign that read "SL-23.27" he continued to walk down that hall until he stopped and thought for a moment. "Did he say SL-23.27.6 or 7?" He was wondering as he looked at a blue sign that said Main Artium. There were no other signs up to that point. Plus, he had never been to general Oliver's actual office. He had only ever come into contact with him in the Briefing Room. He backtracked and began knocking on every door he came to. Either no one answered or were too busy to bother with him. He finally came to a door and knocked on it and a deep voice from inside called "Come in." "Hello, General Oliver, sir." He said as he read a handsome nameplate on his desk. As Col. Scapefield shook his hand, it was easy to notice the General's crushing grip. "Thank you for coming in so soon, Colonel." he motioned to a chair. "Please, take a seat." "Thank you, sir." He sat down. "You have been working with the SGC for several years now." "Yes, sir. The best years of my life, sir." He said in a slightly insolent tone. "And, as you well know, we are looking for members for our third SG-1 squad." "Yes, sir." Scapefield responded. "You have been chosen to lead this new team." Oliver revealed. "You will be the commander of SG-1." "Sir, with all due respect, why did you pick me?" "Well, Colonel, you came in top of your class in Tactical Theory, Marksmanship, Tracking, and Battlefield Analysis." Oliver told, "Not to mention your spotless service record. And the fact that you have gone above and beyond the call of duty to get your men out of countless deadly situations." "Well, thank you, sir." "Now, we need to get your new team up to speed and get you all started on your first mission." They both proceeded out of General Oliver's office and into a seemingly endless maze of hallways and corridors. When they finally reached a familiar section of the vast base, Scapefield confidently followed Oliver into the Briefing Room. Inside sat two American officers. One Air Force, one Navy. Also, ther stood, judging by his clothing, a Tok'ra. And, standing next to him was obviously a Jaffa warrior. "Colonel Scapefield, let me introduce yo to your new team...[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][b] OOC: Now you can all introduce yourselves. [/size][/b]
  5. [color=red][b][size=2] Lou walked toward the outside of the city. He pulled out his crystal and Sphere and rejoined them. The glowing Sphere was now seemingly magnetically attracted to Barghest. They both touched and a shining ruby circle appeared at the hilt. Lou looked at it for a moment and replaced his sword into its sheath. He continued to walk and then brought out his OmniLink. He could tell that all of the others were somehow preoccupied with one or more of the doubles. He saw what appeared to be, on the tiny screen, a Corrupt traveling with some Uncorrupts. This infuriated Lou. His eyes glowed again with the same evil blaze as they did in the battle with DLou. The thin scars on his arms acted as vents of fire that sprayed from his body. His hands and feet became miniature suns with just as much blinding light. The hair on his head became as the clearest blue blaze. He had assumed that Shankul had been captured and was now being held prisoner by the Uncorrupts. He blasted upward in a streak of white light. It was only moments later when he reached where he believed his teammate was being held. He also witnessed Shiro and Mika having their own battle. He wasn't concerned with Shiro at this point. He had abandoned them only moments after the first fight. When he looked back at the other group, he saw Shankul. But, he didn't look like someone who had been taken prisoner. They were all looking in the direction of the fight between Mika and Shiro. He landed a few yards behind them and they all turned around. "Shankul." Lou said in an altered, deeper voice, "Come over here." "I'm afraid you may be mistaken." Shankul's black eyes rolled with the look of liquid mirror. "I see." Lou said in an indifferent voice. "And I?m sure you all know that I cannot defeat you." "Yes, we know." they all three said in unison. They all rushed forth, trying to subdue Lou. Several punches and kicks made full contact with him. But whenever their limbs would touch Lou, their flesh would melt into molten red glass. This didn't make much difference to them. They would simply reform their bodies. "This is utterly pointless." Lou muttered to himself while useless attacks were being aimed at him. "Enough!" He shouted at them as the ground, underneath his feet became a boiling puddle of lava...[/color][/b][/size]
  6. [color=crimson][b][size=1] I will leave the sign up open for one more day to leave some opportunity for another Jaffa to join in. The first post will be made by me Friday night/Saturday morning. See you then.[/color][/b][/size]
  7. [b][color=crimson][size=1] I still need at least one Jaffa to join us before we can begin this. I am really anxious to get this thing up and running. If someone who is already participating wants to play one, that'd be great. If not, I need someone new to sign up. All we can do is wait. [/color][/b][/size]
  8. All I can say is that I am happy with the state of the WWE. The storylines a while back almost made me stop watching wrestling altogether. Nowadays the themes and matches have been quite entertaining. I would also like to say that I would like to have Stacey Kiebler's baby... Is that even possible for a dude? I think not. You see where I'm goin' with this. once again, -innuendo rules-
  9. sublime1

    Clay Aiken!!!!

    I'm not really sure I should respond to this thread because anything I say regarding Clay Aiken might get me banned from OB. The only thing I can say without actually saying it is... Clay Aiken...Clay Aiken... What rhymes with Aiken? Nevermind. I can think of a word to describe him that rhymes with Clay, though. I think you see my point. And if you don't... Then you should be shot in the head. jk. Even though I have no patience for stupid people. -innuendo rules-
  10. sublime1

    Justice League

    Yeah, I guess I can see where you got confused. Does anyone happen to know what the next ep will be about?? I know it didn't show a preview at the end of the Christmas episode, but I figured that it couldn't hurt to ask. BTW K.K.C., you so stole the word sammich from me. jk. lol
  11. HAH! they got the guy who played Snidley Whiplash in the Dudley Do-right movie to play Doc Oc. That's friggin hilarious. I guess they decided to give Peter Parker the dorkier look he should have had in the first movie. Looks good.
  12. [color=red][b][size=2] Lou landed a distance away from the battling dragons and looked back. "Damn, what the hell is going on around here?" He took out his OmniLink to find his teammates. There was something wrong. "There's more than one dot for each of 'em." He walked closer to the city and finally reached it. He kept glancing at his OmniLink to see where he was going. When he looked down again to get his bearings, he saw a flashing red dot. "Looks like Kai wants to restart our little scuffle." he laughed to himself. He kept walking until the quickly moving red dot met with his on the small screen of his map. He looked up expecting to see a girl with her sword drawn. Instead he found a young man standing in front of him. It was himself. He jumped in surprise. "Well, two dragons, two dots per person, two me's." his doppelganger looked at him. "Well, let's get it on." Lou drew Barghest and DLou drew his sword. It wasn't another Barghest, but it was his original sword. Lou could only assume that this had something to do with the crystals and the Legendary Weapons. Lou, wanting to test this copy's power, replaced Barghest in his sheath and pulled his old sword from his belt. In the same instant, both leapt forward and a loud clang echoed off of the reflective buildings. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG. The swords sparked when they met. DLou swung from up high and Lou blocked easily. His eyes were on DLou's face when they should have been watching the rest of his body. DLou swept his leg across and knocked Lou to the ground. When he slipped, he received a long scratch down his right arm. When he jumped to his feet, he witnessed and long cut appear on DLou's arm in the same place. Lou looked at his own arm and laughed. He took his sword and pulled it across his own leg and DLou collapsed on the ground. Lou limped towards himself and swung his blade. DLou tried to block with his bare arm but it was severed along with his head. The head rolled across the street and only stopped when it hit the side of the building. The building seemed to absorb his head. The arm that lay on the ground was picked up by the headless body lying on the ground. "Damn it!!" he cursed, "It didn't work for the dragon. So, why did I think it would work for me?" He continued to curse at himself for his moment of brief stupidity and waited for the other him to reassemble himself. After several minutes of bouts that always ended up with Lou cutting of various limbs of his opponent, he considered running away. But then he thought that if this copy really was like him, that he would be hunted down until he was killed. He finally pulled out Barghest. He wielded the sword with pinpoint accuracy as he sliced his doppelganger?s head off. Once again, it regrew with its glassy substance. This was beginning to anger him. His blonde hair was beginning to flow into flames. But it wasn't the same as when he changed in the first battle with the Uncorrupts. His hair burned with blue flame. His eyes were mixed with bright white, deep sapphire, and brilliant yellow flame. His hands and feet were also consumed by fire and he floated a few feet off of the ground. This new power was greater than he ever had hoped. Lou's copy, standing approximately twenty meters from where he was, just finished regrowing its head and its right leg. The mirror image stood almost frozen with what seemed to be fear. Whatever fear could be shown by only a copy of a person. Lou sped forward with Barghest roaring in a blaze. The flame trapped inside the sword was released with a deafening howl. Lou pointed the tip of the blade at DLou and sent out a spray of blinding white fire at him. This flame enveloped him and he screamed in pain. Lou then touched down to the ground, hopped up into the air, executed a front flip and once again cut his duplicate in half. The effects were not as they had turned out before. DLou was melting. The bubbling mass of a human form was almost sickening. Then something else happened. It looked as though the replica was reforming once again. The shiny structure of the person was returning to normal. Lou was expecting to have to fight again. Once the fake had reconstituted, Lou pulled his sword back again, ready to attack. But he didn't need to. DLou stood absolutely still. After a moment, his form turned into fine white sand. The pile of dust on the street just sat there. Lou walked over, picked up a handful and let it fall to the wind. His appearance returned to normal as he took to the streets once more. He pulled out his OmniLink and pressed the black, brown, fuchsia and teal dots. All of them answered at once. "I assume you all had the same problem I did with the copies of yourself." "Yeah." Shanga answered. "So what?" "I found the solution to killing them." he revealed, "If you're still having problems." "Tell us! Tell us now!" Shankul skittered anxiously. "The key it to use your Legendary Weapon and your Element at the same time." he told. "It turns 'em into sand, or somethin'." "OK, good." replied Talen. "I will be on the outside of the west end of the city when you all are finished so we can get the next crystal. I'm out." Lou put his OmniLink back into his pocket and walked out of town... [/color][/b][/size]
  13. sublime1

    Justice League

    Oh yeah. I vaguely remember seeing that at the end of the episode that Grogg smashed a banana or something when the JL walked past or something. Or something. Anyway. Sorry to sound rude. But, DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHH. Of course his family knows he is Superman. Once again, I apologize for the rudeness. It was kinda sad how J'onn J'onzz had to spend the holidays without his family. It also kinda got me wondering... What kind of holidays do you suppose they celebrate on Mars? Hawkgirl's celebration looked like a lot more fun than anyone else's. It was Funny how GL had to fight that horny dude. Oh wait. HAH! HORNY!! ok, nevermind. I was kinda hoping that The Flash's holiday would be a little more humorous. But The Ultra Humanite was kind of a nice twist on things. And the part where he changes the duck's programming to tell the The Nutcracker instead of rapping (or whatever the toy was supposed to do) was a little *sobs* heartwarming.
  14. [color=crimson][b][size=1] I am afraid you may be mistaken on the origins of the Tok'ra. They are actually a rebel faction of Goa'uld symbiotes and Human hosts. Unlike the Goa'uld who completely take over the hosts body, the Tok'ra have a truly sybiotic relationship. Both conciousnesses are shown. Your sign-up may be used as the hosts but you must include information on the Tok'ra symbiote residing in his body. I you have any more questions about the Tok'ra just PM me and I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge. Otherwise, I suggest you check out [url]www.scifi.com[/url] and check out the Stargate SG-1 section. I do not know if there is any helpful information there, because I haven't ever checked. But, it may be worth checking out. BTW: I may have been a little vague about the whole uniform thing. If you are Tok'ra you do not need to wear it. If you are Jaffa, you can either wear the uniform or your Jaffa armor. The armor is usually worn only on missions where mothership penetration is necessary. Good Luck. [/b][/color][/size]
  15. [b][color=crimson][size=1] This little RPG is something that I've been considering for quite some time now. I hope it will be fun for all of those who choose to join. The storyline takes place fourty-seven years after the television series. The world is still ignorant to the existence of alien life and that of the Stargate. There have been several attempts by the Goa'uld to conquer Earth once more. But all have been thwarted either by one of the several SGC squads, the Tok'ra or the Asgard. There is now a strong Jaffa resistance against the Goa'uld on the world of Chulak, led by the now retired SG-1 team member Teal'c. Colonel Jack O'Neill was killed along with Major Samantha Carter several decades earlier on that very same planet when a mothership carrying a naquadah bomb attacked the then small rebellion. The naquadah enhancement was disconnected by Carter but the initial blast took them both before they could escape. Dr. Daniel Jackson along with Joonas Quinn died fifteen years later when the trinium iris guarding the Stargate was shattered by an energy blast that destroyed half of the interior of the Cheyenne Mountain compound. The origin of the blast is still unknown. It was rebuilt and now has a monument to all of the fallen members of the SGC. I have given you a history, now here is the story. Intelligence gathered by the Tok'ra shows that the Goa'uld knowns as Sekhmet has developed a new ship that is capable of destroying several Asgard ships in a single attack. The mission is to find the ship and Sekhmet, gather as much information as possible on the technology surrounding the costruction of the ship and then to destroy the ship and Sekhmet. YOU MIGHT NEED TO PLAY MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER. What I need is a new team. There will need to be at least three human members. At most two Jaffa members. And one Tok'ra liason. I will be playing the role of Sekhmet and the leader of the team. Use my sign-up as a template for your own. NAME: Rowan Scapefield (if Tok'ra put both names) RANK: Colonel (if not human, put species.) DESCRIPTION: 6'5, short brown hair, gray eyes. Always wears his SGC uniform (standard) SHORT BIO: Inducted into the special projects division of the U.S. Air Force, Col. Scapefield brings his extensive knowledge of battle tactics and cunning to the team. He has worked with several other SG teams but now is leader of SG-1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NAME: Sekhmet SPECIES: Goa'uld DESCRIPTION: Tall, gold hair, white and gold robes and a golden staff with two gold Goa'uld symbiotes twisted around it like snakes with a black gem set at the top. BIO: Ruthless and self serving, Sekhmet will answer to no one. He will kill any enemy he comes into contact with without a second thought. Even other Goa'uld System Lords. His tactics and technology are the most deadly adversaries that Earth has ever faced. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you have any questions, just ask. [/color][/size][/b]
  16. OOC: Well, it appears that K.K.C. doesn't want to participate in a brawl with me. Oh well, I guess I'll have to move on. [color=red][b][size=2] IC: There was a deep rumbling inside the mountain. Fountains of lava spewed out of the lake below. The volcano was about to erupt. In all of the commotion, Kai dropped the crystal she was holding and Lou quickly seized it. He knew that the fight would have to occur another time and place. He placed the sword he named Barghest into the sheath on his back and rocketed out of the top of the mountain. As he glanced back, he saw a small flash before the volcano exploded into an ashen cloud. Kai had gotten away safely. His newfound power from the crystal had sent him flying farther and faster than he expected. He pulled the Omnilink out of his pocket and opened it. He used the device to locate his teammates. He noticed them moving away from Mirror City which was only a couple of miles away from his current location. He decided to check it out. "What the fuh-..." he said in disbelief as he witnessed two gigantic dragons going after each other like ravenous dogs. He floated for a moment in midair and considered what he should do. "Well," he thought, "If this is what they were running from, I guess I can take care of it with Barghest." he looked over his shoulder. He shot towards the brawling beasts and drew the blade. He zoomed so quickly that they didnt even notice his presence. As he neared one of the monsters, he noticed that they were identical. "Makes sense. Mirror City." he said to himself. He zipped past the dragon with lightning speed and severed it's head with one slice. Both pieces fell to the ground and landed with a thunderous boom. When it hit, he noticed something else was strange. The dead beast moved. In fact, it stood up. The head lying on the ground was absorbed by the street, and its shoulders writhed with a strange glassy substance. It grew and grew until it formed a brand new head. The dragon let out a horrible roar and, with a mighty gust of wind from its wings, shot skyward. "Ah, Hell no!" Lou said aloud as he blasted away with a flash of fire and let the two dragons deal with each other. He pulled the OmniLink out of his pocket once more to examine its contents. It told that his group was only a short distance away and he would meet them in a few minutes. He pressed several colored buttons on his communicator and talked into it. "Shanga, Shankul, Talen. You there?" "Yeah." Talen replied "Athen's here too." "Alright." Lou said "I'll be on your posistion in a minute so I'm just givin' you a heads up." "Aight." one of them said... [/color][/b][/size]
  17. Two words. [size=5][b][color=red] ABBEY ROAD!!!!![/color][/b][/size]
  18. mine would have to be [b]psychobilly freakout[/b]. i don't know who it is by, but it was on an episode of beavis and butthead that me and my best friend used to watch all the time before i stopped going to his school.
  19. [color=green][b][size=1] That is exactly the type of response I was looking for. Thank you, James. For me, it is almost exactly the same. I always scrutinize the melody much more than the lyrics. Most of the time, I drown out the lyrics if I don't like them. This is especially true when you're listening to a band that doesn't use lyrics very often, such as Blue Man Group. The sounds and rhythms that they produce are extremely moving. Along with almost all classical music, they would only be depreciated by adding a voice. On the other hand, some songs are specifically made for the lyrics. That's what a capella is all about. I have been moved to tears by songs being sung by one or two or even three people. The truth is that it [i]is[/i] very personal. You wouldn't make fun of someone just because they made a personal descision to get married or to have a kid. You usually celebrate these occasions. So why not celebrate music like you would a wedding? People did this all the time in the sixties. Granted, most of it was drug-enduced. But there was a general agreement among the people of those days that there needed to be equilibrium between the different ideals in the world. They loved everything. once again, most of it was drug-enduced, but the love was still there. Why can't we grasp on to this wonderful idea of love for differences? It happened once, it can happen again. [/color][/b][/size] [b] This particular post is for the ones that are so closed minded about the reality of an open-ended universe of sound. Get it? Got it? Good. -take it easy-[/b]
  20. [color=green][b][size=1] Wow. I really wasn't expecting to get so many responses from people so far up in the Otaku food chain. Your insight on this matter has been very helpful. The reason this thing is so important to me is that my parents are just like the people I was describing earlier. They will only listen to music that was made before 1963. Not to say that there wasn't good music back then, it's just that they think all other music is poo. Hearing that your parents are actually open to the idea of listening to modern music is astounding to me. I had never even considered such a notion. That is just how surprised I was. It is either that my parents are hypocrites or they like my sister better than me. But, they wouldn't give her a second glance when they heard f**k & s**t pouring out of her speakers when she listened to eminem. But, they would threaten me with Catholic boarding school if I tried that. I don't know if there was a point in there, but I thought I just might share. Anyway, this is great to hear these responses. Getting a glance of the outside world while I am being smothered by southern gospel music. Feel free to post again if you have a lingering thought or a new opinion. [/color][/size][/b] [b] -take it easy-[/b]
  21. [color=red][b][size=2] As Lou was walking toward Mirror City, he sensed a presence behind him. He knew that it was his Elemental equal, Kai. His awareness must have been raised by his crystal joining. "You guys go on ahead." everybody stopped in their tracks. "What do you mean 'you guys go on ahead' ?" asked Shanga. "I mean, I gotta go take care of something." the rest stared at him blankly, "It shouldn't take too long. I'll use my OmniLink to find you in Mirror City." Lou blasted back down the tunnel they had just walked out of and back toward the top of the mountain. He had shot to the top of the volcano when down by the base, he spotted a group of Uncorrupts. By now, he was close enough to be sensed by Kai. She turned around and instantly zeroed in on his position. Tossing a ball of fire up and down in his hand, he silently taunted her. By now, her companions had walked several hundred feet without noticing her missing. The one called Ryo walked ahead and the one called Angel seemed preoccupied. Kai took out he Cellcom and called the group ahead, "I gotta take care of something." "WHAT!!!" a boy's voice cried, "YOU ARE NOT LEAVING US ALONE TO TAKE CARE OF THIS OURSELVES." "Calm down," she suggested, "You're the only one that can deal with taking the Static Weapon anyway." "Whatever," He said, still angry. Kai put away her Cellcom and rocketed off toward the top of the volcano. After several flame-asisted jumps, she met Lou at the top of the mountain. "Fancy meetin' you here." he said cheerfully as he snuffed out the fireball in his fist. "I assume you want something?:" she asked. "Well, I sensed you from the other side of the mountain and I figured, what the hell, I might as well rub you out now." "I wouldn't exactly call this a fair fight." she told, spying the new sword over his shoulder. "Ya' know what? You're right." he said as he pulled a sparkling red crystal out of his sphere. He performed a back-flip and jumped into the volcano. Kai rushed forward to witness him blast off into the bowels of the mountain. She followed him and did the same. "This could be a trap.." she thought to herself. "Well, I've never backed down from a fight before." and she journeyed forward. They soon came to the altar where Lou first found his sword. He was standing atop the broken pedestal when Kai arrived. With and ultra-hot stream of flame, he melted the altar fragments back together in a lopsided fashion. "Why are we here?" she suspiciously asked Lou. "Well, you said it wasnt a fair fight." he explained, "I may be evil, but I'm no cheat." He placed the crystal on the repaired altar. Kai moved slowly towards the crystal. Lou made no attempt to stop her. She pulled out her Sphere and touched it to the glowing red crystal. There was a small rumbling sound and the pedestal split open again. "Damn it!" Lou cursed, "After I just fixed it." Revealed inside were her weapons. Ifrit... [/color][/b][/size] [size=1][b] OCC: Hope you don't mind a one-on-one battle between Lou and Kai. I thought I would even the battle field if I let her have the crystal power. [/size][/b]
  22. [b][color=green][size=1] Anyone who has read my posts or knows me personally can probably tell you that I have an opinion on everything. Sometimes they're not exactly practical. But, hey! It's an opinion. Now, to my point. Sitting in music chatrooms from time to time has shown me that people have amazingly closed minds when it comes to the type of music they listen to. I personally like all types of music. (except boy bands... too girly) The reason I have made this particular thread is to find out why people think this way. Some people only like punk. Some only like Death metal. Some only like country. Most of the time thay say that any other kind of music is crap. There has to be a reason. I wanna hear what kind of music you like and why. I'm not here to discriminate. If you do happen to like boy bands I welcome you. What this thread IS NOT is a place for people to bash other people's taste in music. It is only a forum to express what your music means to you personally. For once, I am going to listen to another person's opinion and find out why people like types of music I particularly don't enjoy. [/size][/b][/color] [b]-take it easy-[/b]
  23. [b] [QUOTE][Tangent]Everyone calls Elvis the king of Rock and Roll, but I think that is bullcrap. The songs that he was made famous for were songs that had already been out for years, but they had just been done by black artists. Here comes this white guy along, remakes all the blues songs, and suddenly he's the "king" of this "new" type of music. Give me a freaking break.[/tangent][/b][/quote] [size=1][b] Alright. This made me mad. The songs he sang that were supposedly first with black artist that made him famous just simply isn't true. It wasn't the music so much as it was his looks and stage presence. The main reason he got so famous is because he was the original rebel sex symbol. He was listened to simply because he wasn't supposed to be listened to. Everyone knows that the blues were pretty much invented by black culture. Just because someone else wrote the song and just happened to be black doesn't mean that a white guy with an amazing voice can't make the song famous. Plus, most of his number one hits were originals. One more point I would like to make is that if someody tried to do Elvis' songs today, they wouldn't be anywhere near as succesful as the 'originals'. Because he was the one that started the revolution in rock n' roll in America and just can't be copied. Even if it wasn't him that started the revolution, it would have been someone else. And they would be just as famous as him for doing it. Can you tell I'm an Elvis fan? [/b][/size] :cool:
  24. i soooooooooo was gonna put spaceballs down. it was a tie between spaceballs and blazing saddles. after reading all of these lists, i realized that i have more than ten top ten movies.(does that even make sense?) (if not... screw you) ciao.
  25. sublime1

    Justice League

    If you read my post carefully I said that I didn't have a problem with it but I was surprised that some other people didn't. The point I was trying to make (but didn't do a very good job of) is that what some people find politically correct is something that someone else might find offensive. But, what do I know? I'm only 16 with hardly any life experience. So, I hope you get what I was trying to say.
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