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Everything posted by sublime1
[color=red][b][size=2] Lou looked into a glowing red pool of molten rock. The heat and light seemed to bother Shankul but not so much Shanga. There were long rock bridges over the river of lava. They seemed to go on forever until they came upon a stone doorway. Through this doorway there was a drop-off. It went from solid ground to liquid heat. The pool of magma was bubbling and boiling. Lou searched for a way to get past this. He soon spied, in the center of the pool, a small rocky stepping stone. "You guys comin' with me?" Lou asked. Shankul seemed repulsed at the very notion. Shanga simply didn't want to deal with the steaming temeratures of being only feet away from lava. "No?" he asked, "Alright. I'll be right back." He jumped from the ledge to the stepping stone. Then he stood there. "What now?" he asked himself. Seemingly answering his question, another stone rose from the magma. He jumped over to it and the same thing happened over and over until he was about fifty yards away from the ledge on the other side of the lake of fire. He stood on the rock and awaited the appearance of the next one. It didn't come. He looked behind him to witness the stones he had just jumped from were disappearing back into the lava. "Shit!" he cursed to himself. He surveyed the distance he still had to go until he reached the end. "I can make this." He bent his knees, ready to jump. "What the hell is he doing?" Shanga asked Shankul. She must not have witnessed his feat of flight during the battle with the Uncorrupts. "Just watch." Shankul laughed, still giddy with the suffering of his uncorrupt equivalent. With a mighty blast of flame, Lou propelled himself upward. The thermals emitted from the lava lifted him higher than he thought possible. The stalagtite (or stalagmite. i can never remember.) covered stone ceiling was closing in fast. Lou performed a flip in midair. His feet making contact with the rock. He pushed off of the ceiling with another blast of fire and careened toward the other side. In an almost intuitive fashion, he slowed to a gentle glide when he closed in on the ground. When he was above the stone floor, he close his body into a cannonball style crouch. He dropped down fast. When he was about three feet above the ground, he opened his body and shot another stream of flame from his feet. this stopped him completely. He hovered there for a half of a second then dropped to the floor. "Oh." Shanga said in an unbelieving voice. When he was back on solid rock, Lou walked over to a familiar looking pedestal. A red crystal ejected from it and lay on top. He picked it up and pressed it against his sphere. He drew his sword and charged it with heat. He plunged it deep into the granite block. He slice upward and cut the stone in two. He depowered his sword and simply struck it against the two halves. They both crumbled revealing a sword. It was unlike any sword Lou had ever seen or even heard of. It was shaped mush like his own. (shaped like Blade's sword.) The handle was made of the most vibrant blood red and saffron colored leather. It looked strange though. At closer inspection, Lou could see scales on it. He could only assume that it was actually dragon hide. The end was capped off with what looked to be a dragon's tooth. Or at least, a part of one. The hilt of the sword was expertly etched with the symbols of fire from many different cultures. Ten to be exact. The gold inlay on frosted titanium was beautiful. But, neither the handle nor the hilt were the most eyecatching part of this weapon. The blade was a foot longer than his with a groove running down the center. It was made of a material he had never seen before. The blade looked metal, but it dance with the image of fire. Light reflected off of it, but the fire inside the sword gave a soft glow of its own. "I got it!" He called over to the others. He walked back over to the ledge preparing to shoot across the lake of fire again. He realized that he did not have to when a stone bridge like the ones they had crossed before appeared at his feet. He guessed that the only reason there were the stepping stones in the beginnig was to insure that only the Fire Sphere Master could cross the lava. While he walked back across the bridge, he tested his new weapon. He swung it several times. It was lighter than any sword he had ever handled. He sheathed the new sword and placed the old one in his belt next to his forge hammer. "We better get moving." he told the others when he reached them. "Let's go." Shankul was still laughing at the pain of his counterpart... [/color][/size][/b]
i am currently listenign to a compilation of songs on a cd that i burned myself. 1. national anthem (woodstock)- jimi hendrix 2. machine gun- jimi hendrix 3. Voodoo Child- jimi hendrix 4. if six was nine- jimi hendrix 5. people are strange- the doors 6. riders on the storm- the doors 7. mixed bizness- beck 8. digging my potato- yoko kanno 9. we want the funk- george clinton and the parliament funkadelic 10. chop suey- system of a down 11. someone to love- jefferson airplane. 12. white rabbit- jefferson airplane 13. white rabbit- blue man group featuring esthero 14. piano smasher- blue man group 15. PVC-IV- blue man group 16. the current- blue man group 17. tank!- the seat belts. the song i am on now is... we want the funk - george clinton and the parliament funkadelic
First of all, 80's isn't oldies!!!!! That is classic rock. It doesn't qualify as oldies until you get to the seventies. I hate people who claim to like oldies music but only know Can't Buy Me Love or Paranoid. It's like a stock portfolio. DIVERSIFY. The people who say that the only good music is rock or punk or grunge need to open their minds a little. There was music before Good Charlotte. Who, by the way, sucks major donkey ****. Being an oldies fan isn't a new fad. Its been around since oldies have been around. It's not going away any time soon... [color=red][b] -we want the funk-[/b][/color]
Scrub is a funny show. I hardly get a chance to see it. But i think that it's obvious to everyone that JD needed to get laid. BTW: scrubs are the attire doctors wear while in surgery.
[size=1][b] First off, I'm a huge Justice League fan. I have a question. When did Gorilla Grogg get un-brain melted? It is unfortunate that the Flash's powers aren't up to par. I mean, in the episode with the Royal Flush Gang, that Flash ran up a wall while 10 was hurling bombs at him. There was a good ten feet in front of him before he got to the bomb. Yet he still tripped over it. that just bothered me. I have aways known that Batman had to be smart. But JL turned him out to be some sorta super-genius. I mean, how many orphaned businessmen do you know that could build the javelin-7 or a transdimensional transporter? I mean, it's refreshing to see, but I'm used to seing him throw Batarangs and smoke bombs. GL and HG. Totally saw it coming. Even before the whole assslap deal. When she took off her mask, I half expected it to be horribly disfigure but GL Loved her anyway. But, she's hot. For a cartoon. If you ask me, I would have thought that an interracial relationship on a children's cartoon would be a little too controversial. I guess I was wrong. I have nothing against it. But, I'm surprised that some Fundamentalist Christian group out of Alabama didn't. It's all become politically correct. It turned from the Justice League of America to just the Justice League. I guess they didn't want to discriminate against France. Wonder Woman isn't really anything more or less than I expected. Superman is getting to be a joke. I remember an issue of the Superman comic where he swallows a dynamite bomb and it explodes inside him. Now, when a sidewinder explodes 200 yard away from him , he is sent barreling toward the ground. Well, I may have exagurrated (*sp.) a little Is it just me, or does the martian manhunter's name sound a little too american? J'onn J'onzz/ John Jones? Do you understand what I mean? Oh well, he's cool in my book. The Christmas episode looks great. Ima watch it. Then Ima watch it again at midnight. If the Manhunter or HG asks about Christmas, do you think they'll talk about the birth of Christ? It's an interesting query. [color=red] -gotta have that funk- [/color][/b][/size]
[QUOTE]Unfortuantly Comedy Central is not going to air the movie again according to their website. From what I gathered during Adam Goldberg's interview on the Daily Show, the movie was aired on Monday but will be released in the theaters shortly. [/quote] The movie "The Hebrew Hammer" Aired monday at 9/8 central. it aired again on tuesday at 3/2 central. Sorry to disappoint you. But it will come on again. Oh wait, that's what you wanted to happen. nevermind. i could just edit this all out. but i'm too lazy. I'd prolly waste less energy if I'd stop typing and just erase all of this. Screw it. -we want the funk-
[b]1. Memento[/b] - Psychological thrillers tickle my fancy. Guy Pierce, Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano star in this uttery f##ked-up movie. [b]2. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas[/b] - Do I really have to explain? Featuring Johnny Depp. [b]3. Alice in Wonderland[/b] - It's one big *** drug reference. Listen to the song 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane if you don't know what I mean [b]4. What Dreams May Come (i wrote this before i saw the list by Mimmi, so i didn't copy ;)) [/b] - One of Robin William's better serious roles. The supernatural and normal collide into a beautiful mosaic of delight and despair. (too flowery?) [b]5. Blazing Saddles [/b] - Mel Brooks at his finest. [b]6. Shadow of the Vampire [/b] - Jahn Malkovich and Willem Dafoe learn the limits of vampire/human relations. [b]7. Hendrix [/b] - The life story of the legendary guitarist played out from the beginning. [b]8. The Quest [/b] - Jean-Claude van Damme tries to survive a tournament of the best fighters in the world. [b]9. Spawn [/b] - Michael Jai White plays the comic-book character from hell. John Leguizamo supports as the Clown (Violator) [b]10. The Fugitive [/b] - Harrison Ford as the wrongly accused doctor trying to prove his innocence in the murder of his wife.
King Rat. (not rat king.) is my personal favorite. The book by James Clavell was much better though. Which is unfortunately true for most movies based on books. (i.e. harry potter) Other greats include Pork Chop Hill, Zulu, A Bridge Too Far, The Great Escape, Bridge Over the River Quai. Action is a whole 'nother story. I have seen too many friggin action movies to count. I will try and make a short list of my favorites. The Game, Cube, Cube 2: Hypercube, Spawn, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Granted, not action. but a great movie nonetheless.) The Jackal, U-571, Indiana Jones I-III, Ronin, Reservior Dogs, The Fugitive, Con Air, All of Tom Clancy's movies. By far, my favorite psychological action thriller is Memento. -sublime-
[color=red][b][size=2] Lou appeared over in the corner of the deep cave clutching his stomach, writhing in pain. "Son of a bitch!" he shouted as he tried to breathe. He was lucky that he was able to get out of the way before he got the full force of Austin's attack, but it still hurt. He finally got to his feet. As he walked over to the others he saw that thhey were cursing and altogether whining. "We need to get moving." Lou told them. "We need to split up and find some of these crystals." He took out his OmniLink and depressed the button that brought up the map. "I am going to look for the fire crystal myself. If anyone wants to come with me, yo are welcome to. The rest of you can go look for the wind crystal." The others looked at him in general agreement and broke off into two separate groups to look for the fire and wind crystals. [/color][/b][/size] [b][size=1] OCC: The ones who want to go with me speak up. And the others that want to go for the wind you should say so too. [/b][/size]
[color=red][b][size=2] As Lou was walking with the group he heard a ruckus up ahead. The team rushed forth to see what it was about. He saw the group of uncorrupts in the clearing. But they weren't all there. "Damn it!" Lou shouted, "They split up!" Shankul's beasts lunged toward them in a shadowy attack. The darkmatter that made up the animals was eminating off of their skins like smoke, leaving a trail of darkness. "We don't have time for this." Lou said to himself. "Athen! Shanga! Shankul! Come with me! We need to find another crystal before they get their hands on two of them. The rest of you stay here and take care of them. Lou thought for a moment before they left and then said, "Wait. Lets all take care of them first. Then we can go get another one." He unsheathed his sword and powered it with flame. He hle his sword in one hand and sent a mighty blast of fire toward his enemies. [/color][/size][/b] [b][size=1] OCC: Sorr it took me forever to respond. i had to go to some church dealy.[/b][/size]
[b][size=1] OCC: Thanks for the gesture of good faith.[/b][/size] [color=red][b][size=2] IC: "Well what I think we should do is..." Lou saw the bright light coming from somewhere over the treetops. "Go and find out what the hell that is?" "I agree." said Athen. They all got up at the same time to try and find the source of that strange glow. Everyone's eyes looked to the ground at the point where the light was emitted. But, Lou felt a large force of fire and evil. He looked toward the ky and shouted "Up there!" they all looked up. "It's a... dragon." "Zealot the Red Dragon, to be exact." revealed Shiro... [/color][/b][/size] [size=1][b] OCC: sorry for the shrotness and all. but, my time to type was cut short. check ya later.[/b][/size]
[b][size=1]OCC: Sorry it took so long for me to reply. It's cool with me if i'm not the leader. Just takin' some initiative. [/b][/size] [color=red][b][size=2] As they all sat around the campfire, the Corrupteds tried to figure out what the hell just happened. "What the hell just happened?" Lou asked the group. "I dunno." said Shankul, still skaing with excitement from the fight. "What was the deal with that girl?" "I haven't a clue." chimed in Talen. "I can only assume that that Angel girl has some sorta freaky-ass powers." he thought for a moment. "Do you think our powers will become like that over time?" "I don't think so." Lou interjected. "I think it's somethin' different." "Well, like what?" one of the others asked. "I'm not sure. It seemed almost...psychic." "I dunno." said Shanga. "Something tells me that we'll find out soon enough." "One thing bothers me." told Shankul. "That cat-bird thing, Shiga-momo..." "Shugotenshi." Shiro corrected. "Yeah." he continued. "He said he was a protector of all. Well, why are neither the bird nor cat here guarding us?" Lou explained, "Well, I guess Shugotenshi thinks that we are more likely to attack them than they are us." "Probably." [/color][/b][/size]
[color=red][b][size=2] "I'm afraid that won't be possible." Lou came forward as the self-appointed leader. "Because the only ones getting destroyed are you." "This sounds a little too 'stereotypical bad-guy' for me." toned in Austin. "But, whatever floats your boat." Athen threw his kama in mika's direction. They were both quickly deflected from their course by a large claw. "ENOUGH!!" boomed Shigotenshi Komainu. "There is an inevitable battle that will take place between both of your groups. Currently, your powers are too weak and undeveloped that this fight could last for many hours with no decisive winners." it continued, "You all must leave now and seek your destiny as the Masters of the Elemental Spheres." The Corrupteds and the Uncorrupteds each looked at each other and split into their separate clusters. "Leave now and you will be guided." He looked at both teams. "This is all I can tell you for now. Your hearts will lead you in the direction you must go." Lou looked back over to the 'good guys' and gave a small wink to Kai. She didn't look ammused...[/color][/b][/size] [b][size=1] OOC: If you guys have a problem with me being leader, just pm me and I'll step down.[/b][/size]
It's nice to hear the word doppleganger every once in a while. WW ^_^ V [color=red][b][size=2] The fight between Kai and Lou had resumed in a marvelous blaze. Their power levels dropped off to where they were before the attack of the firebeasts. "I gotta question for ya'." Kai said blocking a blast of fire with her broadsword, "Why are you so evil?" "Well," he replied, "Why are you so good?" "Because it's right." she lunged forward swinging her blade. "And evil is wrong?" he dodged. "Yes." they both paused. "Who's to say what's right and what's wrong?" "Me." She sent a barrage of fireballs toward him. Three out of the seven fired hit Lou in the chest. His element being fire himself, they did not burn him. They only knocked the wind out of him. While he was on the ground he noticed that Angel was still floating several feet off of the ground and waiting for Talen's answer. His attention was ripped back to his fight when he heard Kai with a loud "HEEEE-YAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" as she blasted off from the ground and came barreling down on him. He was quick to react by blasting off, himself. He performed a perfect back handspring when he landed and shot toward her with a discharge of fire, sword extened. This turned him into a human spear...[/color][/b][/size]
[color=red][b][size=2] "Oh crap." Lou said to himself, "This can't be good." He was almost overjoyed at the evil he sensed, but he did not rejoice. He knew something bad would happen. To either one or all of his teammates. To him as well. The fear, he could see, was in the eyes of all present. Their faces pointed at the same sight. "Consider wise and answer true, for there is no second clue. to your very soul's lament, soon revealed, this covenant." "Oh, Crap" he reitterated. "This really can't be good." There was a long pause. Then Angel began again. "The time to think has been lent. My query stands as it was sent." The mysterious and frightening power eminating off of her was still causing great distress. She dropped her tone of constant rhyme and began again with a single word. "Answer." [/color][/b][/size]
[color=red][b][size=2] OCC: Ayokano, before I wrote my last post, I read all of the previous ones. When I got finished I saw that you had written a new one. I saw that there was an incongruity in this but I had no time to fix it. I hope you will forgive my mistake. IC: Lou rushed forward and, his weapon blazing, he sliced through the cold air with lightning speed. Kai was faster on her feet and more skilled with her blade than Lou previously realized. A cut on his arm appeared after the first pass. "I guess I shouldn't have underestimated you." "Got that right." Kai rushed forward hoping to catch him off guard again. It did not work this time. Lou quickly rolled to the side and zipped his sword across her arm. "Payback." he smiled. "I'm Lou, by the by." "Nice to meet you, Lou" she grunted as she blocked a swing from him. "Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" He asked. "Nope." she replied, "I don't plan on knowing you for too much longer." "Ah, good point." The fire in both of their eyes only grew. Even when their bout was on a brief pause. Lou tried to gather as much power as he could into a singular attack. Kai realized what he was doing and did the same. Lou's hair became as fire and the thin scars on his arms did as well. (kinda like a zebra pattern. only cooler) Kai's hair flowed in waves of a beautiful glowing aura. Lou Held his hands out to his sides and pounded them together with a powerful boom. Kai, on the other hand, did an almost choreographed movement with her hands and thrust her palms forward. At this, two gigantic walls of flame arose. Out of these two walls appeared two distinct forms. Animals. Lou's wall shot forth into an enormous soaring bird. A phoenix. and out of Kai's wall appeared... OCC: I don't know what animal you like. Tell me in your next post and I will edit.[/color][/b][/size]
Marcus hear the commotion from his room and came downstairs. He saw a man pointing a gun at a crumpled red coat. He soon realized that there was a person inside it. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Marc interjected, "What's goin' on here?" "Just keep walking, buddy." said the man with the gun. "I have some business to discuss with this one." "Hey, just back away." Marc suggested. "Stay out of it!" the man with the gun shouted. "Yeah, stay out of it." the crumpled coat spoke. "I can take care of myself." "I bet you can." accused the armed man "Vash the Stampede." "Oh my God, you gotta be kidding me." yelled Nami. Marc and Gate laughed at this for several moments. "Since when did the infamous Vash the Stampede, The Humanoid Typhoon, become a little girl?" asked Gate as he gripped his sides in laughter. "Uhh-ummm." "Yeah, 'uhh-ummm', dumbass." called Nami. She walked over to the man and punched him in the stomach. "That's for pointin' a damn gun in my face." And she walked outside. "Wait!" he yelled after her, "I need to ask you something!" and he chased out after her. "That put a smile on my face." said Marc to Gate, forgetting about their earlier confrontation...
[color=red][b][size=2] The lightning bolt incapacitated Lou for several minutes. When he reagined consciousness, he was enfuriated by Ryo's attack. The battle hadmove about seventy-five yards away from where Lou lay. With a mighty blast of fire, Lou was thrust upward into the heavens and he glided toward the fight. He immediately identified the one known as Ryo. "You should watch your six." Lou called out when he was only feet away from him. A swift kick to the jaw knocked Ryo off balance and sent him tumbling. Lou then sent fireball after fireball in his direction. The anger was so great that he didn't even bother to aim. Almost all of his blasts were several yard off target. but a couple did graze him, making bright red burns on his arm. Before Lu could fire any more rounds, a shockwave of earth came rippling under his feet. When he fell, Lou saw Austin with his hammer to the ground at the point where the shockwave originated. Lou saw that he wasn't the only one on the ground. In fact, everybody was knocked over. "Oops." Austin spoke when he saw his allies on the ground. "Only tryin' to help." "Not now!" Mika and Kai yelled in unison as they all got to their feet. Lou considered the powers of each of his adversaries. He determined that if he really wanted to slow them down, he would need to take away their ability to heal. He sent a gigantic fireball toward Asa. This did not kill her, but it took her out of the fight for a moment...[/color][/b][/size]
[color=red][size=2][b] After Lou called to them, he saw the girl holding up the sword. He felt a power from her. It was the same power as his, but different. "What do you want?" Asked the girl. "Isn't that obvious by now?" sneered Shankul. "We assume that since we could sense you, that you could sense us." continued Athen. "Yes." replied Mika, "I've been sensing something since we got here." "Anyway, we hate you." went Lou. "It's nothin' personal, but we do have to kill you." "Anytime you think you're ready." retorted Kai raising her sword into a fighting stance. The team of Corrupted Spheremasters replied by pulling out each of their own weapons. The others did the same. Lou lit his sword with flame and rushed forward to attack...[/color][/b][/size]
The sound of gunshots made Marc wake with a start. He got off the bed and went into the bathroom. He did his usual morning routine and went downstairs. He decided that a quarrel in the bar was none of his business and walked towards the restaurant. He grabed a seat at the window and looked out on the street. Nothign much was happening. He began to think of all the clues to the identity of his parent's killers and came up with nothing. He began talking to himself again until he saw a man come flying out of the bar. A man with a guitar soon walked out. The man on the ground was obviously inebriated and this didn't strike Marc as a fair fight. He quickly walked out of the restaurant over to the fighting men. "Hey!" he shouted."Leave him alone!" "This isn't any of your businees, pal." Said the man with the guitar. "It is when I see that he isn't even able to stand." "Shuddup, dummbash." blubbered the drun one. "I ken faight iffen I wanna." He raised his shotgun to marc's face. Marc quickly reacted by firing a spike from his sleeve into the barrel of the shotgun. "I wouldn't recommend you fire that any time soon." he suggested to the drunk man. then he turned to the other one. "Hey, give him a break. He's drunk as hell and probably doesn't even remember what he did to offend you." he looked back over at the drunk guy. "Look at that. He's already passed out." The one with the guitar looked at him and said, "Yeah, I'll get him later." The drunk man's eyes opened and he sat up quickly and pulled another shotgun. Marc pulled his rod out of his jacket, pressed a button near the center and extented it to an impressive seven feet long. He swung it at the mans head, knocking him out for sure this time. "Nice work, uhhh." "Marcus Devlin." he interjected. "But you might know me as the Devil." "Yeah, I think I heard of you. Bodyguard, right? "Yeah." "See ya later, Devil." Marc pulled the spike out of the barrel of the mans gun and replaced it on the gauntlet strapped to his arm and proceded back to the restaurant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (you can put what happened between the first gushots and them going outside now, if you want to.) WW ^^ V
[color=red] While the others scattered to their own little corner of the rocky base of the mountain, Lou went over behind a large boulder. He placed one hand on his sphere and the other on a small rock. It soon glowed a shade of red and liquified before his eyes. "Whoa." he whispere to himself. He came to a larger rock and placed his hand once again on it. It did not glow this time, but he could feel that there was something useful inside the rock. (*side note- you can always tell density by how much heat is absorbed.) He gripped the forge hammer hanging from his belt and charged it with heat energy then struck it. The rock shattered and sent fragments flying. But, there was a lump of a black substance. Lou instantly recognized it as iron ore. Lou struck the iron with his hammer and broke it into several smaller pieces. He picked up one piece and then heated it. He heated and struck, heated and struck until it was a fine ribbon of steel. He wrapped the ribbon around his sphere and linked it around his neck. He picked up a few more pieces of the iron. "Just in case." he said. Now having a fair grasp on his power, Lou walked over into the opening and spoke. "I am Alouiscious Drummer." he announced. "He was right, you know. We all know there is something on the other side of the mountain. We know we hate it. And we can't very well destroy it sitting on our asses waiting here." "Oh, so NOW you ge it." Shankul said snidely. "Quiet. Now we need to get moving." he continued. "Because, judging by the looks on your faces, you wouldn't want to miss out on killing something." he looked around. "I know I wouldn't." A large black bird landed on a rock over to the right of Lou and suddenly a man appeared next to it. The bird dropped with a dull thud. This did not surprise Lou for some reason. They all looked at each other and began to introduce themselves...[/color]
The pounding of feet was echoing through the darkness. Marcus, still being unconscious, yelled aloud "Shut up! I'm tryin to sleep here." At this, the bar's patrons looked at him in disgust. "I think they should throw him in the clink, if you ask me. Public drunkeness." one of the customers said shaking his head. At this, Marcus Devlin opened his eyes. "Damn it, Felix!" he shouted, "How long have I been laying here?" "Quite a while, Marky." "I told you not to call me that. Why didn't you wake me up or somethin'?" "Hey, I'm not in the best shape and you you know how you are when you have a hangover. I didn't wanna get hurt." "Whatever." Marc said rubbing the back of his head and putting on his red sunglasses. "Just give me a coffee." A man and a woman came into the bar and the lady yelled across the room. "Alright, I got you a drink. I got you a room. You better have some DAMN good information on the whereabouts of Vash the Stampede or so help me, I'll kill you dead." "Calm down lady." a man in blue grumbled, "I got your info, just wait a minute." "Wait a minute? WAIT A MINUTE?!!" her face turned red, "I waited all last night for you to give it to me and I'm getting impatient. If the Humanoid Typhoon gets away again because you told me to wait a minute, you're gonna pay." "Shut up!" Marc attempted a shout. "Vash isn't gettin' away cuz he's dead! D-E-D dead. So shut up about it! All of you!" He gulped down the rest of his coffee and stormed out. He headed toward his room and laid down. "Stupid Vash the Stampede. People never shut up about him." Marcus thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.
[color=red] As Lou examined his belongings more closely, he saw that it wasn't a watch at all. There was a red jewel on the brass faceplate that when he touched it, the device would open. On the left side of the open device, he saw different colored circles. And on the right side he saw a screen. This screen showed a compass for a moment, then shone scarlet. Lou thumbed through his book for a moment to try and figure out what it was. After a while he reached a page that had a drawing of the device and many paragraphs explaining its purpose. It said that this was a communication and navigation 'OmniLink'. It explained that by touching the different colored dots, that you would link to the corresponding sphere. Lou tested this by touching the black dot. He continued to say, "Hello? Hello?" he could hear his voice coming from somewhere beside him. He saw from where when he viewed a ponytailed teenage boy grabbing at his OmniLink. "What? Hello?" the boy said. "I'm right here, stupid." Lou called. "Shut up!" he retorted and drew two black daggers. "Make me!" Lou proceded to unsheath his sword as flame rose around the blade. "ENOUGH!" boomed another boy as a bolt of lightning streaked down. Both Lou and the other kid looked at this and walked away. He had never had mastery over his power like he just had and saw the true potential of his sphere. [/color]
[color=red]On the opposite side of the mountain, several teen-aged people stood on the cold rocky ground. Alouiscious Drummer (herein known as Lou) looked at the faces of each person. He had never seen such malevolent looks. "Who are you People?" he said calmly. "What are we doing here?" They either did not hear him or ignored him completely. His left hand, still gripping the strange red ball he had found, was getting warm. The anger he felt when the others ignored him exploded. Literally. He examined that the sphere he was holding was aflame. Lou was startled at first. but, soon realized that it wasn't burning him. He looked at it closely and wondered what it was. He tossed the ball back and forth between each hand. Both hands were lit up with the cool fire. And as suddenly as it had come, the fire vanished. The scars on his arm began to tingle. This had never happened before. The tingling somehow told him that he needed to move foreward. He did so and he saw a small book an the ground. He opened it to find a worn looking map and a set of numbers. This was strange to him, but he took the map out and called the others to him. "I think we gotta follow this." he said as he examined that they too had spheres as he did. But they were differently colored. They also had the same books. He flipped through the pages until he got to the end. And in the back of the book there was an area carved out of the binding. Inside this area was a pocket watch. He looked at it and put it in his pocket.[/color]
A man sitting at the bar was talking quietly to himself. "The bad lads? no." he rambled "they weren't even in the area." the bartender eyed him suspiciously and asked, "Need a refill, marc?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. sure." "Here ya go." he said handing him another beer. The man in the black coat continued to talk to himself and drink his beer. He heard someone say the word 'parents'. "You did it, didn't you?!" he yelled holding a pole, ready to strike. "Speak up!" "What the hell are you talkin about, man?" the man jumped being surprised by the attack. "Whoa, Marc. calm down." said the barkeep. "Think for a second. He isn't the one that killed them." After mulling it over in his mind, he realized that he hadn't even heard him say the word parents. He wasn't even sure if the man was even talking. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Marc put his staff back into his jacket and said, "Another beer, friend." he waited for a moment and said, "Scratch that. Make it a whiskey. Double." As he slipped further into his drunken stupor, he eavesdropped on a few inconsequential conversations. There was a subject that kept popping up. 'Vash the Stampede-this', 'Vash the stampede -that'. He thought to himself, "Why do these stupid people still talk about him as if he's still around. He has to be long-dead by now." he laughed to himself in a superior manner, "I guess i'm the only one that's not afraid of the legend." There were several people in the bar. 'too many' marc thought. he ordered several more rounds for himself and drank. when he was on his last one, he attempted to start a dialogue with the man sitting next to him. all that came out was an incoherent sound. he gave up and went back to his glass. He shot back the rest of the drink to the back of his throat and lost his balance. He toppled off the barstool he was on and slammed his head onto the wooden floorboards. Before he passed out, a single thought went across his mind. "Why is drinking so enjoyable, again?"