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About Pinball_Wizard
- Birthday 12/22/1987
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I'm weird, slightly crazy and have colorfull dreds
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Name: Lilly Age: 8 Gender: female Race: Human Class: Townsperson Weapon: An all-perpose knife that she stole last year. This is more a tool than a weapon. Partner: Tommy, her pet rat Personality: Bold and stubborn, sometimes to the piont of stupidity, Lilly portrays all the guile and cunning of a theif several years her elder. Appearance: Normaly unkept and dirty, she now sports a dress in the latest style. Her newly groomed black hair comes down to her shoulders and her tanned, calosed skin provides a stark contrast to her new sink dresses. History: Born into the slums, she was raised by her brother untill she was five. She can't remember what happened to him, but she was looked after by 'Old Gummy' a semi-retired con. Gummy taught her how to con people out of their money, mainly through scams involving Lilly's youth and innocence. Gummy passed away a year ago. She has recently scamed her way into the life of Lady Byron, a rich eccentric noblewooman who is more than happy tosplurge monney on Lilly. The other nobles to refer to Lilly as 'Byron's girl'.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to post,I'v been camping and computers wont plug into trees.:( . But now I'm back and ready to otaku! Ereshkigal, you'll have to improove your spelling and post quality a but but I'll let you in on a trial run. (And yes, I do know that I'm being a bit hypocritical, but I'm working on it.) Arika, the last spot is saved for you. I'll post in the adventure later on tonight.
1.'OOC:' stands for 'Out Of Character'; 'IC' stands for 'In Character'. 2.The 'pool' is a creature. 3.Could I please have the characters making their way to the 'Crater' (partialy described in the dream seaquence that Daro had) 4. I'm so sorry about not posting, I'm camping at the moment
OOC:thank you for posting Doukeshi. Thank you very much. IC:Dawn broke; not the sweet sunrise of our world but a reddening of the clouds that seemed to cast poolds of fresh blood accross the landscape. Daro slowly pulled himself to his feet, looking arround him. The elf was sleeping lightly and the man from last night was gone. Daro stood up and stepped outside the shalow cave. The man emerged from around a bend in the clif face. What was his name...Callum.They made breif eye contact and each went on their own way. Daro clambered on top of a rock to get a better view of his surroundings. Where there had been flat ground yesterday there was now a large dank pool, the neadle-like spines poking through it looked like patches of swamp grass. A fen beast. They mooved along lika a giant ooze, entraping it's prey and coroding through it's skin and bones. In efect it was a giant stomach. And it was slowly coming this way. Daro hopped off his rock, cursing. It was a big one, it encompased most of the plain that their small cave faced. They would have to scale the Clif to escape it. Daro ran inside to warn the others... OOC:sorry about the length and the quality. I'll check it later, I'm reely straped for time at the moment.
1.Nah, I've got the gist of your powers. 2.I'll try to improve the quality of my writing in the RP 3.Keaping the '8 person' rule. 4.Daro's just tired and grumpy. 5.Could we please have some more people else posting in the RP? ( it did say in the breifing that you had to be dedicated to the RP) 6. I's hard for me to get on the site at the moment as I'm on holidays camping. (I'll do it whenever I can)
Daro pulled his cloak around him, his thoughts slowly slipping away into darkness.His mind lingered on the strange Elf that he had just met.She was overconfident, foolish. The blackness enclosed him? ?Daro was standing in the torture chamber again, battering the Goblins with his malformed fists. pain and rage coursed through his bulging flesh; he felt the bony protrusions erupting from his back? ?He stood upright. He was somewhere else. The sky glowed a faint red through the ever present the grey-black clouds reached further than the eye could see. He looked around. He was standing on an unbelievably wide, flat plain. The ground was smooth and black like obsidian. In the distance stood jagged mountains. He turned around. The mountains forming a ring around the flat plain. No, the plain wasn't quite flat; it sloped slightly. It was lower in the middle? For the first time, he noticed others on the plain. Most of them where just silhouettes. One of them was filled in. Noier. That blasted Shadow elf was here. Daro bolted awake. Something had happened. A noise. inside the cave? OOC:someone else can enter now?
I was rather tired of the traditional 'Good vs Evil' thing, so I made this world with a different set of morals and philosophies (and what better way to do that than change what is concidered 'normal'). I've been meaning to do it for quite a while. Your powers are fine, your in. I just needed some more expliation for them. Remember that they're going to change and get more powerful in the future. [QUOTE]Your character must change/adapt/'evolve' like a real life person would[/QUOTE] This is so that your character dosen't exist as a static, two dimensional entity. Your character must react to situations appropriately and his/her personality is no set in stone. Yes, it is also refering to the 'hereoes journey'. If many more people realy want to join, I might waver the 'eight people' rule. Electic, could you please finish your character soon. P.S. The spelling/grammar/punctuation rule applies more to RPs than to recruitment. It's so that people don't use internet shorthand in RPs and so they don't write a scrappy post. Thanx for your concern though.
Electic: your character is looking fine so far, just finish her bio, ethics an stuff. Motafi: Could you phease be more specific about niore's powers, ant try to give them a bit of a twist so there not normal. other than that, you should be fine. \I have started the adventure thread so can start posting :) (yay!)
I haven't done anything on Greak Tregety yet :(, but I have done some more modern plawrights like Artoud, Brect and Stanislavski (there was another one who created 'theatre of the oppresed', but I can't remember his name. I think it began with a 'B'?). Does anyonehave an opinion on these guys?
[B] Something stirred in the void? a blackness awoke. A scream ripped through reality, tearing at the hearts and minds of all. The gods died. There was a world before the cataclysm. Nobody remembers it. Before the cataclysm there ruled many a mighty, golden empire. People conquered and built in the name of the gods. The world prospered; the good slew the evil; the definitions of right and wrong where clear, defined. The cataclysm destroyed the world, killing all but the most protected creatures. The sky was tarnished with an eternal fog, casting the world in an unending half-light. Rains of acid and blood fall from the infinite dark clouds. Where there were once great forests, only foetid swamps lie, alive with the dead. Fields became living pits of insects. All but the mightiest mountain ranges toppled, spreading rubble over vast areas of land. Great rifts appeared in the landscape, swallowing towns and villages. The seas turned black and became inhabited by great monsters, alive and dead. The energies that remain in this world from the dead gods halve started to seek new vessels. Eight creatures have gained the potential to become gods. They fell a pull towards 'The Crater'', rumoured to be the sight of the cataclysm few have seen the place and lived, even fewer have maintained their sanity. They now feel the call of adventure apon them, none know why. Their powers are undeveloped; their minds may not be ready. They may become allies or bitter enemies. The future of this world belongs to them?[/B] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Daro pulled his cloak around him to protect himself from the encroaching cold. He inched himself closer to the small fire that he had constructed with the bones of the Karatch that he had killed earlier for meat. Wood was valuable and hard to find. Its bones smouldered and gave off very little warmth. But it would have to do. Daro scanned the barren vista around him, surveying the jagged field of rocks outside his cave, hoping that nothing out there was hungry. He'd been travellingfor weeks since he had escaped the torture chambers of those wretched goblins. He had felt an unknown force slowly pulling him in a direction that held no significance to him. He reached out to poke the fire with a bone and caught sight of his deformed hand. He scowled, self-loathing rushing through him. [I]I used to be perfect. What's wrong with me? What's happening to me?!?[/I]. He clenched his teeth and pulled his malformed hand inside his cloak. [I]Every time it happens I loose more of me. How can I stop it from happening.[/I] He heard a noise at the mouth of the shallow cave. He span around suddenly and saw a figure shilueted in the entrance?
yeah, that sounds good. If anyone wants to sign up after this has started, they should. I'll probably start the RP in 15 minuets or so? P.S. all of your characters are fine.
Christmas: Te bigest single example of capotalism that this world has. Parent lie to their children because they beleive that the kiddies need Santa. They don't; It's the adults who need Santa. They need to believe that children are simple enough to require the existance of a fat man in red to be happy. This is hammered in by buisneses and the media. But hey, It 'aint all bad? you get presents. (I'm currently waiting for my new stilts to arrive in Australia, they won't get here untill early january) As for the jesues birthday thing? well, as cloricus said, Jesus wasen't born on the 25th of December. (yes, this statement does meen that I beleive Jesus existed. He was not the sun of god, he was simply a revolutionarey who helped to overthrow an oppresive regime.) Not only did the stelar event which 'fortold' his birth occur on a day that was not the 25th of December, it occured in a year that was not 1AD, jesus was born on 8BC. The people who wrote the bible 50 YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF CHRIST got it wrong (in those days, 50 years whas one-and-a-half lifetimes). Anyway, I got a bit off topic there. I beleive that christmas is a sham, but it is also a bloody good excuse for presents.
I was planing to wait for a few more people to sign up, but we could start soon if you want. What does everyone else think? P.S. I'll probably start with each person being drawn towards the site of the cataclysm and they can meet up along the way. Does that sound good, or would you prefer another approach. (I'm open to any ideas)
very good sofar Ohkami. Just finish up. One thing though, this is a setting with medievil technology, so could you modify your garb a bit? just change zippers to buttons and tshirt to blouse or something. Thanx. Yeah, thats good, just tone down the starting power a bit. limit yourself to animals of a particular size and have unstabe mutaions or something. For now, anyway. P.S. could we plese get some more twisted characters? (remember that this is a harsh, distorted world with a different set of morals)
The powers that the characters receive are not from any particular gods, these are simply ambient energies left over from the dead gods. You are free to develop your powers along with your personality. Eventually, your character will fit into category of "the god of 'suchandsuch'" (you could end up being the god of more than one thing) . Very nice doukeshi. You?re in.