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Everything posted by Pinball_Wizard
[B]Shankul collapsed in ecstatic laughter. The pleasure shot up his spine and he cackeld out loud. He could [I]feel[/I] the pain of his enemy and took a preverse pleasure in it. He could feel their minds being drawn closer together, the connection between them growing stronger. The others in the group looked at him strangely as he stoped in the shadows to recover from his outburst of laughter. They where on their way to the Hot top volcano. Shanga bent down and hoisted him aloft.[/B] [COLOR=chocolate]"You'r slowing us down" growled Shanga as she hoisted the sniveling rodent over her shoulder. They took off again. "Don't you want to know what happened?" enquired Shankul. "No" Shanul ignored her and went on talking. "My counterpart was in great pain. He has started to snap. Mentaly. I can feel it, something has assulted his soul. He's going mad?" Shankul wnt on, gleefull at the pain that Karanlik had experienced. "Shut UP!" roared Shanga, "You talk to much!" she said as she threw him further along the path that they where walking.[/COLOR] [B]"I think we've arrived." stated Shankul indignently.[/B]
Pinball's crazy demon friend: "love is love pinball dosent know what he said he was bored when he wrote it for luds sake love comes in many forms many ways somtimes itmeans somthing somtimesit means nothing but as long as you dont get hurt or hurt someonelse then your doing better than most humans of this earth." Pinball: "Great punctuation flic. I still maintain that love in the name that we give to a chemical reaction in the brain. most people think that teans are incapable(sp?) of love. I beg to differ. Will write more on the subject l8tr."
OOC: Wha?? This is moving kinda fast. Oh well? IC: [COLOR=chocolate]Shanga looked arround the dark cave and cursed; she coulden't beleive that she had let the stone slip through her fingers like that. She bunched her rage up into a her and slamed it into the column that had previously held the earth crystal. It fell away to revei a shard of brown stone; continully radiating an aura of evil. She bent down and picked up the crystal. She smiled and inserted it into a hole in the back wall, moveing as if in a dream; a memory. She raised her fists and slamed them into the wall; the stone flowing arround her hands as she did so. Shanga removed her hands from the wall[/COLOR][B], they where covered in a layer of moltn metal. Shankul looked at them, transfixed. The metal shimered and flowed like murcuy, always adhearing perfectly Shanga's hands. Shankul turned away from the scene, they would have to act quickly if they where to get their weapons before their counterparts got theirs?[/B] OOC: Was that right; sorta right; or utterly off the plot?
[B]Something stired in the void? a blackness awoke. A scream rippened through reality, tearing at the hearts and minds of man. many began to snap[/B] OOC: HELLOOOOOOOO. Is anybody out there?
[COLOR=chocolate]The teens strode forward through the fading darkness; each one was anxious to get the crystals before their counterparts did. The dirt tunnel was close, she could feel the crystal calling to her. The others talked; she marched on in silence. Nothing needed to be said. For once, that sniveling creature Shankul had made himself usefull and had darted off ahead, using the remaining darkness[/COLOR][B] to his advantage. He raced through the pooled shadows, absorbing their strength into his own. He grinned; He wanted to seee the faces of the fools when they found out that they already had the crystal. Shankul saw the mouth of the tunnel up ahead, he entered it just before the sun had risen fully. He sped through the tunnel, searching for the crystal in the darkness. There it was, standing on a small earthen plynth. He reached out to grab it and was flung backwards; into the wall. He cursed. You must need to posess the apropriate sphere to gain acces to it's crysyal. He heard a sound from further along the tunnel; he turned just in time to see the uncorrupts stepping around the corner. He formed the shadowstuff into solid beasts and sent them forth to attack?[/B] OOC: the corrupts should be arriving verry soon.
Name: Kjé 'Shadowglove' Race: Goul Age: 17 Side: Bad Ability: Can shift into any humanoid form and can use his dark magic to cloak himself for protection and concealment. Minor mind reading. Description: Shadowglove's favorite form is that of a short, brown haired youth with long gangely limbs. Other description: any humanoid form that he wishes Brief Biography: He was born to a poor russian family. He was always shuned and teased by the other children; untill he found his powers and bagan to pick them off - one by one. He was driven from his town and roamed the land, killing and taking what he Wantted. he quickly became a ledgend; a new fokelore. Personality: Sadistic and malicious; He likes to see his victims suffer before they die. He beleives that he must get vengance on all of humanity because they fear and hate him. Weapons: many small daggers. Sorry It's so short, I'm just strapped for time at the moment
Here?s the sign up: Name: Meldon Malaka God of: speed Side: good Gender: Male Call sign: Lightfoot Nationality: African Personality: Jovial, humerous and smiling; Lightfoot is only serious when he needs to be. he belives that "In death, the boddy is heavy, weighted, motionless. For life, one must remain light and agile or risk slipping into death." Description: Meldon is short and black. He has a clean-shaven head and a broard grin that shows his imposibly white teath. He wears shorts and joggers. Brief Biography: Meldon comes from the last comunity in the world that hunts using a method of out enduring the prey. Persuing and tracking it relentlesly until it colapsed from exaustion. He grew up a hunter. An expert tracker and briliant runner from a young age; Meldon brought much credit and food to his family God Rank: Normal God Weapons: Tribal throwing spears blessed with the powers to peirce any object and to actively seek it's target. Abilities: Supernaturaly fast and agile, he could outrun a car if he had ever raced one. He has amazing endurance and can hold his breath for a fiew minuets. He can jump quite some distance and throw things with unbelivable speed and accuracy. He is also an expert tracker but that is more of a skill than a power. Let me know if his powers are to weak.
[COLOR=chocolate]Shanga frowned. Why would a dragon be here? She strode towards the source of the light, the others close behind her. A low rumble permiatd the surrounding area, causing the ground to shake.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------- [B]Shakul submerged himself into the shadows and raced forward, in front of the rest of the group. He drew the powers of the thickening shadows into his body and began to twist them into the shape of a large black creature.[B] -------------------------------------- The group quickened their pace. Night was falling fast. The sound of steel on scale reverberatd through the mountains. Shinro was missing. The group dew their weapons and powered op the mountainside to the scene of a raging battle. -------------------------------------- [COLOR=chocolate]There was Shinro, locked in a duel with a red dragon. He held aloft a glowing sword, striking at it's sclaes. Blocking it's claws and teath. Shanga watched as the dragon breated forth a spout of fire and Shinro summoned a shield of water to protect himself. She felt helpless. She could not match the power of either the dragon or Shinro. Shanga ground her teath at her own weakness.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------- [B]Shankul sent forth his creation, and watcked with dispare as it was torn asunder by the briliant radiance eminatng from the sword. The shadowstuff that formed it'd boddy floued auay like mist. Shankul cursed. He could do nothing with that blazing light arround.[/B]
OOC: sorry that it took me so long to post, I've been reely buisy with a drama production. IC: Khandol loped through the snow, humming quietly to himself. He moved quickly to keep himself warm, bounding erraticly as he moved along. He was enjoying himself, he had just left his old life and was ready to start a new one, full of adventure and mystery. He spoted a small fire up ahead and quickened his pace, jumping over the snow covered ground. He tucked his legs up and landed neatly on the ground by the fire. Khandol looked at the suprised faces of the creatures arround him, It looked like there was already quite some comotion before he arrived. His jointed tentacles waved - he was smiling at their confusion. "Hi, I'm Khandol, he chirped "why are you here?" OOC:sorry bout the length, not much time.
OOC:sorry bout the length? IC: [COLOR=chocolate]Shanga looked at the rest of the group, smiling faintly. She had found her ultimate chalange. Those other teens would be the ultimate test of their skils.She laughed at the thaught of killing Austin. She heard Shankul snickering next to her. He talked to much. Nothing needed to be said; yet he went on talking?[/COLOR] ---------------------- [B]Shankul had a broard grin on his face, the battle had left him extatic. He respectd the abilities of these people. They where, in a strange way, his equals. "So. What happens now? How can we defeat them? Do we need to find that sphere of light thingy?" Shankul let forth a stream of questions, the adrenalin from the battle still running rampant through his boddy. All of these questions where important, and they would all be answered soon?[/B]
[B]Shankul rolled backwards, cursing at his assailant for making him loose his concentration. He was weakenig and needed to fond a place to rest and regain his powers. "For that is our purpose" Shankul said while slowly backing away. "Why follow your purpose if it means that you must kill?" "For the same reason that you follow yours" Shankul was neering the rocks from which the corrupts had first emerged. Karanlik realised this a moment to late, as Shankul sprang behind the rocks and into the shadows. Karanlik volted after him, furious at himsef for being distracted by their breif conversation. Shankul raced through the shadows, half submerged, trying desperatly to shake the tail of his persuer?[B]
[COLOR=chocolate]Shanga glowered at the man standing in front of her, she hated him with all her will. He had struck her; hard. She had never felt strength like that, strength to counter her own. She charged at him, with one thought in her mind; [I]kill[/I].She swung at him with her fists, only just missing his face. He came arround with his hammer and hit the ground again, snow flying in all directions. In this moment of vunerability she hammered him with her fists in the back of the head, sending him sprawling on the ground. She got into a grapple with him as he swiftly recovered, the two of them locked in a deadly wretsle. OOC: sorry about posting without you approveing the character, Ohkami. But it was just a reely cool time for this character to come in. [/COLOR] -------------------------------------------- [B]Shankul continued his fight with his counterpart, matching each other in skill and power. Neither was landing a blow. He quickly broke away from the mele and looked around If they wanted to win, they would have to gain the upper hand. Shankul worked quickly. He began to thicken and controll the shadows of the hated, causing them to hinder their owners. He darted arround, dodging the black projectiles that Karanlik was sending at him. He wouldn't be able to keep this up for long?[/B]
I'm thik skeddy should do it, just coz he's already established his character; but I'm not that fussed. I can play corrupted gia, seeing as that person has now entered the action. [COLOR=chocolate] Name: Shanga Age:17 Sphere: Corrupted Gia Powers: She can shift small plates to create earthquakes and small formations of juttingg rock, just like her uncorrupted counterpart. She is also extreemly strong and can jam her hands into solid rock. Weapon: Her hands Description: Tall, simpy spoken and rather plain to look at, Shanga has brown eyes and brown hair worn in a short ponytale. She built up her sinewy mucsles doing free climbing (rock climbing without a rope) and in brawls. She could best be described as borderline 'butch'. She wears drab, tattered clothes and carries no weapons. Bio:Shanga was always compeditive; she did would do everything she could to win. When the boys faught dirty, she faught dirtyer. While the other girls where playing with dolls, she was breaking them. She has never cried and has only ever laughed at the pain of someone else. She was kicked out of all the schools in the district and was sent further and further abroard for her education(not that she was verry bright). This meant that she saw less of her family and became progressively more distant and reclusive. She skiped the majoity of her schooling, spenting most of her time alone in the citie's gyms. She got a job as an aprentice builder and save up enough money to take trips out of the citty and test herself on natural rock. She entered competitions, compeating feircly; never hapy with herself untill she had beaten all of the competion by a mile. It was during one of these contests that she found her sphere. She was neering the top of the cliff when her hand gripped something perfectly smooth; and loose. The sphere came out of the rock and she fell, plumeting to the ground, sphere in hand. She colided with the earth; a fall that should have normally killed someone outright. A croud had formed around the grater that she sad formed with her landing and she climbed out, unharmed, and bolted up the cliff with the sphere still gripped in her hand. ploughing her fingers into the rock. She reached the top in record time and stood up the top, survaying the weaklins bellow her. Everything went white? [/COLOR]
Hope that this is different enough for you. Name: Khandol (can~dol) Age: 13 Gender: Male Race: Maradir (ma~ra~dear)[short 'a',e.g. 'cat' sound, not a llong 'ar' sourn) The Maradir are a race of small, resonably humanoid creatures with greyish skin, long, wiery, four jointed arms, three jointed legs and long six-jointed fingers and toes. Their legs are folded up underneath them, alowing them to jump great distances. They have a ball-and-socket joint in their wrists. Posibly their most notible feature is their mouths, whick are surrounded by a group of 'tenticles' with bones, that point forwards like a beak and where traditionaly useed as primative tools and to catch perey while they leaped through the trees that their ancectors called home. The Maradire now live on the ground both their own vilages and the citties of oter races, serving from shopkeapers and translators to message runners and pickpockets. Maradir personalities are as varied as that of people's. Although thet do have a tendancy to be 'pranksters', not to make jests, but to test others reactions. Appearance: most people think that one Maradir loks just like the next. The're right. Maradir disinguish between each other using scents to subtle for most races to pick up. Khandol himself wears his grey hair in a top knot as an inverse to his 'beak'. He wears clothing of a dull green and brown and has amber eyes. Weapons: A long dull dagger Magic: ilusion and mind tricks. BIO:Kandol grew up in the slums of a large citty with his clan. He has sreved most of his life as a pick pocket and errand runner for the local nobles. Whenever he comes close to being caught, he spins his ilusions and mind tricks to escape unharmed and unknown. He is growing tired of this simple life and now seaks adventure. Personality: carefree, randomn, and with a love of money, Khandol is your stariotypical Maradir.
[B]OOC: Thost of you who wern't at the scene of the killing have a vivid dream about this. Just so you don't get left out;) . sry about the shortness of these posts, but I don't have much to write about till you get to the next bit. if you want any clues, just ask.(your character will have to do some research or something though) sorry bout the shortness of the posts, Pinball[/B]
OOC:Are we going to pretend that the other corrupts are here? IC: [B]Shankul gathered his strength from the small pools of shadow around him and leapt at a thin, well muscled boy with short borwn hair holding a staff that matched the blackness of his daggers. The boy sent three bolts of black energy at Shankul, throwing him into the shadow of Lou, who was buisy fighting a girl with a trident. Shankul leapt back at his equal, this time anticipateing the attack and twisted [I]through[/I] the black missiles. Shankul landed in combat and the two began a fast and furious duet, prefectly on par with each other; hatred for virtue; honor for lies.[/B]
[B]Shankul looked around for the boy with the scythe so he could glower at him, found that he'd vanished and glowered at the surrounding terain insted. He diden't like it, the snow was to bright. He retreated back into the shadows closer to the mountain's face and submerged himself into the darkness where he was comfortable,where he was stronger.He found the darkest point and began to thicken it, to make it darker and bigger. He basked in this blackness, absorbing it's strength, adding it's power to his own; for now at least[/B]
OOC: That was a plot hook, see if you can figure uot where it leads, I'll give you the next part when you get there
[B]Shankúl began to chuckle, the situation so painfully clear to him. "Look," He said "whe're all here together for a reason, right? We all have the books, the watces." "OmniLinks" interjected a tall boy with blond hair. "Anyway," continued Shankúl, "the most important thing is that we all have these spheres. I can see that you can all feel something on the other side of the mountain. I can feel it to." Shankúl looked around at the faces of those asembled arround where they had appeared. "I know that there is something on the other side of this mountain that we hate more than anything else, something that we want to destroy.And if we are to destroy it, we must destroy it together."[/B]
[B]Shankul awoke and imediateley rolled into a predatory crouch, scanning the lightly shadowed area around him. There where others here, he almost recognised them, like some half forgttern childhood memory. Each one was like him somehow, there was something conecting them, almost a like a comon purpose. Then he saw what connected them; each one of them had in their possesion a sphere of a different color. Remembering his own sphere, he rubbed his wrist and realised with a shock that it was gone. He span arround in desperation and saw it lying there, in the snow. Next to it was his daggers, and a book that he had never sen before. He pocketed his daggers and scooped the book out of the snow. He opened it and what looked like a pocket watch fell out. He picked it up and examined it. It contained a communication device and some sort of compas with a black needle pointing directly through the mountain that they where standing on. He knew that there he would find everything that he hated, everything he loathed and that he could destroy it. But first he must wait, he must prepare himself, they all must?[/B]
[B]The shadow words vanish and the blood begins to swirl and part, forming a phrase;"The pretenders will die; The true rulers shall come again; We are the outcasts; The true mages; the holders of the cages" The words change again, the blood flowing: "The boy child is locked in the fishermans yard There's a blooless moon where the oceans die A shoal of nightstars hang fire in the nets And the chaos of cages where the crayfish lie?" The blood pools back together and drips to the floor. cast stares blankly at the wall while her eyes glaze over.[/B]
OOC:let's make this interesting? IC: A peircing scream ripped through the minds of everyone in the mall, people began to run and add their own screams to it. The 'normals' where in histerics, all running away from the food court. Dai and Simone looked at eachother and began to fight their way up the stream of fleeing normals, their hearts in their mouths. By the time they reached the food court the crouds had vanished and they could hear sirens in the distance. The strange kid was sprawled accros her table in a pool of her own blood, the shene made the more eary by the flickering shadows that where where they shouldn't have been. Breifly, the shadows formed a single word "OUTCAST". The blood began to drip from the table?
[B]Name: Shankul Age:15 Sphere:Corrupted Darkness Powers:Shankul's powers are orientated more towards shadows and stealth than his uncorrupted cousin. In bright lights he is limited to blending in with the shadows of others and extinguishing weak sources of light (camp fires, light bulbs, etc) he could not extinguish, say? a bright bonfire or floodlight (not yet, anyway). In areas of shadow (not quite darkness) he can 'glide' through shadows (half submerged, traversing any shadowed surface[think 'The Sims' when you make them swim in concrete with the 'move_objects' cheat but cooler]), thicken the shadows and animate/control them. In pools of deeper darkness his speed/strength/stamina increases greatly, his solidified shadows become more powerful, he can heal himself slowly using the surrounding 'shadowstuff' and he can extinguish most light sources. Weapon:Two pitch black daggers formed from pure darkness Description:Shankul has pasty white skin and long, pitch black hair tied back in a ponytail. His body is thin and gaunt He would stand at 5' 9'' if he weren't posed in a permanent squat. When he moves, he crawls in a fluid, predatory motion. he wears an all-encompasing cloak of deepest midnight. Bio:Shankul never knew his parents. He grew up on the streets, a pick-pocket and a petty thief.He spent his childhood with a street gang, the Black Shadows. Shakul was always considered weak by them, despite his skills at thievery. He was tolerated, bossed and bullied. All that changed when, a weak after his twelfth birthday, he fled into the drains while trying to escape from the police. He bolted down a crowded street and into an open manhole. He had done such a thing countless times before, into the darkness. Soon the cops would come down with their flashlights and try to find him, it usually didn't matter. Sometimes they found him, sometimes not. It normally didn't matter, he was only twelve? all they could do was stick him in juvie for a while? but this time was different. He'd killed a man. With a gun. The police had tried to shoot Shankul already. Shankul delved deeper into the system of drains, the police always just behind him. He led them around so many bends that he was hopelessly lost. He hit a dead end. He span around, seeing the flashlights of the cops rounding the final corner. Then he saw it. A small black orb, slightly larger than a marble; darker than dark; blacker than black; imbeded in a obsidian bracelet. he stooped and picked it up, entranced, while the police where yelling at him to freeze. The bodies of the police where never found, and the Black Shadows where mysteriously murdered, one?by?one. Thus, a monster was born P.S. Some things that I forgot to mention: Shankul lives in the drain tunnels under the citty Shankul has a sadistic streak a mile long he can see perfectly in the dark, but not to well in the light. There has been a sharp increse in grusome murders over the lst fiew months (geuss why!) (sry bout that, I'll rmember it for the future)[B] P.P.S I changed my avitar to one that looks like Shankul[/B]
Cast looked up at Talia as if realising for the first time that she's there, grining, starts to wisper in the real world. "You enjoy this don't, you? This power. The respect and fear that it encites in the 'normals'. It's all a game to you. It's all about winning. You don't see or realize that none of it matters. You, me, this world. Why should you be greater than others? Why must you prove yourself. You are no more sigificant than this table, this storm, these people. You challange, you confront, you compete, all to hide yourself from reality. Not 'truth' but reality. Why this facade?" At the same time, Cast sent the memories screaming around Talia's mind. Talia's old playmates, taunting and teasing, yelling and laughing. Cast looked up at Talia and the memories stopped. She let out a low chuckle and, grinning, said in real world and Talia's thaughts "Now, will you prove me right and confront me, or will you break the cycle and leave?"
Do these weapons have to exist/must you enter tne macine with them (don't worry, I'm not going to have a superweapon of any sort, just somethimg that looks cool).