Name: 'that strange kid' or 'weirdo' the teachers call her 'cast'
Age: looks quite young, but is actualy 14
Weight:45kg(I'm an ausie as well)
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: no one realy looks
Mage or Normal: mage
Elements: shadow(dark) mind(esp)
General appearance: 'Cast' is short, as is her hair. She might be considered beautiful if she was dresed up but as it is all she wears is drab clothing in hues of brown, neer blacks ans the ocasional bit of white(school shirt for example)
Bio: she had a family once but now the're gone, only those intangibe memories remain. She was shuned throughout her childhood, the other children feared and taunted her. Her magic emerged at this early age and she weaved shadows around her so that she would not be found. Later on she learned to tweak peoples memories os that they could start to forget about her and she pased much of her life left alone. There are many rumors about what happend to her family and where her money comes from. Even where she lives is shrouden in mistery. some beleve that she prey on peoples minds and takes their money and memories. No one ever listens to such rumors, a mre popular theor is that she has a wealthy benofactor or its part of a government tactic to keep young mages of the streets. She dosent offer such information? no one ever asks her.
She is usualy quite quiet, but she is prone to saying things when she thinks they should be said. She hides often, from those that would atack her besause of her size and physical weakness, she skirts the edjes of large crouds and avoids confrontatins. However, when cornered, she will play 'mind tricks' on her harasors, making them affraid, confused. This, she enjoys.