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Everything posted by ArcticLynx

  1. oh i remember you..... im poke poke nice to meet you maybe you dont remember me... old otaku?
  2. helllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........?
  3. i do! this isnt spam right? right. i used to spam alot by * accident * lol anyways all the ppl i remember are... hmmmm... Renee , nerdy ( or something like that) , :( i forgot !!! bad memory... i left in like may or something i think... no.. was it april? hmmm i dunno. ANYWAYS back on the subject... i LOVE that game! if anyone plays it... DONT TRY GETTING THE DIAMOND THAT GIVES YOU 100 points cuz it isnt much. do a handstand right after you start it gives you like 1700 points! anyways... hmmm... reply... :)
  4. :eek: i hate nightmares tho i get them occasionally...
  5. EeK thAt wOulD bE tErRiFyInG Jail wOuLd bE a CoNcEntRAtIon CAmP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gross!
  6. uGlY cUz i dOnt LiKE hIs fReAkee HaIr!~ -_- *faints looking at hair...
  7. Hikaru Utada? CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET.. i think. eek! hes ugly!
  8. i had a dream once that i was stuck in my own house and there were weird ppl in each room and i kept "accidentally" falling in them ... and when i went outside there was nothing except miles and miles of concrete floor
  9. [COLOR=crimson]how come you keep asking if everything is rhetorical?!?!?!?!?!?!?[/COLOR]
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