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Mage of Asgard

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Everything posted by Mage of Asgard

  1. OOC: SOrry, ive been gone for a while! But im back now! ^^ IC: [color=royalblue]Kazumi stayed silent at the side of his Blade Liger. "Dammit.... I can't beleive that we got so much damage, Rain" he said looking at his organoid that was hovering at his side. He took a small tool and sparked in the cockpit, underneath his seat. "There. That should be fine now. The radar is good..." he checked the Liger's systems on small holo-screens. "Everything looks god. Now let's work on the blades, Rain" he said and Rain picked Kazumi up in her chest, flying them over to the side of the Zoid. "Damn, all of the shield energy I put in here was depleted. That was a strong Blade Liger. Now I think we have a rival" he said to Rain, grinning. He started to work on the Blades and a young boy came up to the Zoid. "Hey, mister! Are you Kazumi?" he said in an innocent little voice. "Yeah, I'm Kazumi. What's it to 'ya?" he replied with a solemn look on his face. He was only open to Naomi... as I mentioned earlier. "We have a new upgrade for your Liger!" he said dropping a box on the floor. Rain flew down and picked it up. It was a new E-Shield upgrade. "Ha! Nice! This'll be great for facing that Bandit's Blade Liger!" he said smiling slightly, and Rain flew them up to the cockpit. He immediately started to install it over the current E-Shield's system. Naomi walked over. "Hey, Kazumi! Why don't you take a break so we can get somethin to eat?" she yelled up to him smiling. "Sure, hold on, okay?" he said jumping down "Rain, you can take a break too. Thanks!" he yelled and him and Naomi walked into the cafeteria. "Damn, most of the food here makes me sick..." he said holding his stomach. Then he smiled. "My treat!"[/color]
  2. Bullet holes were all in the wall around Bal's figure. "What was that all about?" he said unwrapping the tarp. "Better watch out. Duck!" he said. Everyone ducked and Bal fired a missile out of the short end at the truck, sending it flying. The missile didn't blow, it just brought up the truck. In mid air, the truck blew up "Bombs. They had all intention of killing you, even if it was suicide." he smirked and wrapped the cross back up. Walking over, he held out his hand "My name is Bal Wolfwood." he said smiling, helping Clarence and Kal up. He grabbed three unbroken bottles of whiskey from behind the bar and handed 2 of them to Clarence and Kal. "I'm Kal" he said smiling "And thanks for the help. We coulda been dead if it weren't for that cross on your back" "It was my grandfather's, Nicholas D. Wolfwood. I envy him, and want to live up to his legend" he smiled slightly and Clarence kept staring.
  3. Okay, signups are now closed. I'll be using this banner for the RPG . THANKS FOR SIGNING UP!!!!!!!!
  4. "Well, I'm goin to the bar" he smiled and walked out, eventually getting to the bar. He walked in with the cross slung over his shoulder. The manager greeted(sp?) him "Hey there Bal, what'll it be?" he gave a warm smile and Bal sat down "Just my usual. The 5 shots!" he smiled, a smile always refused to leave Bal's face. "5 shot? Last time it was 4!" "Maybe I'm a bit more willing to take risks now!" he said laughing a bit. The waitress that was a jerk to Kal came over with the shots and sat down. "Would you like one miss?" he smiled. "Yes thank you" she said sitting down next to him. He eyed the group of three sitting across the room. They were all staring, especially Clarence. He eyed them through the sunglasses and took 2 of the shots quickly.
  5. [color=royalblue] "Thanks for takin it out Phelan!" he yelled and charged in with the Blade Liger "Phelan, relay me the coordinates!" he yelled over a com link. Phelan barely heard him but forwarded the coordinates to Kazumi's zoid. They flashed across the screen and Kazumi dashed in unprepared "Rain, you ready?" he yelled, smirking. Rain let out a growl as he charged in. The 11 red blades swung out all at once and he yelled "11 BLADE STRIKE!" Rain let out a fierce growl and they hit something, something sharp. A blade flew off of the invisible target and dug straight into the sand. Kazumi's Zoid landed and sparks flew from the right side. "Dammit, she hit me with that blade before I sliced it off!" the Blade Liger paused and Mika relayed a message to Mogris. "I'll be there to get you in a minute, I damaged that Blade Liger enough to keep it immoblilized for a few minutes..." she said and darted over, stopping the fall of the Storm Sworder, makeing the claws catch onto the Blade Liger. They both turned invisible and darted off into the distance, unseen. "Damn! That damaged Rain really bad!" he said and opened the cockpit "I can't beleive I let them get away!" he had a tendency to blame himself for things.[/color]
  6. A blip appeared on the screen of Kazumi's Blade Liger. It was Phelan . "Help we're being attacked!" he said quickly and the screen disappeared. "Dammit!" yelled Kazumi and he opened up a com link to Naomi "They're being attacked. Did Cay give you coordinates!?" he said quickly. "Yeah! Here they are!" she screnned them to Kazumi and they charged off to the location, arriving there soon enough. "Rain, fuse with my Blade Liger!" he said and they were both surrounded in huge bubbles. Rain floated on top of the blade liger and fused. Kage fused with her Lightning Psaichs (sp?). As they were about to dash in for help, Mogris pulled up and his organoid fused with the Storm Sworder. He headed them off and was ready to attack. "No! Cay and Phelan are in trouble!" Kazumi yelled and smirked "Let's get this over with buddy!"
  7. Okay Leh, ill use .jpg from now on. Here's a good one. Possibly my best one yet:
  8. He was sleeping softly, the healer was amazed by his ability to heal all of those phsyical wounds so quickly. The healer wanted to examine his body's structure, so he went to pull of Loki's shirt "You do that old man, and you'll regret ever living" he grinned and the healer ran off in fear. A light started to surround Loki and he lost consiousness (sp?) temporarily. The orb of light carrying him floated to the center area of the resistance base and just hovered there for a while. Maki and Ayuta ran over and saw Loki's figure inside. They looked worried.....
  9. [color=royalblue]Naomi and Kazumi were in their Zoids and were moving slowly towards the base. "Hey Naomi! Can we take a break? We've been riding for hours" he smiled on the screen. Naomi was the only person he was really open to. "Sure, i guess so" she said smiling back and opening the cockpit of the Zoid. Kazumi jumped out of his Zoid and landed next to Rain. "Hey Rain. You wanted to stop too?" he smiled and petted her on the head. He assumed it was a she because of her soft voice. She let out a soft growl. "So what do you want to do, Kazumi?" she asked him smiling. He pulled out some food from the side bag he purchased in the previous town they visited "I have apples, water, and some bread." he said smiling "Do you want some?" "Okay, thanks Kazumi" she smiled and took an apple and a bottle of water, then started to eat. Naomi was the onyl person Kazumi was open to. He smiled once in a while around her and was nice. To most others, he shut them out and was cold. Occassionally he was nice if Naomi was around.... SOMETIMES[/color]
  10. After Vash had finally defeated his brother Knives, he decided that killing his brother was wrong. He decided that to be the person he always wanted to be, the person who would never draw his gun, he took Knives back with him, alive. After Knives was safe and he was happy at last, his goal in life was accomplished. He was sent out to live life from the age he looked at that time. Maryl and Milly continued to follow him and eventually, they stopped for some reason. Vash got curious and followed what little traces he had left of them. Vash eventually came to find them dead about 400 iles back from where he was. He was shocked and someone came after him to get the 60,000,000,000 $$ reward on his head. He had taken away Vash's only friends and in order to avenge the deaths of Maryl and Milly, he called upon the full power of the Angel Arms, his AND Knives'. He killed the man, but in his quest for revenge, he died because the power was too much for his body to handle without that "curse" upon him. Knives died shortly after, finding out that someone who was immortal had died. Now it is 100 years later and the Angel arms have been passed down to the new generation. Milly had a child with Wolfwood, though Nicholas wasn't around to see him grow up. This is two generations later and new children have been born with the energy from Vash and Knives' legendary energy. The angel arms found their way to these people and the Crest of Wolfwood was passed down to his Grandson. How they'll use these weapons is up to them....... ----------------------------- Bal was walking through the town, looking for a restaurant to find a bite to eat with the little money he had left. A woman stopped him, she didn't look much older than him. He didn't know it yet but she was the owner of an Angel Arm, and the descendant of Vash the Stampede. "Are you by any chance Wolfwood?" she said in a calm voice "My name is Bal Wolfwood. WHy do you ask?" he raised a brow, eying the gun in its holster, noticing its unique look. 'That must be the Angel Arm of light....' he thought and led her to his house. "Well, you can rest here. Do you have any weapons?" he asked trying to act stupid. "Yes, in fact I do" she held out the weapons, setting them down on the table in front of her "You want to know why I searched for you?" she asked in a calm voice. "Yes, as a matter in fact, I do" he said grinning slightly. "Well.... I suppose that you'll find out over time" she said with a slight smile. The smile never left Bal's face. It never does, and never will. "Is that the Angel Arm?" he asked, making an awkward silence. He was still smiling, even though she had a rather shocked look on her face. "Well?" "How do you know of the Angel Arm!?" she said still looking surprised. "I'm guessing the reason you searched me out is because I am the grandson of Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Am I correct?" he asked smiling still. "Yes, it is. Though I will not tell you any more" she said looking down. "And to beleive i thought you were following me because you thought i was hot" he joked and sat down next to her. Alita smiled. "Me? Think you were hot? You must be crazy." she said with a slight tone of sarcasm. She looked around his home. "Well, you must have had a good reason to have took me to your lovely home." He kept smiling. "Well, there is always a good reason for everything, is there not?" she noticed, that no matter what was said he would keep smiling. She frowned. "Well? What is your reason?" she demanded, not wanting this to be a waste of her time.
  11. Okay, with this said, we have enough people to start the RPG in the Adventure Boards. Sign ups are still open adn I plan on keeping them open for about 2 or 3 more days. Please sign up more people! Thanks again to those of you who have signed up!
  12. It's just constructive critisism (sp?). I don't mind but after the thing you said about using MS Paint, I searched for it and found it. I made this one for someone and think it looks a lot better than the first. Whaddaya think? :
  13. Here's one of my first banners ever: Srry, i made a new one that might be better:
  14. Trigun: The Descendants ---------------------------- After Vash had finally defeated his brother Knives, he decided that killing his brother was wrong. He decided that to be the person he always wanted to be, the person who would never draw his gun, he took Knives back with him, alive. After Knives was safe and he was happy at last, his goal in life was accomplished. He was sent out to live life from the age he looked at that time. Maryl and Milly continued to follow him and eventually, they stopped for some reason. Vash got curious and followed what little traces he had left of them. Vash eventually came to find them dead about 400 iles back from where he was. He was shocked and someone came after him to get the 60,000,000,000 $$ reward on his head. He had taken away Vash's only friends and in order to avenge the deaths of Maryl and Milly, he called upon the full power of the Angel Arms, his AND Knives'. He killed the man, but in his quest for revenge, he died because the power was too much for his body to handle without that "curse" upon him. Knives died shortly after, finding out that someone who was immortal had died. Now it is 100 years later and the Angel arms have been passed down to the new generation. Milly had a child with Wolfwood, though Nicholas wasn't around to see him grow up. This is two generations later and new children have been born with the energy from Vash and Knives' legendary energy. The angel arms found their way to these people and the Crest of Wolfwood was passed down to his Grandson. How they'll use these weapons is up to them....... ----------------------------- I thought up of this pretty much off the top of my head, since I was dying to RP Trigun. So here are the rules that I have to establish: 1. No god modding (i think i spelled it right) 2. No making your character undefeatable, like an immortal. 3. There are two openm spot for an Angel Arm member (I'm not one of the Angel Arm owners). 4. Your character can work for an insurance agency, as a bounty hunter, or as a friend of the owners. 5. No making pasts between the owners of the AA's (angel arms)! They'll tie in later in the RPG. 6. Your character CAN be a descendant of Vash, Knives, Maryl, or Milly. Wolfwood's spot is MINE!!!! Hands off...... Here's what the signup should look like: ---------------------------- Name: (first, and last. middle initial is optional. If you don't want a last name, put "???" after the first name, but integrate not having a last name with your past) Sex: (simple: male or female, boy or girl, etc.) Age: (nothing over 24) Role: (Bounty Hunter, insurance agency employee, Angel Arm owner, friend of AA owner, and/or descendant of Knives or Vash) Appearance: (LOTS of details or a picture if you have it. Though a picture is not necessary) Bio: (The character's past. Doesn't need to be TOO detailed if you own an angel arm or are a bounty hunter) Weapons: (let's keep it real. Nothing unbeatable or indestructable or anything. Max is 3, including the angel arms) ------------------------- Im putting my desc up now so we have a good example. I've seen RPGs die or have really bad descs and the RPG often dies quickly without a good example or details. Here's my desc: ------------------------- Name: Bal L. Wolfwood (Bal is my nickname in real life. I just wanted to integrate it with my character.) Sex: Male Age: 17 Role: Angel Arm owner, descendant of Nicholas D. Wolfwood Appearance: He stands 6'2" and looks a lot like his Grandfather, Nicholas Wolfwood. His hair is silver with white in the back and looks EXACTLY like his grandpa's. He carries that heavy Crest on his back and a suit similar to his grandpa's. His eyes are dark blue with a tint of light blue in the back. He is usually in a happy mood and he has heard a lot of legends about his grandfather, like how he was with the man that mad the holes in the moons of July and Augusta, Vash the Stampede. Bal is always smiling, even when he is in a gunfight or someone threatens to take his life. Bio: Bal grew up in July and later traveled to Augusta before he was ten. He wants to see those legends of Vash the Stampede and his grandfather, and the man that stood in their way. What he longs to accomplish in his life is to live up to his Grandfather's legend. Due to the loss of his father at an early age (6 years old) he gets "visits" from his father in his sleep. Because he still gets to see his father, no matter how far he is from home, he always smiles. His mother died of a disease when he was only 13. Now he lives a free life and has nothing holding him back from living his life to the fullest. Once every year, he goes back to July and visits the graves of his parents, leaving large bouquets of flowers, then leaving to where he was previously. He longs to make friends with those who posess Angel Arms so he can see the power that made the holes in the moons of July and Augusta. Weapons: The large Crest of his grandfather. It's loaded with 12 handguns (6 on each short side of the crest), a Machine Gun (on the long end of the crest), and a Rocket Launcher ( on the top of the crest). He has a small blade that extends from his sleeve and knives in his belt, though they're very hard to actually see until he takes them out. -------------------- See, I kept it to 3 weapons and the Bio doesn't have to be super long. It only has to be long enough to get a decent idea of what happened in his/her past. I'd like to keep weapons to a maximum of four or five, but no more or it makes your charcter unfair. Once I get a few sign-ups (maybe 4 or so) I'll start it up in the adventure board. Please post away and have fun! ^^
  15. It says (Republican) next to Role: GF Member and thanks for accepting me! I am a REPUBLICAN Note: I AM A REPUBLICAN ¬_¬
  16. Then ill take on the role of the GF member who couldn't join ^^; Character Sign-Up Name: Kazumi ??? Sex: Male Age: 16 Role: GF member (Republican) Appearance: He is about 5'11" and wieghs about 156 lbs. His hair is sliver and spiked with a tint of white in the back, around the neck. His eyes glow a dark ocean blue and he wears an armor similar to that of the Republic, though he had it painted over to be Red and black like his Blade Liger. Personality: He's shy around people and doesn't talk much since he lost his parents when he was still learning how to walk. He is friendly once people get close to him, although this proves to be a hard task to accomplish. In a battle, he is rutheless and never acepts defeat, under ANY circumastances. Bio: . He lost his parents at an early age, and so he doesn't remember his name. When he got a guardian that was a member of the GF, Kazumi, he admired him and was happy, until fate turned against him. Kazumi was killed before his very eyes, so he took on his guardian's name, and is trying to avenge him by defeating those bandits that killed him. ---------- Zoid Sign-Up Zoid: Blade Liger Type: Lion Nick name: Blade Liger (Liger for short) Appearance:Colors: Blades are red, the main body is black, and the claws are red. Weapons: 11 Blades, that extend from the back, head, side, legs. And a twin laser cannon that can be equipped but often isn't. Support Systems: Just the standard system for a Blade Liger with special cooling gear. Upgrade(s): Small boosters equipped to the legs and back, and a high powered E Shield -------------- Organoid Sign-up Name: Rain Color: Light Blue with dark blue parts (only some around the claws and side of the head) Short desciption: He surrounds himself in a bubble and the Blade liger, then the two bubbles fuse and Rain goes into the Liger. Anything else: He can carry Kazumi in his chest
  18. Character Sign-Up Name: Kazumi ??? Sex: Male Age: 16 Role: Mercinary Appearance: He is about 5'11" and wieghs about 156 lbs. His hair is sliver and spiked with a tint of white in the back, around the neck. His eyes glow a dark ocean blue and he wears an armor similar to that of the Republic, though he had it painted over to be Red and black like his Blade Liger. Personality: He's shy around people and doesn't talk much since he lost his parents when he was still learning how to walk. He is friendly once people get close to him, although this proves to be a hard task to accomplish. In a battle, he is rutheless and never acepts defeat, under ANY circumastances. Bio: He is a Republic runaway, trying to get to the empire with his one zoid, the Blade Liger. He lost his parents at an early age, and so he doesn't remember his name. When he got a guardian that was a member of the GF, Kazumi, he admired him and was happy, until fate turned against him. Kazumi was killed before his very eyes, so he took on his guardian's name, and is trying to avenge him by defeating those bandits that killed him. ---------- Zoid Sign-Up Zoid: Blade Liger Type: Lion Nick name: Blade Liger (Liger for short) Appearance:Colors: Blades are red, the main body is black, and the claws are red. [img]http://groups.msn.com/zoidbattlesonline/zboscustomzoids.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=7580[/img] Weapons: 11 Blades, that extend from the back, head, side, legs. And a twin laser cannon that can be equipped but often isn't. Support Systems: Just the standard system for a Blade Liger with special cooling gear. Upgrade(s): Small boosters equipped to the legs and back, and a high powered E Shield -------------- Organoid Sign-up Name: Rain Color: Light Blue with dark blue parts (only some around the claws and side of the head) Short desciption: He surrounds himself in a bubble and the Blade liger, then the two bubbles fuse and Rain goes into the Liger. Anything else: He can carry Kazumi in his chest _______ I hope that this is okay ^^
  19. OOC: I now make banners so if you guys need new ones, come to me and ill try to make one for you, i posted one in a topic on the banner boards already...... Loki staggered up, holding his staff for support with one hand and holding his side with the other hand. He walked slowly through the dark hall. "Hey Ayuta, where is the HQ anyway? We've gone pretty far into this--" as he was walking he was interrupted by a blinding light. Maki held her eyes and turned away, looking at Ayuta "What the hell is this, Ayuta?" she asked quickly, turning her focus back to shielding her eyes from the light. "It's the entrance to our HQ, don't worry, you'll get used to the light eventually" Ayuta said walking right into the light. She was unphased by the blinding brightness. "How'd you do that!?" Maki and Loki asked almost simultaneousely(sp?). Loki staggered through the light and seemed to stumble back after taking a look inside. MAki followed him and stopped, her mouth open in awe. The HQ had everything you could imagine. The equipment they had was amazing. They used many creatures to move materials and supplies in large crates. About 700 people were visible on the HUGE floor beneath them and there were stairs to their right. On the area, grass was growing freely and the occassional flower. "This is the only beautiful place i've seen since I left the mountain...." he seemed to trail off, looking at all the different people, from mages, to people that looked like assassins, to possibly thieves. "Where's the healer? I used up too much magic in those fights to heal myself...." he said wiping the blood away from his mouth. "Loki are you okay?" Maki asked a bit worriedly (sp?) "Yeah I'll be--" he was interrupted by Ayuta. "Right here" she grabbed his arm to help support him and Maki grabbed his other arm. They both put his arms around their necks and Ayuta lead them to the Healer. "Thanks guys" he said smiling. They laid him down on what seemed to be a bed, but it was a heap of straw. "This is more comfy than what I used to sleep on" he passed out from exhaustion, but before he said "Thanks again guys" They both smiled and walked out, the Healer healed Loki but it would be a while before he got enough rest to get up and move around.
  20. "The World? Name: Balmung-san of the Crimson Sky Gender: Male Affiliation: System administrator Class: Blademaster, Long arm (alters between the two) Special Ability: Player Killer Weapon: Flame Lance (has all fire spells) and The Blade of Heaven (Balmung's original blade) Description: He looks like Balmung of the Azure Sky with the hair of Crim. He won the two character designs and asked a Hacker to combine them into one. Now he has the role of a System Admin because of his appearance. Level: 84 Role: System Admin, he often looks around dungeons and hangs out in Mac Anu. He tries to make friends the best way he can, by being nice. Whenever he sees people in trouble, he helps by destroying the monster or healing them. He has nothing against Hackers or illegal players and often tries to make friends with them. He is an altered character because of the two character designs (Krim and Balmung) that he won in online contests and is able to use both weapons (long arm and heavy blade). Real World Name: Amazuki Tarashimi Age: 16 Gender: Male Description: He has spiked silvery white hair and is about 6'1". He always has a jacket on, even inside. He wears sunglasses whenve he's out. His eyes are silver with a tint of white. Bio: He plays "The World" to gain special items and have fun, along with meeting friends. He rarely tells people that he is a System Administrator. ----------------- I hope this is okay, i just posted on your board earlier in the adventure chat! ^^ I got it mixed up with another one, but now I wanna join this one too! ^^
  21. -- Aqua Capital, Mac Anu-- Balmung had just logged into The World after a short vacation. He went directly to the Chaos Gate and was about to go to "Chosen Hopeless Nothingness". "Hmmm... I wonder how the developement of this place has changed since last I visited....." he said entering the keywords and going to the area with the huge Chapel. He walked in and saw the chained statue of Aura. "now this wasn't here before......" he said looking it over and flring up to feel the stone chains "Hmm...... I wonder if they plan on opening this area to the public any time soon......" he mumbled and landed back down, seeing a data bug in front of him, he bdrew his blade "Another corrupt monster... this is gonna be hard...." he sliced it with the blade, cutting it in half and running, through. The monster began to reform and he had just logged out of the area, returning to Mac Anu and saving his progress, then heading off to the weapons shop. People were staring at him and the occassional girl would say "Oh Lord Balmung has returned!" in a really excited voice, though he payed no mind to it at all.
  22. I'm not sure what Balmung's real world specs are so ill put N/A Name: N/A Age: N/A Description: N/A Bio: N/A Occupation: System Administrator, Descendant of Fianna ---------------------- In Game ---------------------- Name: Balmung of the Azure Sky Description: Wears a silver suit of armor and arm bands that connect with wings. Has large wings on his back (similar to those of an angel) and White hair, with a tint of silver.His blade (The Sword of Heaven) rests in a sheathe at his side. Weapon: The Sword of Heaven Class: Blademaster --------------------- If anyone knows of the Real World information on Balmung, please PM it to me so I can edit it into this desc ^^
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I think I need to clarify something. I'm only called Cheebs by my husband. Everyone else may call me Chibi tho. Oh, I should probably add that to my list now, ne? Sorry for any confusion. Hey, mistakes are okay. It's just odd being called Cheebs by someone not being Lincoln.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Don't get mad, but i did that on purpose, lol. Heh heh i read your earlier post, i just figured I could get a lugh if i messed around a bit ^.~ heh heh. But i won't call you Cheebs anymore Chibi, 'kay?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [B][color=crimson]So uh, are you really a troublemaker or do you just like the name? I had a cat named Loki, we had to get rid of him because he kept knocking over the trash can.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No, I don't start the trouble Cheebs. I just join in, then hand people's ***es to them ^^; But you named your cat Loki? That's an odd name for a cat, then again, i guess it would be the same for a human....... Other than that, I just like the name ^^ it's cool because it's short and it's the only one that's "Loki" in my school ^^ ^^ ^^ Cheebs
  25. My real name is Shane. Yay! I was mentioned! People now call me Loki in fear, nothing but absolute fear. If they don't call me Loki, i kick their ***es. At one point, i told someone my middle name, Michael. Then, since i later found out he wasn't trust worthy, told everyone and i was called Michael. That was nothing a bit of ***-kickin can't fix though. heh heh *snickers*. Now he's the little d!ck, evry1 calls him that, so "justice" was served. ^^;
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