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Anime Otaku

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Everything posted by Anime Otaku

  1. i mean like they did Love Hina Again about naru,kanako and keitaro, theres gonna be a 4th about Mutsumi, dont think its true tho, i dont see how it can be done
  2. a re-release you say?, like the one they are doing with EVA? sounds interesting,Evangelion and Love Hina are in my top 5 fave animes, Love Hina is the best romance/comedy anime i saw so far and i heard somewhere a while ago, dont remember where, that they are making a new Love Hina Again chapter, something about that other girl with the water melons(forgot the name), and i also heard they were doing a new wedding special we can only hope:rolleyes:
  3. OOC: Could you please explain how the summoning/cooldown time works on the spells? [B]Name[/B] : Guerrand "The Griffin" [B]Age[/B]: 25 [B]Sex[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Human [B]Alighment[/B]: Resistance [B]Class[/B]: Mage [B]Spells[/B] [B]Spell1[/B]: Flame Arrow- the mage conjures a magical flaming arrow from up to each one of his finger tips(on one hand), and fires them at his selected target [B]Spell2[/B]: Protection from Cold- the mage serrounds himself in a protective aura which renders him immune to cold, the aura lasts as long as the mage has the mental power to support it [B]Spell3[/B]: Fire Ball- after conjuring a fire ball the mage points to his destination and launches the fire ball, after reaching its destination the fire ball explodes in a wave of flames for about 6 meters around it, consuming everything in its path [B]Ultimate Spell[/B]: Fire Elemental- the mage summons a full grown fire elemental to do his bidding, the element attacks with his bare hands dealing massive fire damage and is immune to all types of physical damage and most types of magical damage, to control the element the mage must be in complete and total consentration, if he is disturbed the spell will be miscast and the elemental gone [B]Weapon[/B]:Staff of Might- the staff is able to summon a griffin to the caster's aid and can be used in close combat with a strengh equal to a sword [B]Character History[/B]: Training and graduating from mage's acadamy at a young age, Guerrand "The Griffin" established a name for himself across the land as a powerfull and reliable mercenery battle wizard. [B]Character Motivation[/B]: When he heard the armys of Paladines are recruiting allies to fight the Scourge, Guerrand decided to take a new adventure, just for the heck of it ;) [B]Character Description[/B]: 1.75' meter tall, has shoulder length blond hair, green eyes. Wears a long red robe with thin golden outlines, wears a small bronze talisman with the figure of a griffon in flight, has a staff made of a long oak wooden shaft, with a copper head in the shape of a griffin's head
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] [B][size=1] I'll finish this later, I had to save my spot. EDIT: Made my character a girl instead.. >.< ------- [b]Name[/b]: Kerrigan Scout [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Weapon[/b]: Daggers - [b]Dragon Elements[/b]: Comet - Banjo (XD) Invisibility - Trumpet EarthQuake - ContraBass [b]Personality[/b]: [edit later] [b]Appearance[/b]: [edit later] [b]Information[/b]: [edit later][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] i reserved the comet, look in my first post im just thinking a bit longer about my bio and stuff befor posting
  5. Hmm..too bad, I dont usualy like to play the warrior type, but ill think about it Anyway I releas the spear as a weapon and ill reserve the Knukcles, ill be a martial artist type if thats ok
  6. Do you have to be a warrior?, or can i be a mage? If so ill reserve the weapon Spear and the elements Ice, Comet and Rock Just waiting for your answer
  7. Guerrand listened and nodded "Well like you two i too discoverd these strange footprints in some of the places iv been. Also, theres a rumor about an army gathering up north, most likely those rumors about a war or true,I also saw swarms of merceneries traveling up north, probably to join that army. The Conclave is concerend as well, they have also been getting reports from mages up north about disturbences or so Justarius tells me" Nibling on some potatos, he continued "If there is a war going on,and an army gathering, someone is going through alot of trouble to hide any signs of it, im starting to get concerned. So, what is our next step?, do we continue to investigate or just let it be?"
  8. OOC: im glad we finaly started but is this going to go exacly according to the story line in the books? IC: Guerrand climbed up the long wooden stairs to the inn of The Last Home, the inn at Solace was as some say, one of the wonders of Krynn. The entire city was built up high between the tree tops of the mighty vallenwoods, all of the houses-with the exception of the blacksmith-were built between the tree branches, seeming to be part of the forest itself. Entering the inn, Guerrand was swept with the warmth of the inn flowing from the fire place at the other end of the common room. "Home at last", he gave a faint sigh Closing the door, he stared around the place for a few moments and went to sit by the bar "A mug of ale if you will" "Certainly", said the bartender-Otik, the owner of the inn. Placing the mug of ale infront of his new customer, Otik stared into the hood of the mage's red robes "By the gods, if it isnt master Guerrand, i barely recognised you after all this time" Pulling his hood back, Guerrand looked up at Otik with a smile. "Hello Otik, its good to see you again" "And you too, what brings you back here after all these years?" "Im...expecting company" "Say no more, ill have a table ready for you and your friends, fully served of course. Dont bother, your money is no good here, its the least i could do" "Thank you", Guerrand said with a smile, and went back to drinking his ale, waiting...
  9. sounds cool, although I would preffere a Baldur's Gate RPG better its about the same, when you put the improved story in, ill join p.s whats the dif between mage and wizard?
  10. Oops sorry, fixed it I thought Naginta sounded weird....
  11. OOC:bah, i got a writers block, no idea what to write realy, but ill try. lol Whity, funny name for an angle no?:D IC: "Well...what do we do now?", Kanji wondered, "We got no leads as to where to go, any ideas Naginta?" "No, i was just told to wait here for the warriors to gather, but now after what happend....." Whity thought and then said to Kanji:"Go east, to the city of Balifor, there awaits your next ally, a snow angle by the name of Masuket, find her and then you'll know what to do" "Snow Angle eh?, I never meet one befor, they're suppose to be rair...." "Indeed, she is a friend of mine and has also volunterd(sp?) for this quest, find her and she'll know what to do" "Well, to Balifor it is then, coming Rena?" "Of course!" she said with a smile and quickly ran to stand near Kanji, "We're off, bye Whity and thanks for the help!" "Good bye, and farewell, we'll meet again sometime"
  12. How can we start with just 3 people, we need more to join
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Daermon_Nashabe [/i] [B]Dragons of Summer flame is set after the book dragonlance- The Second Generation. the fourth book has a few new characters like Steel Brightblade( Kitara and Sturms son), Sturm, Tanin and Palim ( Caramon and Tika's sons) and Tanis's son. [/B][/QUOTE] spoilers tag people spoilers tag!:flaming:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Daermon_Nashabe [/i] [B]Well in the third book he becomes a black robe mage, so i guess you are right. [/B][/QUOTE] Gaaah!, why did you tell me?!:( Oh well i kinda guessed he will become a black robe in the end, plus i saw some fan art of him in black robes so...
  15. Id say he is Chaotic Good with alot of dark sarcasm, no?:D Seeing the way he acts through the story(i only read the first book in the series cus i cant find the second, i already got the 3rd and 4th and i cant wait to start reading!:( )
  16. OMG, i cant belive someone actualy made a DrgaonLance Rpg, i'm definately joining, I just hope this stays alive :D Name: Guerrand Di'Thon(ill just use his character for a "base" seeing as the Defenders of Magic trilogy was the first i read in DragonLance series and thats what got me hooked on it, this guy is one of my fave characters as well ^^, hope its ok) Age: 25 Race: Ergothian Human Class: Mage(order of the red robes) Weapons: Staff of Might(a sort of a graduation present he got from his mentor and head of the red robes, Justarius(sp?)) Spells:Just normal mage spells, do i realy need to specify or?.... Bio:At the age of 20 after runing from the life of royalty and knighthood(sp?) he never realy wanted, Guerrand decided to head for the Tower of High Scorcery at Wayreth to become a mage which was his long life dream. After 2 more years of study and preperation Guerrand finaly managed to pass his test and become a mage in the order of red robes. 3 years passed and now Guerrand lives near by to the Tower of High Scorcery in the city of Solace, every day he works and studies in the tower to progress his art, just waiting for his next big adventure in life Appearence: He is in average hight for a human in his age, short brown hair. Wears a long red robe with thin golden outlines and sandles at his feet, carriers a small leather pouch to keep his spell components in it Alignment: Lawful Good
  17. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35242[/url] read here and you'll know everything you need to put on your form
  18. well i just saw at this other board that im going to that someone actualy started a pettition to ban anime from america! i dont know how many of you seen/heard of it if at all, but here is the pettition plus the countering pettition that explains why anime shouldnt be banned, we are losing bad in this, it seems that the anime pro pettition has about 370+ signs while the anime con (sp?) pettition has over 2000!!! here, read and sign! [url]http://www.petitiononline.com/cutiepie/petition.html[/url] [url]http://www.PetitionOnline.com/4n1m3/petition.html[/url]
  19. theres already another thread for it, look a little bit down megumi when you want to start open a thread in the adventure board not the recruitment board
  20. OOC: he nice start but this is the rectuitment board, if you wanna start open a topic for it in the adventue board, plus you think we can start just the 2 of us?:(
  21. Ok i got time now so here is my form: Name-Kanji Mitsurugi Race-Human Skills-Katana master/Clerical(sp?) Spell master Weapon-Katana Gender-Male Age-25 Bio- From a yound age Kanji trained with his brother Ryoku at a Kenjutsu dojo mastering the art of the samurai, after mastering the art in the age of 18 Kanji went out to the world in search of spiritual enlightment, in his search he found faith in the power of the gods and became a cleric of the good gods, now he is a Cleric-Samurai, being able to combine the power of his sword with the power of his faith. In one of his quests he came upon a girl, later discovering she is actualy the doughter of the evil god Drakos Kumakari, despite of Rena being a doughter of an evil god, and a half godess herself, the two became close and fell in love. One day Kanji discoverd Rena was gone but he was able to trace her tracks to the Town of the Masters, after meeting with her they are both called upon to a holy quest by the gods, Kanji joins with Rena in the quests and await the other 10 warriors to gather together Apperence- Long bright red hair tied in a ponytail, also have bright red eyes, he is well built and tall from years of training by the sword. Wears a white/blue samurai kimono Well thats all, come on people join!
  22. OOC: um...specialy customised crossbow?:D
  23. Sounds cool, ill join as Kanji(always liked sword/magic combinations:D ). But i cant write my joining form now, sorry, ill do it later-just reserve this character for me please
  24. All 3 bolts flew quickly towards Kitaro, he quickly rolled to the side and dodged-all 3 bolts hits the tree behind him "You wont get me with those little splintes you got there" Loki smiled and said-"I was hoping you'd say that" With increadible speed that surprised Kitaro, Loki while jumping back up into the tree took out his short bow and quickly put an arrow in to it, streached the bow and released the arrow, Kitrao quickly drew his sword and sliced the arrow as it flew near him "Not bad, lets kick it up a notch" Again with amazing speed, Loki took his bow and this time pulled not one but two arrows out of his quilt, put them in his bow and fired at Kitaro. Kitaro tried to dodge the arrows, he managed to escape the first but the second arrow pierced his left shoulder, droppin him against the tree behind "Youre mine samurai!!" 3 more bolts flew out of the tree top heading for Kitaro's head and throat. With a determined stare Kitaro quickly jumped up into the tree top then sprang forwards through the tree tops towards Loki, befor he knew it, Loki's short bow was sliced into two and dropped to the ground "That was my favorite bow, youll pay!" Loki raised his arm and shot yet another 3 bolts from his wrist crossbow, which Kitaro easily knocked away with his sword, then Kitaro noticed that Loki was rushing towards him, his dagger drawn trying to slash at Kitaro, Kitaro blocked the dagger and quickly slashed at Loki's chest, Loki was hit and dropped to the ground. Kitaro jumped down from the tree top and went over to Loki "Youre no match for me rogue" "Damn you samurai..." Loki reached up with his hand as if to grab Kitaro, then passed out. Kitaro went away as Loki quietly died from his wound, while braking the arrow in his left shoulder and taking it out-which left a large and still bleeding wound-Kitaro heard fighting noises not too far from his position "More mercenaries?...." Kitaro rushed to the location of the sounds.....
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