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Anime Otaku

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Everything posted by Anime Otaku

  1. "P...Please dont kill me, I'll tell you everything just dont kill me please" Thats what the spy that Kitaro hit said when Kitaro leaned(sp?) above him. This man is so scared, it doesnt seems that he has any loyalty to his leader, why would that man send such cowerds for spys?, oh well, less work for me, Kitaro thought, he pulled out the kunai that was stuck in the man's shoulder. "Ok, if you dont want this thing inside and out of your throat start speeking, who is your leader?, where is the camp?" "I...I dont know the captain's name, he only tells it to his most trusted men, but, but i can tell you where our camp is, just please dont kill me..." "Well go on already, where's your camp?" The man started pointing east when suddenly Kitaro heard a noise from behind him, he turned and saw an arrow flying fast towards him, Kitaro tried to evade but it was too late, the arrow was too close...expecting for an arrow in his chest Kitaro was surprised to see the arrow just passed him only scratching his cheek which started bleeding "Missed?..." Suddenly it was clear, Kitaro wasnt the target, it was the spy, he turned quickly and saw the arrow piercing the man's throat,Kitaro quickly turned around and saw some more arrows flying towards him, this time he was the target for sure, he quickly pulled out the sheath from his belt and placed it infront of him blocking all of the arrows, he stoop up, looking for where the arrows came from "Who are you?, show yourself!" Then from one of the tree tops jumped down a figure, he landed infront of Kitaro and both stared at each other. The man was wearing a brown cloak with a hood that was on his head, browns leather gloves and boots, and a black leather armor, he was also packing a short bow and a quilt(sp?) of arrows on his back, a dagger strapped to his thigh, and a small crossbow devise on his wrist, he looked like some kind of a rogue... "You dont look like a spy, who are you?" "My name is Loki, I am a part of a mercenary group sent to kill you and your friends, and ill get a very nice bounty on your head, now prepare to die" Loki quickly pointed his arm towards Kitaro, and from his wrist crossbow shot 3 bolts towards him.....
  2. Im dying to get it but theres no way my parents would pay the monthly payments:(
  3. Tyros looked at Arika and then at Tsuni "Well if those 2 are going you know im in too buddy ", he looked at Seuneu and gave a wide grin OOC: yeah i know very short post but um.....whatever....
  4. well for those of you who played the game Baldur's Gate 2:Shadows of Amn, i hope youll like it. Romances are allowed, mild gore is possible as well Heres a recap of the story: News about the actions of the Bhaal child have reached the council of the Cult of Bhaal Head of Council: "Welcome brethrens, i trust you all know the reason of why we summon here today" Cultist #1: "I heard the Bhaal child has defeated the mage John Irenicus!, is that true head of council??" Head of Council: "Yes, yes it is" Cultist #2: "He is getting too powerful!, he is a threat to all of us and he must be dealt with!" There's a noise around the table as all the cultists express their agreement Head of Council: "Silence!, I agree as well, the Bhaal child must be dealt with, the question is, how?. Not only he has become powerful himself, he has powerul allies as well, we must consider the elves in this matter" Cultist #5: "If may i make a suggestion your honor?" Head of Council: "Go on" Cultist #5: "What if we dont kill the Bhaal child, rather then that, somehow convince him to join us, with his great power he can become the new god of murder and we shall rule all of Faerun!" Head of Council: "And how exacly do you suggest we do this?, the Bhaal Child has shown no tendencies(sp?) towards evil" Cultist #5: "I have a plan that may work...." ....1 Year after After their journys together the companions each went to his own way, not without first agreeing to meet back in Amn after 1 year for a reunion, this is where the story begins.... ok heres how you join: Name: Race: Age: (consider youre race when you write it) Class: Spells: (only if available to your class, pick 2 level 1 spells,and 1 levels 2 and 3 spells, if you dont know what spells are available you can check here: Spells . (you will be able to get more spells as the story goes of course) Equipment:you can have 1 special item from the game(weapon, peice of armor, misc item) or make up one(give us details about it) Appearance: you can either pick an NPC from the game or make up a character of your own heres my form: Name: Guerrand Race: Half-Elf Age: 150(about 20+ in human years) Class: Mage Spells:Magic Missile, Shield, Mirror Image, Fire Ball Equipment: Staff of Magi Appearance:Guerrand p.s another thing i wanted to say is please, of you do not intend to finish this dont join, i dont want someone to stop writing in the middle of it all and ruin the game for everyone else thats all, please join and have fun!
  5. She's right, different animes have different animation levels some are better some are worse(but to tell the truth i never saw an american cartoon better the worst anime i ever saw ;))
  6. Kitaro was about to turn back to the city and find the 2 brothers, he hoped they havnt left yet, when suddenly he heard a noise from behind, he slowly crouched and picked up the kunai that peirced his hand only a few seconds earlier, he stared from the corner of his eye and quickly turn around and threw the kunai, the kunai enterd a tree top, and a falling noise was heard "Time to get some answers" Kitaro calmly walked into the bushes, behind them he saw the spy he just dropped from the tree top, he crouched down, and stared at the frightened spy "Hello, lets have a talk shall we?....."
  7. OOC: oh sorry, i thought you were gonna go and finish them off or something, well dont worry, ill make a fight but not a long or important one, just a little short bout(im kinda bored ;)) Kitaro listened to what the man said and cocked an eyebrow "Trying to escape eh?, well i dont blame you, like i said youre not in much of a condition to fight me" "Alright kid i gave you a chance to get out of here alive but i guess you got a death wish, so let me help you fullfil(sp?) it The man started running at Kitaro sending a downward slash with his katana, Kitaro quickly dashed to the side and evaded, then again the man quickly slashed to the side, Kitaro blocked with his katana and jumped backwards then dashing towards the man, both of the swords clashed, and both the man and Kitaro faced each other "Youre better then i thought old man, whats your name?" "My name is of no importance to you you cocky brat" suddenly both men jumped backwards and then Kitaro jumped high into the sky, and as he was falling down the man heard him say "Hiten Mitsurugy Ryu, Ryu Tsui Sen!" Kitaro swooshed down with his sword ready to slash at the man, but at the last second the man raised his katana blocking the blow, and while doing that swung Kitaro's katana out of his hand and dropping Kitaro on to the ground. Kitaro lay down, surprised, when suddenly the man pointed his katana at Kitaro's neck "How do you know the Hiten style brat?, are you after the battousai as well?" At the sound of Kenshin's famous name Kitaro, now a bit more interested "How do you know about Kenshin?, did you have something to do with his kidnapping??" "Bah, I got no time dealing with brats, this ends now!" Just as the man began thrusting his sword at Kitaro, Kitaro rolled back, and while crouching preformed a sweep kick that tripped the man off his feet and onto the ground. Kitaro started running for his sword and just as he was about to grab the handle, a kunai(for those of you who dont know, a Kunai is a ninja throwing dagger) pierced Kitaro's palm making him twich in pain from the sudden hit, cluching his hand, Kitaro stared at the man "Iv wasted too much time on you, i need to get going back to camp, you better hope we dont meet again" And just like that, the man dissapeard into the trees. Kitaro pulled out the kunai from his palm, grabbed his sword and sheathed it back, stared at the direction the man went to for a few more moments... OOC: wow, it turned out much longer then i thought, lol, hope its ok
  8. cool another Kenshin RP, ill join Name: Kitaro Yamato Age:19 Appearance:[URL=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/508699/mace.jpg]Kitaro[/URL] Bio: he was friends with Kanasuke seinse they were kids, they grew up together practicing in the art of Hiten Mitsurugy Ryu, when she decided to go on her quest he decided to tag along, he had nothing better to do anyway;) Attitude:(youll just see by how i play my char)
  9. Tyros entered the room, he saw Seuneu sitting next to the computer, Zemiah next to him(who looked a bit pissed for some reason) and Tsuni standing next to the window "Ok im here, whats the big situation, and it better not be another false call like those last 3. Im starting to think youre being paranoid Seuneu...." Seuneu smiled and turned to face Tyros "Everything will be explained when the others get here, and no im not being "paranoid" as you think" Tyros gave a slight frown and sat on the bed across the computer, stared around and asked "So, whats up anyway?"
  10. Kitaro was about to continue following the 2 brother when he heard a loud scream a little bit ahed "Someone might be in trouble, ill catch up with those 2 later" Kitaro zoomed and dissapeard, running as fast as he can towards the source of the scream, when he got there he found the same man he noticed befor when they just enterd the forest "....Are you ok mister?" The person frowend and looked at Kitaro "Get lost boy, i got no time to deal with kids, well maybe just 2 certain ones, he he he, now buzz off i got an..."appointment" in the hospital" The man turned around and started walking "Are you sure youre ok sir?, you got s bad looking cut on your back there, is that why your going to the hospital? "I thought i told you to buzz off you annoying brat, unless you want some trouble, and youll end up in the hospital yourself" Kitaro gave a have smile "I dont think youre in a condition for a fight, certainly not to fight me" "Annoying rude brat, ill show you in what condition i am" The man drew his katana out of the sheath and ran at Kitaro charging him head-on, on the same time Kitaro, sighing, drew his sword preparing for battle...... OOC: ill give you a start on the fight if you want ;)
  11. While Kitaro continued following the 2 brothers he suddenly felt someone rushing by, he cought a glimps of a shadowed figure in the woods, it was a big fellow, wasnt sure if he was friend of foe "I better keep watch of that guy if i see him again..." Kitaro also noticed that one of the 2 brothers always kept looking back in his direction "Did they spot me?, not likely....but better not take any chances yet" Suddenly with high speed, Kitaro started circuling the entire area hoping the 2 lost track of him, he stopped on a tree in the other side, and kept watching
  12. Tyros is in his room watching TV, when suddenly he hears a sound from his computer "Whats this?, oh, an email from Seuneu, lets see what he wants now....." Tyros reads the messege and frawns "I swear that guy calls us over over every little pointless thing, probably another psyco sighting or something like that, *sigh*, better get going" Tyros gets dressed and goes out heading towards Seune's house....
  13. im not talking about stuff like that thread title, that is obviously bad, what im talking about is the way people keep watch about grammer stuff have you ever been in the forums DBZ Warriors?, they dont have rules about how you want to write, wheather(sp?) its ppl or people. u or you ect.... and they are one of the best m-boards i have ever seen, everyone there are friendly, always joking about stuff and everyone are friends, if they have problems their staff handles it quickly and efficiantly(and by problems i mean real spammin or cursing, not grammer issues) but like i said i will try to respect your rules(but i aint making any promises!:p ) so excuse me if i wont finish and start a centence at the right place or whatever
  14. Well as i understand im suppose to give feedbacks about the forum and forum staff, rules ect... here. Ok well i know im only new and i dont mean to be disrespectful to the staff and all but i think that you ppl are a bit too strict with proper grammer in the posts, as mod Arcadia pointed out to me. I mean common this place is just a public forum for the fun of all people, who cares if i dont use caps or commas or dots or whatever, as long as i dont spam or curse and everyone can clearly understand what im writing about Another reason for me writing like this is becuase i live in Israel and even though my English is very good, it is my second languange and i dont realy pay much attention about grammer in stuff like this. Again i dont mean to be disrespectuf but its just my opinion
  15. Kitaro cocked an eyebrow and gave a faint smile as he watched the bandits drop like flys one after another by the hands of the older brother "seems i was wrong, these two can fight quite well" Kitaro decided to stay still and keep folowing, he jumped on the roof and quickly followed the 2 OOC: again sorry for the short post, i just got nothing to write yet :huh:
  16. im not so sure about that, maybe we have enough good guys but 1 bad guy isnt enough i think its your decision tho;)
  17. Kitaro watched as the 2 brothers walked out of the resterunt, he overhead their conversation and decided to listen in, they were too looking for kenshin, and that other girl....he might be able to use them he watchedas they walked out, and noticed a few people following them outside, rugged looking people that looked like trouble makers, bandits probably, he decided to follow and if needed, give his possible companions to-be a hand if needed..... p.s what the hell is a zanbattou? and sorry for the short post i just dont realy know what to write right now :/
  18. boy i havnt played board games in years i used to play hours at them with friends but we kinda grew out of it i used to play Clue, very cool i also had other 2 who arent in that list: Talisman(a kind of a D&D board game, very fun) and Return of the Dinasours, which is basicaly just a startegy war game but it was very fun too ah memories:rolleyes:
  19. i actualy joined a few days ago, i sent dark_dragongirl an PM but didnt have the chance to write here yet btw dark_dragongirl i decided to change my char so if you want you can change it back to whatever it was Name: Kitaro Age: 17 Discription: [URL=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/508699/mace.jpg]heres how i look[/URL] a very determined man, very serious but also very kind and loyal to his friends, always strives to be the best Bio: trained in the art of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu by the master Hiko Seijiro himself, he was always told stories of the legendary Himura Kenshin and always dreamt to meet him untill one day he decided to set on a quest to find him Weapons: a single katana Side: good
  20. sweet:D ok here goes: Name: Tyros Age:17 Appearance: short spiked blond hair, green eyes, mediume built with muscles, wears black pants, blue shirt and a black jacket with a picture of a griffin flying on the back Personality: not much of a talker,he cares alot about his friends but doesnt always show it, he too likes to fight and will never refuse one. he practices his own style of martial arts which he created by combining shaolin kung-fu and tae kwan do which he studied since he was a kid. not much the competetive type. hes layed back and doesnt let ppl get to him Creature:Griffin Description: well you already know from Tsuni(tho im not realy sure about the sharp wings thing....)
  21. you know this 1 person per animal rule isnt that good, maybe not all but at least make a few ppl for each animal, there arent much besides those 3 and i realy wanted to be a griffin:(
  22. "The boy child is locked in the fishermans yard There's a blooless moon where the oceans die A shoal of nightstars hang fire in the nets And the chaos of cages where the crayfish lie?" Raist murmured to himslef as he snapped out of his trance "I, i saw that befor...somewhere, or at least something like it...." "Hey are you ok?, hello?", the girl asked Raist, but he wasnt listening, walking away into the library "This school is full of rude boys!", the girl said frawning a bit "I know i saw that somewhere befor", Raist told himself, as he picked up an old history book from one of the shelfs, sat down and started looking inside....
  23. OOC: well now i got something to work with;) and Roxanne Leifen sorry about that post but i sometimes get sick of waiting, im not the most patient guy in the world:cross: IC: Raist entered the library, still a bit dazed from his weakness, he was walking inside when suddenly he bumped into someone and both fell to the floor. "ouch, sorry i wasnt paying attention", said the girl, as he noticed by her voice "no its me, im kinda out of it right now, sorry", looking up, Raist noticed the girl was staring at him looking surprised, he suddenly realised he forgot to wear back his sun glasses, he quickly put them back on, and got up "um, sorry, i didnt mean to stare" "its ok, i gotta go...." suddenly another guy came running in, not noticing the girl he bumped into her and they both fell, again "ouch, 2 times in a row, my head hurts" "oops sorry, i was in a hurry to get in and didnt notice you" the guy got up and helped the girl to his feet "whats up buddy?, something wrong?" the guy asked when he noticed Raist was staring at him "its you, youre the one from befor, with the storm...." suddenly Raist was cut off as he got into some kind of a tranc, he was seeing words and images infront of him, only they werent realy there...... OOC: not the best, but its all i could come up with now ;)
  24. OOC: lol, unless you noticed none of the other students know much about the others either IC: Raist waited for the girl to leave, and then headed towards to entrence to the building but suddenly he crashed down on the floor, his eyes slowly stoped glowing, returning to their "normal" state. "*pant* *pant*,im...too tired....i better go rest" raist saw that the rain was still raging outside, he decided he best not walk home like this, so he thought the library will make a good quiet place to rest, he slowly rose from the floor and headed towards the library OOC:maybe that will give you a chance to meet other students eh?;)
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