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Anime Otaku

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Everything posted by Anime Otaku

  1. Raist entered the school grounds and stared around for a while, he detected something but wasnt sure what it was, he decided on a simple plan. Raist closed his eyes and placed his hands infront of them, chanting a few words and then put his hands down, he took off his glasses, and then cracked open his eyes, they were both glowing, each in her own colour, he cast a simple dedect illusion spell, and now was able to see it all clearly. He saw a boy up in a cloacked floor" "an earth elemental illusion spell, that explains it all...." he gave a half smile,but then he noticed another person, a girl just outside the door next to where he was, they may be connected he thought "i better not reavel myself yet, dont know why...." Raist quickly went to hide behind a piller across from the door to wait for the girl to leave......
  2. as Raist got closer to the acadamy, suddenly he started loosing the sense of the spells source "whats going on here...., i must be too tierd...." then Raist looked up at the storm,it was still raging, but it somehow calmed down "so thats it, the spell broke, does he know im coming?, i barely used any magical energy, certainly not enough to be detected from that far away....or maybe its the second aura i dedected...i better check it out, i guess...." Raist started picking up his pace, in a few minutes, he arrived at the school grounds.....
  3. Raist tossed and turned in his bed, for some reason he wasnt able to fall asleep,for some reason the magical power in the storm was disturbing him. He got up, stared into the storm, sensing the magical energy getting a bit stronger every minute, he got up, dressed,and left the house. He stood in the rain trying to sense the direction of the power, when he noticed it came from the mage's acadamy, in fact he was sensing another magical aura now, someone just used a spell, both the auras where in the acadamys direction, and Raist decided to go check it out, he had nothing else better to do. The acadamy wasnt that far away, he decided to walk the distance, he created his protective sphere again, and headed towards the school.....
  4. i myself love the whole martial arts shtick, it facinates me, i just love to watch and learn about it, i even learned judo when i was in grade school, a bit karate but very little, i remember nothing of it(now im sorry i didnt continued with it :() plus i studied a few years in the most leathel form of martial arts: Krav Maga(which means Contact Battle basicaly) belive it or not but this technique that was developed here in israel for our army is the most leathel of them all, it combines all the forms of martial arts in the world to one
  5. yeah give it up, you just cant beat the system you still got your home pc,thats enough
  6. man that bites, i know how hard it is sometime to sit down and study, i myself juts dont got the *** to sit still and read stuff who arent interesting well, i wish you good luck
  7. Vivi just got into town and was looking for a place to spend the night, he was wondering around a bit when he finaly found the town's inn "oh good, finaly a place to rest, im so tired". Vivi went inside, the inn keeper surprised to see a black mage in town "some croud we got here tonight, first a talking mog, then a weird creepy looking guy, and now a black mage. oh excuse me, i be guessing youll want a room for the night?" "sure do", Vivi answerd, "got any left" "yeah i have a few left, heres your key, that'll be 50 gold coins" Vivi put the coins on the table, took the key, and went into his room for the night.....
  8. sounds fun, wanted to be squall but o well:( Name: Vivi Weapon: Staff of Magi Alliance: Good (sorry, i aint got picks of him)
  9. Raist finaly got home after another 15 minutes of walking in the city, he was about to go inside when he felt something changed in weather, he took off his sun glasses and stared deep into the storm, something unnatural was in it now, something magical increased its power, but he didnt have time to think about it now, he had a test tomorrow at school, and the sphere spell draind him a little more then he expected, probably because the storm was so strong tonight, he shrugged and went inside, took off his cloths, and went to bed, waiting for tomorrow.....
  10. OOC: ok im a bit confused here is Talia talking about Cast as guy?, and isnt he a she actualy?.... or did i get something mixed up
  11. Raist finally got into town, started heading towards his home, on his way more then a few ppl stared at him and his water sphere, some dissgused, some a bit interested. a small kid suddenly ran up to him and started dancing around him and poking his sphere, facinated by it, he stopped, looked down and smiled, he like little kids in a way, they were innocent, he liked that about them, he crouched down, started moving his index finger in a circle and the water on the sphere suddenly came to life, performing little tricks for the child, she smiled and gigled at the show, but then suddenly her mother ran up to her screaming, "get back here now!, dont go near him!, it might be dangerouse" Raist got up, raisd the colar of his jacket as to hide his face, then continued pacing towards his house
  12. OOC: ok i signed up ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IC: Raist woke up again, the fire still burning dimly next to him, he looked outside, it was getting dark, and still raining bad. "i better get home, i guess...." he took his spell book and put it back in his back pack, spilled some dirt on the fire and put it out, then started walking outside. he glanced around, he didnt want to get wet again, and he had no umbrela or something to keep him from gettin wet, but he didnt need one, he streched out his arms, closing his eyes to concentrate then he started chanting a few words, there seemed to be no change, but when he started walking outside, the rain drops slid around him and didnt hit him, to anyone who looked at him it seemd like he had a sphere of water surrounding him, he sighed, then starting walking back towards the city
  13. ok i was told i need to register here so here goes (btw, is there any plot to this or?....) Name: Raist(just raist, didnt keep his family name for reasons later explained) Age:17 Gender:male Height:6'0'' Weight:57kg(I'm from isreal, we use kg as well) Hair Color:deep blue with a white streak in the middle Eye Color: right eye is deep blue, left eye is bright green Mage or Normal: mage Elements: fire and water General appearance:mediume built spiked short hair, usualy wears blue jeans, and dark blue jeans jacket and a white shirt, and sun glasses to hide his eyes(your regular biker looks i guess:D) Bio: Raist had a harsh life from the begining, he was born a normal baby, but in a few short years, he developed his blue/white hair and green/blue eyes, in addition to his special talent for magic from the begining his father, shocked and disgussed, said he didnt want a weird freak for a son, and left the house when raist was just a baby, when he grew up, his mother was a drunk, always blaming raist for his father leaving the house and her alone, she then came down with a sickness about when raist was 8, when he turned 10 she died and seince then he was living alone in his house. after that he signed for the mage school, they agreed to let him in for the fact that even for his young age he had great tallent. raist is a quiet boy, not very social because he never knew how to talk to people, another reason is because of his weird looks that everyone kept away from him, even the teachers at school sometimes gave him weird looks, he hated them for that. he usualy spends most of his time in a quiet medow he found in the outskirts of the city, he can be alone there practicing his magic, because of that he has skills in most of the elements but his mastery is fire and water. hope everything is ok now
  14. suddenly awakening, he felt rain pound on his face, Raist got up and stared around, it was raining bad, although he didnt mind getting a little wet, this wasnt little. he got up and started heading towards the little cave he knew, he settled down, staring at the outside. he liked his little cave, it was a place only he knew about, surrounded by a large open grass field he found on the outskirts of the city, he could be alone with his thoughts there,he wasnt a very social person, one of the reasons being he never realy knew how to talk to other ppl. he started chanting a few words and then set a small fire to get warm and dry up, he was preety skillfull with most elements of magic,usualy studying by himself in his quite medow, he liked this silence, lying next to the fire, he dozed off and fell asleep again
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