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About superfreak07

  • Birthday 04/12/1989

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  • Occupation
    In high school

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  1. The release date is Nov. 9 2004. It'll be awsome. I have all the screenshots and movies on a cd that I copied off the internet. I love it.
  2. I'd like to have a SOCOM II avatar. I would like it to have a character shooting. I picture him kneeling and you are looking at him from the side. If possible have the shells popping out of the gun. I'd also love a SOCOM II banner. I would like it to have the fireteam (the four guys, you and the ones that follow you) looking in different directions. It'd be best if they were kneeling. I'd like them to be in the center of the banner. Then Navy on the left of them, and Seals on the right. Thanks a bunch for whoever reads this and does as I ask.
  3. I have one cooperative war game. By cooperative I mean you have a group of people helping you, friends or computer. Halo is one great game. So is Rainbow Six 3. There are a lot of great games like that out there. SOCOM I and II are awsome. What I would like to know is what games do you enjoy playing with friends or in your alone time. Do you play them online? I like games with stealth needed. So to make it clear these are my exact questions: [B]1. [/B] What is your favorite cooperative war/military game? [B]2. [/B] Do you play it online? [B]3. [/B] Would you recomend it to someone else? [B]4. [/B] Does it involve stealth or is it just a run around shoot-em up game? I want to know this becuase I really want a new war game. And I thought it be best that I ask the people what they recomend.
  4. I'm not real great at making these myself, so I decided to ask you to help. I would like an avatar that has a barbarian or wizard head on it. The banner I would love to have a female archer/ranger shooting an arrow at an enemy. If possible I would like it to say on it Champions of Norrath. If you can do this, then please do something pretty close to it.
  5. Yeah it was planned according to my sources. They said that Timberlake and Jackson planned it between themselves. All because she looked shocked means nothing. She could have faked that or she could have been shocked that it happened so nicely. At first sight I thought she had it covered like little kim, but I looked a little closer and no way was it covered. Plus isn't she supposed to be black? Her boob was white.
  6. Right after I posted that Scooter girl got eliminated so now instead of her I'd say the girl with pink hair.
  7. Surely I'm not the only one watching American Idol. Its kind of early to tell right now, but I want to know who everyone thinks will win. I honestly think that it'll either be "Scooter girl" ?Nicole Tierie? or Matthew Rogers. Its a great show, according to me. A lot of people in my school watch it. Its funny to see the people that think they can sing, but totaly suck. Some, on the other hand, are actually good but need some more confidence boosting. Then there are the few that are energetic and confident, the catch is they CAN sing. Who do ya'all think will win the whole compition?:rolleyes:
  8. Superfreak07 is originated purely by me. One I love the song "Super Freak". Two 2007 is the year I graduate from high school so '07. Thats How my name originated.
  9. At my school there is a kid that runs every where. He runs to lunch and classes. It's high school, slow down and walk. He also uses a laptop computer instead of taking hand writen notes and it takes him forever to type.
  10. Being first chair at my school, I'd say I know enough about music. The only concern I have is getting into jazz band next year. Next year, four juniors and one 8th grader will try for the spot. I hope i can make it.
  11. Well I'm a freshman. My school is probably one of the only schools that marches their freshmen in our area. I am a trumpet and pretty good at that. I'm first chair in concerte band, but I'm in the second band which is still an honor to be 1st chair. I have 2 seniors seated under me. Band kicks butt at my school. We have the same fight song as the LSU band. We play just as good as they do too. Our director is writing more pep band music.
  12. I'm in the shcool band, and it kicks butty. Well since i said in the subject area "One time at band camp....." I guess I should continue it. Well it was early in the summer. We were still getting to know each other. Our director had us toe to heal in a circle. We had to sit down on each others laps. We fell a couple of times. Later we had to walk while sitting on the person behind you's lap. Thats marching band. Our marching band is one of the best, except for southern styled marching bands, they dance. This year we went to CMSU competition in Missouri. We took 3rd overall. Then on December 28, 2003 we played halftime at the Kansas City Chiefs Professional Football game. Just a week ago we went to the National College Football game. We competed in a compition. Overall we took 2nd which is really good. In our division we took first and swept all but 1 trophies. There were 5 trophies. Then we preformed with about 20 other high school bands during halftime and pregame of the LSU/OU NCAA football game. Has anyone on here but me had a great experience in band or sports of any kind? Something that will stick with you your whole life. I get to go on another trip my senior year of high school. I'll remember forever both the trips.
  13. My third grade teacher was in a bad mood one day, and cussed at about 5 of the kids there. The kids had been trouble that day but to make it worse, after recess we came in and sat on the floor in the front of the room. This pissed her off. The 5 that already made her made got cussed at and were sent to the principal's office.
  14. I often struggle to get people to listen to the bands that I like. I like Weezer, Ozma, Simple Plan and that sort of music. I have friends that listen to some things I like, but they also have their choices. Mellow rock often attracts my attention. I also prefer less language, like cussing. It has to have energy in the music, but not too heavy for me. I'd like to find out what bands most people haven't heard of, but are still a good band. So what does everyone listen to? I also ask that most of you listen to Weezer, Ozma, and Simple Plan at some point in your life. My main question is, what does everyone listen too? What are your favorite bands? I'll try and find them and listen to them.
  15. I like Ozma and most people have never heard of them. I don't try and keep them to myself, I try to tell people to listen to them. Ozma is pretty good, but they aren't a solid rock.
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