How'd you get your family to do THAT?
My family never, ever would!
[size=1][color=blue]Try to put a bit more into your posts, please. This is basically spam, since it doesn't contribute much to the conversation. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
I've been looking for reviews of this game. Can't find any. Any word yet? Anyone actually gotten it? (The EB Games near my house doesn't have it in yet.)
I was torn between getting this and B2, and decided to get B2. However, once I see the movie, I'll go and add this to my list. Very glad to hear its getting good reviews and that people like it. I'm always worried about these games!
I got this last night @ EB Games (they FINALLY called to let me know they have it). Haven't started to play much yet, but the graphics kick *** - and Dragon Mode is very difference from story mode from Budokai 1, but I actually kind of like it.
Anyone else not too busy tooling around with ROTK to play?