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Everything posted by corrie3000

  1. I'm so excited for the 19th that I could pee.
  2. How'd you get your family to do THAT? My family never, ever would! [size=1][color=blue]Try to put a bit more into your posts, please. This is basically spam, since it doesn't contribute much to the conversation. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  3. I've been looking for reviews of this game. Can't find any. Any word yet? Anyone actually gotten it? (The EB Games near my house doesn't have it in yet.)
  4. I was torn between getting this and B2, and decided to get B2. However, once I see the movie, I'll go and add this to my list. Very glad to hear its getting good reviews and that people like it. I'm always worried about these games!
  5. ....I've been thinking about trying out the .hack games. Are they really as compelling as people say they are?
  6. I got this last night @ EB Games (they FINALLY called to let me know they have it). Haven't started to play much yet, but the graphics kick *** - and Dragon Mode is very difference from story mode from Budokai 1, but I actually kind of like it. Anyone else not too busy tooling around with ROTK to play?
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