The fact that the graphics for the Dragon Warrior series is not up to the other RPG's out there will probally be the reason it will not be broght over to NA. It would be only bought by a small demographic and wouldn't make them much money.
I do love NGE but I don't rank it in my top 10 let alone me favorite of all time. The anime gets worse as the series goes on and they use way to many recyled frames. Plus Shinji is the most annoying freakn character of all time. Great but not excellent.
My top 10, this may change in time but here it is for now:
1. Trainspotting
2. Fear and Loating in Las Vegas
3. Goodfellas
4. The Stoned Age
5. Blow
6. X2
7. Apocalypse Now
8. The Godfather
9. Heat
10. Batman ('89)
Limp Bizkit are a joke man, Fred Durst if the VP of interscope but he was on the free napster tour. I will give him one thing, he was smart enough to say that people won't be listening to Limp Bizkit in 20 years, they are music of the moment.