fire otaku
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"I don't need to be towed" duke said. He was annoyed that he lost. He had never lost to any one before except for those on the demolition runners team. He was really ticked off that blade didn't do what he was supposed to. "Blade show your self" duke yelled out. Blade's cloaking device turned off and showed that he was flying above them. Blade flew down and combined with the aerosaurer and healed the leg then disconected the cables. "You were supposed to snip her when the moment was right" duke yelled. Blade just grolwed in a tone saying that it was sorry. Duke moved the aerosuarer and started leading them to the base. As they went through the dessert dukes systems went off and showed a zoid useing a cloaking system went by them. Duke figured it was probaply maverin becuase only maverin and evean knew how to use the geno suarers cloaking systems. "So why do you want to go to the base" duke asked. "I want to take a look around and meet this evean guy i've heard about" kessi said. "Well the base is comeing up. You'll have to go to the left side hangers. If you see two weamon running around the base with crazed looks stay out of there way" duke said as the base came into view. Duke sent out a message that he was bringing some zoid pilots into the base. Once they were close enough duke left them and went into the student hanger.
Duke looked back and saw that suzuki wasn't chasing after them. He signaled for blade to stop as they came to an intersection in the hall. Duke got off of blades back and looked around. He didn't see any body else around and didn't see any cameras. "O.k blade. Even though evean said not to go into the tunnels because of the clean up it's better than facing suzuki head on and no one wants to do that" duke said. Blade nodded as duke opened a panel on blades side. Two wires came out as duke removed a panel from the wall. Behind the wall was some of the systems inside the base that controlled the tunnel doors. Blade connected into the controls and opened a door. Duke closed blades panel once its wires had retracted. They jumped into the tunnels and ran to the hanger. Once they got to a door under the hanger floor duke opened it and looked around. There was no sign of suzuki but katherin was there. "Hopefully she doesn't see us" duke said getting out of the tunnel. Blade got out and closed it behind them. They ran over to the aerosaurer and duke got in while blade flew ahead of him. Once the systems were set duke left. Duke figured they should go to town to get some things for the aerosaurer. As they went through the dessert blade noticed something in the distance. "What is it blade" duke asked. On one of his screens a konig wolf was running through the dessert. From what duke saw it seemed to be in pretty good shape for being an older zoid. Most people piloted the new zoids that had been made so only those who had skills piloted the old ones. "O.k blade. Find a sniper position. Let's see if we can have a battle" duke said. Blade nodded as its cloak started. Duke turned the aerosaurer and went towards the konig wolf. Once he was in view of the other zoid he got a message. Duke allowed it and a girl appeared on the screen. "Do you know where the demolition's runners base is" she asked. "I'm a student there. How about a little battle. If I win you keep looking for the base and if you win i'll take you there" duke said. "Sounds good to me. Let's just hope the peace keeping bureau don't show up and I'm kessi" kessi said smiling. "I'm duke and I hope they don't show up either. They're already about to take my license for fighting outside the stadiums" duke said smiling as he started firing at her.
Duke walked through the students hanger with blade following behind him. As they walked around the zoids he heard some sounds coming from above him on the catwalks above the zoids. He looked up and saw that katherin had a maverin in a head lock. "I can't believe he tried to take the geno breaker for a ride again" duke said shaking his head. He looked down to tail blade who was laughing. He smiled as blade looked at him. Duke had blade with him long enough so he figured that blade knew what he was thinking. Duke opened the bag on his back and took some water balloons out as tail blade flattened his back and moved the spikes on his tails to the sides. "Once you fire we'll need to move fast" duke said as he put a balloon on blades tail. Blade nodded as he whipped his tail. The balloon went flying and hit katherin in the face. Katherine let go of maverin and started brushing the water off of her face. Maverin took the chance and left on his hover board. Suzuki looking at katherin and started laughing. Duke loaded another balloon and blade fired. The balloon hit suzuki and she stopped laughing as duke and blade started running down a hall.
[B]Name:[/B] duke leveren [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/raider0/rag_thief.JPG]basicly like this[/URL] [B]Team/occupation[/B]: student of the demolition runners base [B]Zoid:[/B] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/raider0/aerosaurer.JPG]aerosaurer[/URL] [B]zoid armaments/equipment:[/B] pulse laser gun, smoke discharger, shield emiters, missle pods, rist mounted 30mm machine gun [B]Zoid fuzor:[/B] none [B]Ultimate X/alpha zoid:[/B] none [B]Organoid:[/B] tail blade, blue with red spykes on the tip of the tail [B]Bio:[/B] Duke heard of the dimolitions runner when he was a kid and watched recordings of there fights. Eventualy he decided to go to the base and hope to learn the same skills that evan have. He took one of the aerosaurers that his family had and left to find the base. As he went to the base he saw a organoid flying around and eventualy got it to follow his orders. When he got to the base he met maverick but couldn't belive that he was evens grandson becuase of the way he acts. They became friends but act more like rivals towards each other.
Glen went ahead off the other to look in different spots. After awhile he headed back. "It seems like they've already left" glen said once he got back. "They probaply have but if not we'll keep looking" riddel said. Glen just nodded as they continued searching. After awhile of searching. They heard rusteling in the plants behind them. They turned around as some hyrdas came out of the plants. The hydras looked down at them then rn past them. "What was that about" korcha asked. "They're probaply some of the hydras that were sent here" serg said as he watched them go. Once the hydras were gone they heard more sounds. They turned and saw a dwarf come out of the plants. It looked at them then backed up a bit. "What are humans doing in the marshes" the dwarf asked. Before glen or the others could answer the dwarf took out a whistle and blew it. A group of dwarfs came to the other with weapons in there hands. Glen stepped infront of riddle and prepared to draw the einlanze incase a fight was to start.
[b]Name:[/b] glenn [b]Age:[/b] no [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Occupation:[/b] knight [b]Race:[/b] human [b]Build:[/b] average [b]Weapon:[/b] the einlanzer [b]Bio:[/b] Glen is a knight that works for general viper and is apart of the dragoons. He is friends with riddle who is the daughter of general viper and takes it upon him self to protect her like his brother and father did before they died. Because his brother dario was a diva glenn strives to be stong like him. Glenn met serg and his friends when he noticed that serg had a flower that was needed for cheremony and eventualy join him. [b]Inate:[/b] green
Blake and jake came out of the portale. They looked around but didn't see much except for darkness. They started walking while looking for the others. Noa was ahead of blake and jake with them following them. As they walked both blakes and jakes mellenium items glowed. Both of them dissapered for a couple of seconds then reappeared. They both looked like there favorite duel monster cards. Noa looked back surpprised. "What happened to you two" noa asked. "Who knows but I like it" blake said smilling as he raised the cat claw on his arm. "I've got no problem with this" jake said spinning his double sided trident. "Well since you've got wings go on ahead and find amber and the others" noa said. Blake nodded and opened his wings. He started running and lifted off. Once he was high enough he flew on ahead.
The next mourning luke packed some equipment with him and left to the directors trailer. The director was talking to a girl who had shown up during the night. "So did you find any thing last night" the director asked. "I've found a way to open the door. Gather the others and those who are going in" luke said heading to the temple. He came up to the temple and waited. A couple of minutes later the others showed up. Luke activated his duel disk and played the mystic moon card. The gaurdians eye rotated and looked at the hologram. The door opened up and the eye rotated back. Luke turned on a lanturn and headed in.
Hunter rode his motorcycle through the abandoned whare houses. He had followed the trail that jason had left. He came up to an abandoned whare house and stopped. The walls had grafiti on them and the windows and some of the doors were covered by wood planks. He walked up to a door that wasn't locked up and entered. He walked to the middle of the building and found jason healing him self. "It looks like you got pounded pretty bad" hunter said. One of the jasons opened his eyes and looked up. From what hunter knew he thought it was j2. "What do you want hunter? J1's healing right now" j2 said. "To offer my survices to jason. What else" hunter said. "If you want to be helpfull go and follow the sent that was left behind. Find a girl named alex and kill her" j2 said. Hunter nodded and left. He came to his motorcycle and followed the trail jason left.
[b]Name:[/b] hunter tarja [b]Age:[/b] 157 but looks 15 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Race:[/b] demon [b]Appearence:[/b] head band, blue eyes, green shirt, orange vest, black pants, guantlets, boots [b]Bio:[/b] hunter is a traveling demon. He travels to find his purpose in life. During his travels he got into a fight and almost died. Jason resquid him when he was a spirit ditective. Hunter is the only one that jason has told about the acident and let live. Because he got help from jason he'll follow his orders. [b]Side:[/b] Bad [b]Weapons:[/b] naginata, bows and arrows Dark illsuions: a tech mostly used for escaping. Hunter can create illusions to do what he wants. He can decide if the illusions are real are not. Nature calling: hunter gains the power to control apart of nature for a period of time.
Blake walked to his house and opened the door. He went up to his room and set stuff down. He opened his bag and took out his mellenium sword and slung it onto his back. He went over to a drawer and took out his deck. He sat down on his bed and waited a couple of minutes. Jake and noa came running into his room. "So why did you need me to grab my deck" blake asked. "A possible shadow game" jake said smilling. "Might as well come. You sounded like some thing happened" blake said getting up. Once they had every thing together they left.
Luke walked around the temple looking for kieth. He found him looking at some inscriptions on the wall near the edge of the sand. He walked up to him and saw that he was trasnlating letters. "So what do these say" luke asked. "Well they say the temple will open during a sand storm or for the eye of darkness. It says that the eye of darkness appears at night and will be full every couple of monthes. The only thing that goes along with that is a full moon" kieth said standing up. kieth put his note book back and they started back for the front of the temple. "The next full moon wont be till tommarow night so we'll have to wait" kieth said. "Is there any other things that kaiba put in the duel disks other than what you've told me" luke asked once they reach the front of the temple. "Well the hologram system can be started with out being in a duel" kieth said. Luke stopped walking and thought for a second. He turned to the door of the temple and saw that the gaurdian's eye and turned back around. "I might as well try an expirament" luke thought. He took out his deck and started going through his cards. He found a magic card and took it out. He activated his duel disk and played the card. The card he played was the mystic moon. A picture of a full moon appeared infront of him. The gaurdians eye rotated and looked at the hologram. As the eye glowed a rumbleing sound could be heard. Luke looked down to see that the door was opening. Before the door finished opening he removed the card making the hologram dissapier. The eye rotated back and the door closed again. "Well we have a way to get in now. Let's tell the other in the mourning" luke said as they started back for there trailer.
[b]Name:[/b] blake dobrian [b]Age:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] blond hair, blue eyes, green shirt, gloves, blue jeans, red and black head band, white shoes, sword on his back [b]Bio:[/b] blake is friends with jake. when jake gaive him the mellenium sword blake just saw it as another sword for his collection. Blakes a guy of his word and will help his friends if he thinks it's needed. He loves to fight when ever he can and doesn't like to back down from a challange. [b]Millennium Item:[/b] millennium sword Millennium Item?s Power:[/b] increases ones natural abillaties [b]Monster:[/b] harpies brother [b]Monster Description:[/b][URL=http://yugiohstuff.nstemp.com/images/harpies_brother.jpg]harpie's brother[/URL] [b]Side:[/b] helping Yugi [b]Reason for Playing the Shadow Game:[/b] feeling bored and for the fun of it
Luke walked to the directors trailer. Once he came in the director looked up. "Well it seems like every one's here except for tara. I'll inform her later on the meeting" the director said. Luke just nodded. He looked around to that amber had come. Luke wondered how she would make kieth act knowing that a directlink to kaiba was around. "Well from what I know most of you were called here for some unknown reason. I realy had nothing to do with it" the director said. "If you didn't call us in can you give us an idea why we're here luke asked. "Well from what I know you're all duelists. In the legends of the temple it says that wieldser of the powerfull monsters were respected. Of coarse that has to do with this shadow realm stuff i've heard about. I'd like some proof of it but I don't realy know if it's true or not" the director said. "Just when I think i'm finished with shadow realm stuff i'm dragged right back into it" joey said hanging his head down. "It can't be that bad. I've always wanted to try a shadow game out" kieth said looking at him. "You're not going to like it if you end up in one. I've seen acouple of them and I hated them" joey said. "Well even so if this shadow realm stuff is true the chances of one of you ending up in one is slim. Let's get back to the point here. From scans and reports from ten years ago we've found that there are seven chambers in the temple. The seventh one is the biggest and is in the middle of the temple. We'ld like to go in but the temple wont open" the director said as he pulled out a map. "So you'ld like us to see if we can find a way in" amber said. "If possible. I'd appreceat any help that you can give" the director said as he passed the map around to the others.
O.O.C: sorry I didn't start this my self. I had things to do. Luke looked around. There were acouple of other people doing some work on a map. The people looked up then went back to work. "So why was it that we were called in" luke asked. "I realy don't know. I had nothing to do with calling people in" the director said. "So you had no say in the letters" luke asked. "The letters were sent out on the day the dig was restarted. No one knows who sent the letters yet but all we know is that they restarted the dig" the director said walking over to the map. "So what are you doing in here" kieth asked walking around the map. "We've done some scans and pieced together the information that was gathered ten years ago but it doesn't all fit together" the director said. "Let kieth take a look at it. He's good at piecing things together wiether they're normale or strange" luke said as he headed to the door. Once he was outside he started looking around the site.
Thanks for joing. I'll probaply start it today or on tuesday when I get a chance.
Bare with me that this is the first rp i've ever done so don't get to angry with me. During a trip to egypt a group of archeologist had found an irregular land formation. They scanned the area and found that there was a buried temple. It was decided that an excavation would be started. People where called in to started digging but the people who lived near the temple warned that it would be unwise to dig up the temple. The diggers didn't pay any attention to the people so they continued. It was believed there was treasure inside the temple, some artifacts and some thing that had to do with shadow games but the diggers didn't care about the shadow games because they believed they did not excised. Once the temple was found a group of explorers were sent in to see what could be found. The were warned but none of them listened. After the explorers went in the door closed. A rumbling sound was heard and the door opened up again. When a group of people were sent in to look for the explores not a trace of them could be found. The locals said that the explorers were sucked into the shadow realm and they would never return. Most said that traps had gotten the explores but some went with the locals. Because nothing could be decided the dig was called off. The temple was reburied and any thing they found near the temple was sent to museums. Ten years later the dig has been restarted but on the same day it was restarted some people received letters asking them to come to the dig. No one knows who sent letter or why they were asked to come. You can play any characters from the show you'd like but joey's researved for Maximillion404. Sign up: Name: Age: Occupation: (explorer, dueslist, some one who's been trapped in the shadow realm and any thing else you'd think that might go along with the rp) Bio: Shadow realm monster: (below 3000 atk so no blue eyes unless you're kaiba and you don'y have to have one) Reason for going: (not needed for explorers or people trapped in the shadow realm) [b]Name:[/b] luke kelow [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Occupation:[/b] duelist [b]Bio:[/b] Luke doesn't realy care about the dig. He was kind of draged into it by his friend keith. Luke just likes to be by him self but will hang out with his friends if he's in the mood to. He likes to play sports and espicaly when he beats his friends at them. He's normaly a laid back guy who likes to play duel monsters. The only thing he mostly hates other than people who cheat while playing against him are fairys because he finds them annoying. [b]Shadow realm monster:[/b] harpies brother [b]Reason for going:[/b] to duel and got dragged into it
Coren looked around. He hadn't found any thing around the place where kyp had asked him to look. "There doesn't seem to be any thing out here" coren said looking around. Coren figured that what ever was there had left or was never there to begin with. "I might as well go back and finish my training" coren said as he started heading back to the castle. As kyp walked the dragoon from before walked up to him. "I didn't intoduce my self before. My name is james. Kyp tells me you got your dragoon spirit awhile agoand he thinks you would be good to practice against" james said. "Sure why not. I havent used my spirit yet so let's go" coren said smilling. Coren started concentrating. Circles of energy formed around him as he was covered in dragoon armor. James just staired. "Are you sure you haven't used the spirit yet. It seems like you got it with out trying" james said. "I haven't used it till now. So go into your dragoon form and we'll start" coren said as he drew his sword. James nodded and went into his dragoon form. He drew his sword and prepared him self. They flew into the sky and started there fight.
Coren was in a training room. He was upside down balancing on a pole with one hand above a bed of spikes. "How kyp can do this I have no idea for that matter how did he manage talking me into it" coren asked as he quickly shifted his weight to his other hand. As he balanced his dragon spirit reacted. "I wonder what's going on" coren said. As he balanced he heard someone come into the room. Coren didn't know who the person was but he sensed that they were a dragoon. "Kyp wants you to come to moon child's room" the person said. "O.k then. Can you move that board over there over the spikes" coren asked pointing with his free hands. The person saw the board and picked it up. He lifted it over the spikes and set it down. He flipped off of the pole and landed on the board. He turned around and started running. After going through the halls he came to kethri's room and found kyp. "I was told that you needed me" coren said catching his breath. "Yes, something has happened to kethri. I'd like you to search outside the castle and see if you can find any thing strange" kyp said. Coren nodded and left to begin his search.
Vearen and the others watched as talim and evean began fighting each other. Evean fired at talim but he managed to avoid most of the shots. "So why does talim have a problem with them" vearen asked. "A while ago we faught against talim and suzuki's brother. Talim almost got killed by evean, nitus organoid gave evean his geno breaker and talim just seems not to like suzuki" sarah said. "Suzuki must not like to bring up her brother alot. So what is it that evean and the other have against talim" vearen asked as he grabbed a piece of pizza. "The last guy who asked about her brother ended up in the hospital for four weeks. As for what the others have against talim, he blew up evean first wail king, he had some people steal from suzuki's diary and as for nitsu we don't know yet" max said. "So does he have any thing against you guys" vearen asked as he got a fealing that he should start running to his scout fox incase of an attack. "Not from what we know. The only persion we faught that day was loyd" kate said. "O.k then but if he sirens go off becuase of a attack i'm blaming you guys" vearen said. "Shut up and just watch the fight" jake said. Vearen nodded and watched the fights.
Coren looked back to see that kyp had gone back to stairing at the sky. Coren realy didn't know what would be instore for him tommarow but he felt that being trained as a knight and living his life as one would help him. He closed the door as he started back down the stairs. As he walked the persion he had left his weapons and armor with walked up to him. "I've had your armor repaired and spells were put into your glaive and the armor. The spells should give you some better strength and some more defence" the worker said. "Thank you for the help. I'll need this stuff for my trip tommarow" coren said taking back his weapon and armor. The worker nodded then left. Coren started back down the stairs to see the king talking to some people who had asked about what happened. Most of the people seemed to either be calm or be scared about what happened. "I'll do as I said to help kyp and protect the people who are threatened by the attacks" coren thought as he headed to his room.
Tracy was bored. All there was to do was to watch kelmadics fight or he and the others could start a fight with the golems. Tracy looked over to a group of golems who were practicing against each other. He looked over to titan who just seemd to smile and knew what tracy was thinking about. Becuase tracy was never one to pass up a fight he went along with it. "Gitan, do you see the golems over there" tracy asked. "Ya I see them. Why do you ask" gitan asked smilling. "I want you to give them your strongest lighting attack" tracy said. Gitan just nodded. He raised his trident into the air above him and started spinning. Gitan took aim and fired a wave of lighting. the lighting hit the golems make a couple of them fall over. The golems that didn't fall charged at them. "Well we're not bored any more" tracy said as gitan flew off to fight the golems.
Ray was riding on zumms back while his lionel was hopping next to them. "When do you think we'll find the next town" lionel asked looking at ray. "Who knows when. Why do you ask" ray asked looking back. "What else. I'm hungry again" lionel said. "Did we just stop to eat awhile ago" ray asked shaking his head. "Ya but I do alot more exercise than you or zuum so let's get to the next town so we can eat" lionel said smilling. Ray just shook his head. He looked around and saw a unlocking shrine ahead of them. "I guess we'll see if there's any one in there. We'll set up a camp there" ray said. Lionel smilled and went ahead of them. Zuum had to start running faster to catch up.
It's embarrassing to see some one beg for others to join. T man asked me to join to helpfully get the rpg going so i'll join. Name: ray Age: 15 Description: blond hair, green eyes, boots, green shirt, red head band, blue pants, gauntlets Bio: Ray travels to help raise his zuum and lionel. He likes to make friends and help others but some times get on others nerves. He cares for his monsters as much as he does for others but loses track of things some times. He has meet gearen but some how he always loses track of him so while training his monsters he looks to see if he can find him Monsters: zumm, lionel Later Monsters: veno roller, jiji
Tracy and the others ran up to glen who was infront of a titan. "So who'll go first" titan asked. "I guess me and gaunt will take you on" tracy said smilling. He looked back to gaunt who walked up next to him. Titan just nodded as gaunt walked to it's opposite side. Titan did a signle and the golems got out of the way. Gaunt started charging at titan as it put out its claws. Titan just ran at it with the same speed of as one of the tigers and got ready to swing its arm. Once close enough titan came in for a low punch. The punch almost hit gaunt except it jumped and landed on titans arm. Gaunt started running up it and fired a fire ball into titans face. Gaunt jumped off of titans shoulder as titan tried to hit him.