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fire otaku

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Everything posted by fire otaku

  1. Vearen and the others went into the camand center to watch the fight. Tracy sat infront of a computer and launched probes to follow evean and the others. On the screens in the room the battle was shown. Vearen took a seat and watched. "Last call for bets guys" tracy said smilling. More people started running to tracy after hearing this so they could get more bets in. "So who did you place bets on" zack asked sitting next to him. "I placed bets on both suzuki and evean" vearen said smilling. "You can place bets on more than one of them" zack asked shocked. "I placed bets on both of them so either way I get some money and try to get in good with them. Both out teams have done" vearen said smilling. "What? No one told me. Hey tracy i'd like to place some more bets" zack said getting up. Vearen just shook his head. He looked around to see more peope comeing in. Most of them had food for watching the fight. "Well for this big of a turn out i'll show you some thing that was put in when the second wing was built" tracy said smilling as he took out a remote. He pushed it and one of the wall sepperated. A giant t.v came up to replace the wall that was removed. The starting of the battle appeared on the screen causing every one to cheer. "Have you guys told evean and suzuki about this" vearen asked as he grabed a bag of popcorn. "We never told them about it" kate said as she took a seat. "They're going to kill you guys for not telling them" vearen said. "Oh well. At least we'll get to see this fight before they come back" max said smilling as the fight started.
  2. Coren looked at the balcony that kyp left through. He didn't know why kyp asked about him self but he had figured that he would find out the reason later. He turned around and started for the kings meeting room. He came in to find the king talking to some of the knights. The king saw him and told the knights to leave. "So what is the progress of the eight knight hoods out post" the king asked as he sat down at a table. "We haven't been attacked by any monsters or bandits and we've had most of it moved into the fields" coren said as he sat down. "And as for the dragon poison that was in the area" the king asked. "Most of the poison has left with the dragon being gone for a hundred years but there are still some traces of it and the forest is started to return to normal" coren said. "That is good to know. I would like you to travel with kyp and his friends for awhile. With the reappearance of virages it seems like a war will start or the power of the god of destruction will be let loose" the king said. "I was planning to travel with kyp any ways. I'll do the best I can to protect the moon chilled" coren said getting up. The king nodded as he started looking through some papers. Coren left and started searching for kyp.
  3. Tracy and the others started running after glen along with the other monsters. "How fast can that guy run" amber asked. "Who really knows but how far are we into the canyon? We've got to be more than half way there" kris said looking at tracy. Tracy pulled out a map and looked it over. "Sorry but we're not even close to half way" tracy said as he put the map away. Kris just groaned. Tracy signaled to alen to come down. Once alen came close to the ground tracy got on his dragon and they flew into the air. "What are you doing now" kris asked looking up. "I'm trying to find out how far they are" tracy said as he took out his telescope. He looked ahead and his jaw dropped. He took out his map out and checked it over again. Alen flew low to the ground again as tracy put the map and telescope back. He got off the dragon and started running again. "So where are they" amber asked. "Well, you wont believe this but they're more than half way through the canyon and glen doesn't even seem to be tired yet" tracy said. Amber and kris looked at him, lost focus and fell over. "How can he not be tired yet? He's running faster than we are" kris asked getting up. "We don't know. I've never seen him tired for as long as i've known him" bells said as she went past them trying to catch up with glen and the zans.
  4. They came out of the tunnels to find the others working on the house. "If it wouldn't be to much trouble would mind takeing a load of monster disks to the other side of the canyon. We still have work to do here" ganute asked walking up to them. "Sure why not. Give the disks to big blue. He should be able to carry them" glen said. Ganute nodded as he left. A couple of minutes later he came back and gave the disks to big blue. "It seems we're ready to go" tracy said as his monsters came back. "There are a couple of spots that aren't listed on maps that are hard to get over. We can get some help for you" ganute suggested. Glen just nodded. Ganute left to talk to henger. A couple of minutes later henger sent a beam of light into the air. After a couple of seconds two monsters came running and jumped over the canyon wall. The monsters that landed where two zans. "Welk and lomi, i'd like you two to escourt these people to the next town" ganute said. "I guess so. We haven't done much traveling of late" lomi said. Welk looked at the monsters as they started to leave. "How about a race to the end of the canyon" welk asked. The tigers and grey wolf nodded as a starting line was made. "I'll come with you guys. Bells make a tone for us to start" glen said smilling as he stood next to welks. "Sure if you can keep up with us espicaly with those disks on your back you're welcome to try" lomi said. "Your one" glen said smilling. Bells rung her arm and the tigers, zans, grey wolf and glen started running leaving the others behind.
  5. Vearen was with the other students and the teams that had come in after suzuki had calmed down. He looked around and saw tracy and the others going through the group. "What are you looking for tracy" vearen asked walking up to him. "Some one stole some information fron suzuki and evean told me to find them" tracy said. "they're going to get it aren't they" vearen said smilling. "Knowing suzuki they'll learn a new diffenition of pain" tracy said. Vearen nodded as he went through the group. Even though he had only gotten there awhile ago it seemed like he knew most of the people there. As he looked around he saw four people talking to each other as they moved away from the group. He followe them as they went to the zoids. "Did you get the information from the girl's diary" one of them asked. The one he was talking to nodded and took out a envelope. "Good. From what I heard the girl we stole this from can be very dangerouse" another one said. "Well it seems like you guys will find out soon enough to see if that's true" vearen said as tackled the one with the envelope. "Hey guys. They're over here" vearen said jumping on the guys back. The guy vearen was on tossed the envelope to the others as they ran. Two of them ran to some of eveans raynos and the other ran to a zabit. They took off as evean and suzuki came into the base. "Hey guys. The crooks already took off. I'm going after they" vearen said as he ran to a claudis. "Not with out me kid. I'm going to show them why they shouldn't mess with my stuff" suzuki said as she got into a storm sworder. Evean ran to a raynos and got in. Once they were set they flew off.
  6. Tracy looked at his monsters who were talking with the others. He looked towards the opening of the part of the cannon they were in to see they was only one ways one. He looked around to see nothing but walls around them except for the entrance. He knew they would be ambushed if mew's followers came by again. "Hey gitan, antlan and gaunt. Come over here" tracy said looking at them. Gitan antlan and gaunt came walking over to him. "What can we do for you sir" antlan asked. "You can just call me tracy and just try not to call me sir all the time" tracy said. The antlan nodded. "I need to guys to go up on the cliff walls and keep look out. You seem to be fast gaunt so I want you to do some recon and see if you can find any thing helpful or dangerous out here. If there's trouble or you need a rest you can come back" tracy said. His monsters nodded then left. He started into the tunnels after glen and the henger.
  7. Coren walked down the stairs into the ground floor. "I would of rather of gotten sir lavitz dragoon spirit than the giganto's" coren thought as he walked through a hall. He had nothing against gigantos but he'ld rather get the spirit that belonged to his hero. He knew the spirit was there but he had never thought of asking for it. The thought of some one else gettint it didn't realy make him happy. He had followed his training and his skill as lavitz but the dragoon spirit hadn't chosen him. "Oh well. The giganto known as kongle was a friend to king albert and lavitz was a frined to him so i'll have to deal with it" coren thought. He walked into the area where they made weapons, armor and some of the spells. He found the persion who made the spell to remove the moon object working on some weapons. "I need you to work on my glaive and create some new arows" coren said slinging the glaive off of his back. The man nodded as he took it. "I should probaply find kyp now and find out what's going on" coren said to him self as he left.
  8. Vearen and the others headed into town. He didn't ask why he was there but he figured he would find out later. They parked outside of the town and got out of there zoids. "So what are we here for guys" vearen asked looking around. "We're here to get some upgrades for the others" evean said. Vearen just nodded as they walked to a zoid shop. "So do you have those upgrades I asked for" evean asked. "Ya they're all ready loaded onto the red gustav out back. You can use it to transport the upgrades as long as you bring it back" the clerk said. Evean just nodded as he payed for the upgrades. They started heading out then went to the back of the store. They found a red gustav waiting. "I'll drive it back to the base" vearen said walking to the cockpit. "Are you sure. What about your scout fox" siriko asked. "It can pilot it's self so it'll just follow us" vearen said getting into the gustav. He started it up as the others went back to there zoids. He started back into the dessert with the others following.
  9. Coren just watched kyp and the girl turn into dragoons and kill what seemed like a virage. He had only left for a week to get a report from the eigth night hood and returned to find the place being attacked and found out that kyp didn't know who he was. "Excuse me but can some one tell me what the heck is going on here and why don't you remember me kyp" coren asked as the virage started smoking away. "We came here to get a moon object but a fight broke out and I still belive we've never meet" kyp said putting his sword back. "You saved me from a group of monsters and I vowed that i'd follow any thing you said if you needed me" coren said. "Sorry but I don't remember saying that" kyp said shaking his head. "Don't take it seriously. Kyp just doesn't have all of his memory back and i'm kethri and this is felica" kethri said. "Well since kyp doesn't remember me i'll introduce my self. I'm coren leon. A leader of the eigth knight hood" coren said as the king came back. "So has the virage been defeated" the king asked. Kyp and the others just nodded. "So why did you give me the dragon spirit of earth kyp" coren asked takeing out the dragon spirit. "You are to be the next dragoon of earth so you'll be coming with us" kyp said. "Well it seems like you'll be leaving soon coren. I expect to get your report from the out post before you leave tommarow" the king said. Coren noddd as they checked to make sure every thing was around. Every thing was there except for the moon object. Coren knew they would be leaving soon to go after the asteral dagger because of the legend. He started heading down to the main floor to get his armor repaired.
  10. fire otaku

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Mal and gene waited outside the dojo door for dg and kia to come out. "So how long do you think this will take" mal asked. "Who knows. They could just be listening to a lecutre instead of getting some information" gene said. Mal just nodded. As they waited they started to hear some one running. They saw a man run past them holding some weapons. Mal took out his whip and caught the guy in the legs. Ma; started pulling the mand back who was trying to escape. "So whose are these" gene asked looking at the weapons. "They're mine" the man said. "Then why were you in such a hurry" mal asked takeing out his zanbattou. "If they were your then how come you were in a hurry" gene asked. The man didn't say any thing. Gene picked up the weapons and headed back into the dojo. "This can go two ways. You can tell me who your working for or I can let go of my zanbattou and cut off your head" mal said smilling as he held the zanbattou over the mans neck.
  11. Coren rode his horse back bal. He came to the gates as the stars started comeing out. As he rode towards the castle he saw a figure flying away. He stopped to took a closer look to see some thing he didn't expect. "Is that kyp flying away" coren asked him self. He shook his head as the figure left into the sky. He knew that kyp wouldn't of come by unless he had a reason to. Coren looked towards the castle to see that smoke was comeing out of a hole in the ceiling. He started back on his way agian faster than before. He came to the front of the castle to see knights running around. He stopped as a knight came up to him. "Sir leon. We've managded to get the king and every one else out except for the kings guests" the knight said. "Who are the guest and what has happened here" coren asked as he got off of his horse. "The winglie known as kyp and his friends. The monster he caught turned out to be a minerature virage and it got loos" the knight said. "Thanks for the info. I'll be back after the virage has been distroyed" coren said as he ran into the castle.
  12. fire otaku

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Mal started getting worried when one of the girls they were following stopped to look back. "I think she knows we're following her" mal said. "She's thinking about one of the people behind us" gene said. "We're being followed to" mal asked. "Yes. One seems to be after her and the other I have not yet determend yet" gene said. "If you've known they've been fallowing us why didn't you say any thing" mal asked. "What are the things I've based my techniques om" gene asked looking at his brother. "Don't use more than what power, speed and skill is needed, stay silent, show your enemy's mercy if you belive you should and if you're being followed show no sign of you knowing they are here" mal said. "so then keep your mouth shut untill some thing happens" gene said. Mal nodded as they followed the girls.
  13. fire otaku

    Ruroni Kenshin

    Mal started choosing all the food that he thought would hold him till morning. He had chosen about five things to things all ready. A waitress came by to take there orders. They both gaive there orders as they looed around. "You do know eating all that stuff will slow you down a bit" gene said. "I'm just eating it for extra energy. That girl will probaply leave soon so we'll need to move fast to catch up with her" mal said. "There is some lodgic in that but I still think you'll be slowed down" gene said. Mal just shook his head. They're food arrived and gene paied for it. "So is there any thing you can tell me about the girl we'll be following" mal asked as he started eating some rice with beef. "She seems to be experenced with blade weapons so we'll need to be carefull. You'll need to hide if she sees us" gene said as he started drinking his soup. "What do you mean by that" mal asked glaring at his brother. "You can move fast with your whip but your zanbattou will slow you down" gene said. "I'm just as fast as you are with or with out my zanbattou" mal said as he started on the next part of his food. Once they finished they started leaveing. As mal grabed his zanbattou some people stood up and started following. "We've got company following us" mal said. "If they keep following we'll fight them so I hope your up for some practice" gene said. Mal nodded as they walked through the doors and left.
  14. [b]Name:[/b] mal kelroy [b]Age:[/b] 13 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Description:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Mal is the little brother of gene kelroy. Mal follows his brother around so he can learn his technique even though it doesn't use a zanbattou. Normaly mal doesn't fight unless it's required for him to and trys to stay out of trouble even though he get's into alot of it some times. [b]Weapons:[/b] whip, zanbattou [b]Side:[/b] neither
  15. O.O.C: The sign up for this was closed so I sent the stats to T man if any one wants to see them. Vearen looked around the dessert. He had been looking for the demolition runners base because he wanted to see if he could start taking classes. "It doesn't seem like it's around here. I guess we should keep looking" vearen thought as he turned his scout fox. He started running through the dessert again. As he ran he saw a geno breaker, a lightning saix and a gun blaster going through the dessert. "Do you think that's them shadow scout" vearen asked. His zoid answered with a roar. Vearen nodded as the shadow scout started running towards the zoids.
  16. Trayc started cutting the people lose as events started happining around him. He had cut every one lose except for a girl. "Thank you for your help. Can you rebuild our henger" a girl he cut lose asked. "I'll try but i've never worked on a henger before" tracy said. Tracy turned to the henger parts as gitan floated up to him. Before gitan could speak tracy held up his hand and interupted him. "Go and help the others" tracy said putting his hand down. Gitan nodded and left to help the others. He started putting the parts together. He had gotten the body built but couldn't find the head. He looked around untill he found it barried in the dirt. He put the head on and it's eye glowed. "Henger. I want you to use ion cannon on that metale gell" the man said pointing to the gell holding amber. "Yes sir. I'll try to hit with out hurting the girl" henger said. The raised his hand and took aim. He charged up a blast and fired. The energy blast hit the metale gell in it's arms making it let go of amber. Silverfang ran up and caught amber on it's back as then ran back over to the others as glen wrapped his grappling hook around the gell. "Do it now guys" glen yelled as amber got off of silverfang. Gitan, the tigers and silverfang all use lighting. The gell fell back to the ground then got back up as the other gells got back up. "O.k guys all to geither" kris yelled. All the monsters with them attacked knocked the gells over. The gells got back up and started backing away. "So should we just keep pounding them or just let them run" tracy asked looking to the otthers.
  17. Tracy and glen were a bit angry about gitans and bells remark about them. "What are we going to do about those two" glen asked. "I guess we let them hanged around each other to long when we got them" tracy said as they walked up a slope that seperated from the path. Glenn just nodded as they walked. They started hearing some one screaming so they started running. As they ran they came to a part of the cannon that was circle shape with a path leading farther into the canyon. They got onto there stomachs hoping not to be noticed. Tracy took out a telescope to take a look. He took a closer and saw two kids and adults who were tied up, a busted up house along with henger parts that looked pretty sctrached up. He also saw some gells, weeds and worms going into tunnels and take out some monster disks. "So what's down there" glen asked takeing the telescope to take a look. "We've got some moo folowers and probaply a some hostages. It seems like they had a henger who faught but it got broken into parts and lost" tracy said takeing the telescope back and put it away. "Since the others aren't here we'll have to do what we can" glen said. Tracy nodded as they started moving for a beter view. As they moved a gell came next to the wall and leaned against it. Glen took out his grapling hook and started spinning the weighted end. Glen wraped the end around the gells neck and pulled it up. As tracy knocked it out the gell blew a whistle. The other gells turned into there beam cannon forms and started fireing. "We'll they know we're here now" tracy said looking at glen as they dodged attacks. "Ya so let's go and fight them" glen said as he started sliding down the canyon wall. "O.k then but I hope that the others show up soon" tracy said as he started sliding down the canyon wall after glen.
  18. They walked untill the cannon leveled out and they came to a couple of sepereating paths. Both tracy and glen took out some maps and looked for a way to go. "I think we should take the one to the left" glen said looking up. "And I think it would be best to go to the right and why do you think we should go left" tracy said looking at glens map. "Mine says there is a village on that path and and both of tha paths will eventualy join together so we'll end up at the next town any ways" glen said. "Well mine says that there's a small forest there that would be probaply alot better to take bacuese an enemy could be waiting in that town" tracy said. "Even so. Wouldn't it be best to fight them" glen asked putting his map back. "Ya but would we want to indanger the ones living there" tracy asked as he put his map back. Kris and the others back away from tracy and glen. A fight was about to start out between them untill alen called down. "What about using that path in the middle" alen asked. "What path are you talking about" they both asked looking up. "That one right there" alen said pointing ahead. They both looked ahead to see another path infront of them. "That wasn't there on our maps. It's probaply a trap or some thing" they both said at the same time. "Well trap or not we should go. We can't wait for you two to decide" amber said as they went up the path. Tracy and glen just looked at each other and decided to stop fighting. "Hey wait for us" tracy and glen said as they ran to catch up.
  19. I like some of the mobile suit gundam series but there are some I think that shouldn't be shown often. I'm more gundamw wing because I think the mobile suits look better and other characters have gundams other than the main one.
  20. fire otaku

    New Rpg

    Tracy fired at the leo's as they fired back. The planet defensors made shields and protected him from the blasts. He saw a ejection seat launch from the mobile suit on the ground. "Could of just used that earlier than trying to pry it open" tracy thought shaking his head. Once he looked back to the screen he saw that the base had launched five taurus to come after him. They turned into there ship mode and flew after him. "Let's see what we're dealing with" tracy said. He turned on the scanners to start searching for any information that would help. The system started scanning the taurus and showed him the information he was looking for. "So i've got a couple of mobile dolls to fight. This shouldn't take to long" tracy thought. He put back the beam cannon and took out a beam sabre. The taurus turned into there mobile suit forms and started fireing. He flew at them and cut one in half. "I wonder if these are better than the origanles" tracy asked him self as he brought up the planetary defensor to defend with. He started slashing at the taurus as they fired at him.
  21. Tracy walked through the forest with gitan floating next to him. "So do you know where glen is" gitan asked looking to tracy. "I realy don't know. his dad said he was some where around this area" tracy said as they pushed through the forest. As they walked a group of garu's came by. "Hi gearen. Have you seen glen around here" tracy asked. " Ya. He's at the shrine up ahead. Try not to mess the guy named alen up there. He's not one for letting others hang around tha he doesn't get along with" gearen said before the garu's left. "Thanks for the help" gitan said. Tracy along with gitan walked out of the forest to see glen with two girls and a group of monsters. "Hey glen. It's been awhile" tracy said running up to him. "Hi tracy. I haven't seen you in awhile. Are you still improving your skills" glen asked as they shook hands. "I'm still not up to to your level yet. Your dad said you were out here so I figured i'd join you on your travels" tracy said. Glen just nodded as his compass reacted to tracy. Glen took two of the disks from the group on his back and held the compass above them. The pointer aimed towards tracy and glowed. "I guess these are yours tracy" glen said giving him the disks. "What are these for" tracy asked as he took the disks. "We're to find the ones the disks go to and then go after the new moo" bells said as gitan landed on the shrine. "I guess I should go and unlock these then" tracy said as he walked into the shrine. Tracy went into the unlocking room and placed a disk into the unlocking system. He unlocked the disk and a gaunt came out. The gaunt walked up next to him and nodded. Tracy put in the next disc and a antlen came out. "I guess we're to be working with you" antlen said walking up to him. Tracy nodded and the left the shrine. Once outside he introduced his new monsters to the others and they left to go find where alen had gone to.
  22. I hope i'm not yo late to join. [b]Name:[/b] tracy [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearence:[/b] red shirt, black pants, blue vest, boots, glove, blue eyes, brown hair [b]Bio:[/b] Tracy is a friend of glens. He works as a teacher for student ranchers but doesn't realy see him self as that good of a rancher him self. His first monster was a gtian but other ranchers think he's wierd for having a strange looking monster. He mostly travels alot to make friends with wild monsters. Monster: gitan Others: antlen gaunt (zuum/durahan)
  23. fire otaku

    New Rpg

    Tracy was watching the events going on from his gundam. He maximized the image to get a better view. "What are those two doing now" tracy asked him self as he watched the screen. As he looked to the base he saw leos being dispatched. "I figured they'd send out some scouts so search ofr reckadge" tracy said as he turned on the dark raider. It started to stand up as tracy chose what weapon to use against them. He acted the planet defensors to protect him from there attacks. He took out the beam cannon and took aim. "Let's see how many I can take out in one shot" tracy said as he fired.
  24. This will be my first rp here so bare with me. Name: tracy lerow Age: 16 Height/Weight: 7'2"/190 Weapon of Choice: shot gun Attitude: nice, brave, loner some time Occupation: gundam pilot Appearence: blue eyes, brown hair, red shirt, blue jeans, gloves, goggles Biography: Tracy isn't much of a close up fighter so he tries to stay towards things like guns. He'll try to avoid fighting as much as he can but he doesn't mind fighting some one. Because he doesn't like to tkae orders when he fights he stole a gundam for him self to use in battle. He wont use it unless he's provoked and he never leavs it alone for more than a couple of days becuase of a program in it.
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