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Everything posted by slasher

  1. slasher


    I was reading a secrets thing for SA2 and I raed something about seeing Big.Who is he, and if you know where a picture is on the internet, and show me picture please?
  2. Btw, when does that game come out?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Paul [/i] [B]because if its just that kid zelda thing i won't play it. [/B][/QUOTE] sigh......When will you people learn?!?A game is not about the graphics, its about the [I]story line.[/I] Geesh! Paper Mario was a silly graphics game, but it was awsome. Its because the [I]story line[/I] was great. If you want to complain, go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?threadid=9235]here.[/URL] Many games have bad graphics, but the [I]story line [/I] was good. P.S.James told me to work on my grammer once, so please try too(If any mod doesn't like this, they can edit this part out).
  4. Since your brother broke it, Make him buy a new one!
  5. slasher


    Some commercials are funny. I like the snikers one. It is old to where I cant remember most of it. Man:*looks at magizine*Hi mister panda! You are cute!Want to have lunch with me?The other people are going to be jealous.Youre so pretty, youre so pretty,wacth this! Pretty pretty dancing,Pretty pretty dancing!*people are staring at the while eating snikers*
  6. Now I found the adapter breoken!:flaming: :flaming:
  7. I can't believe it! I just got it today, and my "just like new game" is just a photo copied insruction manual and the game!!:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  8. slasher


    I hate commercials for two reasons: 1.They are so annoying. 2.Those stupid jingles never come out of you head!:flaming: *starts humming "Hey Tony!* Though I agree with Squased Snail.
  9. slasher


    I love Chess, I have played it a long time, but i have no clue what those moves are.
  10. 44444444444444444444444444444444444 4 is beutiful!*starts swimming in my drool*
  11. He pretty much explaind it all. All but where the mansion is. I would tell, but I forgot. It is hidden.
  12. The shoot ht aliens thing in MM is sorta a game?Or do you do that not on epona?
  13. slasher


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Umm... I'm not sure what exactly you mean... Do you mean quotes [i]from[/i] Zelda games?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] no.i mean jokes and quotes [I]about the game[/I]
  14. slasher


    what are some funny thing you have heard for zelda games? "life is like a bombchu bowlen game,ya never know whaych gona hit"
  15. slasher


    i think it looks like a kid game( i am expecting a lecture now)
  16. i think link looks cool.heck, link is just cool
  17. my the higest score is 1800 i think
  18. slasher

    Bad songs

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Man I like afroman. I think that: 1. Nsync: pop 2. Any Nsync songs 3. Any backstreet boy songs [/B][/QUOTE] im with you
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B] [color=indigo]No, you don't fight him. At least it never shows you fighting him, even in the cut-scene. I think he comes into the Temple after the Master Sword has put you to sleep, because it shows the cut-scene after everything goes white when you pull the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time. So if he comes in after you pull out the Master Sword, then you couldn't fight him, because you'd be asleep.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] when you are entering the castle with all three spiritiaul stone,impa and zelda run off on a horse.then ganondorf will come and blah blah and link will challenge him, the ganondorf will use macic to beat you.
  20. slasher

    wierd al

    i, like the song the saga begins
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]I'm gona be in the Los Angelas area a week after E3, you feel bad not being able to go, I feel worse knowing I'll be there a week late. Sigh... Anyways I wouldn't give anything to play it, but I would give anything to play the original or have a remake on GBA or something, cause I know I'm going to get it. Some people are lucky enough to have it, but everybody's gonna have a chance to get the new one. Sob story: My uncle has the first zelda and when I knew I was going there the first thing I thought was "Yes, now I can play the first zelda!" We arrived and then I asked if I could play it. He said yes so we pulled the nintendo out of the closet, hooked it up and poped the game in. It didn't work. We tried for an hour but it wouldn't work. You wouldn't know how pissed I was. [/B][/QUOTE] i would hate for that to happen. i would say to your uncle,"plese step away,i am going crazy."then go ballistic. i read your sig and here is my respond: YES! Were all in it!:laugh:
  22. This some thing freaky.one time i lost my gameboy,then i had i dream that it was by my bed. and i looked threr and it was right there.
  23. slasher


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I'm not sure how to get the other one that I'm missing.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] do you need the food trophie?well, if you do, you need to play 1000 vs macthes.
  24. i think x box is stupid.i think they are a more expensive wanna-be of the gamecube.it this is sorta disturbing.[I]Microsoft made the X-BOX[/I] It went from computers to game systems.next they will make robo puppys:nervous: :nervous:
  25. slasher


    finnally i unlocked every thing on super smash bros. melee(all but 38 trophies).i love the sound test! i heard some songt i have never heard before. i also like what slippy,falco,fox,and peppy say. they are funnyill post what they say if you want me to.
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