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Everything posted by Maximillion404

  1. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Coje mummbled something as Thorn went back into the hut. Setsouke gave him away. A sigh sigh crept from his lips as he slid down the wall of the hut. Setsouke and Mika both approched him. "What are you two doing here," Setsouke asked as she stared at the brother and sister. Mika looked at Setsouke and then at Coje. Coje shook his head and tapped his staff on the ground. "I would like to know that too," Coje said as he looked over at Mika. Mika just crossed her arms and turned from Coje. Coje knew why she was here, he just know Setsouke's reason. "Does that really matter to you Coje," Setsouke questioned as Coje shook his head. Coje let out another sigh as he looked at his right hand. He remembered his father wasn't really murdered. He was forced to commit suicide. It was almost like murder, because the demon kept makeing him use his wind tunnel. he used it too much in one fight and, well, we know what happened. Coje quickly gripped his hand shut. "Not really." Coje said as his blue eyes flickered, "but it would be nice to know." Mika and Setsouke both looked shocked. Coje usually was never that nice. Something had struck a nerve, but what?[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  2. [B][I][COLOR=Red]OOC: Sorry, I'm a little late! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ow....," Coje said as he picked himself up off the ground, "That's a perrty hard landing." As Coje stood up and dusted himself off, he looked around. he was surrounded by forest. That was nothing unusal, but he couldn't see Koal anywhere. A slight sigh escaped his lips. He was going to have to look for him. After a few mintutes of walking, Coje stummbled into a clearing. The clearing had a small hut in the middle of it. Coje suddenly picked up on Koal's aura, but also on about four other auras as well. "Dammit," Coje mummbled as he started to run up to the hut, "What have you gotten yoursel into Koal?" Coje was consealing his aura as he ran. He couldn't afford getting caught yet. As Coje approched the window, he slowly looked in it. He spotted Koal laying on the floor and Crystal attending to his wounds. they were both looking at a girl who had just entered the hut though. Coje's eyes suddenly got big. "Setsouke," Coje said under his breath, "What the hell are you doing here?" The sound of braking stickes was suddenly heard behind Coje. Coje quickly turned around to discover Miroku heading back to the hut. Coje hoped he didn't spot him as he went back to looking in the window. OOC: Here's a pic of Coje just in case you didn't see it! [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/7711-20050419062204.jpg]Coje[/url][/COLOR][/I][/B]
  3. [COLOR=Red][I][B]Name:[/B] Coje [B]Age:[/B] about 15 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/7711-20050419062204.jpg]Here we are![/url] [B]Era:[/B] Future [B]Weapon(s):[/B] The wind tunnel in his right hand, his retractable claws, and the staff he carries around. [B]Weakness:[/B] Coje really doesn't have a weakness, unless you count girls. He does look like a half demon, which he usual doesn't, during a FULL MOON! [B]Special Abilities:[/B] Iron Reaver Soul Stealer and some spirtral powers he really doesn't use. [B]Bio:[/B] Coje is the oldest son of Crystal and Miroku! :that's for the people who want to be a kid of Miroku: He wasn't a mistake, unlike his older half-brother Koal. Coje was trained mainly by his father in control of his wind tunnel and his spirtral. His mother taught him about his hidden claws that he could use for the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer technique. So, Coje has a weakness for girls and a tough fighting spirt. Coje was only about five when him and Koal witnessed the brutal murder of his mother and father. The odd figure who comitted these murders seemed oddly like Naraku, but it wasn't Naraku. Coje, now at fourteen, as vowed to get revenge for his parents death. He just so happens to overhears Koal conversation with the sourcress and follows him into the past. He has to secure who he really is, unlike Koal though. He has to be careful, not too trip up! [B]Side:[/B] Good I'll play one character for now. I might change my mind later. Peace sis! :animesmil [/I][/COLOR]
  4. [B][I][COLOR=Red]?Koal,? Impmon slightly whispered as he poked Koal on the cheek, ?Your mother has been calling you for five minutes. I think she?s finally given up.? Koal mumbled something and rolled over. Impmon let out a depressed sigh and jumped off Koal?s bed. He then heard Koal?s mom call for Aurora. ?Impmon,? Koal said as he actually sat up, ?what are you doing?? Impmon grinned slightly and jumped into Koal?s computer chair. Koal stood up and stretched as Impmon slightly spun around. ?I thought me jumping off your bed would get your attention,? Impmon said as he reached for Koal?s black and red Digivice, ?You don?t trust at all.? Koal yawned as he looked toward his doorway. He had heard Aurora yell something to their mother. ?It?s not that I don?t trust you,? Koal said as he snatched his Digivice from Impmon, ?it?s that you are always into something every time my back is turned.? Impmon grinned and looked at Koal?s computer. He sensed something strange. ?Do you sense something,? Impmon asked as he jumped up on the desk. Koal looked strangely at Impmon as he hooked his Digivice to his pants. He then sat down in his computer chair. ?I?m not a Digimon,? Koal said as he yawned again, ?Why don?t you go ask DemiDevimon or maybe Penguimon.? Impmon put his finger to his lips and started walking toward the computer. Koal slightly rolled his eyes as he put his hand to his face. ?There something strange going on,? Impmon said as he quickly climbed on top of the computer. Koal slightly shook his head as he looked at his friend. ?Yeah,? Koal said as his Digivice started to glow without him realizing it, ?Impmon is losing his freaking mind.? Impmon gave Koal a slight sneer and then looked at his Digivice. A strange look crossed his face. ?Oh yeah,? Impmon said as he pointed at Koal?s Digivice, ?Then what?s up with that?? Koal slightly moved his hand and looked at his Digivice. The bright glow from it started to get bigger as a light came from the computer. ?What the hell,? Koal asked as Impmon jumped in his lap. Koal quickly put his arm around Impmon as the light from the Digivice and computer combined. The intensity of the light made Koal lose his vision. As the light cleared and Koal started to get his vision back, he noticed he was in a castle and his twin sister, Aurora, was sitting in front of him. She blinked a couple times as Impmon climbed over his knees. ?Good,? Gennai said quiet loudly, ?another one has arrived.? Koal slightly looked over his shoulder at Gennai and then scooted next to his sister. Aurora and DemiDevimon shrugged their shoulders before Koal and Impmon asked any questions. Koal and Impmon just looked at each other and blinked. What was going on?[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  5. [I][COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Coal Blake [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.fanart-central.net/images/j/JoyKaiba/131679.jpg]The one on the left.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Coal, hisr twin sister Aurora, and their younger sibling were always normal. They liked normal things. For example, Coal was really into baseball and anything that dealt with visual graphics. He has alot of friends and a great sense of humor. His main goal at the moment is to help Aurora be more open about herself. He wants her to be happy and not always in the dark. Maybe something or someone could help. [B]Digimon:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ij/Impmon.gif]Impmon[/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Honor: Looks like a checkmark with two dots on the top and bottom. [B]Crest Color:[/B] Red [B]Digi-Vice Color:[/B] Red and Black[/COLOR][/I]
  6. [I][COLOR=Red]I love playing siblings to my sis's character! I wonder why. :devil: [B]Name:[/B] Coje [B]Age:[/B] about 13 (darn three year age diffrence) [B]Description:[/B] Coje looks just like Miroku, but with blonde highlights through his hair and sky blue eyes. His outfit is just like Miroku's except it's blue and black instead on purple and black. During a new moon he gets little black ears, claws, and fangs. (interesting huh) [B]Bio:[/B] Coje is Koal's little half-brother. They have the same mother, but diffrent fathers. Coje was been cursed with his father's family curse. A wind tunnel grows in his right hand. He was thought to only use it when really needed. He never really liked useing unless his father was around, but his father was brutily murder by Zaroo and his mother mortily wounded. His mother disappeared after that battle and he was left with Koal. Now, him, Koal, and a couple other are in the past. They're going to stop Zaroo's creation, one way or another. [B]Race:[/B] Quarter demon, rest human. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] A staff similar to Miroku's, the wind tunnel in his right hand, and his claws when he makes them appear. [B]Special Abilities:[/B] He has spirtural powers like Miroku's and the "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer" technique. [B]Era:[/B] Future [B]Side:[/B] Good We really need someone to play Crystal. Wait! I have an idea. I'll be back. :devil:[/COLOR][/I]
  7. [B][I][COLOR=Red]"Boring," Amanda whispered to herself as she tapped a pen on her desk. She was in the middle of Math class. Luckily, it was the last period of the day. "Amanda," Yolee said as she floated behind Amanda, "Don't forget about that e-mail!" Amanda let out a soft depressed sigh and looked at her nails. She seemed to acting the total oppisite of what she really was. "How could I forget about an e-mail from my boyfriend's sister," Amanda questioned in a soft whisper. Yolee shook her head and floated in front of Amanda. She had her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. "Listen," Yolee said as her purple eyes got harsher, "I don't care who it's from. I care about what it's about." Amanda nodded her head and leaned back in her chair. Yolee shook her head again and let out a depressed sigh. She did see why she even bothered. After school, Amanda headed stright for Domino Park. She really didn't understand what the big deal was, but if Amber said so. "Seto," Amanda said as she came to the small group in the park, "I'm glad to see you here! So, what's the scoop?" Joey shook his head in embarrssment as Seto slightly blushed. That was totally out of character for Seto. "Amanda," Amber said as she stood inbetween Yugi and Bakura, "Amanda Wheeler! Owner of the Millennium Necklace and host to Princess Yolee. Nice of you to join us!" Amanda looked over at Amber and then looked around at the small group. Seto, Amber, Joey, Yugi, Bakura, Tristan, Tea, and Duke were there. "Well," Amanda said as she hugged Seto,"Why are we all here?" Amber let out a sigh as Joey walked up behind her. She seemed a little discouraged. "Yolee should have told you already," Amber said with a depressed voice, "and if she hasn't, you're going have to wait until the others get here." Amanda let out a sigh and put her head on Seto's chest. She never really liked waiting, but she knew she had to.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  8. [i][color=red]Thanks for making an acceptation for me sis! :D [b]Name:[/b] Amanda Wheeler (Yes, I?m playing a girl) [b]Age: [/b] around 17-18 [b]Description: [/b] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/images/j/JoyKaiba/55885.jpg]Here we go![/url] [b]Bio: [/b] Amanda is Joey's twin sister and also a widely known duelist. Amanda was sent to live in America with a Aunt and Uncle for a long time. She had some serious health issues that only American doctors understood. They needed her to stay there so they could treat her. After getting treated and becoming well, Amanda traveled back to Japan to live with her family. To her surprise though, her family had been broken apart and she decided to live with her mom. A year later, Amanda met Yugi and Co. through Joey. Yugi noticed Amanda's strong interest in Duel Monsters and the Millennium Items. With this, he gave her the Millennium Necklace that he received from Isis. He hoped that she could unlock some of the hidden powers of the necklace. A few months later, Amanda discover that the necklace contained a spirit named Yolee. Yolee never revealed herself to anyone. She said she would only come out if the true owner of the Millennium Necklace had passion of the necklace. Now, Amber, Amanda's newly found boyfriend's step-sister, comes to Amanda and the others for help. She explains something about Card Raiders and evil Millennium Items. Amanda really doesn't get it, but decides to help anyhow. She never knew Domino City could prove to be sooooooo much fun! [b]Favorite Card:[/b] Dark Magician Girl [b]Millennium Item: [/b] Millennium Necklace (The acceptation) [b]Millennium Item?s Power: [/b] The Millennium Necklace allows Amanda to see the near future. It?s not always accurate though. Everything makes mistakes. [b]Side: [/b] Good Your Yami?s Information [b]Name: [/b] Yolee [b]Description: [/b] [url=http://fanart.ctgameinfo.com/images/n/NakuraChan/114717.jpg]Here, but with a white version of Amanda's outfit on![/url] [b]Short Bio:[/b] Yolee was the princess of Egypt and Yami's sister. She never really had anything to do with Anubis. He left her alone and she left him alone. One the other hand, Yolee was in a forbidden relationship with High Priest Seth. Their love was forbidden just because Yolee was the princess. One day, Yami caught Yolee and Seth trying to sneak out together. He decided to punish them both. He locked them away in different Millennium Items. The Millennium Rod for Seth and the Millennium Necklace for Yolee. Those two thought they would never see each other again Now, Yolee is helping Amanda and other duelist to defeat Anubis. She just hope that he can be defeated and everyone can life peacefully. [/color][/i]
  9. [I][COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Coal Blake [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.lynseywood.com/originals/ori_bei.jpg]Here you go![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Coal is a typical teenager. He makes his friends laugh and creep his parents/others out. He can be hasty, but smary about his decisions. He also has a way brighter sense of humor and personality then Aurora. He gets alot of attention from his jokes and stories. He loves the attention, but sometimes hates it because of personal reasons. He has some friends, but trys his hardest to stick with Aurora. He knows Aurora needs his support more then his friends do. When Coal is transported to the Digital World, he gets Impmon as his partner. Impmon's six-sense of humor fits him perfectly. Those two get along just fine. They also try to give Aurora thier support and protection. They know she needs it even though she doesn't ask for it. [B]Crest:[/B] Honor [B]Crest Color:[/B] Indigo [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Red [B]Digimon:[/B] Impmon[/color][/i]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=Red]After the group was finished eating and drinking, they bid Starmon farewell and started on thier way again. This time they were traveling through a forest. "Is this world freaky or what," Coal questioned as Impmon looked up at him. Aurora nodded her head in agreement. DemiDevimon looked over at her and shook his head. "Yea," Aurora said as she rubbed DemiDevimon's head, "We were just in a dry desert and now we're in a lush forest. This place is really strange." DemiDevimon shook his head again. Impmon shook his head too. "Well," Akari said from the front of the group, "I think this place is awsome!" Coal grinned, came up behind Akari, and put his arms around her neck. Akari and Lucemon both looked back at him. "Yea," Coal said as Impmon climbed to his shoulder, "but how about all of the Digimon attacks." Akari shook her head and took Coal's arm off of her neck. Lucemon slightly snicker as Coal and Impmon looked at each other. Aurora suddenly put her hand on Coal's free shoulder. "You should try harder next time bro," Aurora giggled. DemiDevimon snickered as well. Coal gripped his fist and started marching. A few mintutes later, the group came into a small clearing in the forest. Coal looked around because he swore he heard again. Aurora backed up to him. They were standing back to back. Aurora grabbed Coal's hand so that he knew it was her. "Wu-up sis," Coal said as his eyes slightly looked around in front of him. Impmon was standing to one side of Coal and Aurora and DemiDevimon was standing on the other. "I hear something," Aurora said as she got a stern look on her face. Coal nodded his head when Impmon suddenly tackled him. DemiDevimon tackled Aurora as well. A huge stinger was jammed into the ground right where Coal and Aurora were. "Oh darn," a huge bee said as he floated out into the opening, "I missed!" DemiDevimon and Impmon got into a fighting stance. The other Digimon got into fighting stances too, but thier partners grabbed them. The Digidestined shook thier heads. The Digimon put thier gaurd down just as Coal and Aurora's Digivices started to glow. "Impmon Digivolve to.......," Impmon said as he glowed with a bright light, "FlaWizardmon!" FlaWizardmon crossed his arms and looked at the bee as DemiDevimon started to glow. "DemiDevimon Digivolve to........," DemiDevimon said as he started to grow in size, "Wizardmon!" Wizardmon took his place next to FlaWizardmon. He was slightly leaned against FlaWizardmon and tipped his hat. "Wow," Aurora said as she grabbed Coal's arm, "They're like twins! Just like us! I never reilized that!" Coal nodded and helped his sister up. They both looked at thier Wizardmon's. "Shall we take care of this Flymon," FlaWizardmon said as he looked over at Wizardmon. Wizardmon nodded and quickly held his staff out. FlaWizardmon threw his two matches in the air and caught them. He then pointed them at Flymon. "You two don't scare me," Flymon said with a chuckle. FlaWizardmon and Wizardmon started laughing. Wizardmon's staff started glowing. "THUNDER BLASTER," Wizardmon said as a yellow blast came from his staff. "MAGIC IGNITION," FlaWizardmon said as he struck his two match together. Both Wizardmon's landed on the ground as the flame from FlaWizardmon's matches joined with the thunder from Wizardmon's staff. They stood back to back and waited for the attacks to hit. "Scared now," Aurora and Coal said together. Flymon started panicing. He was so scared tht he was frozen. The double attacks suddenly hit him. He disappeared in a flow of data. Aurora and Coal gave each other a high five as thier Digimon De-Digivolved and ran over to them. "They make a perrty good team," Austin said as he stared at Aurora. Aaron looked over at him and shook his head. Aurora and Coal suddenly ran up to the group and gave them a peace sign. "You two seem happy," Maura said as she crossed her arms, "You two are usually not like this." Coal and Aurora both grinned. DemiDevimon suddenly flew onto Aurora's shoulder as Impmon climbed onto Coal's. They looked at each other and grinned. "Well," Coal said as he rubbed Impmon's head, "who cares? I say lets countinue to move." Coal sunddenly started running. Aurora started to chase after him. Everyone else let out a sigh and did the same.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [I][COLOR=Red][B][U]GUN-HO-GUNS[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Michael G. Wolfwood :devil: [B]Nick-Name:[/B] Mike the Revengful [B]Age:[/B] the same as Nick (18-23) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] He looks alot like Nick, but alot of key diffrences. He has brown hair, his left eye is lime green, and his right eye is sky blue. He wears a long sleeved black button-up shirt with three buttons undone, gold cross cufflinks, a black vest that he leaves on done, black pants, and black shoes. [B]Weapons:[/B] A Cross Punisher like Chapel's. (It turns into two machine guns) He also has a row of hidden knives and a sword. [B]Power:[/B] He somehow got caursed with the power to predict physical movement. He can't all the time, but sometimes he can. He's very good in a fight with that. He can be good in a gun-fight to, but that's all skill. [B]Personality:[/B] Mike is somewhat kind, but hardly. He has a rough disposition and a hard outlook on life. He can never see the bright side of things. He always want revenge for something. Even if it doesn't make sense. [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later) [/COLOR][/I]
  12. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Coal slightly touched his head as he sat up. He quickly took it off though. There was a bump on his head and felt as big as a baseball. He suddenly heard something in the distance. "BADA BOOM," Impmon's voice rang out from in the distance. Coal suddenly stummbled to his feet and started heading toward where he heard Impmon's voice. He noticed he was running through some sort of factory. A few seconds later, Coal enter a huge room. Impmon and a robot looking thing were dukeing it out. Impmon looked beat and worn out. Coal couldn't just stand there. He quickly ran up to Impmon. "What's going on here," Coal asked as Impmon picked himself up, "Why are you fighting this guy? He's like four times bigger then you." Impmon shook his head and made a fireball appear on his finger. It suddenly went out though. Impmon fell to one knee. "I was trying to keep this Guardromon from getting to you," Impmon said as he stood up again, "He's a Champion and I'm a Rookie. I know I'll never stand a chance, but I'm willing to risk my life to insure your safety." Coal shook his head and closed his eyes. A tear trickled down his face. His new friend was about to risk his life for him. "RED ALERT," the Guardromon said as two red beams came from his eyes. Coal shoved Impmon out of the way as his Digivice started to glow. Impmon started to glow as well. He felt a sudden surge of energy through his body. "Impmon Digivolve too.............," Impmon said as his voice seemed to change, "FlaWizardmon." FlaWizardmon appeared out of the light and tackled Coal. They both rolled and hit a wall. FlaWizard quickly floated upward and helped Coal up. Coal stared at FlaWizardmon. He thought the whole red outfit was cool and the matches just finished everything off. "Awsome," Coal said with surprised, "There's still a bigg size diffrence, but you can take him Impmon, FlaWizardmon, or whoever you are." FlaWizardmon crossed his arms and quickly dodged a Red Alert attack. Coal took cover under a nearby staircase. FlaWizardmon grinned and grabbed his two matches. "Howdy partner," FlaWizardmon said as continued to grin, "Do you how much heat it takes to melt a Guardromon? Give up? Well, here's the answer. MAGIC IGNITION!" FlaWizardmon quickly rubbed his two matches together and a huge flame came from them. The Guardromon tried to escape, but the huge flame engulfed him. Coal suddenly came out from under the staircase as FlaWizardmon blew the smoke of his matches. "Nice one partner," Coal said as he grabbed FlaWizardmon by the neck. FlaWizardmon shook his head and quickly turned around. Coal wondered what he was doing as he placed his hands on his shoulders. He then noticed that the factory around them was breaking apart. Coal and FlaWizardmon both closed thier eyes. "So that's your Champion Form Impmon," four Yaamon said as the held a black box, "Your a FlaWizardmon. That's amazeing." Both Coal and FlaWizardmon opened thier eyes. They noticed they were back in Witchmon's hut. FlaWizardmon quickly floated down to the ground as Coal looked around. Coal spotted his sister now laying down with Wizardmon meditateing near her, his cousin smiling as Tapirmon showed her that he was perfectly fine, and both Akari and Piddomon in a deep state of thought. Everyone else was still out cold. "You were a little of a crybaby Coal," Witchmon said as she floated up behind the Yaamon, "but you and FlaWizardmon still passed. You win a prize." The Yaamon suddenly dropped the box and opened it. A black and red chained necklace was inside. It had a black pendent on the end of it. There was a empty spot on the pendent though. Something was missing. "I'm not ging to ask," Coal said as he picked up the necklace, "You're most likely going to tell us all after everyone wakes up." Witchmon touched her nose. Coal knew what that meant, but he didn't know about the other Digimon. Witchmon suddenly floated away and the Yaamon picked up the, now closed, box. As the Yaamon hopped away, Coal and FlaWizardmon walked over to Aurora and Wizardmon.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  13. [B][I][COLOR=Red]"Is he alive," a strange burple head with a tan face said as it stared at Coal, "Do you think he might be dead. Witchmon wouldn't like that. Would she Impmon?" Impmon shook his head and looked Coal over. Coal was slightly moving his fingers and wrinkling his nose. Impmon looked a little relieved. "He's perfectly fine Yaamon," Impmon said with a sigh of relieve, "He's just unconcious. He'll wake up soon." With that said, Coal suddenly sprang up. He looked around at a buch of Yaamon and Impmon. He then put his hand to his head. "I've got to be dreaming," Coal said with a shake of his head. Impmon quickly walked up to Coal and leaned on his leg. He then started playing with a fireball. "If this is a dream," Impmon said with a slight grin, "this fireball won't hurt you. Mind finding out?" A sweat drop appeared on the side of Coal's face. He kind of liked how Impmon thought though. "I like how you think.......," Coal said with slight confusion. Impmon put the fireball away and grinned. "The name's Impmon," Impmon said as he walked away from Coal, "I'm the watcher of these Yaamon and your partner. Welcome to the Digital World bud." Coal looked a little dumbfounded as he stood up. He still quiet get it. The Yaamon seemed just as confused. "That's nice," Coal said as he dusted off his pants, "but why was I brought here and why was I given this." Coal held up his red and black Digivice. Impmon shook his head and started walking away. "You were brought here by Witchmon to help save this world and yours," Impmon said as he continued to walk, "All I know about the Digivice is, well, it's called a Digivice. Now, let's not keep Witchmon waiting. Lets go before she gets highly upset." Coal nodded and started chaseing after Impmon. The Yaamon, luckly, stayed behind.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  14. [I][COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Coal Blake [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://www.lynseywood.com/originals/ori_bei.jpg]Ignore the thingy in his hand![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Coal and his sister Aurora have always been the trouble makers. They've always seemed to get in trouble at school and at home. Anyhow, they were watching the news one day and the News Reporter was talking about the "Monster Sightings". Coal and Aurora both didn't seem to interested until they both seen a very interesting monster. Aurora seemed attracted to a bat looking creature where Coal on the other hand was attracted to this purplish looking imp like creature. Both Aurora and Coal webt on a walk and headed in diffrent directions. As Coal was heading downtown, a red light stopped him in his tracks. He tried to ignore it, but it followed him. When he had enough. He turned around and grabbed the little light. When he opened his hand, a strange device layed in it. [B]Power Gem:[/B] Honor [B]Power Gem Color:[/B] Red [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Red and Black [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] Impmon [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ij/Impmon.gif]Impmon[/url] (Bada Boom, Infernal Funnel, Fiendish Attack) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ef/FlaWizardmon.jpg]FlaWizardmon[/url] (Fire Cloud, Magic Ignition) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/Beelzemon.jpg]Beelzemon[/url] (Double Impact, Darkness Claw, Primal Orb) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ab/BeelzemonBlast.jpg]Beelzemon Blast Mode AKA Beelzemon BM[/url] (Corona Destroyer, Corona Blaster, Dark Ringer, Fist of the Beast King, Darkness Claw) [B]Human Fusion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mystimon.jpg]Mystimon[/url] (Core Dart, Blast Fire)[/COLOR][/I]
  15. [I][COLOR=Red]OOC: Hey, this is going to be a sibling thing going on pertty soon. It's the Aurora triplets with thier three Wizardmons. :D You'll see what I mean. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Zak Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 12 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/illust/ill1.html]Click Me![/url] [B]Crest:[/B] Honor (I also hope it's ok that I made up my crest) [B]Alinment:[/B] Good [B][U]Digimon[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ij/Impmon.gif]Impmon[/url] (Bada Boom, Infernal Funnel, Fiendish attack) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/ef/FlaWizardmon.jpg] FlaWizardmon[/url] (Fire Cloud, Magic Ignition) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Mystimon.jpg]Mystimon[/url] (Core Dart, Blast Fire) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/mn/Megidramon.jpg]Megidramon[/url] (Megido Flame, Hell Howling)[/COLOR][/I]
  16. [I][COLOR=Red]OOC: I was going to be the leader of the evil wolf pack, but I decided I would be better off being the Flower Guardian. Be thankful sis! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Chace [B]Age:[/B] Is unknown, but looks about 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/chibis.jpg]Minus the wings.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Chace is another flower turned human like Cheza, but he's not made from a Lunar Flower. He made from a close relitive called the Midnight Lilly. His sweet sent attracts wolves too though. He's a key to paradise as well. The only wolves that knows that though is Kikira and the leader of evil wolf pack. Chace acts more human then Cheza too. He was influnced by them.[/COLOR][/I]
  17. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Coal was looking around the forest as he walked. He wondered who the evil counterparts were and the good ones were. DemiDevimon turned around and looked at him. Aurora did the same. "What's eating at you bro," Aurora asked as she stared at Coal. Coal looked at his sister as Dorumon looked up at him. DemiDevimon continued to look at him. "I was just wondering who our evil counterparts could be," Coal said with a poundering look. Aurora started to wonder too. DemiDevimon let out a sigh. He hinted to Dorumon. Dorumon nodded, searched through his fur, and pulled out two Tags and Crests. Aurora and Coal looked at each other and then at Dorumon. "What are those," Coal questioned as he looked at the Tags and Crests. Aurora looked over at DemiDevimon. He seemed to know everything anyhow. "Ahem," DemiDevimon said as he cleared his throat, "those are the Crest of Honor and Truth. The turquoise one is the Crest of Truth and that belongs to you Aurora. The indigo one is the Crest of Honor and that belongs to you, Coal. The evil counterpart to Truth is Lies and the evil counterpart to Honor is Shame. Any other questions?" Coal grabbed her Tag and Crest and quickly put them around his neck as Aurora did the same thing. Coal then looked over at DemiDevimon. "Yeah," Coal said as he patted Dorumon on the head, "what do these things do other then probbly attract thier evil counterparts?" DemiDevimon let out a sigh and dropped his wings. Dorumon suddenly cleared his throat. Coal and Aurora both looked at him. "They're used to help us Digivolve to our Ultimate, Mega, and Omega levels," Coal and Aurora nodded. They liked the sound of that. Aurora suddenly spotted some smoke off in the distance. She nodded at Coal and they started running toward the smoke.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Later at lunch, Aric was poking at his lunch as Arika sat down next to him. A smile crossed her face as Aric rolled his eyes. Aric pushed his tray aside and stared at his sister. "Here's a question for you sis," Aric said as he placed his elbow on the table, "Why in God's name do you have him with you?" Arika looked down at DemiDevimon and then back at Aric. A stern look crossed her face. "Listen," Arika whispered, "I didn't want to bing him, but he nagged and nagged. He then complained about being in my backpack. Believe me, I couldn't win." Aric rolled his eyes again and grabbed DemiDevimon by his floppy antenna. Arika looked horrified. "You better behave," Aric said under his breath, "or else." DemiDevimon shallowed hard. He wanted Arika back. Aric was really starting to scare him. Arika suddenly grabbed DemiDevimon back form Aric. She hugged him tightly as he let out a sigh of relieve. "What's your problem," Arika quietly snapped, "Are you nuts? You don't hurt him like that. You only pick on him because he smaller then you. One of these days he's going to be bigger then you." Aric rolled his eyes and a "whatever" motion. Arika huffed and watched Matt come over and sit down. He looked a little serious. "May I help you," Aric said with a slightly annoyed voice. Matt nodded to Aric's question. Aric let out a sigh and glared at Matt. "I think I know you," Matt said with a puzzled look, "but I can't put my finger on it. I think we've might have been friends at one time." Aric looked at Arika. Arika shrugged her shoulders. Aric looked back at Matt. Something about him did seem fimiliar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope this ok. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  19. [B][I][COLOR=Red]"Yay," the Digidestined cheered as Apocalymon disappeared, "We've finally won!" As the Digidestined continued to celebrate, Gennai suddenly walked up to them. Centarumon was with him. Tai looked over at him. Gennai looked exstremly worried. Tai started to worried as well. "What's wrong Gennai," Tai questioned as he walked up to Gennai. Gennai shook his head and let out a depressed sigh. Everyone stopped celebrating and looked over at him. They all had questioning looks on thier faces. "I have bad news Digidestined," Gennai said with a worried tone, "Your battles aren't over with just yet." The Digidestined gasped in surprise. They thought everything was over. They thought they had restored the Digital World to normal. "What's that supposed to mean," Matt asked as he gripped his fist. Gennai sighed and made a bubble around the group. The Digidestined looked around as the bubble started to decend. They all looked down to discover File Island. "I'll exsplain on File Island," Gennai said as he started to sound upset. The Digidestined nodded. They started hoping that nothing serious was going on. A few minutes later, the group landed on file island. They were near the cable car where they spent thier first night in the Digital World. Everyone looked really worried as they stared at Gennai. "So what's going on Gennai," Izzy asked as Tentomon slowly hovered next to him. Gennia quickly turned toward Izzy. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Izzy's face as Gennai walked up to him. "May I see your laptop Izzy," Geenai asked with a slight harsh tone. Izzy nodded and grabbed his laptop. "Of course Gennai," Izzy said with a nervous smile. Izzy handed the laptop over to Gennai opened up and pluged it into an invisible power supply. All the Digidestined seemed to form a sweat drop at the side of thier heads. "Listen," Gennai said as he started to hurrily typed on the laptop, "a new evil has arisen. His name is Deathmon and he's one evil Digimon. He even makes Apocalymon look like a Rookie. He's going to be too tough for you eight alone. I'm sending an e-mail to eight more Digidestined. They should be joining us as soon as they get the e-mail." The Digidestined looked shocked. They all looked at each other and then at Gennai. "There are other Digidestined other then us," Tai asked as he gripped his fist. Gennai finished typing, sent the e-mail, un-plugged the laptop, and handed back to Izzy. Izzy smiled and put his laptop away. Gennai quickly turned his back to everyone and put his hand on his chin. "Yes," Gennai said, "they are all over the world. The eight I e-mailed are from diffrent locations. Well, most of them. Two come from Great Britain, one in Australia, one in France, on in Russia, one in America, and two in Japan. In fact, I have surprise for you Tai. The two Digidestined from Japan are Mika and Zak Aurora." Tai turned bright red for some odd reason. The others turned and looked at him. Tai smiled nervously and started laughing. "That's wonderful," Tai laughed as he started rubbing the back of his head, "We hope they'll help. We'll have to show them the ropes though." Everyone rolled thier eyes and looked at Gennai. Tai stopped laughing and looked at him too. "Yes," Gennai said with a sigh, "but at the moment, lets wait for them all to arrive." The Digidestined nodded and started to walk in diffrent directions. If they had to wait, they could at least find something to do in the mean time. [CENTER]~In the Real World~[/CENTER] "Mika," Zak whispered as he walked into his sister room followed by Dorumon, "are you awake?" Mika was asleep at her desk. Her diary was underneath her head. Zak wondered what she could have been writing about. A slight grin crossed his face. "I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking Zak," a voice said in the darkness. Zak looked over at Mika's bed to discover DemiDevimon sitting there with his wings wrapped around himself. Zak let out a sigh of relieve. "I just want to see WHO she writs about DemiDevimon," Zak said as he carefully slid Mika's diary out from underneath of her. DemiDevimon shook his head and flew over to the computer. He then landed on the monitor. Mika had woken up and she looked up at DemiDevimon. "Read it and die Zak," Mika said as she lifted her head up. Zak grinned and quickly hid the diary behind him. A picture flutter to floor as a result of Zak's action. Dorumon picked it up and stared at it. He then handed it to Mika. "Who's that in this picture with you," Dorumon asked with a puzzled look. Mika turned a slight pink color. Zak quickly grabbed the picture from her. "It's Tai Kamiya," Zak said with a grin, "Her boyfriend." Mika went to say something, but the sound of new mail stopped her. She turned around as Zak pushed her over a little. DemiDevimon quickly flew over to her and landed on her shoulder. "We've got mail," Mika said as she grabbed the mouse and clicked on the e-mail. A chibi Gennai appeared on the screen. Zak and Mika looked at each other and then back at the computer. "Greeting Digidestined," the chibi Gennai said in a rush, "I'm here to ask for your help. I need you to come to the Digital World. You are powerful, know it or not, and your power is now needed. Please come and help. The fate of both worlds count on it." Zak looked really excited. Dorumon and DemiDevimon looked just as excited. "We've gotta go sis," Zak said as his blue eyes lit up. Mika shook her head. Zak's spirits dive bombed with the shake of his sister's head. "We can't go," Mika said as she placed her hand on DemiDevimon's head, "Besides, we don't even know how to get there." Zak went to say something, but the beeping of both his Digivice and Mika's cut him off. The computer screen suddenly admited a bright light. Zak and Mika passed out. "Awww........," Zak said as he started to wake up, "my head." Zak suddenly jumped up. He noticed he wasn't in Mika's room anymore. In fact, he wasn't even inside anymore. A sweat drop appeared on the side of his head as Dorumon nudged him. Zak let out a slight sigh of relieve, but still looked a little scared. "You shouldn't be scared Zak," Kari said with a smile from behind Zak. Zak turned around and turned slightly red. He had always had a crush on Kari. Well, at least since he had known her. Kari suddenly walked up to him. "Wow," Zak said as Dorumon looked up at him, "I wasn't suspecting to see you Kari." Zak said with a slight nervous smile. Zak had always been mature for his age. He never acted eight. "Well," Kari said as she slightly rocked, "Gennai said you would be coming. Oh yeah, speaking of Gennai, he probbly wants to see you." Kari quickly grabbed Zak's hand and started leading him somewhere. Dorumon and Gatomon quickly followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Wow, that was alot of typing. Anywho, for your first post, you have to tell who you get to the Digital World. You will wake up to a Digidestined. I've preselected the Digidestined you wake up to. This all has a meaning. [CENTER]Zak = Kari[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]Mika = Tai[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Reis = Joe[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Gem = Mimi[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Erika = T.K[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Bob = Izzy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Karver = Sora[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Rain = Matt[/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=Red]Ok, it's all yours guys! Good luck! ^_^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  20. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Zak had just watched his sister get up from the table. He really wanted to finish is lunch, but something was dragging him away from. He suddenly jumped up and asked for a pass to the library. When Zak got to the library, he noticed that Amika wasn't there. It wasn't like her to asked to somewhere and not actually go there. Zak tried to shrug it. He quickly ran to the computer that Amika was at. He noticed the door. "Okayyyy," Zak said as he moved the pointer over the door, "This is diffrent?" The librarian shushed him and went back to reading her book. Zak rolled his eyes and clicked on the door. The door suddenly swung. Zak was starttled as the computer started sucking him in. A few seconds later, Zak woke up in some lush grass. He felt someone nudgeing him. He turned to his right to discover Amika. He quickly jumped up. "Amika," Zak said with surprise, "where are we?" Amika shrugged her shoulders and sat up. Zak plopped down. He was finding all of this highly strange.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  21. [COLOR=Red][I][B]Name:[/B] Coal Striden [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://www.lynseywood.com/originals/ori_bei.jpg]Finally! Take a look![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Coal is Aurora's twin brother. They both became Digidestined at the same time. As soon as they received their Digivices, they were transported to the Digital World. They met thier Digimon partners soon after. [B]Side:[/B] Good [B]Crest:[/B] Honor [B]Crest Color:[/B] Indigo [B]Digimon Partner: Dorumon[/B] [B][U]Digivolving Levels[/U][/B] [B]Rookie:[/B] [url= http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/Dorumon.gif]Dorumon[/url] (Metal Cannon, Dash Metal) [B]Champion:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGamon.gif] DoruGamon[/url] (Power Metal, CannonBall) [B]Ultimate:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGremon2.gif] DoruGremon[/url] (Metal Meteor, Bloody Tower) [B]Mega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGoramon.gif] DoruGoramon[/url] (Brave Metal, Dorudiin) [B]Omega:[/B] [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/gh/Greidorumon.gif] Glademon[/url] (Crossing Blade, Iron Strike) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I'll finsh everything later. I'll also add pictures of my Digimon.[/I][/COLOR]
  22. [B][COLOR=Red][I]Awsome! All I need is three more people and we can get the show on the road. BTW, Daermon_Nashabe if you want this Digivolveing Net for your Digimon, feel free to use it. You don't have to, but I figured I would help you out. [CENTER][U]Gizamon's Digievolution Net[/U] Baby: Zurumon (Poison Bubbles) In-Training: Pagumon (Poison Bubbles) Rookie: Gazimon (Electric Stun Blast, Pitfall) Champion: Devidramon (Crimson Claw, Red Eyes, Dark Gale) Ultimate: Gigadramon (Darkside Attack, Giga Byte Wing, Guilty Wing) Mega: Machinedramon (Giga Cannon, Dragon fire)[/CENTER] Ihope I get those other three people really soon. :D[/I][/COLOR][/B]
  23. [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Zak Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [U][url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill1.jpg]Minus the wings and cross.[/url][/U] [B]Bio:[/B] (I'll do later) [B]Greatest Fear:[/B] Darkness, Loneliness, and Rejection [B]Favorite Color (s):[/B] Black and Red [B]Favorite Animal:[/B] Black Panther [B]Favorite Mythical Beast:[/B] Phenonix [B]Favorite S4 Element:[/B] Fire [B]Chinese Zodiac:[/B] Dragon [B]Favorite Songs:[/B] [U]Linkin Park: In the End[/U] - That no matter what, I think everything isn't going to turn out to good. [U]Good Charlotte: Bloody Valentine[/U] - I'll do anything to get what I want. [U]Simple Plan: I'm Just a Kid[/U] - I'm just a kid at heart no matter how tough I am. I'm also kind of rejected. [U]Three Days Grace: Just Like You[/U] - I like having my own personallity and additude. I don't like people telling me to be like other people. [B]Favorite Digidestined M/F:[/B] 1st: Matt and Mimi 2nd: Ken and Yolie 3rd: Rio and Rika 4th: Kouji and Zoe[/COLOR]
  24. It seems like everyone is starting a Digimon RPG. I guess I should join in. :D Well, I've got this idea in my head. I wonder if this is going to work out. I hope it does. [B][U]The Story[/U][/B] The Digidestined have just defeated Apocalymon. They all thought everything would be restored to normal and perrty much it was, but there was one detail. A new evil Digimon suddenly reared its ugly head. This new evil Digimon's name is Deathmon and he wants to DESTROY both worlds. The Digidestined can't go home until this new evil is destroyed. Gennia said that Deathmon is far too powerful for the eight of them to handel. Now Gennia is sending e-mails to Digidestined ALL over the WORLD. Some know they are Digidestined already. Other's have no clue. When the INTERNATIONAL Digidestined read the e-mails, they will be transported to the Digital World. The new team will have to work together to stop Deathmon. TEAMWORK is the key. [B][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/B] Here we go. I will have one Digidestined from diffrent locations on earth except Japan. You'll see what I mean. Here's the information I need to now. [B]Name: Age: 8-16 Description: Location: (From the List At Bottom) Bio: (Mention if you knew you were a Digidestined or not in here) Digimon Partner: Crest: (You Can't have a crest from Season one) Crest Color: Digimon Partner (please add attacks) Baby: In-Training: Rookie: Champion: Ultimate: Mega:[/B] [B][U]My Sign-Up[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Zak Aroura [B]Age:[/B] 8 (yeah he's young, but he's a character from my sis's story that I'm using for a base in a way) [B]Description:[/B] Zak has rough looking spiked out blond hair (like Tidus's hair in FFX) and baby blue eyes. He wears a dark blue pair of cargo shorts that are a little too big for him and a white jersey with a dark blue eight on the front and back and with dark blue around the collar and end of sleeves. He also wears black and blue sneakers. [B]Location:[/B] Japan [B]Bio:[/B] Zak and his big sister Mika our two of the Digidestined that knew they were Digidestined. Mika got her Digiegg when she was five and Zak got his when he was five as well. They saw the battle at Highton View Tarrence, but that didn't matter since they already had thier Digimon. They had been good friends with Tai and Kari there though. Zak has alway been the type to stick up for what's right. He was too honorable that even his partner, Dorumon thought he was a little overboard. Anyways, Zak and Mika were surfing the web for something on the internet when they got a strange e-mail. It was asking them to come to the Digital World. Mika didn't want to good at first, but she didn't have a choice. They both got transported to the Digital World without a warning. Now they are join up with the others in a race to save both worlds. [B]Digimon Partner:[/B] Dorumon [B]Crest:[/B] Honor [B]Crest Color:[/B] Indigo [B][U]Digimon Partner[/U][/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Dodomon (Little Iron Drop) [B]In-Training:[/B] Dorimon (Metal Drop) [B]Rookie:[/B] Dorumon (Metal Cannon, Dash Metal) [B]Champion:[/B] DoruGamon (Power Metal, CannonBall) [B]Ultimate:[/B] DoruGremon (Metal Meteor, Bloody Tower) [B]Mega:[/B] DoruGoramon (Brave Metal, Dorudiin) [B][U]The List[/U][/B] Here's the list for everyone to look at. [CENTER][B][U][color=red]Japan (Filled)[/U][/B] Maximillion404 (Me) = Zak Aurora JoyKaiba = Mika Aurora[/color] [B][U][COLOR=Blue]America (Filled)[/U][/B] Cysword6 = Reis Terras[/color] [B][U][COLOR=Purple]France (Filled)[/U][/B] Joeys Girl = Gem Pirere[/color] [B][U][COLOR=DarkOrange]Australia (Filled)[/U][/B] Daermon_Nashabe = Bob Stachet[/color] [B][U][COLOR=Sienna]Russia (Filled)[/U][/B] BEWD Kaiba = Rain Reed[/color] [B][U][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Britain (Filled)[/U][/B] Amika Kamiya = Erika Love ShadowSword = Karver Blake[/color][/CENTER] [B][U]Quick Notes[/U][/B] JoyKaiba would like to mention that she has the Crest of Truth. Anywho, I'll give you a link to a great website to help you chose your Digimon. BTW, I intentionally made eight more Digidestined. There's a reason why and I won't tell until later. If you want to be from a diffrent location, PM and I might replace one of these for yours. Well, have fun and click on the word below for that site. LOL [CENTER][url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/digidexE.html]Digidex[/url][/CENTER]
  25. [B][I][COLOR=Red]"Hello," Zak said as he wonder through nothingness, "is there anyone there. I really hate being alone or rejected." Zak stopped dead in his tracks and looked out of the corner of his eye. He saw Zoe standing to his right. He at least thought it was Zoe. "Hey sis," he cried out as he started to move closer to Zoe. Zoe didn't turn around. "Don't touch me you loser," Zoe said as she disappeared. Zak didn't understand. He quickly turned around to see Hiroko. A slight smile crossed his face. "Hiroko," Zak said as he reached for Hiroko. Hiroko slight looked at him and snorted. Zak looked upset. "I'm ashamed to call you my friend you freak," Hiroko said as he disappeared as well. Zak dropped to his knees and held his head. He didn't like what was going on. "You can't handel the simple fears of being rejected," the same strange voice said, "and being alone. You shouldn't own an Advanced Spirit." Zak looked up. His eyes were burning with rage. His blue eyes seemed to light with an intense fire. He suddenly stood up. "Are you going to face your fears," a Wizardmon dressed in red said as he appeared out of nowhere, "BTW, I'm FlaWizardmon and all your fears are enclosed in me. Defeat me and defeat your fears." Zak gripped his fist and quickly grabbed his D-Tector. He held his hand out and a Fractal Code appeared around his hand. "I'll show you who's scared. EXCECUTE, SPIRIT EVOLUTION," Zak yelled as he scanned the Fractal Code, "PYROANGEMON!" FlaWizardmon backup slightly as he watch PyroAngemon look at him. PyroAngemon looked just like Angemon except he had a red visor on instead of a helment, red where the blue was, and his wings were made of fire. "Fighting fire with fire huh," FlaWizardmon said as he glared at PyroAngemon. PyroAngemon grinned slightly and started twirling his staff around. "Oh yeah," PyroAngemon said as fire started forming around him, "FIRE TORNADO!" FlaWizardmon was suddenly engulfed by the flame. His Fractal Code showed and PyroAngemon quickly scanned it. He then turned back to Zak. Zak let out a sigh of relieve as a hole opened underneath of him. "Zak," Zoe said as Zak land hard next to her, "Looks like you passed!" Zak nodded and stood up. Zoe quickly hugged him as he rubbed his backside. Zak looked up. He hoped that Jen, Hiroko, Yuki, Tyrin, and Kinya were still ok.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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