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Everything posted by Maximillion404

  1. [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Aric (prononced Eric) Himrito [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Physical Description:[/B] [url=http://tokyo.cool.ne.jp/moonraker/web/img/ill19.jpg]Click me to see![/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Aric is Arika's twin brother. He was chosen to be a Digidestined before his sister. He was brought to the Digital World by the good Spirits, but his heart had to decided to be good or evil. After his partner, Patamon, gained the ability to Digivolve, the Spirit of Darkness corrupted his mind. Him and Patamon or now evil and are trying to take over the Digital World. [B]Partner:[/B] Patamon [B][U]Digivolving Stages[/U][/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Poyomon [B]In-Training:[/B] Tokomon [B]Rookie:[/B] [I]Patamon[/I] [B]Champion:[/B] Angemon [B]Ultimate:[/B] MagnaAngemon [B]Mega:[/B] Seraphimon [/color]
  2. [COLOR=Red]Name: Zak Aurora Age: 11 Your Digimon: [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/Dorumon.gif]Dorumon[/url] DigiCrest: Honor Evolution Forms: [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGamon.gif]DoruGamon[/url], [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGremon2.gif]DoruGremon[/url], [url=http://free.hostultra.com/~digitalempire/digidex/cd/DoruGoramon.gif]DoruGoramon[/url] (you can click on each name to see a picture) Attire: Look at attachment. BTW, his eyes are blue.[/COLOR]
  3. [B][I][COLOR=Red]OCC: I think I know what you mean. Let's see if I'm right. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The group was climbing up the side of the volcano on a very steep pathway. The pathway was narrow too. Only two people could walk up it. The group had to set themselves in two files. Kinya and Kouji leading in the front, Takuya and Tuya, Tommy and Tyrin, JP and Jen, Hiroko by himself in the middle, Sam and Yuki, Kouichi and Taylor, and Zak and Zoe bringing up the rear. "I don't like this one bit," Zoe said as she grabbed Zak's arm. Zak was sweating, but he had a stright face. He wasn't the type to easily show fear or pain. Zoe could tell he was scared though. "We'll be fine," Zak said with a depressed sigh. Everyone else seemed to mone in disagreement. Zak shook his head. A the top of the volcano, everyone took a quick peack down. They saw nothing, but lava and a little glowing light. Everyone looked shocked. "That must be another Spirit," Tuya said with wonder. Everyone nodded in agreement. Zoe suddenly grabbed Zak's arm and started shakeing it. Zak looked down at her with confusion on his face. "Zak," Zoe said as she stopped shaking Zak's arm, "you're the own of the Advanced Spirit of Fire. Try using your D-Tector." Zak nodded and grabbed his D-Tector. This was like the first time he listened to his sister and she was right. A Spirit appeared out from the valcano. It looked like an male angel with firey wings. It quickly disappeared into Zak's D-Tector as Zoe hugged him. "Awsome," Zak said as he looked at the screen of his D-Tector, "I feel in the mode to lead now." A sweat drop appeared on everyone's head as Zak took the lead. They had no choice, but to follow him though. There was only one way down. At the bottom of the valcano, the group stummbled upon another challenge. There was a cave directly at the bottom. "This is just great," Kouji protested, "Now we have to go through a cave looking for this Reis guy." Everyone let out a sigh an inched closer to the cave. A cold breeze suddenly blew from inside. It was an ice cave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ok, here's how I think this works. You can get your Spirit next callmegoddess04. Then Taylor will lead the group to an area where wind, earth, thunder, or steel can be found. So on and so on. I think that's how Amika wanted it. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  4. [B][I][COLOR=Red]"I hate this," Zak said as he kicked a rock down the street. A depressed sigh escaped his lips. He was heading home. He knew he was going to hear it from his parents when he got there. "Hey Zak," a fimiliar sounding voice said from behind Zak, "Earth to Zak." Zak turned around and saw Hiroko walking up to him. he let out a sigh of relieve. "Hey Hiroko," Zak said as he gave Hiroko a hi-five, "What's happening bud?" Hiroko just shook his head. His long silver hair caught the attention of some near by girls. They almost walked into a lightpost stareing. "I was just heading home," Hiroko said as he put his hands behind his head, "How about you?" Zak shook his head. He was heading home too, but he had something diffent in store for him. "I'm heading home too," Zak said with a yawn, "I'll see you later. I'm late as it is." Hiroko nodded and started walking in the oppisite direction as Zak. Zak yawned again and started walking toward his house again. When Zak reached his house, he tried to sneak in, but his parents were waiting for him. A nervous smile crossed Zak's face as his parents stared at him. "Where were you all night Zakuary," his mom questioned as she tapped her foot. Zak quickly slid over to the stairs. His parents gave him a pierceing glare. A sweat drop appeared on the back of Zak's head. "Can I tell you later," Zak said as more of a request then a question, "I'm really sleepiy now and I'm going to bed. Bye, byes." With that said and before his parents could say anything, Zak was up the steps and in his room. "Well," his mom called up to him as he closed his door, "you better have a good story or you're grounded for life Zakuary Orimoto." Zak slid down his door. He was too tired to even try too make it over to his bed. He slowly closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep. Zak suddenly woke up, at least he thought he did, to the intense heat surrounding him. He jumped up as he started seeing fire forming around the room in diffrent locations. He quickly tried to escape through the door, but there was no doorknob. "Is this a dream," Zak thought to himself as he turned back toward the growing flames. The flames seemed to be inching closer and closer to him. He would surely get burnt. "This isn't a dream," an angelic voice said from nowhere, "This is faith!" Zak started to look around. He could of sworn he saw an angel like figure disappear into the flames. Suddenly, Zak felt a flame touch his arm. "Awwww......," Zak said as he quickly sat up. Zak opened his eyes. There were no more flames. In fact, there was no more room. He was in an open area covered with lush green grass and a train station to the left. He picked himself up, but not before he discovered a red and white device in his hand. "OMG," Zoe said sarcastically, "it's Zakuary Orimoto. You know he's royaltiy right?" Zak reconginzed that voice and saying. With out even looking down, he finished the saying. "That is the King of Royal Pains in My Side," Zak said as he finally looked down, "Zoe! I can't believe it's you sis. Give your big brother a hug." Zoe quickly hugged Zak and let go of him. He never liked listing to her, but she still kind of loved him. "I can't believe that you're a chosen one," Zoe said as she pushed her hair behind her ear. Zak clipped the device to his pants and crossed his arms. He then started tapping his foot. Zoe did the same thing. "What's that supposed to mean," Zak questioned as he raised an eyebrow. Zoe shook her head and let out a sigh. "You were chosen to help save the Digital World," Zoe said as she started walking over to the others, "I personally don't think you could save the school lunch room from a food fight." Zak huffed, but quickly chased after his sister. He wondered what she ment by what she said.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  5. [COLOR=Red][B]Name:[/B] Zak Orimoto [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Description:[/B] Zak has shoulder length blonde hair and dark green eyes. He about six foot. He wears a red t-shirt with a cool black flame design on the sleeves and front of it, black pants with red trimings, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. [B]Bio:[/B] Zak is Zoe's big brother. He rarely listen to his little sister, so he seems to always get in trouble with thier parents. Zak is the oldest of the group so far. He wasn't too sure how he got to the Digital World. He was just having a bad dream one night. He was in a room and it was catching on fire little by little. As soon as the fire touched him, Zak woke up in a strange world with a strange device in hand. [B]Spirit:[/B] Advanced Fire [B]Digimon Forms[/B] [B]Spirit Evolution:[/B] PyroAngemon (Fire Fist, Fire Tornado, Fire Feather) [B]Beast Evolution:[/B] Dragolmon (Fire Breath, Firey Scales, Fire Wave) [B]Fuison Evolution:[/B] Dragon Knight Angemon or DK Angemon for short (Fire Sword, Explosion, Healing Feather, Blazing Wind) [B]D-Tector Color:[/B] White and Red[/COLOR]
  6. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Rio suddenly woke u from all the commotion. He suddenly got picked up and moved before a tree hit him. He looked up to discover Beelzemon holding him. "What the," Rio said as Beelzemon did a sliding stop, "What's going on Beelzemon? Why are you back?" Beelzemon shook his head and sat Rio down. He then pointed at Galfmon. "That's what's going on," Beelzemon said as he grabbed one of his guns, "and that's why I'm here." Rio nodded and quickly looked up. He covered his face with his arm as something landed in front of him. He then started coughing from the dust. "Hey," Rio said as he moved the arm, "watch it ma........Myotismon." Myotimon his cape wrapped around him. Beelzemon looked at Myotismon from the cornor of his eye and smiled. "Nice to see you, "Beelzemon said, "Now let Rena out of your cape." Myotismon grinned slightly and opened his cape. Rena was clinched onto Myotismon. Rio quickly ran to the front of Myotismon. "It's ok sis," Rio said as he grabbed one of Rena's hands, "You can let go now." Rena opened her eyes and smiled. She quickly let go of Myotismon and fell into Rio's arms. Rio quickly helped her stand up stright. "Alright," Myotismon said as he crossed his arms, "shall we go Beelzemon?" Beelzemon grinned, took out both of his guns, and ran next to Myotismon. "You bet," Beelzemon said with his usual devilish grin. Myotismon nodded and disappeared. Beelzemon started running toward Galfmon. Rio and Rena started hoping their Digimon would be ok. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  7. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Rio looked at Rena as she tried to hold DemiDevimon back. Rio looked a little upset. He quickly walked over to Rena and DemiDevimon. "Conserve your strength DemiDevimon," Rio said as he pushed on DemiDevimon's head, "Me and Impmon will help out in this fight. Get ready Impmon." Impmon nodded and ran up next to Karatenmon. Rio picked up his Digivice and held it out. "Impmon Digivolve too........," Impmon said as he started to grow in size, "Devidramon." Rio quickly pulled his Tag out of his shirt. He then looked over at Devidramon. "Your going to have to try to Digivolve again Devidramon," Rio said as he grabbed his Tag, "There's no wsy you and Karatenmon will stand a chance like this. Let's give this a whirl." Rio's Crest started to glow with a black aura. Rio let go of his Tag as Devidramon started to glow with the same black aura. "Devidramon Digivolved too........," Devidramon said as he seemed to shrink in size, "Beelzemon." Rio and Rena looked amazed as they looked at Beelzemon. His metal tail was swishing back and forth and one of his hands was on one of his guns. Rena gave Rio a hi-five, but both started to sweat as Anubismon started to laugh. "What's so funny ugly," Tera said as she gripped her fist. Anubismon cut himself short and looked at Beelzemon and Karatenmon. Both Beelzemon and Karatenmon started to look irratated. "Two Ultimates even thinking about taking on a Mega," Anubismon laughed, "That's a real laugh. Beelzemon looked at Karatenmon and then back at Anubismon. He then jumped into the air and took out his two guns. "We may not take you on one by one," Beelzemon said as he aimed at Anubismon, "but we'll take you down together. Prepare to attack Karatenmon. DOUBLE IMPACT!" Two black energy blast came out of Beelzemon's guns. They both struck Anubismon, but that was enough by itself. Karatenmon quickly went in for an attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Oh the suspense! :D[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  8. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Rio looked a little creeped out as everyone walked through the Land of Darkness. Impmon looked up at him. He was wondering why Rio was so high strung. "What's wrong Rio," Impmon asked as he did a dead stop, "You look a little stressed out." Rio shook his head and looked down at Impmon. He could bearly see him. Rio let out a sigh. "I really don't like the dark," Rio said as he bent down and picked Impmon up. Impmon started to think about how he could help. Something suddenly came to him. He lit his finger on fire. "Does that help," Impmon asked as he looked up at Rio. Rio ginned and nodded his head. "That helps a lot," Rio said as he started to chase after the others, "Thanks Impmon." Impmon nodded and smiled at the same time. A little later up the road, Rio started to pass this huge piller, but something on it caught his eye. A strange checkmark design with three tear shaped designs going up the longer part of the checkmark was engraved at the very top of the piller. "I wonder what that could be," Rio said as he looked over at the group. Everyone had stopped. They were all waiting for Rio. "I don't know," Impmon said as he made his fire a little bigger, "but it looks like a Crest." Rio nodded when his tag suddenly lifted up and started glowing. The part of the piller with the design on it started to glow as well. "I think your right Impmon," Rio said as the Crest seperated itself from the pillar. Rio watched on in amazement as the Crest grew smaller and turned black. The Crest suddenly flew into Rio's tag. "Wow," Impmon said as Rio's Tag dropped down into his shirt, "I think that was the Crest of Honor. That was so awesome!" Rio nodded and pulled his Tag out of his shirt. He started looking at the Crest of Honor as Rena ran up to him. "Nice going bro," Rena said with a smile, "Now you've got a Crest. You and Cassie can protect us from Ultimates until DemiDevimon gets his strength back." Rio nodded and started leading Rena back to the group. He hoped the group would let him lead. He did have a Digi-Tourch after all.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  9. [B][I][COLOR=Red]OOC: Don't worry people. I asked Blanko if I could join and she said yes. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rio was looking around with a hand over his eyes. He was in a desert area and a sand storm was just dying down. Rio let out a depressed sigh. "What's wrong Rio," a purple Digimon with a white face, an evil smilely face on his mid area, and a red bandana around his neck asked with a questioning look. Rio shook his head and looked down at his Digital Partner. "I knew I never should of walked into my sister's room when I didn't get yelled at," Rio said as he brushed his blonde hair out of his face, "This place is strange, but you're cool Impmon. Hey wait a sec!" Impmon started blinking at Rio's sudden reaction. Rio quickly grabbed a black Digivice from his side. "What now," Impmon asked calmly. Rio grinned and held out his Digivice. Impmon let out a sigh. "I saw some people off in the distance," Rio said with a smug grin, "I think you shoul um........Digivolve and get us over there quick. Hopefully I can get some answers." Impmon nodded as Rio's Digivice started to glow.Impmon suddenly started to glow as well. "Impmon Digivolve too..............," Impmon said as his voice started to change and he grew three times bigger, " Devidramon!" Rio smirk as his Tag moved around from the wind coming from Devidramon's wings. He quickly got onto Devidramon's back. "Alright buddy," Rio said s he dusted off his blue and red shirt, "This might sound a bit rude, but I want you to head those people off. Just land right in front of them." Devidramon nodded and started to lift off again. He then quickly started flying in the direction of the group of people. A few seconds later, Devidramon stopped and started to land in front of the group. Rena, who was now leading the group, did a dead stop as sand started blowing around. Wizardmon hit Rena because he couldn't stop in time. He strightened his hat and looked up. All the other Digidestined and thier Digimon slowed to a stop and looked up. Devidramon suddenly landed in front of the group and Rio slid off him. "Rio," Rena said with surprise, "what are you doing here?" Rio looked just as shocked as his blue eyes met with Rena's. Wizardmon looked at Devidramon as he De-Digivolved and walked over to Rio. "Rena," Rio said as he ran up and hugged Rena, "I didn't exspect to meet up with you here." Rena nodded and hugged Rio back. The other Digidestined looked a little confused. Rena stopped hugging Rio and put her hands on his shoulders. "Sorry everyone," Rena said as Impmon ran up to Rio, "I should have introduced you all first. Everyone this is my twin brother, Rio. Rio, these are the other Digidestined, whch you apprently are." Rio nodded and waved at everyone. Everyone looked at little shocked along with their Digimon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that was ok. :sweat:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Terren gripped his fist as Weedmon hopped closer to him. Dorumon growled slightly and glared at Weedmon. Terren had to sat something. It wasn't like him to just stand there. "All right weeds for brains," Terren said as he glared at Weedmon, "Come get me. I'm ready for you." Weedmon laughed and just cut it off. He looked at Terren with an evil glare. He suddenly charged at Terren. "DASH METAL," Dorumon shouted as his red jewel glowed. Dorumon suddenly smashed into Weedmon side. He sent the both of them tumbleing. Terren cringed as Dorumon struggled to get up. His partner was hurt and it was his fault. "You furry brat," Weedmon said as he got up, "Why don't I show you a thing or two. DEADLY IVY!" Dorumon tried to avoid the attack, but he got caught up in Weedmon's vines. He couldn't move and it felt like his energy was draining. Terren gripped his fist and put his head down. His Digivice suddenly started to glow. Dorumon glowed alond with it. "Dorumon Digivolve to..........," Dorumon yelled as he started to grow in size, "DoruGamon." Weedmon dropped DoruGamon. He couldn't support his weight. Terren looked up to discover a Digimon about two times Dorumon's height standing in front of Weedmon. DoruGamon's fur was also darker and he had tiger like stripes. His tail had a blade on the end of it and his winges were way bigger. "Whoe," Terren said as he took a step forward, "Now that's awsome." Weedmon backed up away from DoruGamon. DoruGamon stepped closer to Weedmon. He lowered his head. Weedmon started to sweat. "I think it's time to make some tossed salad," DoruGamon said as the small red jewel on his head started to glow, "POWER METAL!" Weedmon tried to get away from the silverish beam that came out of the jewel, but he wasn't quick enough. The beam struck him and he Digitized. Terren quickly ran over to DoruGamon. DoruGamon turned toward Terren and smiled. He the De-Digivolved. Terren ran up and hugged him. "That was so great," Terren said as he picked Dorumon up, "Now I'm all for getting out of here. Anyone else?" The whole group agreed and started running toward the exit. Terren looked down at Dorumon as he started following the group. Dorumon blinked a few times. Terren shook his head and smiled. He then started running so he wouldn't be seperated from the group.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [B][I][COLOR=Red]Ok," Terren said as he looked at the red glowing ball of light in front of him, "I've seen weirder, but this does almost take the cake." Terren reached for the red ball of light. He was attracted to it for some odd reason. He quickly grabbed it and looked at the small device that appeared in his hand. Terren looked the device weird when he suddenly felt his arm go numb. He soon passed out. ?Terren,? a cute male voice said from Terren?s right, ?Wake up. This isn?t the time to be napping.? Terren moved his head a couple times before opening his eyes. When Terren opened his eyes, he spotted a light purple thing with a white nose and four tiny little legs. It was smiling brightly at him. Terren quickly jumped up and took a few steps backward from the creature. "Where the heck am I," Terren said as the creature walked up to him, "and who or what are you?" The creature blinked it's golden colored eyes and wggled its ears and short tail. It started smiling again. "You're in the Digital World silly," the creature said as he continued to smile, "and I'm Dorimon, your Digimon. BTW, Digimon is short for Digital Monster." Terren nodded his head and kneeled down in front of Dorimon. Dorimon quickly jumped into Terren's arms. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Terren's face as he stood up. He then felt the device in his left hand. He quickly clipped it to his pants and started walking without saying anything. A few moments later, Terren came into a clearing. He spotted Kirk, Emily, Amika, Daina, Yuki, James, and Carrie sitting around a hologram and playing with creatures of their own. Terren shook his head, walked over to the group, and sat down next to James. Everyone turned and looked at Terren. Terren just put his head down and didn't say anything. He was wondering what was going on and what everyone was doing here.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  12. [I][COLOR=Red]OOC: I'm going to be evil! :evil laughter: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Eric Bronze [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://members.tripod.com/~thewhitecross/fanart/fanaya05.jpg]Here we go![/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Eric is rock hard. It's hard for anyone to get him to make any sort of facial exspression. He mostly just frowns. He's tough and hard to break as well. Not to mention a sore loser. He does seem lose around a person. [B]Bio:[/B] Eric has always been horrible at catching Pokemon fair and square, so he joined the group of theives. They other people in the group helped him become a better trainer. He now catch Pokemon like it's nothing. He helped in the making of the Shadow Pokemon and it was also kind of his fault that most of those pokemon escaped. He's now one of the thieves in charge of retriveing the wild Shadow Pokemon. He's good friends with Jackie though. This might be tougher then he first espected. [B]Starting Pokemon:[/B] Scizor and Magmar [B]Shadow Pokemon You Catch:[/B] Ninetales, Gardevoir, Skarmory, Flygon [B]Side:[/B] Pokemon Thieves[/COLOR][/I]
  13. [I][color=red][B]Name:[/B] Tarren Takaishi [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Future Parent Of:[/B] Matt and T.K. Takaishi [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.jenorama.org/downloads/chollIe/harpo/quatrerwinnerbackground.jpg]Here ya go![/url] [B]Personaility:[/B] Tarren is the tough one in the group and he'll stand up for the little guy. He likes being cool and collected, but might lose it sometimes. He may have a mean strike. [B]Bio:[/B] Tarren has always been tough, but he has never been a bully. He would always stick up for the people who were smaller then him. Tarren trys to never show his emotions even though he slips sometimes. His older brother caught him crying once after him and his dad got in a fight. Tarren was slightly freaked out by Dorimon when he woke up to him after his Digivice shocked him. He made a quick friendship with Dorimon though. He does get into fights with Kirk alot because he thinks that he shouldn't have just crowned himself leader. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Red [B]Crest:[/B] Strength [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Dorumon [B]Partner Digimon[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Dodomon (Little Iron Drop) [B]In-Training:[/B] Dorimon (Metal Drop) [B]Rookie:[/B] Dorumon (Metal Cannon, Dash Metal) [B]Champion:[/B] DoruGamon (Power Metal, Cannonball) [B]Ultimate:[/B] DoruGremon (Metal Meteor, Bloody Tower) [B]Mega:[/B] DoruGoramon (Brave Metal, Dorudjin) [/color][/I]
  14. [B][I][color=red]Mike quickly pulled out his D-Terminal (sp?) and started hitting some buttons. The castle shook violently from an attack, Mike fell, he dropped the D-Terminal, and the power went out. Mike started feeling for the D-Terminal, but it wasn't helping. Myotismon was holding Mika from where she flew to the side from the shaking. Mika hurriedly climbed to Myotismon's shoulder. She was holding her arm and she had a pained looked on her face. Mike sat up. He couldn't find his D-Terminal and it was too dark to see anything. ?Are you ok Mika,? Mike asked as he looked around the darkness. Mika wasn?t responding. Mike started to get worried as he stood up. He felt like his legs were going to give out. Dorumon and Ryuudamon ran up to Mike. Mike could barely see them, but he knew who they were. He quickly grabbed his D-3, threw it up in the air, and held it out toward his two Digimon. A red light started to glowing from it. Both of Mike?s Digimon started glowing as well. ?Dorumon Warp Digivolve to???.,? Dorumon exclaimed as he started to grow in size, ?DoruGoramon.? Mike was lucky his Digimon could Warp Digivolve. He looked over at Ryuudamon. ?Ryuudamon Warp Digivolve to???,? Ryuudamon said as started to grow in an upright position, ?Ouryuumon.? Mike quickly looked around, but the only think he could see was the lights from the attacks from outside the castle. DoruGoramon quickly picked Mike up and snorted. Mike started looking around again. He was starting to worry about his sister. ?MIKA,? Mike yelled as the front door blew open. Mike shielded his eye from the dust and started to cough. Both DoruGoramon and Ouryuumon were looking around in battle stances. They could see now from the sunlight being let in through the doorway. ?I don?t like this Ouryuumon,? DoruGoramon said as he put Mike down. He wasn?t about to let Mike get hurt. Ouryuumon nodded and continued to look around. Everything seemed quiet, too quiet. Mike didn?t like this. ?Guys,? Mike said as he stepped backward, ?I don?t like this either. I?m really scared.? Mike had two Mega level Digimon, but there was no way they would be able to stand up against all of those Ultimates. Mike started to sweat when all of the Ultimates charged in thorough the Doorway. There was only ten Ultimates and only two Megas. Mike knew it was all over. There was two of each Ultimates. There were two BlackWarGraymons, two Cyberdramon, two Digitamamon, two Cherrymon, and two AeroVeedramon. Mike closed his eyes as a Digitamamon charged at him. Ouryuumon and DoruGoramon looked in horror. They wouldn?t be quick enough to stop Digitamamon. ?Grizzly Wing,? Myotismon?s voice said from nowhere. Mike opened an eye to see Digitamamon get carried away by a group of bats. He opened both eyes as Myotismon landed in front of him on one knee. Myotismon sat Mika down as DarkAngewomon and Beelzemon ran up to Myotismon?s sides. Ouryuumon and DoruGoramon ran up to his sides to. ?We?re still out numbered,? DarkAngewomon said as she frowned. Myotismon and Beelzemon nodded in agreement as Mika ran over to Mike. Mike hugged her and looked at the Digitamamon that got carried away by Myotismon?s Grizzly Wing. It survived and it was mad, but so was Myotismon. ?Fire Rocket,? Flamdramon?s voice said from the doorway. Myotismon uncrossed his arms and looked toward the doorway. Davis walked up next to Flamedramon. ?Me and a few ?old? friends are here to even the score,? Davis said as Fire Rocket hit an AeroVeedramon?s Shadow Ring. The AeroVeedramon fell to the ground as Veemon and ran out crying. Myotismon grinned and held his hand like he was holding a whip. ?Crimson Lightning,? Myotismon said as he whipped the other AeroVeedramon?s Shadow Ring. It also fell to the ground as Veemon and ran out crying. ?My turn,? Burning Greymon said as he ran in, ?Wildfire Tsunami.? Burning Greymon?s Wildfire Tsunami hit a Cherrymon?s Shadow Ring. It fell to the ground as Floramon and ran out as Chi, Renamon, and Strabimon walked next to Davis. ?Now me,? DarkAngewomon said as she held her hands like she was holding a bow, ?Dark Arrow.? DarkAngewomon?s arrow hit home on the other Cherrymon?s Shadow Ring. Another Floramon fell to the ground and ran out. ?Remember me,? MetalGraymon said as he walked in with Tai, ?Giga Blaster.? MetalGraymon?s attack hit a BlackWarGraymon?s Shadow Ring. Tai watched the BlackAgumon run away. ?My go,? Beelzemon said as he held out two of his guns, ? Double Impact.? The two energy bullets hit the other BlackWarGraymon?s Shadow Ring. Beelzemon blew the smoke away from his guns as another BlackAgumon ran out. This one was crying though. ?Here we go,? Angewomonmon said as she fluttered in with Kari, ?Celestial Arrow.? Angewomonmon?s Celestial Arrow hit a Digitamamon?s Shadow Ring. A Betamon fell to the ground and ran out. ?Dragon Flame,? Ouryuumon said as he slashed with burning claws. The fire hit home on two Shadow Rings. The other Digitamamon?s and one of the Cyberdramon?s. A Betamon and a Strabimon ran out by Kari. ?Brave Metal,? DoruGoramon yelled as he put out his claws. He destroyed the final Shadow Ring. The last Strabimon ran out. All of the Digimon De-Digivoloved into their Rookie level and Mike, Ryuudamon, and Dorumon ran up to Davis and Veemon. Mika shook her head and removed her Digimon?s Shadow Rings. She then walked over to the exit and returned home. A few seconds later, Mike returned home. Impmon, Shadowmon, and DemiDevimon were curled up next to Mika on her bunk. Mike figured that she most of been tired out from what happened. He climbed up to his bunk with Dorimon and Kyokyomon in hand. He laid down and stared at the ceiling as his two Digimon curled up next to him. He was worried about who could of planned that attack on the castle.[/color][/i][/b]
  15. [B][I][color=red]OOC: I'm like the main good guy, so all the good guys have to meet up with me some how. The original Digidestined already know me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mike picked up Dorimon and Kyokyomon and jumped off his bunk. Mika turned around and looked at him when she heard him hit the ground. Shadowmon, Impmon, and DemiDevimon looked as well. Mike smiled nervously as he looked at Mika. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat," Mike said as he backed up to the door, "You want anything sis?" Mika shook her head and continued to work on her computer. Mike shook his head and walked out the door. He then headed toward the kitchen. Once in the kithen, Mike started serching through the fridge. He went to grab something when the phone rang. Mike jumped and bumped his head on the top of fridge. Dorimon and Kyokyomon started giggleing as Mike rubbed his head and walked to the phone. "Hello," Mike said as he turned the speaker phone on. "Hey Mike," Davis said from the other end, "I wanted to talk to you." "I wanted to talk to you to Davis," Mike said as he continued to rub his head, "but you can go first." Mike looked at Dorimon and Kyokyomon jump off the table. He started wondering what they could be up to. "Have you heard of the Shadow Rings," Dacis asked as he pushed DemiVeemon down. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Mike's face. "Yeah," Mike said as he kept an eye on his Digimon, "what about them?" "Well," Davis said as he put DemiVeemon in headlock, "someone has been giving to Digimon without partners." Mike almost fell over. Who could even thing of doing that? "What does that mean," Mike asked as he walked over to his Digimon. Dorimon and Kyokyomon were trying to raid the fridge. Mike slammed the fridge door shut and wagged his finger. Both Digimon dropped their ears. "Ken and Yolie said that a Digimon doesn't have a partner," Davis said as he held DemiVeemon away from him, "the Shadow Rings don't just turn the Digimon into an Ultimate, but it also turns them evil." A look of horror crossed Mike's face. "Do you know what this means," Mike said as he started paceing. "Exactly," Davis said as he pushed DemiVeemon down again, "no." Another sweat drop appeared on the side of Mike's face. "Listen Davis," Mike said as he stopped and crossed his arms, "tell everyone that we have a challenge on our hands." "Why," Davis asked with wonder. "We're going to have to deal with evil Ultimate Digimon," Mike said with a slight edgey voice. "That can't be good," Davis said as he bopped DemiVeemon in the back of his head. "No," Mike said as he started to think, "I'll tell T.K and Kari. You tell Ken, Yolie, and Cody. I'll then ask T.K and Kari if we're going to need help from the older Digidestined." "Alright," Davis said as he glared at DemiVeemon, "we'll all talk tomarrow at school. I've gotta go right now. Bye." Mike nodded and hung up the phone. He then walked to the fridge again. He opened it and discovered Dorimon and Kyokyomon sitting in a pile of food. Mike crossed his arms. "Having fun boys," Mike asked as he raised an eyebrow at his Digimon. Both Digimon smiled nervously as Mike picked them up. He sat them on the table, grabbed some food, a hand full of candy, and dropped everything on the table. He picked up a candy bar and looked toward his and Mika's room. Shadowmon, Impmon. and DemiDevimon came running out. Mika quietly shut the door. Mike looked at the three Digimon. "Mika wanted to work by herself for awhile," Shadowmon said as she jumped up on the table, "and we're hungray." Mike shook his head and hinted toward the food. Shadowmon jumped in the pile and landed between Dorimon and Kyokyomon. A candy bar landed on her head. DemiDevimon and Impmon scurried up on the table and grabbed something. Mike shook his head again and sat down in a chair.[/color][/I][/B]
  16. [I][color=red]OOC:Man this is far too good to pass up! How do you do it sis! LOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Digidestined[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Mike Aurora [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Description:[/b] [B]Real World:[/B] [url=http://www.wicked-witch.com/wwpbtop.gif]The blonde in the front.[/url] [B]Digital World:[/B] [url=http://www.wicked-witch.com/schuschu.gif]He has black pants on.[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Mike is outgoing and loud. Even his friends don't like to talk to him when he's in one of his aguementive moods. He does make friends easy though because he's nice and has a very good sense of humor. [B]Bio:[/B] Mike is Mika's twin brother and source of comfort. He didn't become a Digidestined until he was ten though. He recived the new model of Digivice right away. He also recived two eggs that hatched into Dodomon and Fufumon. Mike knew his sister was evil even though she never showed it in the Real World. He acted like he wanted to help her, so she let him on the team. The real reason Mike joined was to help Impmon, DemiDevimon, and Shadowmon. He wants to see his sister god again as much as they do. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Red & Black [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Dorumon & Ryuudamon [B]Good or Evil:[/B] Is Mika's Right-Hand Man, but he's really good [B]Digimon #1[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Dorumon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Metal Cannon, Dash Metal [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Dodomon [B]In-Training:[/B] Dorimon [B]Rookie:[/B] Dorumon [B]Champion:[/B] DoruGamon [B]Ultimate:[/B] DoruGremon [B]Mega:[/B] DoruGoramon [B]Human Fusion:[/B] Glademon [B]Digimon #2[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Ryuudamon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Iai Blade, Helmet Return [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Fufumon [B]In-Training:[/B] Kyokyomon [B]Rookie:[/B] Ryuudamon [B]Champion:[/B] Ginryuumon [B]Ultimate:[/B] Hisharyuumon [B]Mega:[/B] Ouryuumon [B]Human Fusion:[/B] Alphamon Ouryen[/color][/I]
  17. [B][I][color=red]Seto looked at his hand and started grinning. He picked up a card and started to place it on a magic/trap zone. "I play Harpie's Feather Duster," Seto said as he grinned, "This will help if you had any traps. And now, since there are no sacrafices, I can play this. Go my might Blue Eyes." Mika took a slight step backward as the big blue dragon appeared on the field. Seto grinned and pointed at Mika's Dark Zebra. "Now attack my mighty dragon," Seto said with a grin. The dragon released a stream of lightning toward the Dark Zebra. Mika started laughing as the dark Zebra started disappearing. Seto looked at her funny. He tought she had lost it. "You're foolish," Mika said with a laugh, "That wimpy zebra was a lead on Mr. Kaiba. You won't like what I have in store for you." Mika laugh died down as she drew a card. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Seto's head. Joey gripped his fist. "Don't ya even frezze up Kaiba," Joey said as Aurora and Noah grabbed him, "For all we know, the future of earth is in your rich, greedy hands. Try to think about uncle Seto and aunt Amanda or, in your case, your dad and mom." Seto turned and looked down at him. He then looked back at the field. Something struck him as he looked at the Blue-Eyes. [center]~Flashback~[/center] "Here," Seto said as he handed three cards to a five year old Little Seto, "I want you to use these three cards to protect your little sisters just like I protected your uncle Mokuba." Little Seto looked up at his dad. His bright blue eyes flickered and he looked down at the cards. "The Blue-Eyes White Dragons," Little Seto said with excitement. Seto nodded and stood up. He picked Little Seto up. "Those cards have gotton me out of many situations," Seto said as he messed up Little Seto's hair, "and I think they'll do the same for you. I love you and your sister and I would want to see you in a situation anything like what I had to go through." Little Seto smiled and hugged his dad around the neck. He looked toward the doorway to see his mom standing there. She was smileing brightly. She looked really proud. [center]~End of Flashback~[/center] Seto snapped back to reailty. If he lost this duel, Mika could stop him from finding his parents. She could also put Selena and Setrina in danger. Seto gripped his fist and looked back down at Joey. "Thanks Joe," Seto said as he gave Joey a thumbs up, "I needed that." Joey looked shocked as Seto looked back at Mika. Mika didn't like the look on Seto's face. She quickly went to make her move. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Little Seto is Seto's family name so that him and his dad doesn't get mixed up. I'll use that during flashback so we all don't get confused. :D[/color][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][color=red]The strange figure started pointing at Seto. Seto looked annoyed as it was and now some wacko, in a white cloke, was pointing at him. He didn't have time to deal with this. "Seto Kaiba Jr.," the strange figure said as it put it's finger down, "I have a bone to pick with you." Seto crossed his arms. He was getting more annoyed by the secound. He went to say something, but a screen, with Lena's face in it, appeared in front of the group. Everyone gripped their fist except for the non-fighters in the group. "Where's are parents," Selena demanded as she looked at Lena. Lena was swirling around a glass of fruit juice as she looked over at the figure. The figure had frozen and seemed to be listening deeply. Lena let out a sigh and sat her glass down. "I can't tell you that," Lena said with another sigh, "but I'm here to watch this duel. Reveal yourself Mika!" The strange figure took down their hood. Everyone gasped as they looked at the person. It was a girl who looked alot like Mairk. "Hey," Joey said as he looked over at Mika, "who the heck are you?" Mika looked up. Everyone was somewhat scared of who this girl probbly was. They had heard stories about Marik and he never seemed like a nice person. What would they do if Mika was related to Marik. "I'm Mika," The girl said with an evil grin, "and I'm Marik's daughter. Seto has two things that belong to my father and I want them back." Seto looked down to his side as Mika started to point at it. The Millennium Rod was glowing brightly at his side. A exstremly annoyed look crossed Seto's face as he looked back at Mika. "I'm guessing you want my Millennium Rod," Seto said as he reached for his deck, "and Obelisk the Tormentor." Mika looked pleased with what Seto said. The ground started to rumble as a arena appeared. Mika quickly ran to the red side and jumped onto the platform. Seto slowy walked over to the blue side. "Of course I want them you idiot," Mika said as she placed her deck in the Deck Zone, "and for the record, I want The Winged Dragon of Ra fro one of those Wheelers. I also want Slifer the Sky Dragon from one of those Muto brats. Now lets duel." Seto sat his deck down and glared over at Mika. He could afford to lose this. There weren't no Starchips ridding on this. "I can promise you Obelisk and the Millennium Rod," Seto said as he continued to glare at Mika, "but your going to have to duel the owner of Ra and Slifer to become owner of them." Mika grinned her teeth. She didn't like the sound of that, but she had to agree. "I agree," Mika said as she started to draw cards, "Now lets duel!" Seto nodded and started drawing cards from his deck. This was going to be a close match. Everyone was really tence about this. Selena and Setrina looked worried. Everything was up to Seto here. They don't know what Mika plans on doing if she gets the Millennium Rod. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, whoever posts first and clams Slifer is Slifer's owner. This is only applied to the Muto kids. Remember that you will have to duel Mika sometime or other if you do claim Slifer. Is that clear for everyone? Is everyone ok with that? :D[/color][/I][/B]
  19. [B][I][color=red][u]Name:[/u] Ethan [U]Age:[/U] 14 [U]Race:[/U] Hylian [U]Bio:[/U] Ethan was a troubled little boy. He was always alone and his family negleted him. One day Ethan was walking through the forest near his village and he got lost. After a few months, Ethan gave up on hoping anyone would rescue him. He did find a baby dragon one day though. He named it Ash and continued to try to find his way out of the forest. After about four years in the maze of a forest, Ethan stummbled out of the forest. He had been surviveing on things he found in the forest. It had seemed like forever since he seened the light. All those years in the forest made Ethan strong and bitter. He found the War Sword when he stummbled out of the forest. The War Sword made Ethan feel strong and power hungray as soon as he touched it. Now Ethan searches for the Triforce of Power. [U]Discription:[/U] Ethan has shoulder length black hair with red highlights. He wears a completely black outfit similar to Fierce Diety Link from Majaro's(sp?) Mask except he doesn't have the hat. [U]Pet Beast:[/U] A small breed of black dragon named Ash. [U]Battle Weapon:[/U] War Sword [U]Any Other Weapons:[/U] A few fire magic spells and a bow with fire arrows.[/color][/I][/B]
  20. [B][I][COLOR=Red]OOC: Alright guys, I'm starting this right after Lena sends the partents to diffrent parts of her dark island. Oh yeah, I'm not adding Jr. to any name, so just remember that it's the kids. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey you," Seto yelled up to Lena, "What did you just do to our family and friends." Selena and Setrina were standing next to their big brother. One on each side. They were just as unhappy as him. Lena snorted and started to laugh. "I sent them away," Lena said as she started walking back into the castle, "If you wanna see them again, you'll have to beat this tournament. We're playing by my step-father's rules. That means no sacrifices or Duel Disk. You're going to have to use the old Dueling Arenas that, if I'm not mistaken, was the first thing your father created. These arenas are spead out everywhere on the island. Oh yes, one last thing. I did change two things from my step-father's ruels." Seto gripped his fist and looked at Lena. He was getting highly inpaticent with her. "What would those be," Seto yelled as Lena almost disappeared into the castle. Lena stopped walking and turned around. She grinned and looked down at the kids. "You'll have 4000 Lifepoints and a Deck Master," Lena said as she turned back around and finished walking into the castle. Seto spun around and looked at everyone else. Joey had his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. His twin sister, Aurora, and little brother, Noah, looked at him. They know he was about to say something. "Don't start Wheeler," Seto said as he looked at his cousin. Selena and Setrina looked at each other and then at Aurora. Aurora shrugged her shoulders. Tristen and Malinda started shakeing their heads. These two always got into fights at the wrong time. Caleb and Maria looked at each other and blinked. Terren and Clesia just shook their heads. "Are we a wee bit upset," Joey said with his arms still crossed. Seto looked highly steamed at his cousin. Selena and Setrina quickly grabbed his arms. Joey uncrossed his arms and grinned at Seto. Arora and Noah grabbed his arms. "How about we start looking for our parents," Malinda suggested as she started walking into the woods. Everyone looked at each other and agreed. They quickly chased after Malinda. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Here's a few things I think you should know. You can make up duelist to duel. They don't have to be kids or teenagers. They can be adults. Even some of the adults that were'nt captured from the show. You also have to get 15, yes I said 15, Starchips to make it to Lena's castle. I'm sorry for the short post as well. I hope you guys can work off of this. ^_^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  21. [color=red][B][I]Andrew gripped his fist and looked at Amber. Amber had lost her Cat's Ear Tribe and All-Seeing White Tiger. He still had his Cat's Ear Tribe. He couldn't attack with it. That would be foolish. He drew a card and hoped it was a good one. Amber and him couldn't lose they could lose their locator card. "I play this in facedown defence mode," Andrew said with a grin, "and I also place this facedown. Your turn Joey." Joey looked at his hand as he drew a new card. He had to make a good play. The only monster he had on the field was Tiny Guardian. He had an idea. "I play Panther Wariorr in attack mode," Joey said with a grin, "and I also play Scapegoat. Now Tiny Guardian, attack his facedown card." Andrew grinned as Tiny Guardian came toward his defence monster. Joey wondered what was going on as Tiny Guardian connected. A koala appeared and then disappeared. Joey suddenly felt a decrease in his lifepoints. He looked down to discover his lifepoints had dropped from 3500 to 1500. He looked up at Andrew. "When you attacked my Des Koala," Andrew said with a laugh, "you activated it's effect. It takes 400 lifepoints for every card in your hand. You're just lucky you didn't have more cards in your hand." Joey looked ticked off. He had to do something quick or this would be the first duel he lost. He had three locator cards. It would hurt to lose one, but it would hurt his reprutation on this island. "Awright," Joey said as he pointed at Andrew, "I sacrifice one of my Scapegoats so my Panther Warrior can attack your unprotected Cat's Ear Tribe." Panther Wariorr charged at Andrew's Cat Ear Tribe. Andrew grinned and shook his head. "You forget easily don't you," Andrew said as he crossed his arms, "My Cat's Ear Tribe's effect isn't a one time thing. You've just set yourself up. Cat's Ear Tribe, activate your effect." Joey covered his face as his Panther Wariorr impacted with Andrew's Cat's Ear Tribe. "I thought you were smarter then that Mr. Wheeler," Andrew said with a grin. Joey shot him a evil glare as the smoke cleared. Joey's lifepoints fell another 500 points leaving him at 1000. Andrew looked over at Amber. Both Joey and her had no monsters on the field. Amber would have a monster on the field on her next turn. Andrew hoped it would be a good one.[/I][/B][/color]
  22. [color=red][B][I]Cool, I'll start this really soon, so watch out for it. And thanks alot Marcus_Beuford for changing your sign-up. (I kind of didn't want my sis blowing a fuse) LOL ^_^[/I][/B][/color]
  23. [color=red][B][I]Cool! I'm going to do what my sis did on her Inuyasha one like this. I'm going to give a list so everyone can keep track of which spots are open. ^_^ [center][u]Seto & Amanda[/u] Seto Jr. Selena Setrina (filled) [u]Joey & Amber[/u] Joey Jr. Aurora Noah (filled) [u]Tristen & Michelle[/u] Tristen Jr. Malinda (one spot open) [u]Yugi & Serenity[/u] Caleb Maria (one spot open) [u]Duke & Tea[/u] Terren Clesia (one spot left) [u]Others[/u] Lena Mika Matthew[/center][/I][/B][/color]
  24. [color=red][b][i]Ok, this is like only my third RPG I'm doing because my sister was doing all those other ones under my screen name. This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh RPG and I'm going to use three of my sis's made up characters as the "parents" in this story. Now, don't sue for any couples you don't like. This is all made up and will never happen. Exspecially the ones with my sis's characters. [u]The Story:[/u] It's been about twenty years after Marik was defeated. Seto moved to America right after Mairk is defeated. There he meets Amanda. Everyone else stays in Domino City. They all have families and are living peacefully. One day, Joey gets a phone call from Amanda. (Amanda is one of my sis's characters and she's Joey's twin sister. Don't ask me why she was in America) Amanda tells him that this strange kid has invited her family and all her friends families to a Duel Monsters Competition in America. Joey agrees to come and tell everyone else about it. When everyone arrives, they find out that the strange kid is Pegasus' step-child. They don't want to deal with the adults, so with their Millennium Item, they trap the adults souls in diffrent sections of their dark island. Now it's up to the kids to save their parents. [u]Parents:[/u] I'm not going to have everyone and remember this is all my scary imagination. Seto & Amanda - Three Kids (these are mine) Joey & Amber - Three Kids (reserved for my sister) Tristen & Michelle - Three Kids (two are reserved for a friend. one is still takeable) Yugi & Serenity - Three Kids Duke & Tea - Three Kids I also need people to play evil/bad duelist. Can be the kids of a advasary that any of the above went up against or completely made up. I also need someone to play Pegasus' step-son. Sorry for not leaving many spots open. It's just I'm doind this with my sister and my friend over here. [u]Sign Up:[/u] Name: Age: (between 12-16) Parent(s): (remember that you can also be the kid of someone like Weevile or Rex. I may even allow someone like Mai or Mako a kid to help the others out. Just PM on that.) Favorite Card: (I ask this because we are using Deck Masters) Bio: Apperance: Millennium Item: (optional other then for Pegasus' step-child) You're allowed three characters! [u]Here's Mine:[/u] Name: Seto Kaiba Jr. Age: 16 Parent(s): Seto & Amanda Favorite Card: The Blue-Eyes White Dragon Bio: Seto is the oldest out of him and his two sisters. He has the odd tendacy to act like his father. He's really bossy and just a tad bit of a slave driver. He is really overprotective of his little sisters though. He's a very strong duelist and he has grudge his cousin, Joey. Apperance: Seto looks like his father, but he has blonde in his hair and it's kind of rough looking. He has really light blue eyes too. He's usually wears a medium length black jacket, a black button up shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He also has black glasses. Millennium Item: Millennium Rod[/color] [color=plum]Name: Selena Kaiba Age: 14 Parent(s): Seto & Amanda Favorite Card: The Dark Magician Girl Bio: Selena is part of twins and one of Seto's little sister. Selena is more like her mother. She likes to start fight and she usually ends them too. She's always in trouble. She's also very good at dueling. She up front about dueling too. Not to mention, a sore loser. Apperance: Selena has waist length blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She wears a pink belly shirt with a black dragon on it, blue jean shorts, and white sneakers. Millennium Item: Millennium Necklace[/color] [color=magenta]Name: Setrina (se-tre-na) Kaiba Age: 14 Parent(s): Seto & Amanda Favorite Card: The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon Bio: Setrina is Selena's twin sister and the total oppisite. She would rather spend her time on a computer then in a fight. She has her attentions on running the Kaiba Land in America. She's a hard worker and just as hard duelist. She's tough to beat and she doesn't give up easily. Apperance: Setrina has waist length reddish/brown hair and light blue eyes. She usually wears a black belly shirt with a pink dragon on it, dark blue jean shorts, and black sneakers. Millennium Item: Millennium Armband[/color] [color=red]I hope you all enjoy this! ^_^[/i][/b][/color]
  25. [color=red][B][I]Andrew grumpled at his card being lost. He was planing something with that. He had to think of something fast. Him and Amber had the same playing stratagy, so Amber probbly had the same face down card as he did. He looked over at his sister as he drew a card. She nodded slightly. "I turn my face down monster into face up attack mode to reveal my Cat's Ear Tribe," Andrew said with a grin, "and I activate my sister's facedown card. That'll end my turn." Joey and Matt looked at each other as The Sword of Deep-Seated revealed on Amber's side of the field. Andrew grinned again as his tribe's power reached 700. It may have seemed weak, but Joey would be in for a surprise if he attacked. "Awright," Joey said with a slight grin, "I lay another card face down and play Tiny Guardian in attack mode. Now Rocket Wariorr, ATTACK!" Andrew grinned as Rocket Wariorr came in for an attack. The impact made smoke fly everywhere. "You've done it now," Andrew laughed. Joey shielded his eyes as the smoke cleared. To his and Matt's surprise, the tribe of three kittens were still alive. They were hugging each other, but they were still standing. Another strange thing was that Joey's Rocket Wariorr was gone and his Lifepoints had dropped to 7500. He had lost 500 Lifepoints. "Hey," Joey said as he put a fist up, "dat's not fair. What happened to my Lifepoints and Rocket Wariorr." Andrew started with a soft laugh, but went into full out evil laughter. Joey put his fist down and looked at Andrew. Andrew stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow. "Why don't I let my sister exsplain that since her turn is next," Andrew said as he looked at Amber. Amber nodded and looked at Joey. Joey was rubbing the back of his head with a confused look. Amber had to make this short and painless.[/I][/B][/color]
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