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Everything posted by Maximillion404

  1. [color=red][B][I]Ruby and Rio looked at each other. They might as well tell. It wouldn't hurt for them to know. Ruby let out a sigh. "Yes," Ruby said as she closed her eyes, "we're almost completely Sayian. We have very little human in us." Rio nodded in agreement with his sister. Matt looked at them. He looked like he didn't trust them. Ruby and Rio knew they would have to spill their info to Matt. "Can you come with me," Rio said as he grabbed Matt's hand. Matt didn't say anything because he didn't figure he had a choice in the matter. Ruby nervously smiled and walked by Trunks. "We'll be back," Ruby said with a smile, "and we would love it if you didn't follow." Trunks nodded his head as Ruby took off after Matt and Rio. Riku watched them and shook her head. In a place in the woods far away from Trunks and Riku, Rio placed Matt in front of him. Ruby came up behind him. Matt looked at the both of them and crossed his arms. "What do you guys want," Matt asked as he glared at the twins. Something struck him as he glared. Rio and Ruby both looked similarto Trunks and Riku. He went to say something, but was cut off by Rio. "We're going to tell you somethings," Rio said with a stern look, "and you've gotta keep it hush hush." Matt nodded at what Rio said. Maybe he would be getting some answers. "Me, Ruby, and my brother, Rio, are from the future," Ruby said with a sad face, " and we're the daughter and son of Trunks and Riku. Riku was that girl you and Trunks were talking to." Matt looked shocked at what Ruby had just said. He had to say something, but what?[/I][/B][/color]
  2. [color=red][B][I]"This might be a mistake on your behalf," Andrew said with a grin, "Me and my sister know how to work as a team." Matt and Joey looked at each other as Andrew and Amber drew their cards. "I would like to know your names," Joey said as he drew five cards. Andrew looked at Amber. Amber spread her cards out and looked over at Andrew. She let out a sigh. "My name's Amber," Amber said as she slightly turned bright red, "and this is my brother Andrew." Joey nodded and Matt let out a sigh. Matt seemed to not care. "Lets go," Andrew said as he started laying down cards, "I play this card in face down defence mode and these two cards. Your turn Joey." Joey nodded and looked at Amber. Amber swallowed hard and watched Joey. "Ok," Joey said as he layed two cards down, "I play Rocket Warrior in attack mode and one card face down." Amber swallowed hard. It was her turn next. She had some good cards. She had to think of a good stratagy.[/I][/B][/color]
  3. "Couldn't you've landed alittle lighter Rio," Ruby asked as she rubbed the back of her head. Rio grinned nervously at his twin sister. They had a rough landing, but Ruby really shouldn't suspect anything to smooth from Rio. Ruby shook her head and climbed out of the spaceship. Rio climbed out as well. "Now what Ruby," Rio asked as he pushed his black hair behind his ear. Ruby put her hand to her chin and looked off into the distance and suddenly moved it. Rio looked at her and suddenly stiffened up. "You sense that don't you," Ruby asked as she pulled her lavender hair to a side, "We're surrounded by very strong presences." Rio nodded and looked ahead. Him and Ruby went Super Sayian and took off toward two energies that felt fimiliar. They had to check this out. A little later, the twins landed in a small area in the woods. They went back to normal and looked at the three people talking. A stunned look crossed their face. They reconginzed two of the people. "Is that mom and dad," Rio asked as he looked at Ruby. Ruby shook her head and looked at the fox like creature. She thought she saw him before too. "Remember what mom said," Ruby said with a stern look, "We can't tell anyone who we are. Those two are mom and dad, but they have no clue who we are. They're probbly still our age." Rio nodded a sweat drop appear on his face. He stood up to look Trunks face to face. Ruby quickly stood up too. "I thought I sensed two strong powers over here," Trunks said as he looked the twins over. A sweat drop appeared on both Ruby's and Rio's heads.
  4. Maximillion404


    Funny sis! - . - [B]Name:[/B] Amanda Wheeler [B]Age:[/B] 15-16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] The Dark Magician Girl and The Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon [B]Bio:[/B] Amanda's Joey's twin sister. She has a tendacy to have a slight additude and she usually speaks with her fists. She just the oppisite of her brother when it comes to brain power. She's very computer and book smart. She has a major crush on Seto even though her brother warned her about him. She's mostly kind hearted though. [B]Description:[/B] Amanda has waist length blonde hair and baby blue eyes. She wears a black leather tanktop with a heart shape cut out of the chest and fringes at the bottom, black leather flares, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and a black chocker. She has a tattoo of a ring of roses around her belly button and a japaness symbol on her left shoulder. [B]Millenium Item:[/B] Original Millenium Necklace [color=red] And here's my second character! [B]Name:[/B] Seto Kaiba [B]Age:[/B] 15-16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] Blue-Eyes White Dragon [B]Bio:[/B] Seto is owner of Kaiba Corp. and Amber's step-brother. He's only scared of her because she could take Kaiba Corp. at any time from him. He's a genuise and a workiholic, He loves his computer. He secreatly likes Amanda too. He's just to proud to admit to it. [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.madamhydra.net/img-pic/ygo-kaiba-bewd-38k.jpg[/url] [B]Millenium Item:[/b] Millenium Rod[/color]
  5. [color=red]Name: Coal Luck Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Coal has shoulder length black hair with red bangs that end at his chin and blue eyes. Coal usually wears a black tanktop, a red vest with a black dragon on the back of it, black leather pants, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and black sunglasses on his head. Crest: Peace Digimon: In-Training - Dartmon Rookie - Darkmon Champion - Yami-Darkmon Ultimate - Demitrimon Mega - Deathmon Elemental God - Skullmon Bio: Coal is Coje's twin brother and he was also interested in Digimon. He lost intrest faster then Coje. He still played the card game though. When he was going through his deck one day one of his digivice cards fell out. It started glowing. Coal picked it up and it turned into a real black and red Digivice. Coal was suspecting something weird was about to happen. Personality: Coal is usually seriouse around strangers, but is a major goofball around his brother. He easily warms up to people quickly. Digimon- Name: Dartmon Attribute: Virus Type: Hedgehog Monster Attacks: Bubble Blow Appearance: Dartmon is black with blue eyes. He has little spikes all over his soft body. He's a spike ball basicly. Name: Darkmon Attribute: Virus Type: Dark Wolf Digimon Attacks: Darkness Paw and Death Bite Appearance: Darkmon is just a small black wolf with red eyes. Name: Yami-Darkmon Attribute: Virus Type: Werewolf Monster Attacks: Dark Energy Ball and Shadow Sword Appearance: Yami-Darkmon looks like a human with long black hair, claws, fangs, a long black tail, red eyes, and black wolf ears. He wears black armor. Name: Demitrimon Attribute: Virus Type: Vampire Monster Attacks: Energy Drain and Shadow Whip Appearance: Demitrimon looks like Mayotisemon, but his outfit is black and red and his hair is black. Name: Deathmon Attribute: Virus Type: Death Dragon Monster Attacks: Deadly Breath and Death Claws Appearance: Deathmon is black dragon with parts of him decaying like and red eyes. Name: Skullmon Attribute: Virus Type: Death Humanoid Monster Attacks: Death Grip and Death Arrows Appearance: Skullmon looks like Coal, but his hair is completely black, he has fangs, claws, black dragon wings, and a black dragon tail. He wears armor made of black metal and bones. The shoulder parts are dragon skulls. He also has a red visior over his eyes. [/color]
  6. [color=red]My sis bugged me to join this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Andrew Rowin Age: 15 Country: Great Britain Rarest Card: Cat's Ear Tribe Bio: Andrew was the best duelist at his school other then Josh. His sister always thought he was wasteing his time. He was lucky that Josh showed her the game. Andrew hears about this Battle Island and is thrilled. Both his sister and him go to the island. Andrew's main goal is to beat Yugi Muto and/or Seto Kaiba in a duel. Description: [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/jenlusi/images/hotsets.jpg[/url] only diffrences are that his hair is blonde and his eyes are purple. Deck Theme: None Deck: Monsters Lybyrinth Wall Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Zoa The Earl of Demise Twin-Headed Fire Dragon King of Yamimakai Sword Stalker Flame Swordsman Aqua Madoor Blue-Eyes White Dragon The All-Seeing White Tiger x2 Dark Magician Red-Eyes Black Dragon Effect Monsters Cure Mermaid Patrician of Darkness Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Dark Zebra Buster Blader Des Lacooda Shadow Tamer Dancing Fairy Des Koala Dark Cat with White Tail Cat's Ear Tribe Weather Report Trap Master x2 Pitch-Dark Dragon Amazoness Tiger Zombie Tiger x2 Dark Magician Girl Man-Eater Bug Magic Toon World x2 Sword of Deep-Seated Chorus of Sanctuary Kishido Spirit Monster Reborn x2 Malevolent Nuzzler Raregold Armor Heart of Clear Water Soul Release Share the Pain Red Medician Change of Heart Trap Curse of Royal x2 Bottomless Trap Hole Magic Jammer The Emperor's Holiday Thunder of Ruler Goblin Fan Bad Reaction to Simochi Coffin Seller Shift Magic Drain[/color]
  7. [color=red]"I hope they'll shut up," Amanda said as she stormed into the room. Her long blonde hair was flowing behind her. Fenryl and Amber stopped and looked at Amanda. Amanda's arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot. Seto looked at her as he sat up. "Mandy," Seto said as he looked at Amanda. Amanda gasped and ran over to Seto's side. She grabbed his hands. Her bright blue eyes were shining. Seto shook his head. "Are you okay Setoy," Amanda said with a big smile. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Seto's face. This wasn't the time for Amanda to be calling him pet names. "I'm fine," Seto said as he looked at Amanda, "and what are you doing here?" Amanda smiled and hugged Seto. Joey smacked his hand to his forehead and started shakeing his head. A sweat drop appeared on the side of both Fenryl's and Amber's head. "I heard you got hurt," Amanda said as she stopped hugging Seto, "I had to see you!" Joey moved his hand and looked at his sister. Amanda looked over at him. She crossed her arms as Sonic walked up to her. Sonic tugged on her skirt. "I would like to thank you for stopping those two girls," Sonic said as Amanda looked down at him. A sweat drop appeared at the side of Amanda's face. She looked backed over at Joey. "What's going on," Amanda asked with a confused look.[/color]
  8. [color=red]Please disown the first post made under this screen name. That's my sis's info. Here's mine :D : Name: Amanda Wheeler :yes I'm playing a girl OMG: Age: 18 Gender: Female Desctription: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=12678[/url] The only diffrence is, her outfit his black and she doesn't have the goofy gloves or necklace on. Bio: Amanda is Joey's twin sister and Seto's secret girlfriend. Amanda's just the oppisite of her twin. She's highly computer smart and really high ranked duelist. She wasn't too happy with the fact of Joey's going out with Tea. She's the one responsable for getting Joey and Amber together. She was highly upset with Seto getting hurt. She didn't like it one bit and told Seto that she would find out what's going on. Duel Monster: The Dark Magician Girl & The Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon[/color]
  9. [color=red]Sky looked at his little sister. With her searching for her flute gave him an idea. He quickly ran into the house. He started tearing the house apart as well. Sumie was ashamed of her big brother and little sister. Fuji-Iro was standing next to Sumie. She was wondering what Sky was looking for. "Found it," Sky said from inside the house. Both Sumie and Fuji-Iro wondered what Sky found. They both looked at him as he ran out of the house. He had their father's sword swung over his shoulder. Both girl looked horrified. "Are you nuts," Fuji-Iro yelled as she looked at Sky. Sky shook his head and swung the sword around in front of him. A slight stream of golden glitter was left behind. Shy grinned at his sisters. "Dad's been teaching me how to use this, so I'm going to use," Sky said as he looked across toward the shrine. Coje had just walked out of the shrine, swinging his father's staff around his head. Sky shook his head and put his sword away. Fuji-Iro and Sumie shook their heads and headed back toward the others.[/color] [center]~*~*~*~*~*~[/center] Koal looked highly upset as Mika still clinged to his arm and Karver stood next to him. He had his fist clinched. His father was visting just to let Karver see her mother and to give Koal his sword. Koal could really care less about his father though. He was worried about his mother. He turned and looked at Mika. Mika looked up at him and let go of his arm. "You ok Koal," Coje asked as he placed the staff on the ground. Koal shook his head and turned his back to Coje. A tension mark appeared on Coje's forehead. He hated it when people did that to him. "I say we go after them now," Koal said with a slight growl in his voice. Coje shook his head and crossed his arms. Mika looked at her brothers. She hated it when they fought. One of them always came out injured and was usually Coje. Karver looked at Mika. Mika shrugged her shoulders. "I say we wait for everyone else," Coje said with a slight growl. Koal quickly turned around. He stared his half-brother in the face. Coje didn't budge. He wasn't scared. Koal let out a growl and sigh. "Fine," Koal said as he glared at Coje, "we wait." Coje nodded and looked at his other siblings. Mar was looking for his pole and helping Ummei find some of their dad's spells and incarnations.
  10. Name: Rio Age: 16 Bio: Rio is the son of Trunks' and Riku. Him and his twin sister, Ruby, come from the future. They are very close to full-blodded Sayain. This makes them very tempermentally. Rio is the more agressive of the twins. He's very nice, but he has a short fuse. He's like both of his grandfathers put together. Rio loves his father and looks up to his mother. His mother is his idol. Description: Rio looks like Trunks, but with black hair. His outfit looks like Trunks' too, but his jacket and boots are red. Relation to Original Character: Trunks' son from the future Skills: All of Riku's Weapon: His grandfather's Power Pole [color=red]Name: Ruby Age: 16 Bio: Ruby is the daughter of Trunks' and Riku. Her and her twin brother, Rio, come from the future. They are very close to full-blodded Sayain. This makes them very tempermentally. Ruby is the more mellow of the twins. She's very nice and it takes more to get her mad. She's more like Goku then Vegeta. Ruby loves her mother and looks up to her father. Her father is her idol. Description: Ruby looks like Riku, but she has lavandar hair. Her outfit looks like Riku's too, but it's black and pink instead of orange and blue. Relation to Original Character: Trunks' daughter from the future Skills: All of Trunks' Weapon: Her father's sword[/color]
  11. OOC: Yo sis! Here I am! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Koal (coal) Age: 15 Parents: KougaxCrystal Bio: Koal is queit the mistake along with his twin. His father sorta forced his mother and he hates his father for that. He's mostly with his mother, but his twin is mostly with their father. Koal is almost full-blooded demon. He has little human in him. He's a very kind demon. He's always smileing until he gets into a fight with Coje. Koal respects Miroku more then Coje. He rather have Miroku as a father then Kouga. Description: He looks like Kouga, but his fur is white. Skill(s): Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Healing Abillity, Wind Attacks, and control over a wolf pack. Weapon(s): His dad's sword! [color=red]Name: Sky Age: 13 Parents: SangoxSesshomaru Bio: Sky is the quiet one out of this bunch. He's not really friendly with his father, but loves his mother. He hates the fact that he's part demon. He always wishs to be human. He kind of wants to be a Demon Slayer like his mother once was. He does like his father's sword and how Sesshomaru teaches him how to use it. His personality matches up there with his aunt Crystal's. He's pretty even. He looks like a human. He has fangs like Coje. He can also make claws appear. Description: Sky has shoulder length black hair with white highlights through it that he keeps in a ponytail and copper eyes. He wears and outfit that looks like Kuhako's(sp?), but it's black and light blue. Skill(s): Poison Claws and Extreme Speed. Weapon(s): His dad's sword! Can not think of name at moment![/color]
  12. I'm back!!!!!! I knew my sister would get her screen name back sometime or other. She'll be posting as JoyKaiba for now on. ^_^ I'm going to try to rember my old character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Kirk Knight Age: Unknown Description: Kirk looks kind of like Ray and Flare except his hair is black and his eyes are voilet. His out fit looks like Flare's except it's all black. Demon Form: He's a black dragon with shiny sliver star like patterns on him. Special Ability: He has some control over the Moon/Night. He has a dark flame in his Demon form. Weapon: A pole with a blade on the end. The blade is surrounded by darkness. Bio: Kirk was a happy little spirit until the Element Brothers captured him. They forced him to look over Darkness Island. Him and Luna made friends since she had nothing to do with his capture. He wants to help Team Urameshi. He also convinces them that Luna wants to help them. Side: Team Urameshi [color=green]I'll do an Element Brother too! Name: Terren Age: unknown Description: Terren has long green hair with bits on brown through it, green eyes, and elf ears. He wears a green t-shirt, green, black, and brown camouflaged pants, and brown boots. Special Ability: He controls the Earth. He could make a huge earthquake if he wanted. Bio: Terran is the Element Brother of Earth and the most peaceful one. He would rather cause peace then pain. He does have an evil side though. He hates being betrayed, so he's exstremly angry at Luna. He hates it when someone abuse nature too. That is something that can't go unpunished. Side: He's the Element Brother of Earth.[/color]
  13. [color=red]OOC: Hello my peeps! I'm back! I'm the evil twin brother and not JoyKaiba. As soon as I heard she got her screen name back, I jumped at the idea of being part of the boards again. I'm playing Amanda and Seto. My sis is still playing Joey and Amber. I hope no one gets confused. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Real World.................. "You didn't," Amanda said as she looked up at Seto, "You did didn't you?" Seto shook his head and put it down. Amanda shook her head as well. "I couldn't resist," Seto said with a shake of his head. Amanda stopped walking and grabbed Seto's arm. Seto looked down at her. Amanda shook her head again and hugged him. A slight smile crossed Seto's face as he hugged Amanda back. "Not to interupt anything," a female voice said from behind Amanda, "but I have some bad news." Amanda didn't stop hugging Seto, but she looked behind her. She spotted Yolee standing next to High Priest Seth. Amanda shook her head. "What Yolee," Amanda said as she looked at Yolee. Yolee shook her head as a sad look crossed her face. Amanda looked up at Seto then back at Yolee. "Alot of your friends are stuck in the Shadow Realm," Yolee said as she crossed her arms. Amanda gasped and stopped hugging Seto. Seto looked over at HP Seth. HP Seth shrugged his shoulders. "Is Joey there," Amanda said as her blue eyes jumped. Yolee nodded her head. Seto looked over at Yolee. He had a stern look on his face. "Please tell me Amber ain't there," Seto said with a harsh voice. Yolee nodded her head again. Seto and Amanda looked at each other then looked back at Yolee. "Get me there," Amanda said as she put a fist up. Yolee nodded and created a black hole next to her. Amanda ran into the hole and Seto followed her. In the Shadow Realm..................... "Whoa," Amanda said as she looked down at herself. She was dressed in the Dark Magician Girl's outfit. She turned around to see Seto standing behind her. His wings were folded and his arms were crossed. He was also bright red. "Don't say a word Mandy," Seto said with a sigh. Amanda saw Seto's fangs as he spoke. She also noticed his claws. She shook her head and hugged him. "I think you look cute," Amanda said with a smile. Seto turned redder at Amanda's response. He gently hugged Amanda back. "I hate to break up the love fest," HP Seth said as he cleared his throat, "but would you mind following us?" Seto and Amanda stopped hugging and started following HP Seth and Yolee.[/color]
  14. [color=teal]Riku was walking down the street with Trunks. Him and her were getting back from a date. They still had ice cream cones in their hands from where that had stopped at an ice cream parlor. Riku looked up at Trunks and smiled. "I personally think we should do this more often," Riku said with a bright smile. Trunks shook his head and put his free arm around Riku. Riku blushed and looked foward. "I agree, but you know our fathers," Trunks said as he looked down at Riku. Riku was stareing at something. Trunks looked in the direction she was stareing in. "I'll be right back," Riku said as she started running toward what she was stareing at. Trunks shook his head and started after her. They had both dropped their ice cream cones. A few seconds later, Riku and Trunks were standing behind Gohan. An evil smirk crossed Riku's face as she went to tap Gohan on the shoulder. As she got about an inch from his shoulder, he turned around. Riku jumped into Trunks arms. Gohan shook his head. "Riku Son," Gohan said as he looked at Riku, "What do you think you're doing? I'm going to tell Dad who you're hanging out with." Riku started shakeing her head. Goku would kill her if he found out she was going out with Trunks. He was too overprotective of her. Yollie poked her head out from behind Gohan. Riku stopped shakeing her head and looked down at Yollie. Yollie looked really worried.[/color]
  15. Suddenly a shot rang out from behind Stocatta. Stocatta spun around to see Julie standing there with her gun smoking and her jacket moving in the wind. Stocatta let out a sigh and turned back around to see what Julie had done. Apparently, her bullet hit the sword and scared the person off. "I think someone's trying to betray us," Julie said as she walked up next to Stocatta. Stocatta nodded as Vash stummbled to his feet and ran over to the girls. Vash grabbed Julie's shoulders and started shakeing her. Julie's sunglasses were coming off her nose. "What did you do that for," Vash asked as he continued to shake his sister, "You almost shot me!" Julie grabbed Vash's shoulders and made him stop shakeing her. She cleared her throat and pushed her sunglasses back up. Vash looked at her with his usual dumbfounded look. "Someone is trying to betray us," Julie said as she looked out of the corner of her eye, "and they want you dead." Vash gasped as Nick walked up to the group. Nick raised an eyebrow at Vash's gasp. Vash hugged Julie and started swinging her around. "No,no,no," Vash said as tears started streaming down his face, "I don't wanna die." Julie rolled her eyes as Vash stopped swinging her. She pried Vash's hands open and took his arms off her waist. Vash looked at her with completely dry eyes. Julie shook her head. "You won't die," Julie said as she turned around, "we'll protect you, but for the meantime, lets go back to the hotel." Vash saddly nodded and started following his sister. Stocatta and Nick looked at each other, shrugged thier shoulders, and started following Vash and Julie.
  16. [COLOR=Red]Ok, I 've watched this show Heat Guy J a couple times and I LOVE it! I decided to make an RPG about it. I know a lot of you probbly have never watched it, but that's ok. We'll try our best! BTW, I'm going to be adding some twist to make this more interesting! :D [B][U]The Story:[/U][/B] There are two new girls in town and they're being hunted down. Daisuke and his partner J are assinged to protect these two. They are also sent to try to convince these two too join the Special Unit. The people hunting these two girl were hired by Clair. Each "assassin" has a special abillity and partner. They work with their partners, but communicate back and forth to other groups. There are also groups of "loners" who are willing to help Daisuke and J protect these two girls. They also have partners that they like working with. How will this all turn out? [B][U]The Characters;[/U][/B] [B]Original[/B] Daisuke Aurora - JoyKaiba J - JoyKaiba Clair AKA The Vampire - Maximillion404 Boma - Maximillion404 [B]The Loners[/B] Rene Nightinggale - JoyKaiba Star - JoyKaiba Josh Nightinggale - ShadowSword Ryan Knight - ShadowSword 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 - [B]The Assassins[/B] 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - [B][U]Sign UP:[/U][/B] I need two of these. One for the character and one for their partner. Clair and Boma don't have partners. You can have four characters. (Two characters and their partners) Name: Age: Description: Bio: Skill: Exspert swordsman, gunmen, fighter, or magic user. Super human strength, speed, ect..... (Androids and Geneticlly Altered Humans only). You can be more then one. Weapon: A sword, a gun, your fist/legs, some sort of magic. Once again, you can have more then one. Partner Type: (character only) Human, geneticlly altered human (like Boma), or Android Type: partner only Side: Loner or Assassins [B][U]Here's Mine:[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Clair AKA The Vampire [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.projectbag.com/heat_guy_j/pics/clair03.jpg[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Clair is the hire to a huge company. He's kind of pycho though. He keeps trying to show his dead father fireworks by blowing things up. He wanted Rene dead because he sees her as a major threat. Her parents were somehow connected to his father. [B]Skill:[/B] Gunman and Fighter [B]Weapon:[/B] A black handgun and his fist. [B]Side:[/B] Neither, but he's a bad guy![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][B]Name:[/B] Boma [B]Age:[/B] 20 something [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.projectbag.com/heat_guy_j/pics/favepic04.jpg[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Boma was a prisoner that was gentically inhanced for punishment. He was hired by Clair to destroy J at first, but now he respects Daisuke. He somewhat a loner, but he will help when he's needed. He doesn't like Androids too much because he was betrayed by one. He wants revenge for his little sister's, Bunny, death. [B]Skill:[/B] Swordsman and he has Super Human speed and strength. [B]Weapon:[/B] A sword and his super human speed and strength. [B]Side:[/B] Neither, but he's a good guy![/COLOR] [COLOR=red] If you need help on anything, PM and I'll try my best to help. In the meantime, here's a website you can look at picture on. [url=http://www.projectbag.com/heat_guy_j/heat_guy_index.html]Heat Guy J[/url] I'll be back! :D[/COLOR]
  17. [color=purple]"Hold on a sec," Amber said as she put her hands on her wraps. Everyone looked at her has her wraps fell around her neck. Joey gasped as he looked at Amber's eyes. Huge scares were over both of them. "Your not going to open your eyes are you," Joey said as he looked at Amber. Amber nodded her head and slowly opened her eyes. Everyone, that knew Amber, gasped as the looked at her eyes. Her lovely purple had been replaced with a misty blue. There was no doubt about it, she was blind. "The All-Seeing White Tiger relies on it's sharp senses and allies," Amber said as she took a deep breath, "but this is kind of diffrent and I don't know what to do." Joey looked as he was about to cry. Amber was crying, but with every tear, her eyes cleared. Yugi noticed something wrong though. Amber eyes were clearing to a dark blue and not purple. The almost looked like Noa's eye color. "Amber," Noa voice echoed through Amber's head, "I'm somehow interconnected with the Shadow Realm now. I'm in a different part of this freaky place, but I feel your pain. I'll be your eyes. I'll tell you what you have in your hand and guide you. Don't worry, you're the only one who can hear me." Amber stopped crying and nodded her head. She then reached for her deck. "It's your turn June," Amber said as she looked at June. Amber's eyes were completely a dark blue now. June nodded and drew five cards from her deck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, that was really freaky. I'm in one of my moods again. I think I need to lay off the suger!!!!! I hope everyone got that. ^_^;[/color]
  18. [color=teal]Ahhhhh.......Sorry for not posting again. This time I was the one grounded and the boards have been down! :sweat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where Crystal is........... Crystal looked at Ankuza with anger rageing in her blue eyes. Flames seemed to dance across the blue of her eyes. Ankuza snorted at herl. The anger inside Crystal raged even more. "I'm afraid you're the one who made a mistake," Crystal snorted as she went to drop her sword. Miroku didn't want Crystal to get hurt or for her to murder someone. He had to do something fast. He quickly picked up a rock and threw it with the last of his strength. Ankuza snorted and glared at Crystal. "We'll finish this another time," Ankuza snorted as she ran off. Crystal stopped herself from dropping her sword and quickly ran over to Miroku. Miroku looked as if he was hanging on by a thread. Crystal had to do something quick. "Hold on," Crystal said with worriment, "I'll help you!" Crystal placed her hands just above Miroku's chest and closed her eyes. Her hands started to glow with a pure white light. She was trying to heal Miroku. A few seconds later, Miroku was sitting up hugging Crystal. Crystal looked upset as she hugged Miroku back. Suddenly Miroku said something. "You could've gotton yourself killed back there," Miroku said with out loseing his grip, "or worse." Crystal shook her head and placed on Miroku's shoulder. Miroku placed one hand on her head. Crystal's ears twitched as Miroku's hand got closer to them. "Let's go back to the camp," Crystal said as she looked up at Miroku. Miroku nodded, stood up, and helped Crystal up. They both started back toward the camp.[/color]
  19. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Aurora Blake [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] Aurora has long dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She usually wears a white tanktop with the Chinese sign for the tiger in teal, white jeans with a teal belt, white sneakers, and fingerless white gloves. [b]Bio:[/b] Aurora and her brother Coal were seaperated from their parents at a young age. They weren't loved untill the day they recieved Digivices. They had traveled to the Digital World and made lots of friends there, but something was bothering Aurora. Coal seemed happy, but something told her that he wanted power in this world. She started feeling scared for her brother. [b]Personality:[/b] Aurora is an out going type. She's the brains of the group and the quite one. She'll fight if she has to. Her friends and family are very important to her. She'll do just about anything for them. [b]European Zodiac:[/b] Leo [b]Chinese Zodiac:[/b] Tiger [b]Element:[/b] Life Digimon [b]Name:[/b] Lady Leomon [b]Attribute:[/b] Vaccine [b]Type:[/b] Beast Warrior Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Tornado Slash - Lady Leomon basicly takes her sword and spins it around and makes about ten different slashes on her foe. [b]Attack B:[/b] Light Paw - Lady Leomon's claws starts to glow with a white light and she makes a cros shape acrossed her foes chest with her claws. [b]Attack C:[/b] Holy Slash - Lady Leomon makes her sword glow with a white light and she charges at her foe. She has a 50% chance of actually cut them though. [b]Description:[/b] Lady Leomon has a human-like body with a lion's tail and ears. She wears a white greek goddess' garments with golden trim, golden sandles, golden arm guards, and a visor with a golden screen. Her dirty blonde hair is kind of bushy like a mane. She also has a golden sword, fangs, and claws. [b]Name:[/b] Tigressmon [b]Attribute:[/b] Vaccine [b]Type:[/b] Beast Warrior Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Holy Strike - Tigressmon's claws glow with a white light and she charges at her foe. She leaves a criscross pattern across her foes chest as she lands behind them. [b]Attack B:[/b] Ring Throw - Tigressmon takes the golden ring off her tail and starts making it glow with a white light. She then throws it at her foe and it comes back to her like a boomarang. [b]Attack C:[/b] Amazon Archer - Tigressmon creates a bow and arrow out of white energy. She then fires multiply arrows at her foe. The arrows exsplodes on contact. [b]Description:[/b] Tigressmon looks alot like Lady Leomon except for some key differences. She has a white tiger's tail and ears and she has long white hair with black tips. She wears silver armor with white cloth underneath and a visor with a silver screen. [b]Name:[/b] Lifemon [b]Attribute:[/b] Vaccine [b]Type:[/b] Angel Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Holy Ring - Lifemon creates a white ring of energy that she wraps around her foe. She starts to squeeze them with the rings. [b]Attack B:[/b] Power Halo - Lifemon creates a white halo that she throws at her foe. The halo wraps itself around the enemy and drains some of its power. [b]Attack C:[/b] Steel Wings - Lifemon's four wings glow with a white light and she charges at her foe. She can cut her foe with her wings. Every feather becomes a small blade. [b]Description:[/b] Lifemon looks like Aurora except for a few things. Lifemon is taller, her hair is white, and she has four white angel wings. She the same outfit as Lady Leomon, but her visor has a white screen. [b]Name:[/b] Yami Lifemon [b]Attribute:[/b] Vaccine [b]Type:[/b] Dark Angel Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Dark Ring - The same as Lifemon's Holy Ring except the ring his made of purple energy and it has paralyzing spikes on it. [b]Attack B:[/b] Seeker Halo - Almost the same as Lifemon's Power Halo except the halo is purple and it will hunt the foe down until it hits something. It exsplodes on contact. [b]Attack C:[/b] Energy Wings - Yami Lifemon's wings start glowing purple and little balls of enerry starts shooting out of them. The balls are just like her Seeker Halo. [b]Description:[/b] Yami Lifemon looks like Lifemon except for a few things. Her hair is black and so are her four wings. Her outfit is black with purple triming and her visor has a purple screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b] Coal Blake [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] Coal has short spiked dyed black hair and blue eyes. He usually wears a black t-shirt with flames on it, black jeans with a black belt, black boots, and black fingerless gloves with small spikes on them. [b]Bio:[/b] Coal and his sister Aurora were seaperated from their parents at a young age. They weren't loved untill the day they recieved Digivices. They had traveled to the Digital World and made lots of friends there. Coal was happy, but he felt like he could become powerful in this new world. [b]Personality:[/b] Coal can be kind hearted, but he's also harsh. He's not as evil as he seems. All he is, is power hungray. He'll almost do anything for power. The only things he won't do for power is kill someone or harm his sister. [b]European Zodiac:[/b] Gemini [b]Chinese Zodiac:[/b] Dog [b]Element:[/b] Fire Digimon [b]Name:[/b] Geminimon [b]Attribute:[/b] Data [b]Type:[/b] Twin Knight Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Twin Blades - Geminimon attacks with his two swords. The blade of darkness and the blade of light. He attacks his foe from both sides. [b]Attack B:[/b] Twin Attack - Geminimon splits in to his dark half and his light half. They confuse their foe and the merge back together for a devastateing blow. [b]Attack C:[/b] Dark VS. Light - Geminimon makes a light ball on his light side and a dark ball on his dark side. He fires both balls at his foe. When both balls come together, they form a huge energy blast. [b]Description:[/b] Geminimon looks like Coal in the face, but he has red eyes. He's wearing a suite of armor that's black on one side and white on the other. He has a helment that is the same color as his armor and it has a gray visor over his eyes. He also has two swords. One with a dark ego and the other with a light ego. [b]Name:[/b] Wolfmon [b]Attribute:[/b] Data [b]Type:[/b] Werewolf Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Steel Claws - Wolfmon's claws literally turn to steel and he attacks his foe with them. He leaves an X shape across their chest. [b]Attack B:[/b] Multiple Dash - Wolfmon charges at his foe and creates the false copys of himself. He then comes down on his foe from above when they are confused. [b]Attack C:[/b] Fire Beam - Wolfmon points his finger at his foe. A ball of fire appears on the end of his finger and then shoots at the foe like a a small beam. [b]Description:[/b] Wolfmon has a human body with black a wolf's tail and ears. He has black armor one with red cloth underneath. He has long black hair, claws, fangs, and a visor with a black screen. [b]Name:[/b] Blazemon [b]Attribute:[/b] Data [b]Type:[/b] Fire Angel Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Fire Ring - A lot like Lifemon's Holy Ring except the ring is made of fire. It'll burn whatever it comes in contact with. [b]Attack B:[/b] Fire Halo - A lot like Lifemon's Power Halo except the halo is made of fire. Insted of wrapping itself around the foe, it splits in to many different pieces and attacks from all sides. [b]Attack C:[/b] Fire Wings - A lot like Lifemon's Steel Wings except the wings turn to fire instead of steel. The wings are so hot, they can burn halfway through a rock. [b]Description:[/b] Blazemon looks like Coal, but with diffences. He's taller, his hair is red, and he has four black angel wings. He's wearing Wolfmon's armor, but it has flames and his visor's screen is red. [b]Name:[/b] Anti-Blazemon [b]Attribute:[/b] Virus [b]Type:[/b] Demon Digimon [b]Attack A:[/b] Fire Daggers - Anti-Blazemon creates daggers out of fire. He then throws them at his foe. Just getting skimmed by this firey daggers can be painful because of how hot they are. [b]Attack B:[/b] Fire Sword - Anti-Blazemon creates a sword made of fire. He then charges at his foe and leaves a burning slash across their chest. [b]Attack C:[/b] Firballs - Anti-Blazemon creates firballs and throws them at his foe. Each fireball exsplodes on contact. [b]Description:[/b] Anti-Blazemon looks like Blazemon except for somethings. His hair is black, his wings turn to black and red demon wings, he grows horns, fangs, and claws. His outfit is the same. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Wow, that was a lot, but I'm finally done. :jumps for joy: :D I hope everything is alright. :sweat: Oh, for the Digital World thing, my characters have went there themselves when they were younger. They really haven't went back because of Coal. [/color]
  20. [color=purple]Luna didn't understand what just happened. Her wolves wouldn't do something like that unless something scared. One word started running through her head. "Likid," Luna said as she gripped her fist, "Listen guys, the demon who let you in is truly evil. I had ticked him off earlier and now I'm trying to betray him. He probbly scared my wolf with one of his lightning tricks." Team Urameshi looked around at each other and then at Luna. Luna was really nervous. She was shakeing. Kurama could tell Luna was nervous or scared. "I don't believe you," Hiei said as he walked up to Luna. Luna swallowed hard as Hiei put his sword to her throat. Kurama's eyes widened slightly. If Luna was telling the truth, he could forgive himself if Hiei murdered her. He had to say something. "Maybe we should trust her," Kurama said as he closed his eyes. Everyone turned and looked at him. They all thought he had lost it. Luna smiled at the fact that at least one of Team Urameshi believed her.[/color]
  21. [color=teal]OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting! :sweat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crystal and Lee finally made it to the campsite. Inuyasha was standing near a put out fire tapping his foot. Crystal shook her head and walked up to Inuyasha. "Where were you," Inuyasha growled, "Miroku and I were about to go looking for you." Crystal looked at Lee and then at Inuyasha. She put her head down. Inuyasha looked at her. "I'm sorry big brother," Crystal said with a sad tone. Inuyasha shook his head and looked at Lee. Lee slightly waved at him. "Alright," Inuyasha said as he looked back at Crystal, "why don't you go find Miroku. I'll talk to your little friend." Crystal looked up at Inuyasha and nodded her head. She then walked off. Inuyasha walked up to Lee as Crystal disappeared into the woods. "Hi," Lee said as she looked at Inuyasha, "I'm Lee and you're Inuyasha." Inuyasha looked at Lee and crossed his arms. Lee took a deep breath and looked back at Inuyasha. "What do you want," Inuyasha asked as he glared at Lee. Lee looked at Inuyasha. She pondered what she should tell Inuyasha.[/color]
  22. [color=teal]"Fireball Attack," a voice said out of nowhere. Seth looked at his blades as he got pushed backward by a fireball. Seth looked highly upset. "Who's there," Seth said with a slight hiss to his voice. He started looking around. Yugi looked behind him. "Magic Flare," a different voice said from behind Seth. Seth quickly turned around and blocked a bluish-green energy ball. He was getting angry now. "Show yourselves," Seth commanded as he looked around. No one responed or appeared. Seth getting kind of worried. "White Lightning," another voice said from Seth's right. Seth quickly turned to his right and blocked a ball of lightning. He was about to break. "SHOW YOURSELVES," Seth yelled. Suddenly Seth looked up to discover Joey hovering in the air throwing a fireball up and down. He then looked behind. Amber walked out of the shadows glowing with a bluish-green aura around her. Seth then turned to his right. Kantron was hoving slightly above the ground with lightning swirling around his hand. "Amber, Joey, Kantron," Yugi said as he looked at his three friends, "you guys saved me!" Joey and Kantron nodded as they touched down on the ground. Amber walked up with her tail slightly puffed out. "If you wanna fight with Yugi," Joey said with a grin, "you're gonna fight with us too." Seth looked around. He was surrounded. Joey to his left, Yugi in front of him, Kantron to his right, and Amber behind him. "Fine," Seth said as he got into a fighting stance, "bring it." The group of four grinned. A ball of dark magic appeared on the end of Yugi's staff, two fireballs appeared in Joey's hand, two bluish-green balls of magic appeared in Amber's hands, and two balls of lightning appeared in Kantron's hands. Seth started to sweat.[/color]
  23. [color=teal]No Joey and Tea! I've gotta put a stop to that! [b]Name:[/b] Amber Kaiba [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Desctription:[/b] Amber has shoulder length turquoise hair with dark bluish-green hair and purple eyes. She usually wears a black belly shirt with KC written in turquoise off to the right side, a black vest with turquoise trimming and KC written in turquoise on the back, black leather flares, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. [b]Bio:[/b] Amber is Noa's twin sister and Seto's step-sister. She has fallen for Joey and Joey has fallen for her. Joey has been cheating on Tea for awhile now with Amber. :lets out a sigh: Amber is very computer smart and has been helping Seto running Kaiba Corp. When Seto got hurt, Amber was highly upset. She promised to find out what happened. Amber and Tea hate each other and their hate each other more! :D [b]Duel Monster:[/b] The All-Seeing White Tiger & Amazoness Tiger[/color]
  24. [color=teal]"Hold it," Mika said as she ran out to the battle scene, "I'll take care of Metalgreymon. You guys take care of the Rookies." Kantro and Tsai looked at Mika as she pressed a button on her Digivice. Shadowmon disappeared into the Digivice in a purple light. Kantro's eyes got big as Mika started glowing in the same purple light. "She can do a fusion too," Kantro said with a shocked voice. Tsai looked at him. He then looked at Mika. She was still glowing. "Fusion Digivolve to," Mika said with a slight echo of Shadowmon's voice in her's, "Catwomon!" Both Kantro and Tsai looked on in amasment as a catwoman appeared out of the purple light. Catwomon grinned and charged Metalgreymon. Metalgreymon looked worried as Catwomon got closer. "Her speed is remarkable," Tsai said as he looked at Catwomon, "and she also took Metalgreymon's attention off of Veedramon." Kantro nodded just as Catwomon came down on Metalgreymon. The Ultimate fell to the ground and digitized. Mika and Shadowmon split. They both fell to the ground. Kantro ran to Mika and Gabumon ran to Shadowmon. Tsai walked over to Veemon. "Are you ok," Kantro asked as he looked at Mika. Mika nodded her head and sat up. Gabumon picked Shadowmon up and handed her to Mika. Mika smiled and stood up. "Come on guys," Mika said as she held Shadowmon, "let's go. There's nothing more to see here." Tsai nodded as he picked up an injured Veemon. Kantro also nodded along with Gabumon. The group of three started walking again.[/color]
  25. [color=purple]"Kantron," Amber said as she turned her head slightly, "is that you?" Joey looked at Kantron and rolled his eyes. Kantron grinned and walked up to the small group. His grin turned to a frown when he saw Amber's eyes. "Dear God," Kantron said with shock, "what happened? Not only do you have a cloth wrapped over your eyes, but I can tell there are also scares on your eyes." Amber put her head down. Joey's wings streatched as he looked over at Kantron. Kantron looked at him. "If you haven't noticed," Joey said as his red eyes glowed, "we're Duel Monsters. My girlfriend just happened to become the All-Seeing White Tiger and if you remember, the All-Seeing White Tiger is blind." Kantron nodded and looked at Jono and Joy. They both shrugged their shoulders. Amber tightened her grip on Joey's hand. A pain look crossed Joey's face Amber's claws sunk into his hand. "Stop fighting you two," Amber said with her head still down, "We still have to find Yugi. Can we please focus on that?" Joey and Kantron looked at each other. They let out a sigh. "Awright," Joey said as he started walking, "lets go find Yuga." Amber nodded and started walking. Kantron, Joy, and Jono followed Joey and Amber.[/color]
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