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Everything posted by Maximillion404
[color=teal]"I don't see why not," Mika said as she looked at Kantro. Kantro nodded and started walking. Mika, Gabumon, and Shadowmon followed him. A few seconds later, a strange feeling fell upon the group. Mika stopped and started looking around. Shadowmon stopped and looked at her. "What's wrong," Shadowmon asked as she looked up at Mika. Mika didn't say anything. She seemed a little unsure about something. Shadowmon quickly jumped on Mika's shoulder as Gabumon and Kantro turned around. "I have a strange feeling," Mika said calmly, "I don't like this at all." Kantro walked up to Mika. He could tell she was scared. She had sweat running down the side of her face. Gabumon looked at Kantro and then at Shadowmon. Shadowmon had her ears pinned. Something was wrong.[/color]
[color=teal]Mika looked around the Dead Zone. It seemed completely normal. Shadowmon's fur was standing on end as she sat on Mika's shoulder. Mika looked at David. "I think we should split up into partners," Mika suggested. David turned and looked at her. Mika patted Shadowmon as David looked at her. "Alright," David said calmly, "we'll split into partners so that we can cover more ground." Mika nodded her head and looked at Kantro. Kantro looked over at her. Mika smiled brightly. "Will you be my partner," Mika asked as she looked at Kantro. Everyone thought that Mika lost her mind. David walked next to her. "Have you lost it," David said as he looked at Mika, "We still can't trust him." Mika shook her head. Shadowmon jumped off Mika's shoulder and looked at still weak Gabumon. "No," Mika said softly, "I think I can trust him and we do have something in common." David shook his head and walked back to the group. Mika walked up to Kantro. "I'll be your partner," Kantro said as he put his hands in his pockets. Mika smiled and picked Shadowmon back up. Ksntro nodded and picked Gabumon back up.[/color]
[color=teal]"Do we've gotta be doing this," Joey grumbled as they walked. Amber slightly elbowed him. Joey rubbed his ribs and looked down at Amber. "I personally think nothings going to happen," Amber said as she looked around the passageway. Luke's lantern was lighting up numerous hieroglyphics. Amber liked all of the designs. A lot of them reminded her of Duel Monsters. "I still don't wanna be here," Joey mumbled. Amber looked up at him. Joey didn't look too happy. Amber shook her head. "Why don't you go back then," Amber said with a giggle. Joey looked down at her and frowned. Amber looked up at him and smiled nervously. "Fat chance," Joey said as he crossed his arms, "I'm not leaving you here. Your brother would kill me if anything ever happened to you." Amber nodded and looked forward. The group had reached another door and Keith was trying to figure out how to open it.[/color]
[color=teal]Riku shook her head at Kantron. She then looked down. A little boy was pulling her pant leg. This little boy had lavender hair with bits of black in it and blue eyes. Riku smiled as she picked the little boy up. "Did you miss mommy Terren," Riku said as she hugged the little boy. Terren nodded and hugged Riku back. Suddenly Kantron flew back up and landed in front of Riku. "Geez Riku," Kantron said with a roll of his eyes, "do you ever put that baby down." Riku shook her head and put Terran on her back. Kantron looked at her. "I did when I was training with you," Riku said with a goofy grin. A sweat drop appeared on the back of Kantron's head. Riku grinned again. Kantron shook his head. "Let's go train with Gotenix and Rad," Kantron said as he flew down. Riku shook her head and took off after Kantron.[/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Tyler E. Wolfwood :evil laughter: [b]Age:[/b] looks 18 [b]Weapon:[/b] A cross gun like Nick's [b]Appearance:[/b] Tyler looks exactly like Nick, but he has blonde hair. He usually wears a black shirt, black pants, a semi-long black leather jacket with platinum cross cufflinks, and black shoes. He also wears a pair of black sunglasses on his head. [b]Bio.:[/b] Tyler is the result of a one night stand that Nick had with a Humanoid. He grew up with his mother and he grew up fast. It's only been five years and yet he looks and acts eighteen. Tyler finally decided to find his father. He really wants to give him a piece of his mind for what he did to his mother. Tyler finds out other things when he finds his father. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: :mysterious music: ^_^ If am allowed, I'll play Tyler's mother too. She's an interesting character.[/color]
RPG Trigun: A New Start (WARNING: Smoking, drinking, and violence involved)
Maximillion404 replied to JoyKaiba's topic in Theater
OOC: Has everyone forgot about Mike! T.T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nick was staring at Julie as she quietly looked around. Julie suddenly stopped looking around and looked at Nick. She turned bright red as she looked at Nick's blue eyes. Nick shifted his position. Vash looked over at his sister and Nick. Mike leaned over from where he was sitting. "I hope your not the overprotective type," Mike whispered as he started rocking. Vash glanced over at him. Mike had a smug smirk on his face. "I'm not the overprotective one," Vash said with a grin, "Knives is." Mike's eyes shifted from Vash to Knives. Knives didn't seem to be paying attention. He was still poking at his food. He then suddenly stood up and stormed out the door. Julie looked away from Nick and watched Knives storm out. "I'll be back," Julie said as she stood up. She walked out the door as well. Vash was confused. He decided to follow his brother and sister. Nick decided to follow him. Mike just watch them walk out. He shrugged his shoulders and looked at Sarah and Kayla. -
[color=teal]Coal read his mail before he completely logged out. Shadow Mika's mail was right and Coal knew it. He would try everything in his power to help. He let out a sigh and took of the Neuro Goggles. [u]Real World[/u] Amber blinked her eyes as she held the Neuro Goggles in her hands. She was really worried about what was happing in the worlds. She spun around in her chair to come face to face with her mother. Her mother looked really upset. "What's wrong Mom," Amber asked as she stood up. Her mother was holding a phone, but she dropped it. Amber looked confused as her mother started sobbing. "Your friend Josh has just fallen into a coma," Amber's mother cried, "His mother said all he was doing was playing "The World" and he suddenly blacked out." A look of sheer horror struck Amber's face. She quickly sat back down in the chair, faced the computer, and picked up her Neuro Goggles. "This means war," Amber whispered as she slipped her Neuro Goggles on. [u]ALTIMIT Browser[/u] Coal quickly clicked on his mail. He had to tell everyone what just happened. He started typing. To: Sakura, Kia, Shadow Mika, Flame, Kayla From: Coal I just logged out not to long ago and was confronted by my mother. She was highly upset. My best friend has fallen into a coma. His name is Blake in "The World". You don't understand how important this person is to me. I know this might be hasty, but I must seek revenge. I want to know who or what put Blake into a coma. I need more explanation. I'm going to see if I can find any clues to how Blake fell into a coma. I might need your help. Please met me at Aqua Capital Mac Anu if you can help. Coal finished typing his message and logged into "The World". He started hoping he would find answers and someone would help him.[/color]
[color=teal]Joey was still walking. He looked highly upset. His frown showed his fangs. Jono was trying his best to keep quiet. Suddenly he felt another Yami's presence. He started to head toward it. Joey looked at him as he passed him. "Where ya going," Joey said as he ran to catch up with Jono. Jono didn't answer. He just kept on heading in the direction that he felt the other Yami. A few seconds later, Jono and Joey came up on Joy and Amber. Joey quickly ran over to Amber. He put his hands on her shoulders. "Is that you Joy," Amber said as she slowly lifted her head. Joey was shocked to see the cloth around Amber's eyes. Amber hugged Joey. He wondered why she did that. "Wath'cha do that for," Joey asked as he hugged Amber back. Amber's Millennium Earrings were glowing. "I knew that it wasn't Joy when I felt that you loved me," Amber said. Joey remember Amber's Millennium Earrings let her feel emotions and feelings. Joey just shook his head and hugged Amber more. "We've gotta find Yugi," Joey said as he helped Amber up. Amber nodded and gripped Joey's hand. Joy and Jono looked at each other and then at their hosts. They let out a sigh and started following Amber and Joey.[/color]
[color=teal]Joey was walking and looking around. He never liked the Shadow Realm. Suddenly he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and put his fists up. A sweat drop appeared on the back of a spirit like boy's head. Joey put his fist down. "Don't do that Jono," Joey yelled as the spirit boy looked at him. Jono let out a sigh as Joey put his back to him. He then floated next to Joey. "What have you gotten yourself into this time," Jono asked as his blue eyes looked at Joey. Joey turned and looked at Jono. His brown eyes went stright through Jono's blue ones. "Who says I got myself into anything," Joey said as he walked along. Jono shook his head and noticed something on the ground. He went to say something, but Joey had already stepped on it. Four black walls closed around Joey. Jono quickly floated over to the black box. He tapped on one of the walls and it disappeared. Joey was standing inside. His head was down. "Oh dear," Jono said as he looked at Joey's wagging tail, "I never thought the Red-Eyes Black Dragon could look so interesting." Joey looked over at Jono. He had soul pierceing red eyes. A huge sweat drop appeared on the side of Jono's head. Joey looked at his black claws. "I hate the Shadow Realm," Joey said as he stormed out of the three remaining walls. Jono wanted to say something, but decided it was unwise. He just decided to follow Joey.[/color]
[color=purple]Amber was walking around rubbing her arms. The area she was in was freezeing. She stopped and turned around. A spirit girl was standing behind her. Amber let out a sigh. "Joy," Amber said as she looked at the spirit. Joy crossed her arms. Amber looked at her still rubbing her arms. Joy looked around. "How did you wound up in the Shadow Realm," Joy asked with a hasty sounding voice. Amber shrugged her shoulders and looked down. A card was laying facedown on the ground. Amber knew she shouldn't touch it, but she couldn't resist. She bent down and picked up the card. She looked shocked as she turned the card around. "My favorite card," Amber said with a whisper, "the All-Seeing White Tiger." Joy looked at her. She tried to grab Amber as she blacked out, but she couldn't. The card that Amber was holding had disappeared. Joy didn't like this for a moment. A few seconds later, Amber woke up. She opened her eyes, but there was no diffrence. She started flipping out. "I can't see," Amber yelled. Joy touched Amber's shoulder. Amber stiffened up out of fear. "It's ok," Joy whispered, "it's just me. You know better to touch things in the Shadow Realm." Amber turned toward Joy's voice. She didn't know what to say. "What happened," Amber asked as she put her hands on her legs. Joy shook her head. She stood up and started looking around. "You're now a human All-Seeing White Tiger," Joy said as she sat back down, "and we're staying here until someone comes." Amber nodded. There was nothing she could do if she was blind.[/color]
[color=teal]Crystal stopped and gripped her fist. Her claws sunk into her hand. She turned toward the trees again and took her sword out. She summoned up a wind storm. Lee fell out of the trees from the strong gust of wind. Crystal walked up to Lee as she rubbed her backside. "Who are you," Crystal asked as she put her sword to Lee's throat, "and why were you following me?" Lee put her hands up as a sweat drop appeared on the side of her face. Crystal put her sword down and gave Lee that Inuyasha blank stare. Lee stood up and dusted herself off. She put her hand out. "I'm Lee," Lee said kindly, "and I was only following you because I heard you were going to see Inuyasha." Crystal put her sword away and let out a sigh. She turned her back toward Lee. "If you want to see my brother," Crystal said as she started to run again, "you better keep up with me." Lee nodded and jumped up into the trees again. She started following Crystal once again.[/color]
[color=teal]"Alright," Mika said as Shadowmon ran onto her arm, "it's your turn." Shadowmon jumped off of Mika's arm and started running toward the enemy Digimon. Mika grined and triggered Shadowmon's Digievolution. "Shadowmon Digivolve to," Shadowmon said as she glowed purple, "DarkAngewomon." Mika threw her fist in the air as she watched DarkAngewomon joined the fight. She had confidence in her Digimon. "She didn't have to Digivolve," Mika said softly, "but I don't want to take any chances of her getting hurt." David looked from the battle and looked at Mika. Mika had her arms crossed and a smug smirk on her face. David shook his head and looked back at the battle.[/color]
[color=purple]Amber was tapping her fingers on her desk. She was looking around the classroom. She was bored half out of her mind. She looked over at Yugi and Joey. They were talking as usual. ?Hey Yuga,? Joey said with a grin, ?did ya hear ?bout the new kid.? Yugi looked up from his deck and looked at Joey. Joey had looked away from Yugi and was now smiling at Amber. Amber rolled her eyes and took her laptop out. ?I did hear about the new kid,? Yugi said as he tried to get Joey?s attention again. Joey turned back toward him. He had a sweat drop on the side of his face. Yugi shook his head. ?Mr. Branch should be introducing him sometime today,? Joey said with a nervous grin. Amber was slightly listening on Yugi?s and Joey?s conversation. She was also working on something on her laptop. She has been working on a project for over six years. She wants to bring her brother back as a touchable hologram. With her intelligences and Seto?s systems, she was extremely close to bringing Noa back. ?Well,? Yugi said with a smile, ?we?ll just have to make friends with the new kid.? Joey nodded and looked toward the door. Three boys walked in talking. Joey waved to them. ?Hey Jake, Blake, Jason,? Joey said as he waved, ?wuz up.? The three boys looked at Joey. Joey stopped waving and put his arm down. Jake, Blake, and Jason walked over to Joey and Yugi. The sat down on top of three desk. ?Are you two talking about the new kid too,? Jake asked as he looked at Yugi. Yugi nodded and put his deck away. Black and Jason looked over at Amber. She was still busy at work on her laptop. ?What?s with your girl Joe,? Jason asked as he turned toward Joey. Joey shrugged his shoulders and slid off his desk. He then walked over to Amber and crouched down beside her. ?What?cha working on,? Joey asked as he watched data run across the laptop screen. Amber continued to type. She seemed to not even notice Joey?s question. ?If I told you,? Amber said still typing, ?you would have a Heart Attack.? A sweat drop appeared on the back of Joey?s head. He smiled nervously as he stood up. He quickly ran to his seat as Mr. Branch walked in. The other boys quickly sat in their seats. Mr. Branch turned toward the class. ?Put that away Ms. Kaiba,? Mr. Branch said as he looked at Amber. Amber rolled her eyes, saved what she was working on, turned the laptop off, and put it away. She then focused her attention to the front of the class. ?Introduce the new kid already,? Joey said as he leaned back in his chair. Mr. Branch shook his head and singled for someone to come in. A Goth looking boy walked into the classroom. Amber, Yugi, Blake, Jake, Joey, and Jason all got chills as the kid walked in. Amber looked over at Yugi. Yugi nodded his head. ?This is Akuryou,? Mr. Branch said as he looked at the class, ?and he?s are new student.? Amber cringed at the idea of Akuryou being in class with her. Mr. Branch smiled and pointed at an empty seat next to Amber. Amber?s hair stood up on end as Akuryou got closer to her. Something wasn?t right here. Later that day at lunch, Amber was on her laptop again. She grinned happily as she finally creaked a code she had been working on for six years. Akuryou walked up to her and sat down. Amber almost jumped out of her skin when she looked at Akuryou. ?What are you doing,? Akuryou asked nicely. Amber lighten up a bit at the sound of Akuryou?s voice. She smiled and turned her laptop around. The code on it had verified and picture of a young boy was on the screen. Akuryou jumped back. ?What?s wrong,? Amber asked with a shocked look. Akuryou pointed at the screen. Amber turned her laptop back around and smiled. ?There?s a kid in your laptop,? Akuryou said as he placed his hand on his chest. Amber smiled and tapped on her laptop screen. The boy inside turned around. His bluish-green hair moved as he turned around. Amber?s eyes sparkled. ?That?s my big brother Noa,? Amber said as she quickly flipped open a lid on her watch. She made a few adjustments her and there. She then took a wire and hooked to the back of her laptop and to her watch. Akuryou was still shocked by what Amber said. ?How can that kid be your big brother,? Akuryou yelled, ?He looks no older then ten.? Amber quickly hit the enter key on her laptop. Noa disappeared from the laptop?s screen and appeared in a holographic form in front of her. Akuryou jumped again. Noa looked much older now. He looked around sixteen. ?What were you saying,? Amber said as she put her hand to Noa?s. She then quickly hugged him. Akuryou was completely confused. He just got up and left. Even later after school, Yugi and Amber were being nosy. They were following Akuryou. Joey wasn?t too far behind them. He decided to keep his distance though. ?You felt that evil presence too right,? Yugi whispered. Amber nodded and continued to follow Akuryou. Suddenly Akuryou stopped. Amber and Yugi stopped as well. Akuryou turned around and held his hand out toward Amber and Yugi. ?Got you Pharaoh,? Akuryou said with a deep echo in his voice, ?and your little priestess. Now I challenge the both of you to a shadow game.? A dark impulse came from Akuryou?s hand. Joey looked around the corner to see Amber and Yugi disappear. Joey looked at Akuryou. He knew he was the one who made Amber and Yugi disappear. Joey?s eyes flashed with anger and he charged at Akuryou. ?What did ya do with my friend?s,? Joey asked as he charged. Akuryou ginned and made a hand motion. Joey flew back and started disappearing as well. Akuryou laughed. He wasn?t going to join his new ?friends? in the Shadow Realm quiet yet. ?I?ve got to do something,? Noa said as he stumbled to his feet. He looked down. He wasn?t glowing like a hologram anymore. Maybe entering the Shadow Realm and then being spit back out did something to him. Could he be human again? He didn?t have time to think about that now. He had to find his sister?s other friends and tell them what happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: All right guys, for your first post tell how you get to the Shadow Realm. Also, the now human and sixteen year old, Noa is going to be our guide through the Shadow Realm. He?s there to help you if you need. We have communication with him. :D[/color]
[color=teal]Sweet, now I can start this. This sign up is still open. I would like someone to play Amanda and a few more of the Original Characters. Don't listen to me. You're allowed to play whoever you want. Countinue to sign up! ^__^[/color]
[color=purple] I'll play Miroku too, so that we have at least one orginal character! :D [b]Name:[/b] Miroku [b]Age:[/b] around 16-18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Bio:[/b] Miroku is traveling monk with strange morals. :sounds like a priest I know: He joined up with Inuyasha on his quest for the jewel shards. Later on they discover they share the same enemy, Naraku. Naraku cursed Miroku's family Wind Tunnel in their right hand. Now Miroku is out for revenge on Naraku for what the Wind Tunnels did to his grandfather and father. He wants to break the caurse before the same happens to him. [b]Apperence:[/b] [url]http://utenti.lycos.it/luce0902/lami_008_miroku.jpg[/url] [b]Wepon(s)/Attack(s):[/b] His Wind Tunnel and staff [b]Bad/Good:[/b] Good[/color]
[color=purple]On the other side of the dig site where Hayato couldn't see, the duel between Amber and Joey continued to rage. Joey wondered what Amber just layed down. He figured he should attack. There was nothing better he could do. "I switch Panther Wariorr to Attack Mode," Joey said as he switched his wariorr's position, "and I sacrifice another Scapegoat so that my wariorr can attack. Attack Amber's face down monster Panther Wariorr." Amber just stood in her position with her smirk still on her face. Amber's facedown card filpped up to reveal a Des Koala. Joey smirked as the Des Koala disappeared. "Look at your Lifepoints Joseph," Amber said with a Seto smirk. Joey looked down at his Lifepoints. They were down to 1900. He looked back up at Amber. "How'd that happen," Joey said with a worried look. Amber shook her head. Joey didn't know the effect of any of her cards. "The Des Koala has a flip effect," Amber said as she looked at Joey, "It subtracts 400 Lifepoints for every card in your hand." Joey put his head down and put his hand over his deck. Amber looked schocked that Joey gave up. She put her cards away, closed her Duel Disk, walked over to Joey, and hugged him. Joey looked down at her and smiled. "You're a tough one to beat," Joey said as he put his cards away and closed his Duel Disk, "I would've been totally slaughtered if I didn't give up." Amber shook her head as she hugged Joey. She watched the crowd go back to their trailers. "Why don't we call it a night Joe," Amber said as her eyes sparkled. Joey nodded and gave Amber a kiss on her cheek. Amber waved bye to Joey as he walked toward his trailer. Amber turned around and walked back into her trailer.[/color]
[color=teal]Nice job everyone! I'll start this as soon as I get Yugi and the New Kid. Remember, you can play two characters! :D[/color]
[color=teal]Crystal was standing in front of Shakia. She had a sword hung over her shoulder. Shakia looked at Crystal with a funny look. "Why do you look familiar," Shakia asked as she looked at Crystal. Crystal took her sword off her shoulder. She stuck it in the ground and leaned on it. "The name's Crystal Magome," Crystal said as she moved a piece of her hair out of her face, "and I'm from the future, but the strange thing is I have two half-brothers from this time. Nice to meet you." Shakia looked at Crystal as she put her hand out. Shakia laughed at Crystal's twitching ears as she shook Crystal's hand. Crystal looked slightly upset. "I'm Shakia," Shakia said with a slight giggle, "and how did you get here." Crystal let go of Shakia's hand and looked at her claws. She let out a sigh. "Well," Crystal said as she looked up into the sky. -Flashback- "Leave me alone you big bully," Crystal yelled as she ran through the woods. A really buff boy was chasing after her. He had a smug grin on his face. "Come back here girly," the boy said as he started to catch up to Crystal. Crystal?s blue eyes started to tear up as she ran. She closed her eyes. Suddenly she hit a rock. She tumbled over and fell into a nearby well. She was knocked out at the bottom of the well. "Owie," Crystal said as she rubbed her head. She looked up and started to climb out of the well. When she poked her head up, she was in open plain. "Oh dear," Crystal said to herself, "I'm not in Kansas anymore." -End of Flashback- "That's what happened," Crystal stated with a lack of confidence. Shakia nodded her head. She then crossed her arms. "That story sound like mine," Shakia said calmly, "but I jumped into the well on purpose." A sweat drop appeared on the back of Crystal's head. She yanked her sword out of the ground and swung it back over her shoulder. "I hate to say goodbye already," Crystal said with a fangy smile, "but if I don't get back to the campsite soon, Inuyasha's going to send out a search party for me." Shakia nodded and waved bye as Crystal ran down the dirt road.[/color]
[color=teal]Jem started falling back a little until see was walking next to Joey. Joey looked down at her from the corner of his eye. Jem smiled as she looked at Joey. "Yeah," Joey asked as he looked at Jem. Jem turned bright red as Joey looked at her. James looked back at his sister and rolled his eyes. He leaned over toward Dilan. "Oh no," James whispered, "Jem is going to put the moves on that Joey dude." Dilan just made a hand motion. He didn't care what Jem did. "So," Jem said as she stared at the ground, "where are you from." Joey looked at Jem and let out a sigh. He seemed popular with the girls here. "Technically I come from New York," Joey said with a sigh, "but this strange boy said I represent the Yu-Gi-Oh Dimension." Jem shook her head. She gripped her staff. "We're representing the Earth Dimension," Jem said with a sigh, "and it looks like we're all stuck in this twisted game together." Joey nodded his head. He wanted to go home, but it looked like he wasn't going anywhere. Suddenly something made a noise behind the group. Jem jumped and hugged Joey's arm. Joey looked around and got into a fighting stance.[/color]
[color=teal]I wasn?t going to put this up yet, but a certain brother and boyfriend forced me to put it up. Anyhow, this is another one of my Yu-Gi-Oh works. [b][u]The Story:[/u][/b] [i]There?s a new student at Domino High and he?s the owner of a Millennium Item. All of the other owners of Millennium Items sense something evil. This new kid?s Yami is pure evil. His soul is black. He decides to trap everyone that could stand in his way in the Shadow Game of their lives. They are stuck as Duel Monsters and they have to fight their way to this evil Yami. Many obstacles stand in their way. These obstacles include other Duel Monsters and mind games. Will this gang survive or will they be lost in the Shadow Realm forever?[/i] [b][u]The Characters:[/u][/b] [b]The Original Gang:[/b] You can play as any of the original characters except Joey. I?m playing him. [b]Original Character:[/b] You can make up your own character. They can either be good or evil. I do need someone to play one of my Original Characters. Her name is Amanda and if you want to play her, PM me and I?ll PM you her info. [b]The New Kid:[/b] That?s right, I need someone to play the new kid and his evil Yami. This dude is totally up to you. You?re allowed two characters! :D [b][u]Sign Up:[/u][/b] Name: Age: Description: Bio: Millennium Item: (you can make this up, even for characters from the show that don?t have any. You DON?T have to have a Millennium Item) Millennium Item?s Power: (if you have one) Monster: (the monster you become in the Shadow Realm) Monster Description: (what you look like as the monster. Must look like a human! No four legged creatures. Look at my sign ups and you?ll get what I mean) Side: (you?re either helping Yugi or the evil Yami) Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: (you stood in the evil Yami?s way somehow or your helping the Evil Yami) [b][u]My Sign Ups:[/u][/b][/color] [color=purple][b]Name:[/b] Amber Kaiba [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Description:[/b] Amber has shoulder length creamy brown hair with blonde bangs and purple eyes. She usually wears a black tank top/belly shirt, a black vest trimmed in turquoise, black leather hip huggers, black boots, and black fingerless gloves. [b]Bio:[/b] Amber is Seto?s step-sister. She lost everything after Noah was killed in a car accident and Gazebo mysteriously disappeared. She seemed to go into a state of submission until Seto comforted her. She took to Seto right away. She forgot that her real brother was Noah. She thinks Seto and Mokuba are her real family. She now has the tendency to act like Seto with attitude and dueling skills. She also goes out with Joey Wheeler even though Seto isn?t too happy with that. [b]Millennium Item:[/b] Millennium Earrings [b]Millennium Item?s Power:[/b] Amber can sense people?s emotion or feelings toward her. The earrings also contain a Yami named Joy. [b]Monster:[/b] The All-Seeing White Tiger [b]Monster Description:[/b] Amber looks like herself, but her ears have turned into white tiger ears, she has a white tiger tail, and her feet look like white tiger paws. She also has a white cloth wrapped around her eyes, fangs, and claws. She wears a white with tiger markings tube top, a white with tiger markings skirt that is long on one side and short on the other, white with tiger markings wristbands, and white with tiger markings leg wraps that start at her knees and end at her ankles. [b]Side:[/b] Helping Yugi [b]Reason for Playing the Shadow Game:[/b] She was being nosy with Yugi. They were trying to figure out what was evil that they sensed. The evil Yami discovered them and sent them to the Shadow Realm to play the Shadow Game. [/color] [color=teal] [b]Name:[/b] Joey Wheeler [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Description:[/b] [url]http://theotaku.com/yugioh/pictures/011/image_003.jpg[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] Once a wild, tough street kid, Joey learned the value of friendship and became Yugi's best friend. Although Joey is a bit hotheaded and sometimes acts before he thinks, he does have a heart of gold and would do anything for his friends and family. He?s extremely overprotective of Amber for some odd reason. [b]Millennium Item:[/b] Millennium Wristband (couldn?t resist) [b]Millennium Item?s Power:[/b] Joey is able to predict physical movement. He?ll know what direction you?re coming from. It also contains a Yami named Jono. [b]Monster:[/b] The Red-Eyes Black Dragon [b]Monster Description:[/b] Joey looks like himself, but he gets black dragon horns, black claws, fangs, and black dragon wings. His eyes also turn red. He wears a black tank top with a red collar, black pants, and black shoes. [b]Side:[/b] Helping Yugi [b]Reason for Playing the Shadow Game:[/b] Joey just happened to be with Amber and Yugi when they got sent to the Shadow Realm. He got mad and charged at the evil Yami and he sent him to the Shadow Realm as well. So, he?s stuck playing the Shadow Game too. I hope you guys are going to have fun with this. I know I am. :D[/color]
[color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Riku Son [b]Age:[/b] in her 20s [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Sayian/Human [b]Abillites:[/b] She can power all the way up to Super Sayian three [b]Signature Move:[/b] Dragon Fang Sword: A sword made of energy and in the shape of a dragon fang [b]Other moves:[/b] Galick Gun, Wolf Fang Fist, Buster Cannon, ect..... She basicly knows all of the Z Fighters moves [b]Gadgets:[/b] A highly advanced form of the Dragon Radar [b]Description:[/b] Riku has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes. She wears a orange tanktop trimmed in blue, short orange pants with blue going down both legs, a blue sash she wraps around her waist. and normal blue fighting shoes. [b]Bio:[/b] Riku is from a parallel Earth. She's the middle child of Goku and Chi-Chi. She was living a peaceful life after Buu was destroyed. Her family was together and her crush wasn't to far away. Everything started to go wrong when Goku went to go train with Uub. It started with Chi-Chi having a nervous break down and Riku and Goten not being able to do anything about it. About two years later, the Time Traveler came and destroyed almost everyone and everything on Riku's Earth. The only people that were left were Riku, Trunks, and their newborn son. Soon the Time Traveler kidnapped the three of them. He started running experiments on them because of their power. Trunks died of an overdose of something that the Time Traveler gave him, but Riku escaped with her son. She used Bulma's old technology to escape to another dimension. She wound up on the Earth we know of. She was taken in by Goku and his family. Riku knows that this isn't the same family she had, but it comforts her. She basically gets yelled at for carrying around her now one year old son, but he emits a strong energy every so often that turns into a shield. Riku keeps him near by for protection and support. [b]X Legend or Z Fighter:[/b] Z Fighter OOC: I hope that was ok! I kind of got the bio from "The History of Trunks", kind of. :sweat:[/color]
[color=teal]Jono knew Kie wouldn't be able to talk with her mom, but he could. He went back outside, without Kie noticing. He drifted down to the ground and turned to his human form. He starightened his hair and went to walk inside. "Hey punk," one of the kids who were under the tree yelled, "you look tough. Wanna fight?" Jono tried to ignore the gang, but they started following him punching their hands. Jono just stopped walking and didn't even bother to turn around. "I truely don't have the time fellows," Jono said with his hands in his pockets, "So would you so kindly step backward." The gang just snicker and kept closing in on Jono. Jono sighed, took his right hand out of his pocket, and put it behind him. "Is your hand supposed to scare us," another guy laughed. Jono turned sideways and strightened his arm out. His eyes started to glow slightly and his hair lifted slightly with a soft breeze. Black Spirit Energy swirled around his arm. The gang backed up slightly. "I asked you to back up," Jono said with an echo in his voice. The gang turned and ran when they saw Jono's fangs. Jono put his arm down and made his eyes stop glowing. He also made his fangs disappear and walked into the house. Kie noticed Jono as he walked up to her mother. Jono tapped Kie's mother on the shoulder. Kie's mother turned around. Her eyes sparkled as she hugged Jono. "Jono," Kie's mother said as she hugged Jono, "I thought I would never see you in person again. Pictures that your father sent me weren't enough." Jono hugged Kie's mother back. He had a sad look on his face. Kie crossed her arms and looked down at Jono. "Mom," Jono said as he looked at Kie's mother, "I've got something important to tell you." Kie fell over when she heard Jono's words. Kie's mother nodded her head as she looked at Jono.[/color]
[color=teal]Julie was sitting up in her bed. She was thinking about what happened earilier that day. She was ashamed she couldn't do anything about it. Nick was asleep on the other side of her. She didn't want to wake him, so she slowly got up and walked out of the room. She then walked outside to the porch. "Isn't it a little cold to be outside in your PJs sis," Vash asked as he looked over at Julie. Julie let out a sigh and walked over next to Vash. She leaned on the railing he was sitting on. "I'm so sorry about what happened to Vanessa," Julie said as she looked at the sky. Vash shook his head. He then looked down at Julie. "It's not your fault," Vash said kindly, "and we'll get her back anyhow." Julie smiled slightly and nodded her head. She turned and walked back inside. She walked back into her room. Nick was awake and sitting up. Julie sighed, walked over to the bed, and sat down. "What's wrong," Nick whispered as he slid his arms around Julies waist. Julie shook her head and put her hands on Nick's. Nick put his head on her's. "I was just thinking about Vanessa," Julie said calmly. Nick let out a sigh as Julie turned around and hugged him. "We'll find her," Nick said as he hugged Julie back, "You know Vash. He'll try everything to get her back." Julie didn't say anything, she just buired her head in Nick's chest. Nick placed his one hand on the back of Julie's head. The next day, everyone was ready to go search for Vanessa. Julie was standing on the porch. Her purple sunglasses gleamed in the sun and her long purple jacket flowed in the wind. Nick walked up next to her. "You ready," Nick asked as he put his arm around Julie's waist. Julie looked at him. Her green eyes looked blue through her sunglasses. Nick just her closer. "I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be," Julie said as she took her sunglasses off and put on Nick's head. Nick smiled and pushed the sunglasses down. Julie giggled and took the sunglasses back from Nick. Nick smiled and hugged Julie. Julie smiled and hugged Nick back. "Well," Nick said as he stopped hugging Julie, "lets get going. Your brother's waiting." Julie smiled and walked off the porch. Nick followed her.[/color]
[color=teal]"Awright Amber," Joey said as he looked at Amber, "lets see what you've got. I play Scapegoat so that I can sacrifice two and summon Jinzo. Your move." Amber grined and looked at her hand. She looked back at Joey. "Beat this Lover Boy," Amber said as she took two cards from her hand, "I play the Cat's Ear Tribe in Attack Mode and I also play Sword of Deep-Seated to raise my kitties attack power to 700. Your move." Joey looked at the three kittens on the field. There was a blue one, tan one, and a white one. They were all wearing army clothes. Joey couldn't help but to laugh. "I think you need to check the Ruel Book," Joey laughed, "because the last time I checked, my Jinzo would win this and take away most of your lifepoints." Amber just grined and crossed her arms. Her All-Seeing White Tiger's tail was swishing behind her. Joey could tell that Amber wasn't worried at all. "Why don't you attack it then," Amber said as she looked at Joey. Joey wondered what Amber had planed. She could put any trap cards down because of Jinzo. Joey just shrugged it off. "Awright," Joey said as he pointed at Amber's Cat's Ear Tribe, "attack those pussy cats Jinzo." As Joey said that, Jinzo made a beam with his hands. Amber's Cat's Ear Tribe started running around trying to advoid the beam, but couldn't. The beam hit its mark and Joey threw his fist in the air. "I wouldn't be celebrating if I were you," Amber said with her arms still crossed. Joey looked at Amber as the smoke cleared. Amber's Cat's Ear Tribe was still on the field huddled together and looking around with confusion. Joey looked shocked as he looked at the little kittens. He then looked at his side of the field. "Ah," Joey said as he put his hands up to his head, "where's my Jinzo." Amber grined as Joey looked around lik an idiot. She uncrossed her arms. "Your Jinzo was destroyed," Amber said as she looked at Joey, "and you lost 500 lifepoints." Joey looked down at his Duel Disk. Amber was right, he only had 3500 lifepoints left. He looked back up at Amber. "But how," Joey said calmly. Amber grined again. Joey was getting kind of scared. She looked like a female version of her brother. All smug with a smirk on her face. "Let me exsplain Joseph," Amber said as she placed her hand on her All-Seeing White Tiger, "I powered up my Cat's Ear Tribe to 700 with my Sword of Deep-Seated. That was so that it wouldn't be destroyed as well when you attack. You see my Cat's Ear Tribe has a special effect. Any enemy monster attacking my kittens will lose Attack Points until their down to 200. You can figure out the rest." Joey put his head down as a sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. The crowd of people had already started booing him. "I play Panther Wariorr in Attack Mode," Joey said with a sadden voice, "and end my turn." Amber smiled this time. She drew a card and looked at it. She then layed down a monster down in facedown Defense Mode and three other cards facedown. Joey knew she had something planned.[/color]
[color=teal]"Oh, boy," Coal said as he looked at the dungeon, "I haven't been on an adventure for a while either." Flame looked at him. He had sweat dripping off his forehead. Flame then looked down. "You have the Spell Blades," Flame said as she started walking, "You shouldn't be a worried wart." Coal shook his head and started following Flame. He looked around the dungeon. "I'm also at level twenty," Coal said with braveness, "but that doesn't mean anything." Flame shook her head as they continued to walk. They walked into another room and were ambushed by monsters. Coal and Flame stood back to back. They were prepared to attack.[/color]