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Everything posted by Maximillion404

  1. [color=purple]:wow: Nice post Cyriel, but you're not going to get far with your evil plans. Wahahaha, I'm bringing in my other character. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim was getting really nervous as his friends closed in on him. He had to do something, but what. He didn't want to hurt his friends or himself. He had to do something. Suddenly Carrie lunged at Jim with her sword. Jim put his gard up and closed his eyes. "Oh man." Jim thought to himself, "this is the end." Jim opened one of his eyes when he heard the clash of metal. He discovered a blonde haired boy holding Carrie back with a sword of his own. His sword was soild black except for the blue gem above the handle. "Get outta here," the boy said as he fought to hold Carrie off, "I'll catch up." Jim looked at the boy. He nodded and started running. He then looked back. "Don't hurt them," Jim said calmly, "They're my friends." The boy nodded and shoved Carrie backward. The Jem and James lunged at the boy. He blocked Jem's staff with the Iron Knuckles he had on and he blocked James Spirit Sword with his sword. This boy was fighting two ways. About ten minutes later, the boy showed up in a small plain where Jim was. Jim looked over at him. He looked beat and wore down. Jim ran over to him. "I've got three questions for you," Jim said as he looked at the boy, "What's your name, are you ok, and are my friends ok?" The boy looked at him. His brown eyes looked tired and weary. He sat down in the grass. Jim looked at him. "My name's Joey Wheeler," the boy said as he looked toward the sky, "am just fine, and your friends will come looking for ya when they wake up." Joey grined as he spoke. Jim didn't find anything to grin about. He looked at Joey. "You knocked my friends out," Jim said as he threw up his fist. Joey looked at him and yawned. He stood up and brushed himself off. Jim looked up at Joey. "I figured if ya knock 'em out," Joey said as he placed his hands in his pockets, "that it'll bring them back to thier senses." Jim looked at Joey. He did have a point. Suddenly something made a sound in the woods. Both Jim and Joey turned around. They were both standing in a fighting stance.[/color]
  2. [color=teal]The Flame Swordsman crawled away and quickly stood up. A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. He almost lost his head there. His face suddenly turned from his usual goofy to a really harsh look. He gripped his sword as it bursted into flames. "Thanks Dark Witch," FS said as his eyes flashed with flames, "but please move." DW moved her scythe and flew backward. FS charged at Skullknight. His sword was representing the anger that burned inside of him. Dark Magician Girl quickly turned around. She gasped as she watch FS. "What are you doing FS," DMG yelled as she hugged her staff. FS seemed to not notice DMG yell at him. He jumped, slashed down on SK, and landed behind him. FS stood up and looked at SK. His sword died down as SK bursted into flames from the slash he left with his sword. DMG shook her head in relieve. "Hey," DW said as she looked at FS, "you're not so bad when you're being tough." FS did a goofy grin and gave DW the peace sign. A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of DW's head. She had spoken to soon. FS was already back to his usual goofy self.[/color]
  3. [color=purple]Amber suddenly woke up from a knock coming from her trailer door. She jumped up, ran to her door, and opened it. Joey was standing in the doorway as Amber swung the door open. "May I come in," Joey said as he looked at Amber. Amber shook her head and looked up at Joey. She slowly invited him in. "What is it Joe," Amber asked as she grabbed her deck and put it in her Duel Disk. Joey shook his head and sat down on Amber's bed. Amber sat down next to him and hugged him. She placed her head on his shoulder. "This whole Shadow Realm biz has me shaking in my sneakers," Joey said as he laid his head on Amber's. Amber looked at her doorway and thought of something. She slipped her head out from underneath Joey's and stood up. She turned and face Joey. "I'll help you get your mind off the Shadow Realm," Amber said as she placed her hands on her hips. Joey looked at her and blinked. She let out a sigh. "How ya going to do that," Joey asked as he stood up. Amber looked up at Joey and grinned. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Joey's face. He never really liked Amber's grins. They were more eviler then her brother's. "How about we have a duel," Amber asked as she looked at Joey. The sweat drop on the side of Joey's face got bigger. Amber put her hands on Joey's shoulders and gave him the cute purple puppy dog eyes. "Ah, you're nuts," Joey said as he tried to resist the cuteness, "You would clean my clocks." Amber shook her head and took her hands off Joey's shoulders. She walked to her door and slowly turned the knob. "Think about it Joe," Amber said as she opened her door, "You get to take your mind off the Shadow Realm and I get to test my brother's Duel Disk." Joey looked at Amber. She did have a point. He let out a sigh. "Awright," Joey said as he followed Amber out the door, "let's duel." Amber grinned and walked about three feet away from Joey. She activated her Duel Disk. It flew out to reveal a dueling area. Joey did the same. "We're going to use Deck Masters," Amber said as she searched her deck, "and my Deck Master is the mighty All-Seeing White Tiger." Joey looked at the huge tiger as it appeared beside Amber. He searched his deck, took out a card, shuffled the deck, and put it back into the Duel Disk. "Mine's the Flame Swordsman," Joey said as he placed a card down. Amber grinned as the swordsman appeared next to Joey. Both Duelist then drew five cards. People from the dig started gathering around. They wanted to see how this was going to turn out. The runner-up in Duelist Kingdom and the Champion's step-sister. This should prove to be interesting.[/color]
  4. [color=teal][u]In the Real World[/u] Amber had just gotton home from school and was itching to play "The World". She quickly ran to her computer and put her Neuro Goggles on. She looked at her ALTIMIT browser. She didn't have no mail as usual. She just shrugged her shoulders and logged into "The World". [u]Aqua Capital Mac Anu[/u] Coal had just appeared near the Chaos Gate. Two girls were talking nearby. Coal didn't want to listen in, but it wasn't in his nature just to stand by. He overheard one of the girls mention something about comatose players. Coal's blue eyes widened. He had heard something about comatose players too. He had to butt in on the girls' conversation. "Excuse me ladies," Coal said as he walked up to the girls, "I'm Coal and you two are." Kayla and Sakura looked at each other and back at Coal. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Coal's face. "We're Kayla," Kayla said with a sweet voice. "And Sakura," Sakura said right after Kayla, "You overheard us didn't you." Coal nodded. He did overhear them and he wasn't going to lie. "Yes," Coal said with a half smile, "and I also know somethings about the comatose players." Both girls looked at Coal. They were all ears. OOC:Sorry it's so short, but my mom's rushing me to go somewhere.[/color]
  5. [color=teal]Joey started mumbleing things as he walked back to his trailer. Amber and him went in different directions. He entered his trailer and sat down on his bed. He took his deck out and looked through it. "I hate the Shadow Realm," Joey said as he looked at his Flame Swordsman, "but it seems like I always get stuck in it somehow. Why me?" Joey laid back on his bed and stared at the celling. He didn't want to go anywhere near the Shadow Realm.[/color] In The Meantime......................... [color=purple]Amber was sitting in her trailer. Her deck was sitting on a stand near her bed. She let out a sigh and sat down on her bed. Her cell phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and answered it. "Amber Kaiba," Amber said as she answered her cellphone, "How may I help you." "Amber," Seto voice came through from the other end. A sweatdrop appeared on the side of Amber's face. "Yes brother," Amber said calmly. "How are things going with Keith," Seto asked with his usual rough voice. "Just fine," Amber said getting a little annoyed, "and you don't have to checkup on us every five seconds." "Just do your job," Seto said now getting annoyed himself, "and I'll do mine." Amber yawned. "Bye Seto," Amber said as she hung up on her brother. She let out a sigh and put her cellphone away. She then laid back on her bed. She slowly drifted off in to a sleep.[/color]
  6. [color=purple]:growls at Anyu: Keep those two, just keep your paws off of Joey! :hugs Joey and gives him a kiss on the cheek: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luna looked down from her palace. Her demon wolves would at least scare the group of four. She really didn't want anyone hurt or killed, unless it was the Element Brothers. Luna went to sit back down, but something caught her senitive nose. She ran back to the window. "Hold on," Luna thought to herself, "one of those boys down there is a Fox Demon like me. My wolves won't attack if they get a smell of his sent. I might have to do this myself." Luna ran to her doors and swung them open. She ran out into the forest. As she ran, she started to transform into her demon form. Hopefully her sent would be stronger with her being in demon form. A few minutes later, Luna was in the area where Team Urameshi was. She jumped up into a tree. Her ears twitched and her tail swished back and forth. She could talk to her wolves from where she was. Kurama suddenly looked in her direction. Luna almost fell out of the tree as Kurama's green eyes looked straight at her. "Your pets won't attack will they," Kurama said as he looked away from Luna, "You and me have the same smell. Your pets are blind and they go by smell. They won't know if they were attacking you or me." Luna's tail bushed out. Kurama knew everything. She might as well give up now. She jumped out of the tree and slowly turned back into her human form. "You're right," Luna said as she walked up to Kurama with her head down, "They wont attack. BTW, I'm Luna. I would rather help you then be enemy. I hate the Element Brothers. Can I please join you and help you defeat the Element Brothers?" Luna looked up. Everyone had a worried look on thier face. Luna hoped they would let her join.[/color]
  7. [color=teal]Jem was calmly walking through a quiet forest her friend Carrie was with her. She kind of drug Carrie along. Carrie would have rather went with Jem?s bother, James. ?I know you didn?t want to come Carrie,? Jem said as she looked over at Carrie, ?but I didn?t want to be alone. I also didn?t want to get lost. We?re in a different country for Pete?s sakes.? Carrie looked over at Jem and shook her head. This was exactly why she didn?t want to come with Jem. Jem suddenly turned from Carrie and looked to her left. Something had caught her ear. ?What now,? Carrie asked as she stretched her arms. Jem looked toward some bushes. She slowly walked over to them and looked behind them. ?Ah ha,? Jem said as she looked at three boys, ?isn?t it James, Jim, and Dilan.? The three boys let out a sigh and walk out from behind the bush. Carrie looked at them. ?So you three were following us,? Carrie said as she looked at James. James sighed and nodded his head. He looked at Carrie. Carrie seemed relieved that the boys were there. Jem shook her head and started walking again. Carrie, James, Jim, and Dilan decided to keep her company. A little later, the group of five stumbled upon a dark part of the forest. Jem was too brave to turn back. She wanted to investigate. She walked into the dark and started looking around. Her brother and friends followed with caution. ?Don?t be chickens,? Jem said as she turned toward her brother and friends. James wasn?t scared, but he did notice something off to his right. He split from the group and started running toward what he saw. Carrie noticed what James was doing. ?Wait for us James,? Carrie said as she started chasing after James. Jem, Jim, and Dilan quickly chased after her. They had no idea where James was going. A few seconds later, the group was standing around a pool of some sort. It looked like a whirlpool of black goop. Jem crouched down to get a closer look at it. ?What is it,? Dilan asked as he looked at the whirlpool. Jem shook her head. She had no idea what it was. She went to get up, but a strong wind coming from the whirlpool sucked her in to it. James, Carrie, Jim, and Dilan followed. The whirlpool closed after the five were sucked in. ?Wake up,? a male voice said, ?You five have been chosen to represent the Earth Dimension.? Jem opened her eyes and looked around. She saw her brother and friends waking up around her. She then saw someone in front of her. She looked up to discover a boy dressed in black. He also had black hair and really dark eyes. Jem was kind of intimidated by the boy?s outlook. ?Who are you,? Jem asked as she stood up, ?and what do you mean by chosen to represent Earth?? The boy looked at her as a smirk crossed his face. Jem looked at her brother and friends as they stood up. ?I?m Cicero,? the boy said with a snug smirk, ?I represent pain here in the Land of Emotions. You five were chosen to represent Earth in my siblings and my little game. Now chose you weapons.? Cicero disappeared and weapons of all sorts started swirling around the group of five. Jem let out a sigh and started picking her weapons. She picked a black staff that had two black dragons wrapped around it, some spell tags that said something about Shamans, and a deck of cards. All of these weapons seem strange to have as weapons. After the group chose their weapons, a girl appeared in front of them. This girl had a dark purple dress on. She had short purple hair and purple eyes with some red in them. She was holding a staff. ?Ok,? James said as he looked at the girl, ?who are you.? The girl looked at James. She had a look of long time depression in her eyes. James looked at Jem. Jem shrugged her shoulders. He then looked back at the girl. ?I?m Kana,? the girl said with a depressing voice, ?I?m the Emotion Sibling of depression. I?ve come here to tell you about the levels of this game.? Jem crossed her arms and looked at Kana. Kana looked at her. Jem suddenly felt upset as she looked at Kana?s depressing eyes. ?What would those levels be,? Jim asked as he looked at Kana. Kana let out a sigh. She looked at the group. ?Each one of the Emotion Siblings has an island,? Kana said calmly, ?You?re standing on Pain Island. You?ll have to travel to each island and you might meet representatives from other dimensions. You?re allowed to join up with those representatives. Each island contains challenges and one of us. We have a palace at the end of each island. We?ll introduce each challenge to you and you must complete each challenge to face us. Now enter Pain Forest and Cicero will represent you with the first challenge.? Jem swallowed hard as Kana disappeared. She looked at her brother and friends. They nodded their heads. Jem nodded and started walking into Pain Forest. Ok guys, take it from here! :D[/color]
  8. [color=teal]I've started this RP, but ya'll can still join. I still need a lot of the Emotion Siblings. Feel free to join. :D[/color]
  9. [color=teal]"That punk's name is Jason," Jono said as he rubbed his head, "and he used to be a Spirit Detective." Jinxy looked at Jono with surprise. Jono looked up to see Kie floating down. She looked really entertained. "Why isn't he a Spirit Detective anymore," Jinxy asked felling Kie's present. Jono shokk his head and hovered slightly in the air. He sat indian style while floating in mid air. He let out a sigh. "He decided to go Merk without any good reason," Jono said as he started going back into a spirit form. Jinxy looked at Jono as he slowly disappeared out of her sights. "Where are you going," Jinxy asked as she looked at Jono. Jono looked at Jinxy and shook his head. He smiled slightly at her. "I'm on a case," Jono said as he almost completely disappeared, "I've got to help someone get a second chance." Jinxy nodded her head as Jono completely disappeared. She jumped off the roof and started walking down the street again. Jono looked at Jinxy and then at Kie. "That was one awsome fight," Kie said With a huge smile, "If I ever start a gang, remind me to call you." Jono shook his head and started floating away. Kie quickly followed. "Lets just find someone to tell," Jono said as he looked back at Kie, "before it's to late." Kie nodded. She didn't want to become extra crispy.[/color]
  10. [color=teal]Jono quickly stopped and turned around. His whitish-blonde hair moved slightly in front of his face. He just stood still as all of the attacks came at him. Jinxy looked up. She thought Jono completely lost his mind. Jason laughed as all the attacks hit in one spot and created an explosion. "Well," Jason said as he went back into one, "that takes care of that." Jason turned around and stared Jono in the face. Jono wasn't playing around. His face was harsh, his eyes were glowing, and his hair was moving around. Jason backed up slightly, but bumped into something. He turned around to discover a row of five more Jono's behind him. "This is far from over," Jono's voice echoed. Jason turned and looked at the orginal Jono. Jono was holding his hands like he was holding a bow again. Jason stood his ground. He had a idea. "Go ahead half-breed," Jason said with a grin, "but you'll be signing your death wish." Jono put his bow down slightly. He realized if he fired, the other copies of himself would fire too. Jason would fly upward and leave Jono open to the other five arrows. Jason grined and took this opportunity to attack.[/color]
  11. [color=teal]Oh boy, I'm going to need help here. I like .hack, but I only have one of the games and I going to go by what I have on there. > . < [b][u]Real World[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Amber [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Occupation:[/b] High School Student [b]Description:[/b] Five foot five and a half, shoulder length creamy brown hair with blonde bangs, and purple eyes. Wears a black belly shirt, black vest with purple trim, black leather hip huggers, black boots, and black fingerless gloves. [b]Bio:[/b] Amber is some what smart. She's in love with video games. Every game that seems appealing to her, she gets. When she heard about "The World", she had to get it right away. She wanted to see how difficult it proved to be. [b][u]Inside "The World"[/u][/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] Coal [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Level:[/b] 20 [b]Class:[/b] Twin Blade [b]Weapon:[/b] Spell Blades [b]Weapon level:[/b] 8 [b]Abilities:[/b] Staccatto, Blazing Wheel, Maj Lei, Ap Corv, Juk Rom, Juk Kruz, Tiger Claws, and Lightning Rage [b]Description:[/b] Coal has a hair style similar to Joey Wheeler's from Yu-Gi-Oh, but his hair color is black. His eyes are a really light blue. He wears a black long sleeved shirt, a dark gray vest, a dark gray bandana around his head, baggy black pants, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. I hope this is ok. I got the weapon and skills from my game. :sweat:[/color]
  12. [color=teal][b]Name:[/b] Crystal Magome [b]Age:[/b] about 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Bio:[/b] Crystal is from Kagome's time, but she's Inuyasha's half-sister. They share the same father. She stumbled in to a well one day and finally met her brothers. She had always wore a headband until she got into a little fight with Inuyasha. Inuyasha tore the headband off and revealed her ears. Now Crystal helps Inuyasha and she has a major crush on Miroku. [b]Apperence:[/b] She has really light almost white long hair and misty blue eyes. She wears a purple and black ninja like outfit and keeps her hair in a ponytail. [b]Weapon(s)/Attack(s):[/b] She has a sword that can control elements, Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, and she also can heal [b]Bad/Good:[/b] Good[/color]
  13. [color=teal]Julie looked at Vash then at Nick. Nick was finally picking himself off the ground. Julie let out a sigh, let go of Valerey, and stood next to Vash. She stared at Suzuki. "Now you have a bone to pick with me," Julie said as she placed her hand on her gun, "First you steal my boyfriend's gun and sunglasses, then crush his sunglasses, and knock him down. Now you're messing with my brother and niece. You must be wishing to die." Suzuki snorted and looked at Julie. Julie slid her hand down her gun. "Should we take this outside little girl," Suzuki asked as she glared at Julie. Julie snorted and nodded her head. She grabbed her sunglasses, put them on, and walked outside. Suzuki followed her. Both girls we're about to have a showdown in the middle of the street. Everyone in the taveren ran to window. This should be interesting.[/color]
  14. [color=teal]"So who do ya know that ya could tell," Jono asked as he looked over at Kie. Kie shook her head. She wasn't quiet sure on who she could tell. "Well," Kie said as she looked at Jono. Jono had a stern on his face. He looked at Kie. "For Koenma's sakes," Jono said as he started downward, "please stay here this time." Kie seemed like she didn't want to listen, but she stayed put. Jono had spotted J3 and recognized him. He went back into a solid state and slightly hovered in the air. J3 knew Jono was there. "Well, well," J3 said as he watched Jono slowly float down in front of him, "it's the little demon that doesn't like to fight." Jono wasn't to happy J3's attitude. He knew he didn't like to fight, but he would make a exception for any of the Jasons. "And you're the Spirit Detective that went Merk," Jono said as he crossed his arms. J3 looked at Jono. He wondered if he knew anything about Kie. "So demon," J3 asked as he just hovered in one spot, "do you know anything about Kie and who she's going to tell that she's alive." Jono wasn't about to tell the truth. He started holding his hands like he was holding a bow. "Yeah," Jono said as his hair slightly came up from the black Spirit Energy that was flowing around him, "me." J3 got a little scared as Jono's blue eyes glowed a bright blue. All the Spirit Energy gathered into Jono's hands. It formed a bow. As Jono pulled back on the bowstring, an arrow formed. "I'm guessing this is a challenge," J3 said as he got into a fighting stance, "Bring it." Jono grinned and let go of the bowstring, sending the Spirit Arrow straight at J3.[/color]
  15. [color=teal]Jono hovered slightly above the ground and looked slightly back at Kie. Kie was pretending to kick a stone. Jono shook his head and looked forward again. He spotted Botan and Yusuke. "Wait here," Jono said to Kie as he went into a soild figure and his feet touched the ground. Kie watched Jono run up to Botan. Botan turned around and stared at Jono. "Ahhh," Botan said with a slightly angered voice," What are you doing Jono. You're supposed to be on a case remember? And where's the girl? You're a Numbskull. And you call yourself a half-demon." A sweat drop appeared on the back of both Yusuke and Jono's head. Jono looked out of the corner of his eye as Kie came up next to him. "I thought I told ya to stay put," Jono said as he went back into a spirit form, "Since ya don't listen very well, I'm taking ya to Spirit World now. I was going to let ya met a great Spirit Detective, but ya ruined it." Kie rolled her eyes and stuck her tounge out at Yusuke. She hoped he saw it too. Jono grabbed Kie's hand and flew up into the sky. They both disappeared into Spirit World.[/color]
  16. [color=red]"Nice excuse Dad," Tyler said as he walked over to where the guns were. Nick looked at him and crossed his arms. He let out a sigh as Tyler took Vash's gun off the wall. Vanesa looked at Tyler as he slightly bent down. "You know," Vanesa said with Vash's voice, "I'm not used to being short." Tyler smiled and shook his head. He placed Vash's gun in Vanesa's hand's. Vanesa's eyes changed from the light green back to her normal blue. She looked at Vash's gun. "It belongs to you," Tyler said as he stood up again, "It's a long story, so don't ask." Vanesa hugged the silver gun as Tyler took Julie's golden .45 off the wall. He walked over to Juliana and handed it to her. Juliana's eyes lite up as she gripped the golden gun. "Why are you giving us these weapons," Nick asked in his normal voice as Tyler walked over to Wolfwood's Cross Punisher. Tyler shook his head, grabbed Wolfwood's gun, and walked over to Nick with it. "Because," Tyler said as he sat the Cross Punisher down in front of Nick, "you all have a special connection with them." Tyler shoved the Cross Punisher at Nick slightly. Nick grabbed it and quickly unwrapped it. His eyes sparkled at the shiny cross. Tyler let out a sigh and sat on his bed. His friends looked up from their new weapons and looked at Tyler.[/color]
  17. [color=purple]Amber was still walking with Joey, but she had let go of his hand. She pulled out her deck and started looking through it. Joey looked at Amber. "What'cha looking for," Joey said as he looked at Amber's deck. Amber didn't seem to notice Joey's question. She pulled out The All-Seeing White Tiger out of her deck. She looked at it and sighed. "My favorite card," Amber said as she smiled at Joey, "I kind of feel sorry for it though." Joey blinked a few times and put his arm around Amber's shoulder. He pulled her closer to him. "Why ya feel sorry for it," Joey asked as he rubbed Amber's arm. Amber let out a sigh and turned a light pink. She looked up at Joey and smiled. "Well," Amber said with a smile, "it's called The All-Seeing White Tiger, but it's blind." Joey nodded his head and looked forward. They were almost to the Director's trailer. "Ladies first," Joey said as he made a hand motion toward the trailer. Amber nodded, put her deck away, grabbed Joey's hand, and drug him up to the trailer. She then turned the door knob and slowly walked in.[/color]
  18. [color=teal]Kie's mother broke down crying as the parimedic finished speaking. Jono was going to start crying too. He remembered his mother, even though he only spent a month with her. His intelligents was high because he was half demon. He didn't want to see his mother cry. "I wish I could comfort you mother," Jono said quietly, but not quietly enough. Kie looked over at him. She looked upset about her mother too. She floated over to Jono. "What did you just say," Kie asked as she stared Jono in the face, "Did you just call my mom, mother?" A huge sweat drop appeared on the back of Jono's head. He wasn't about to tell Kie what Koenma had told him. "Oh help me mighty Koenma," Jono said as he rubbed the back of his head. Kie looked at him and put her fist to his face. Another sweat drop appeared on the back of Jono's head. Kie was getting impatient. "Well," Kie said angerily, "did you call her mother?" Jono started shakeing his head. He put his hands up. Kie took a swing at him, but somehow he wound up behind her. Kie looked really confused. She quickly turned around. Jono had a serious look on his face and his hands in his pockets. Kie was surprised at Jono's sudden exspression change, but she got into a fighting stance. "Are ya sure ya want to do that," Jono's voice said from behind her. Kie was even more confused. Jono was standing in front of her. How was he behind her? Kie quickly turned around. To her surprise Jono was standing behind her, to her left, to her right, and in front of her. "What are you," Kie yelled as she stared at the four Jono's. The four didn't say anything. Kie was getting a little nervous. She actually started to sweat. "Am a demon," Jono said as he went back into one, "and your Grim Reaper." Kie looked a little on the scared. She never saw a demon before, but Jono didn't look like a demon. He actually looked human. "Alright," Kie said with wonder, "prove you're a demon other then your little copy trick." Jono shook his head. He didn't have time to entertain Kie. "Not now," Jono said with seriousness, "I have to get ya to Spirit World so that my boss can give ya a second chance. That's if ya want it." Kie looked at Jono. She then looked at her mother. Her mother was down on the floor, on her knees, crying her eyes out. Kie thought for a moment.[/color]
  19. [color=teal]Mika was quickly running down one of DIROne?s massive hallways. Shadowmon was hanging on to Mika?s shoulder with all her might. ?I?m going to be late,? Mika said as she slid around a corner. Shadowmon flew to one side. She was about to jump off if Mika didn?t reach her destination soon. ?Are you almost there,? Shadowmon asked as she tightened her grip on Mika?s shirt. Suddenly Mika stopped in front of a room. Shadowmon let out a sigh of relieve as Mika walked into the briefing room. Mika spotted David and Kenzi. She let out a sigh. ?You two always beat me,? Mika said as she sat down on the other side of David. Both David and Kenzi turned and looked at Mika and Shadowmon. Shadowmon hadn?t bothered to jump off of Mika?s shoulder. ?Maybe if you get a reality check,? David joked, ?and stay away from those computers, you would get here faster.? Mika falsely laughed and looked at Brian. Brian looked at her. ?Are Angle and Tsai coming too,? Mika asked as she took Shadowmon off her shoulder. Brian nodded and let out a sigh. Mika wondered what had him worried. ?Yes,? Brian said calmly, ?and so are two unwilling members.? Mika looked outraged. She slammed her hands down on the table. David and Kenzi stared at her. ?You?ve got to be kidding,? Mika said as Shadowmon tried to look at Brian from Mika?s lap. Brian shook his head as sweat drop appeared on the side of his face. He was far from kidding. Mika leaned back in her chair. ?It?s okay,? David said with a slight smile, ?Kenzi and I feel the same way.? Mika looked at David and nodded. She still didn?t like the idea of two unwilling members coming to a briefing. [/color]
  20. Oh boy, two characters in this story too :rolleyes:. I need a break. :snuggles up with Joey and Nicky: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eirka looked at Darren as he stood on the roof. He tried to make friends with Seshuri, but she didn't want nothing to do with him. He let out a sigh and jumped off the roof. "You alright," Eirka asked as she looked at Darren. Darren just made a hand motion and kept walking. Eirka looked at Nick and Joey. They both shrugged their shoulders. Eirka let out a sigh and started following Darren. A few mintutes later, everyone was peacefully walking on a path. Eirka lossely held Joey's hand. Nick looked at all of the flowers on the side of the path. He looked really happy for some odd reason. Darren still seemed alittle upset, but he was getting over it. "Are you sure you're okay," Eirka asked Darren. Darren turned around and smiled. He then turned back around and contniued walking. Eirka let out a sigh and looked up at Joey. Joey just shook his head. A little later, the small group ended up in a small village. The village wasn't much. It looked like it was from the past. Eirka didn't like the sent of the air. She smelt a half-demon. One she had incountered before. She quickly turned toward a tree. A with long white hair, yellowish-brown eyes, claws, fangs, white dog ears, wearing all red, and had a sword at his side was standing in the tree. Eirka growled. "Inuyasha," Eirka growled. Inuyasha jumped from the tree and looked at Eirka. Erika growled as she transformed herself. Joey backed slightly away. Eirka's hair turned white, her eyes went yellow, she grew fangs, and claws. Inuyasha grined and snickered. "Welcome back," Inuyasha said with an inviteing voice, "twin sister." Darren and Joey looked a little stunned. Not only had Eirka transformed, but she had another sibling she didn't bother to mention. Joey grabbed his head in confusion. Eirka calmed down and looked at Inuyasha. She was still in demon form.
  21. [color=red]Oh man, I've gotta deal with three characters and three colors. Let's see if I can remember them all. :sweat: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tyler was shocked at the battle that just happened. He turned toward Nick. He was being hugged by Juliana. Tyler didn't know if it was his parents or his friends. "You're an idiot," Juliana said with an irratated Julie voice, "you could of gotten yourself killed again." Tyler shook his head. He had to leave. He slowly walked down the hill and over to a house. He was renting a house in this town. He figured he could live a peaceful life, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Tyler threw himself down on his bed. "My family's coming back to me," Tyler whispered as he hugged his pillow, "but why. I missed them, but I could of lived with out them. Come on now, I lived with out them for 130 years." Tyler sat up and looked at his wall. Mounted on the wall was his mother's, Vash's, and Knives colt long barrels. He also had two of Meryl's fifty darringers mounted. On the floor, since there was no way of mounting them on the wall, stood his father's Cross Punisher and Mille's Stun Gun. Tyler let out a depressed. Suddenly, there came a knock on his door. "Tyler," Nick's voice came through the door, "are you alright?" Tyler figured his friends followed him again. He let out another sigh, got up, walked to the door, and opened it. Nick, Juliana, and Vanesa were standing in the doorway. They all smiled at Tyler as he invited them in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: :whips away sweat: I hope I stayed close to Tyler's character and he should be giving the old weapons out perrty soon. That's if someone else posts! :sweat:[/color]
  22. [color=teal]Sounds Interesting! [b]Name:[/b] Riku Son [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] Riku has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes. She wears a orange tanktop/belly shirt that is trimed in blue, orange pants that only come to about two inches from the bottom of her knees and have blue running down the side of them, a blue sash that she wraps and ties around her waist, and traditional blue fighting shoes. [b]Weapon(s):[/b] She usually dosn't use a weapon, but she does have her father's Power Pole. [b]Bio:[/b] Riku is from a parallel dimension of Earth. In her dimension, she is the middle child of Goku and Chi-Chi. She loves her family to death. She's also in love with Trunks. Her guardian and best friend is Yamcha. She has mastered every fighting move that the Z Fighters know. It's monkey see, monkey do. She can even power up to Super Sayian three. Somehow Riku came across a rift between dimensions and is now stuck on the Earth we know. Riku exsplained everything to Goku, who found her. Goku completely understood. He told Bulma about and took Riku in. Riku isn't home sick any more, but Bulma told her she's still working on a way to create another rift as a hobby. Just in case Riku does want to go home. [b]Personality:[/b] Riku is just like her father most of the time, goofy and kind hearted. She can become more like her mother when she's fighting or if you get on her nerves. [b]Side:[/b] Good[/color]
  23. [color=purple]Thanks Cyriel and Ryu_Sakura. Now I'm going to post a second character. This is for people who want to be their favorite anime character. Remember you're allowed two characters. [b]Name:[/b] Joey Wheeler [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://usuarios.lycos.es/wdw/joey/js025.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Joey was once a street punk bully, but he changed after he made friends with Yugi. He has a heart of gold and will do anything for his friends and family. Joey was being nosey as usual and stumbled upon a portal. Also being as clumsy as he is, he tripped and fell into the portal. Now Joey is stuck in the Land of Emotions as a player in the Emotion Siblings twisted game. [b]Job(s):[/b] Fighter, Monster Tamer, and Swordsman [b]Dimension:[/b] Yu-Gi-Oh [b]Side:[/b] Captive[/color]
  24. [color=teal]Thank's jro and Swordmaster!!! They're both great!!! [b]Name:[/b] Jem Wallace (pronounced gem) [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] Jem as shoulder length black hair that she usually wears in two pigtails and purple eyes. She's usually seen in a black and purple tank top, black vest, black leather hip huggers, black boots, and a cocker with spikes on it. [b]Bio:[/b] Jem, her brother James, and three of thier friends were haveing a blast on their field trip until they discovered a portal. When they got sucked into the portal, they became players in a twisted real life RPG. Them and teams of others from other dimensions are planning on putting a stop to the Emotion Siblings. Jem is the born leader type, but so is James. They are always sifting control of leader. Jem's also determaned and kind. She'll do anything for her family and friends. [b]Job(s):[/b] Dark Mage, Shaman, and Monster Tamer. [b]Dimension:[/b] Earth [b]Side:[/b] Captive OOC: I would like to mention that if you want to play a orginal character and your favorite anime character, go right ahead. Just no more then two.[/color]
  25. [color=teal]Why is this so addictive? Anyways, I came up with another exciting idea at school to day. I was reading a story I came up with and decided to make a RP out of it, kind of. [b][u]The Story:[/u][/b] [i]Memorial High goes on a field trip to Europe. This trip is totally awesome! You get to do what you want and everything free for you personally, but something?s fishy. A girl, her twin brother, and their three friends find a mysterious portal. Them, being typical teenagers, decide to take a closer look at the portal. When they got close enough, the portal sucked them in and closed behind them. Now the five are stuck in a dimension that leads to other dimensions called the Land of Emotions. They are not alone though. It seems like other people from other dimensions are being sucked into the Land of Emotions. The ten Emotion Siblings are behind this. They think this is a game and their captives are the players![/i] [b][u]The Characters: [/u][/b] The Twins: I?m playing one of the twins, but I need someone to play the brother! [b][u]The Twin?s Three Friends: [/u][/b] These three are completely up to you. Just remember, they?re from our dimension. [b][u]Other Captives: [/u][/b] Here?s where this gets interesting. You?re allowed to play any character from you favorite anime or game. There can only be five people from each anime and game though. You can also make up a character, but they have to be from an anime show or game. [b][u]The Emotion Siblings:[/u][/b] I?m going to list the bad guys and their colors. You create clothes, weapons, ect? to match their colors. There are five boys and five girls. Boys will be in normal teal and girls will be in[/color] [color=hotpink]pink[/color][color=teal]. Power Red/Black Hatred Red Anger Reddish-Orange Grief Gray Pain Black[/color] [color=hotpink]Depression Dark Purple Greed Gold/Silver Despair Yellow/White Jealousy Light Green Sadness Dark/Light Blue[/color] [color=teal][b][u]Allies:[/u][/b] These can be any bad guy from an anime or game. They can also be made up, but they have to belong to a show. These are the people who help the Emotion Siblings. [b][u]The Jobs:[/u][/b] The following is a list of things your character can be in the Land of Emotions. It?s basically your weapons. I was going to make you character stick to something they could on their show or game, if they?re from one, but I decide to see how creative you can get. You can also be more then one thing. [b][u]Archer: [/u][/b] You wield a regular bow and arrows or a bow and arrows made of spirit energy. [b][u]Whip Master: [/u][/b] You wield a regular whip or one that is surrounded in a element. [b][u]Dark Mage: [/u][/b] You wield a fancy staff. You can perform dark magic and summon monsters. (like Monster Rancher monsters) [b][u]Light Mage: [/u][/b] You wield a fancy staff as well. You can perform light magic, but you can?t summon monsters. [b][u]Swordsman: [/u][/b] You wield a normal sword or one that is surrounded in an element. [b][u]Knife Thrower: [/u][/b] You wield hundreds and hundreds of normal throwing knives or ones surrounded in an element. [b][u]Fighter: [/u][/b] You use you fist. You?re allowed to have Iron Knuckles or Spiked Gloves. [b][u]Spirit Warrior: [/u][/b] You wield a sword made of spirit energy. It can be surrounded by an element. [b][u]Gunman: [/u][/b] You wield a gun that doesn?t real shoot bullets. It shoots elemental bullets. (we don?t want to kill anyone) [b][u]Psychic: [/u][/b] You can control other people?s weapons for a short period of time and you can also read minds. [b][u]Monster Tamer: [/u][/b] You wield a deck of monster cards. You can summon monsters from the cards. (like Yu-Gi-Oh monsters) [b][u]Shaman: [/u][/b] You can summon a ghost of one of the above into your body and gain their skill(s). [b][u]The Sign Up:[/u][/b] Since this is so long, I?ll sign up later. Here?s the info I need from you though. Name: Age: Appearance: Bio: Job(s): (Remember you can have more then one) Dimension: (What show or game you character is from. Just put earth if you?re the brother or one of the three friends) Side: (Captive/Emotion Sibling/Allie) Have fun guys!!!!!! :D :sweat:[/color]
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