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Everything posted by Maximillion404
[color=red]Tyler looked at Juliana and Nick. He wondered why those two got so hype about those three men insulting his parents and uncle. He understood why he got angry, but why them. "My name's Nick," Nick said as he looked at Juliana out of the corner of his eye, and this is Tyler. What's your name?" Juliana put her guard down slightly and looked at Nick. She blushed slightly as she looked at Nick. "The name's Juliana," Juliana said as she looked back at the three men. Nick nodded at Juliana's response. Tyler shook his head and stepped in front of Juliana and Nick. He grabbed his cross and unwrapped it. He aimmed the machine gun part at the men. "Why don't you two let me handel this," Tyler said as his gun opened up. Nick and Juliana looked at each other. They took a step backward along with the three men. "Why you copying Nicholas D. Wolfwood for," one of the men said. Tyler could tell they were drunk. He kept his hand on the trigger as the men put thier hands to thier sides. "Stop right there," a man said as he came out of the back. Tyler looked over at the man and lowered his gun. The three men stopped and looked at the man as well. "Dad," Nick said as he hide his knife behind him. Nick's dad walked up to the three men, grabbed thier shirts, and threw them all outside. Tyler quickly wrapped his gun back up. Nick's dad didn't say anything to Tyler. He just walked back into the back. "That was close," Tyler said as he went and sat back down. Nick sigh and walked back around the counter. Juliana grabbed her whisky and sat down next to Tyler. Nick blushed as he looked at Juliana.[/color]
[color=red]OOC: I think I'll spice this up. Mike was sitting on a sand hill with Castillo. He had a cigarette hanging half-way out of his mouth. He stood up and dusted himself off. "Nice shot Castillo," Mike said as he picked up his gun. He slid down the hill as Castillo nodded at him. Mike started walking toward the bus. As he walked two girls appered beside him. "Where ya going Mike," Kayla said as she looked up at Mike. Mike looked down at the girl. She smiled at him. He then looked forward agian. Mai put her arm around Mike's shoulders. "What do you want Mai, Kayla," Mike said as he pushed his sunglasses down off his head. Mai took her arm off of Mike and stopped. Kayla looked at Mai and stopped as well. "Vash told us you would be here," Mai said as she twisted her foot into the sand. Mike stopped and turned around. He pulled his sunglasses. Kayla never liked Mike's two different color eyes, but they never bothered Mai. "So," Mike said as he pushed his sunglasses back up, "your point is." Mai looked upset with Mike's attitude. She stepped up to him and stared him in the face. "Well," Mai said with a stern look, "Vash wants to know what the hell your doing." Mike took his cigarette out of his mouth and blew smoke in Mai's face. Mai waved the smoke away from her face. "Tell our boss that I've got unfinished business," Mike said as turned back around. Mai shook her head, turned around, and started walking toward Castillo. Kayla quickly followed her. A few seconds later, Mike was standing really close to the bus. He spotted Nick and Knives outside of the bus. He frowned as he walked toward them.[/color]
[color=red]Andrew was standing on a cliff looking at the pitch black night sky. A cool breeze pressed aginst his skin. He took in a deep breath of fresh air. Andrew turned away from the cliff to come face to face with his Joker. "What are you doing," Joker said as he stared at Andrew. Andrew blew off Joker and went to sit at the fire. Joker shook his head and followed Andrew. A dragon like tail was twitching from the other side of the fire. Andrew leaned his head over the side of the fire. A dragon type Pixie was floting near the fire. She was taking in the heat. "Diana," Andrew said as he looked at the Pixie. Diana almost hit ground when she heard her master's voice. She looked at Andrew and smiled nervously. Andrew shook his head and looked at Joker. "We still have to find that disc with Moo's soul in it," Joker said as he looked in his sickle. Andrew sighed and fell backward. He looked at the stars and a angered looked crossed his face. He sat back up and stared into the fire. "I can't wait to find that disc," Andrew said as he stood up, "we'll teach all those people who dare call themselves ranchers a lesson." Diana nodded her head and looked at Joker. Joker looked pleased with Andrew's sudden outburst. Andrew walked back over to the cliff. He looked down at the forest. He noticed there was a fire burning brightly in the middle of it.[/color]
[color=red]Tyler was sitting in a bar. He had his head down on the counter. The huge cross standing behind him amazed the bartender. ?What?s with the huge cross mister,? the bartender asked as he sat a glass down by Tyler?s head. Tyler looked up at the bartender. The bartender looked really young. He couldn?t be no older then sixteen. ?I?ll answer your question,? Tyler said as he picked his head up, ?if you answer mine.? The bartender blinked a few times. His two different shades of blue colored eyes made Tyler wonder. ?Well,? the bartender said, ?ok, I suppose I could answer a question.? Tyler nodded his head and stood up. The bartender looked a little intimidated by Tyler?s height. Tyler knew he was tall. His mother was six foot something and he figured so was his father. ?Aren?t you a little too young to working in a bar,? Tyler asked as he looked at the bartender?s nametag, ?Nicholas?? Nick covered his nametag with his hand. He didn?t like Tyler?s attitude. Tyler sat back down and stared Nick in the eyes. Nick was kind of frightened by Tyler?s blue eyes. ?My dad owns this place,? Nick said with a stern look, ?and he lets me work here. Now what?s your answer?? Tyler took out a cigarette and lit it. He had pick up some bad habits in his lifetime. Nick started tapping his fingers on the counter. ?I?m a traveling priest,? Tyler said as he glared at Nick, ?and my cross his part of my trade.? Nick nodded at Tyler?s response. The last traveling priest he had heard of has been dead over 130 years. ?What?s your name Mr. Traveling Priest,? Nick said as he started to clean out some glasses. Tyler took his cigarette out of his mouth. He shook his head as some smoke escaped his mouth. ?My name?s Tyler E. Wolfwood,? Tyler said as he put his cigarette back in his mouth. Nick nodded once again.[/color]
[color=red]Hi there! This is my first time starting a RPG, so cut me a little slack. My sister is helping me out slightly. Well, this is going to be a Trigun RPG since Trigun is my all time favorite anime. I?m using my sister?s character Julie in this. It?ll make it more interesting. Oh yes, this is after Paradise and Julie and Wolfwood had something going on. Here?s the story plot???????? It?s after the final battle between Knives and Vash. Knives has won and has killed Vash. He decides to hunt down Julie. When he finds her, he kills her as well. He also kills Meryl and Millie in the process. After all is said and accounted for, he kills himself. (bloody ain?t it?) The unknown son of Wolfwood and Julie, (told you they had something going on) witness all of these murders. Begin half-Humanoid he grew fast. He was already about six when these murders accorded. He never met his father and now his mother, family, and friends are all gone. He grows up an orphan. He also turns out like his father. A 130 years pass and something strange happens. The little six year old is now a 130(duh) and he has met six strange people. Their attitudes seem oddly familiar. A huge flash of light brings back some hunting memories for these six. They remember their past lives as their formal selves come through. This shall be interesting. I need a reincarnation for the following: Vash, Knives, Julie, Meryl, and Millie. Sorry, but my sister has already clamed Wolfwood?s reincarnation. I?m not playing a reincarnation. I?m playing the boy mentioned in the story brief. Alrighty, here?s the character info I need: Name: Age: Gender: Weapon(s): Description: Bio: Reincarnation or Bad Guy: And here?s my info: Name: Tyler E. Wolfwood Age: about 130 Gender: Male Weapon(s): A gun exsactly like his father?s (a cross that?s a machine gun/rocket launcher) FYI: It?s not his father?s gun Description: He looks exsactly like his father expect he has blond hair (which he gets from Julie). He wears a long sleeved black button-up shirt, a semi-long black leather jacket with platinum cross cufflinks, black slacks, and black shoes. He also wears black sunglasses most of the time. Bio: Tyler was changed after a faithful day when his uncle, Knives, murdered four people in front of him. Tyler grew up in an orphanage. He became really bitter. His attitude reflected a father he never knew. After he was old enough to get a job, he became a priest. (go figure) He has always been a loner, until he meets up with six unusual people. He get strange visions of who these six really are. His life change once again after an explosion of light. Reincarnation or Bad Guy: Neither, but he?s a good guy. ^___^ Two more things, your allowed to have a max of two weapons if you are a reincarnation of someone because when you meet up with Tyler you get your old weapon (max of three weapons) and if you need a bio of any sort on Julie because you want to be her reincarnation. PM me and I?ll tell my sister. I say that because after the flash of light the old characters come through in their reincarnated body. It sort of switchs between the reincarnated people and the orginal people. Like having a split personality. I hope I didn?t confuse you and I hope you all are going to enjoy! ^_^ PS: I'll change the split personality thing if it gets to confuseing, ok and your character can be a humanoid.[/color]
[color=red] I would like you to tell me if someone doesn't take Knives because I would love to switch to him. (I'm not holding anyone back from taking Knives. Go ahead and take him) For now I'll use this character: Name: Michael (Mike) G. Wolfwood Age: around 18-22 Gender: Male Weapon(s): A cross gun that's like Chapel?s (it splits into two machine guns) and two hidden daggers. Description: He looks almost like Nick, but he has brown hair and his left eye is light green. He wears a black long sleeved button up shirt with has gold cross cufflinks on them, a black vest which he leaves on done, a black pair of slacks, and black dress shoes. He also wears black sunglasses on his head. Bio: Mike's Nick's twin brother. Nick and him were separated at the age of five. Mike has always blamed Nick for getting them separated. He holds a grudge on Nick to this day. He's also a priest. His teacher was also Chapel, but he still never saw his brother until they met at Vash's hideout. As Nick converted to the good side, Mike stayed on the evil side. He wants to prove he's better then his brother and if possible, kill him. Side: He's on Vash's side because he always wants to be as far away from his brother as he can. Duo my sister said you can't take Meryl's place, but she'll change her post to fit for you, ok[/color]
[color=red]Oh I like Monster Rancher! ^_^ Name: Andrew Drake Age: 16 Description: Andrew has short spiked black hair and green eyes. He wears a black short sleeved shirt, black nickers, black boots, and a black and red head band. Bio: Andrew was only four when he first got his first monster, Joker. Joker slowly corrupted his mind over many years. Andrew ran away at the age of thirteen. Joker had convinced him to lead a quest to reincarnate Moo. Andrew listens to Joker and Joker listens to Andrew. Monster(s): Joker (A Joker) Diana (A Pixie/Dragon) Later Monster(s): Evil Hare (A Hare'Monol) Death Dragon (A Dragon/Joker) Yeah, I'm the first bad guy. I'm on the EVIL side. (laughs evily)[/color]
[color=red]Darren was wondering around Domino City. He had heard about Battle City and he wanted to check it out. He walked through the park to take a shortcut to Kaiba Corp. when a young girl sitting with two boys caught his eye. Where he was an Elf, he could tell when someone was Human or not. He was getting Human vibes off the two boys, but he was getting a Demon vibe off of the girl. He was also getting a Humanoid vibe off the girl. He walked over to the small group. "Hello," Darren said sweetly, "My name's Darren and I was just passing through." The girl jumped up when she spotted Darren's pointed ears. She looked at him and let out a sigh. "Well," the girl said with a smile, "my name's Eirka and these are my friends Joey and Yugi." Darren looked at Joey and Yugi as they waved. Darren nodded and looked back at Eirka. He shifted his weight and beckoned to Eirka to follow him. He started walking toward another part of a park. Eirka looked Yugi and Joey, shrugged her shoulders and followed Darren. "I can sense that your on a journey," Darren said as Eirka stopped behind him. Eirka looked at Darren with a look of surprise on he face. She walked up next to him. "And if I am Elf Boy," Eirka said as she looked at the sky. Darren turned and looked at Eirka. Eirka glared at him from the corner of her eye. "Maybe I could help you," Darren said softly as he turned around. Eirka turned to face Darren. She put her hand out. "It would be nice to not to travel alone," Eirka said with a slight smile, "so we're partners." Darren smiled and shook Eirka's hand.[/color]
[color=red]Oh, Oh, I want to be Pegasus Name: Maximillion Pegasus Age: About 20 something (not quiet sure) Millenium Item: Millenium Eye Appearence: He has long platium blonde hair, brown eyes, the Millenium Eye covers one of his eyes, he's tall, wears a red suit, a white shirt, and black dress shoes Bio: Pegasus is the creator of Duel Monsters. He had a tournament called Duelist Kingdom not to long ago. He was beaten by Yugi Muto, but he's back. His deck is mostly a toon deck. His favorite is the Dark Rabbit. I love Pegasus!! Don't think I'm weird or anything ok. ^_^;[/color]
Josh was fanning himself as he walked through a thick forest. The Dark Rabbit was following him. Josh turned a corner to discover a desert. Josh shook his head as he looked at the desert. "Amanda better love me for this," Josh said as he looked at his Dark Rabbit, "because I wouldn't risk my neck to save Kaiba for nothing." Josh didn't have a choice, but to head into the desert. He took a step into the velvet soft sand. Later on, Josh spotted an Over Drive on the horizon. He hopped it was Amanda or at least someone who could help him. He looked at the Over Drive as it came to a stop in front of him. Amanda and Lily were in the back. They looked scared half to death. Jason looked over at josh. "Who are you," Jason asked as he looked at Josh. Josh smiled as he looked at Amanda. At least he wouldn't have to walk anymore. "I'm Josh and I'm a friend of Amanda,? Josh said as he stared at Amanda. Amanda laughed and turned bright red. Jason and Lily shrugged their shoulders and invited Josh aboard. The Dark Rabbit hopped on Lily?s Red Eyes and they were off again. About twenty minutes later, the group was at the forest where Josh came from. Josh shook his head as he looked at the forest. ?I think Seto likes trees,? Amanda said as she looked around the forest. Josh pulled his t-shirt away from his body. He looked at the thick forest. It was humid like a jungle. ?Come on guys, we?re not going to get anywhere if we just stand here,? Josh said with a smirk, ?I say we go rescue Kaiba.? Amanda shook her head, but agreed to Josh?s plan. Everyone walked in to the jungle. OOC: Hee Hee, I hope I did ok sis. If not tell me. One more thing, I'm aware that I write like my sister. ^_^;
Name: Josh Green Age: 15 Apperence: Josh has medium length blonde hair and greenish blue eyes. He wares a black shirt with a blue dragon on the back of it and black jeans. He also wears black fingerless gloves and black sunglasses on his head. Deck Type: A mostly toon deck like Pegasus Bio: Josh is a computer wiz like Seto. He can type about 500 words a minute. He has a killer crush on Amanda and would do anything for her. Of course he hates Seto. He's only helping Amanda save Seto because he wants to impress her. He doesn't know about Amanda's crush on Seto, but will find out Good or Bad: Good of course
Hello sis. I figured I would help you out on this. Name: Darren Summers Age: 18 Description: Darren has spiked red hair with pieces of black in it, green eyes, pointed ears, and is about six foot. He wares a red t-shirt with flames on the sleeves, a black leather vest, black jeans, and black timbs. Breed(s): Humanoid-Elf Special Gift(s): He's like Eirka. He's has all abilities. He also has elvfin magic. LOL Bio: Darren was raised just by his elf mother because his father ran out on his mother and him at an early age. When Darren was seven his mother ran away from her home forest and left him behind. Now Darren is on a quest to find his mother. Along the way, Darren runs into Eirka. He feels Eirka's pain and decides to help her out. Hope you like this sis!