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About Luminous

  • Birthday September 12

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  • Biography
    I dunno..... I'm me... that should be details enough... I guess just the fact that I'm odd should suffice
  • Occupation
    Living in the hell called reality

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  1. [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=silver]Well... Its interesting, but for some reason, to me it seems as though its not finished.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]ja ne![/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]~luminous[/color][/size][/font]
  2. [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=silver]I have something rather akin to a poem diary.....Its just a notebook, with poems, drawings... letters.... whatever.... I used to carry it around, but one day in school, somebody decided to be an ***, and hid it from me. A teacher found it and turned it into the guidance counselour. I had to go to guidance like everyday for a month because they were convinced, that, because of some of the material in the notebook I was suicidal. I don't carry it around with me anymore, because some people seemed to think that having it with me invited them to steal it or read it. I still keep it at home though. Occasionally, I'll bring it up to the library to copy down info for things, or to post some poems or wahtever, on myO site. I ahven't done that in a while though......[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]ja ne![/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]~luminous[/color][/size][/font]
  3. [font=Century Gothic][color=silver][size=1]I've read all of whats currently out for the[/size] [b][size=2]Vampire Chronicles[/size][/b], [size=1]and I loved all of the books. My particular favorite was[/size] [b][size=2]Memnoch the Devil[/size][/b], [size=1]by the way. I also enjoyed[/size] [size=2][color=silver][b]Blood Canticle[/b]. [size=1]I invite everyone to read that as well. It crosses over with the whole Mayfair witches and taltos thing. Its about how Mona, and how she reacts to life(heh death actually but whatever) as a vampire. It's very good, I encourage people who enjoy Anne Rice's writing to read this one as well.[/size][/color][/size][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]Another series I'm very found of is the [size=2][b]Dark Tower[/b] [/size][size=1]series by Stephen King. Right now books ONe through six are currently available and within the next few months(or so I'm told) the last in the series will be available. These books are about Roland and his Ka(group) of people who try to reach the Dark Tower. This series is sort of a western/Sci-fi/fantasy. It's incredible, because the characters all have they're limits, and everything, though while distinctly unbelievable, seems almost as though it could very well be happening. If anybody has read the last two in the series([/size][size=2][b] The wolves of Calla, Song of Sussanah) [/b][/size][size=1]PLEASE!PLEASE!!! PM me and tell me how the books wee, I can't get my hands on them and I am absolutely dying to read them. I'd also advise either before or after reading the books, to read the coinciding poem [/size][size=2][b]Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came[/b][/size][size=1] by Robert Browning. It isn't necessary, but it helps so very much to get an idea of things.[/size][/color][/size][/font]
  4. [color=silver][font=Century Gothic][size=1]I just finished [b]Memoirs of a Geisha[/b], which was excellent. Its a fictional novel about a young girl named Chiyo. Chiyo lived in a very poor village far out in the country with her sister (Satsuri), father, and mother. Her father barely makes a living and her mother is dying of cancer. She is only eight or nine at the time, and she is sent to Gion to an Okiya, where she attempts to become a geisha, but is taken out of schooling, after attempting to run away with her sister satsuri, who was placed in a whore-house, because the man who had them placed felt she was ugly..(or soemthing like that I can't remember). She has to learn to deal with Hatsumomo, a wicked, and prominent geisha, who causes her trouble, and increases her debts, which all geisha have to repay to they're okiya generally around the time they're 18-20. Truthfully I don't think I'm doing the story any justice, but Hatsumomo's rival decides to take Chiyo as her younger sister, which is used as a system to help geisha apprentices become more prominent figures with the public to increase they're earnings once they actually become a geisha. Chiyo's name is change to Sayuri, an dshe begins her troublesome life as an apprentice, Hatsumomo, has taken Sayuri's only friend Pumpkin, and uses her against Chiyo.[/size][/font][/color] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]THe story is very enlightening about the lives of geisha before the war. It chronicalizes the fictional characters life, from her village, all the way up to her second danna(what you might call... somehting akin to a husband, the man who takes her as his mistress). Then even to when she leaves to america.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]THe characters are very fleshed out, and the stroy seems very realistic and historically acurate. I think everyone should read it.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=1][color=#c0c0c0]ja ne![/color][/size][/font]
  5. [font=Century Gothic][color=silver]I've read about twelve pages in a magazine from it.. never do seem to remember to check it out again (cause I thought iot was pretty cool) when I can actually afford it.[/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/font] [font=Century Gothic][color=#c0c0c0]ja ne![/color][/font]
  6. [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=silver]Yeah.. I haven't read demon dairy.. I was actually going to buy it one day... but I changed mmy mind and got Saiyuki instead.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=#c0c0c0][/color][/size][/font] [font=Century Gothic][size=2][color=#c0c0c0]ja ne![/color][/size][/font]
  7. Yeah.. I've read xxxholic one and two at the book store.. but I don't think I'd actually buy them..... ja ne!
  8. Er.. no I don't know of any baseball themed ones... I'm not a big sports-anime fan... I think its boring.. but thats just me. I doubt my parent's would say anything about me spending that much money on anime, or manga.... but I don't think I'd spend that much on it at one time....
  9. [color=silver]Quick question.. when is this starting, because I'm going to Philly tomorrow, so I don't want to mess anything up?[/color] [color=slategray] [u]Character Name:[/u] Takada, Kaori [u]Code name:[/u] Hanyou/ assasin type [u]Appearence:[/u] Hanyou a female humanoid, small of size, stands at a meager Five foot four inches, although shaped quite fully, as a young female adult, she is painfully thin. Before and during the first half of the expirements, she retained her human appearance, which, was still full shaped, however, with a normal weight amount, and slightly taller. She once had long, poker straight brown hair and light brown, almond shaped eyes. Now however, she has waist length purple hair, with platinum streaks through it, and yellow catlike eyes. While her ears are still on the side of her head, they are fur covered, and pointed, rather akin to the elf proto-type. Her teeth, which beofre were fang-like, have now taken a full blown vampiric look. While she had always wore her nails long, the now retain a clawlike appearence. She prefers to wear overly large jeans, small, short tee-shirts, and long trench-coats, in shades of black and grey. [u]Abilities:[/u] [b]control over kinetic energy:[/b] The least frequently used of her abilities, this power allows her to force the kinetic energy in objects, to move around at such speeds that would incur combustion, giving it the appearance as pyro-kinesis, however, this power requires more mako, then what should be deemed appropriate, and causes unseemly recovery time. THis ability has only been enhanced, according to researchers, as it was not programmed into Hanyou's mind, therefore, was said to be pre-existing. [b]Enhanced physical prowess:[/b] As like the famed neko-youkai, Hanyou has been made to have feline grace, and speed, which were necessary components for the testing part of brawling skills, which she failed dismally in the first half of expiramenting, unless a weapon was provided, which once provided, proved to be quite dangerous, as expirement Hanyou, would often cause chaos in futile attempts to escape. [b]enhanced senses:[/b] In the areas of sight, smell, taste, and hearing, all have been improved to surpass that several times over of an actual neko. These senses were already abnormally high, and this expirament passed all stealth and tracking test, causing her status as expirement to gain, as she would begin to be classified as assasin-type Hanyou [b]Over all enhanced fighting capabilities:[/b] Dismal in the beggining, and still, not up to par as many others, hand to hand combat has been increased, as shown through testing, when this experiment, was made to fight to the death with other assasin-type humannoids. 83% of all fights had been effectively won, in under five minutes, 7% in over twenty, and the remaining 10% in over one hour. [u]Personality:[/u] Before the expirementations, Takada, Kaori was a loud, opinionated youth, while the latter is still retained, Hanyou has taken it to mind, to be silent, unless it feels other wise. While it appears to be apathetic, Hanyou stoicism, though, occasionally, outburts occur, causing mako to flow thickly through the air, charging up any surrounding expiraments, to act on the prominent emotion. Hanyou once was partial to fine arts, but now however, finds it only apporpriate to sing softly to itself when alone, or, when thinking. [u]Bio:[/u] Takada, Kaori, lived a rather poor life while with her mother, eating very little, living in a slum neighboorhood. Art was a passion she retained, and often used it to gain opportunites out of the area, to show off pieces at shows in distant cities, however, upon return, something horrid, had always seemed to happen, so what little amount of money she kept for herself, and did not chose to secretly donate, was spent on these misfortunes. It is not to say she was completely unhappy about her life, she found joy amongst her friends, what few there were, as most teenagers did, however, sitting alone and thinking, often caused her to be prone to spurts of depression. At her fathers home, she lived richly, however, was often bothered by local adolescents, who found her to be abnormal, and called such things out to her as she would walk, head down, up the street to the bus stop. Her father was often angry with her unresposive behavior, and would take his anger out on her phsyically. It took years of cuts and bruises to finally push her to the brink of suicide, at which she held a gun the her fathers heart, then smiled, and pulled it to her mouth. Officials were called and she spent a year in a mental ward, until, she was pawned off on her poverty-ridden mother. Kaori has many siblings from both her mother and father, as they both were apparently "easy" as she had often put it, to be nice, or "sluts" as she would when they had bothered her. Presumably selfish, and cold towards others, she was very warm, although sometimes distant with friends. She is fiercly loyal to those she deems worthy of her respect, and would kill instantly for them, as she had often come close to at the slums her she lived in with her mother. Her near loner stantus and violent actions when crossed caused intrest for the Masamune corporations. When finally decided to take a monorail trip to visit her father, several humanoids abducted her and thus started the expiraments. [/color] [color=silver] Ja ne! [/color]
  10. I don't dream about like anime shows...but I'll dream in animation... sometimes.. characters from shows and books cross over.. and we're all in animated style... Those sorts of dreams generally....aren't the sort that would be okay to share on this sort of forum however... ja ne!
  11. [quote name='Oceanborn']What is this reality. Is it, where we do exist? What are we to exist? Is it me making me who I am or are that the others which are making me who I am? It is me making me who I am and the others making me who I am. Then, what is the difference between me and the others? What is describing me as a person, as Me, as someone to be created and as a personality to grow?[/quote] I think thats something you need to answer yourself X| I dunt' even know you.
  12. [COLOR=teal]For goddess' sake, you think cause your son downloads bonzibuddy and flash among other programs he is a hacker? Because he dresses like a rave-goer he is a hacker? Since he under goes sudden changes he is a hacker? These changes in appearance and mood are called PUBERTY ! I do believe your an adult and have gone through this stage at that point in your life. Just because somebody downloads certain programs does not mean they are indeed a hacker. What you wrote is very offensive to me As I engage in much of that, even though I do know a tiny tiny bit about hacking and wott not it is not because of any of these stupid excuses for reasons. It's because I was CURIOUS. [/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]I just now read the link. A little bit funnier now. NOt much though. W/O it this seemed like some dude was right crazy...[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=silver]I LOVE anime hair! You can take it to so many extremes. Most of the people I draw though have either really long straight but kinda wavy hair of long pigtail braid thingers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=silver]My people generally have long bangs like mine, pushed to the sides of their face or hanging in front of their eyes. I mostly only draw bangs, large on girls with braids or ponytails and sometimes small on guys but most often long messy spikey kindof wind blown looking. I hope that wasn't too confusing.[/COLOR]
  14. :o [COLOR=silver]I think .hack//sign is great the way it is. It has plot unlike some anime which all you see is like 'whoa. Are those his brains flying everywherre or his intestines' I really like the ever moving plot and how fragile it is So for today I give It a SCORE!!!! Umm...yeah then. I'll just be going now....[/COLOR] Ja ne!
  15. :o [COLOR=silver]Whilst I understand that some shows are not appropriate for children I do believe that some adults take great joy in bashing anything younger generations hold near and dear. In our case it would be anime/and or manga. Some people, like my school teachers think that smart people like myself are not supposed to like anime. I have found through studies that other above average students actually do watch anime (with plot). I think that bashing is also about perception and since anime has that quote unquote cartoon look, adults percieve that they are older and should not wacth such "distasteful" shows. Some, however are in touch with what they like and not what they are supposed to like and are not hateful to the anime and its lovers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]I could understand them not wanting children to watch anime with big old fancy HENTAI labeling all over the title and such but otherwise, I find that they can be incredibly prejuidiced against are beloved anime.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Dude. That is soooooooooooooooo weird. I was just serious about something! Score for me!!! I have show this to my friends and prove I am not always incomptent...[/COLOR]
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