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[size=1] Thats not what I was trying to say.. And Im not saying "Ohh life is horrible I want to die. Waa Waa." Its just that when I get to thinking about it, its creepy. Just wanted to know if anyone else thought about it..[/size]
[size=1]Im wondering if Im alone in thinking this. What is the point of living if your just going to die? People say "Live your life to the fullest," why bother? You wont remember it when your dead. One thing has struck me, every breath you take is killing you. You need air to live, but by every breath your slowly dieing. Im not asking this to be "Morbid" I just want to know if anyone else has ever wondered. [b]"Whats the point?"[/b][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alastor [/i] [B]I hate school too. I don't see why we need it. It's just a waste of 12 years of your short life. Who cares about learning how to read and write? and you don't have to go to school for that you can stay at home and someone will teach ya. [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=blue]Oh geez, Do I really need to say anything? I hope that was sarcasm. Even though I strongly dislike school, I need it. And so do you. [i]"Who cares about learning how to read and write?"[/i] I'd have to say anyone who cares about having more than two braincells. As for the staying home and teaching, you'd still be "wasting" 12 years of your life, just at home.[/size][/color]
[size=1] As the others have said, its so accurate its creepy. Thanks for the reading ^.^[/size]
[size=1][color=blue] I love the sound of violins, so my opinion is a bit baised but, have you ever tried playing any of the instruments you have on your poll? If you ever do decide to play an instrument go for the violin. I've only played the trumpet, but I wont go into that.[/size][/color]
[size=1] I dont really know what to ask so.. Just give me what you can find! [b]DOB:[/b] November 21, 1989[/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I don?t know, if I had been shot seven times (or however many times it truly is) I sure as heck would be sporting a bullet proof vest. Gimmick or not I am inclined to believe getting shot hurts. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [b][size=1][color=blue]I suppose I "Understand" What your saying, but if he's been shot 7 times and knows it'll happen again.. It means people want him dead. And normally, theres a good reason for people wanting other people dead. Why wont he just die? He doesnt have a bullet proof helmet. Aim for the head.[/b][/size][/color]
[b][size=1][color=blue]I constantly hear 50 cent on the radio, played on mtv, talked about at school and it annoys me. He wears a bullet proof vest, puts one on his kid, and drives around in some kind of bullet proof truck/car/whatever he drives. He's dumb beyond beleif and everyone at school worships the ground he walks on. He supposidly has a 'nice body' Many people Want him dead, from my veiw, why else does he wear all that bulletproof crap..? So I'd imagine that many want to see his annoyingly 'nice bod' riddled with bullets. Good, if they want him dead, just shoot him. He annoys me. Not only is he dumb and tacky, but his music sucks and is played continually. Anyone else have any thoughts on 50 cent..?[/size][/color][/b]
[b][size=1]I dont know what you all have said in the past four pages, Im not going to bother reading it. I read the question and my answer is pure and simple. You are ready to have sex when your ready to take the pain and the risk. That was for the women. For the men, your ready for sex when you can handle intentionally hurting your partner and being able to comfort her when shes hurting. If your not mature enough for either of these things, then dont **** up your life.[/b][/size]
[size=1][color=blue] I dont really know if you can consider my first kiss a 'real' one. Me and 5 of my other friends that lived in the complex were watching a movie. I dont remember what one exactly, but the people started making out. And we were all like What the hell? (6 years old) My old friends and I, being the people who go out and do something, tried it. I think I kissed joe. I dont remember it that much. We hate eachother now. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue] [b]What is your name? [/b] Desiree [b]Spell your name backwards: [/b] eeriseD [b]Date of birth: [/b] 11/21/89 [b]Male or female? [/b] Female [b]Astrological sign: [/b]Scorpio [b]Nicknames: [/b] Desi [b]Occupation? [/b] School [b]Height:[/b] 5'7" [b]Weight: [/b]135 [b]Hair color: [/b]Brown [b]Eye color: [/b] Brown [b]Where were you born? [/b] St. Albans [b]Where do you reside now?[/b] Swanton [b]Age: [/b] 14 [b]Screen names:[/b]PhyscoWonder69, Evel Chique [b]E-mail addy: [/b] [email]Gothik_Phreak@hotmail.com[/email] [b]What does your screen name stand for?[/b] My personality.. [b]What is your gangsta name?[/b] Have none [b]What does your diary name stand for? [/b] Huh? [b]Pets: [/b] 1 A Huski, his name is Jack. [b]Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [/b] Two [b]Piercings? [/b] Ears [b]Tattoos? [/b] I wish [b]Shoe size: [/b]10 [b]Righty or lefty? [/b] Righty [b]Wearing right now:[/b] Baggy Black pants and A long black O'neil shirt. [b]Hearing: [/b]Nothing [b]Feeling: [/b]Happy [b]Eating/drinking:[/b] Nothing ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ [b]Have you ever been in love? [/b] Yes [b]How many people have you told "I love you"?[/b] 3 [b]How many people have you been in love with?[/b] 2 [b]How many people have you kissed?[/b] Too Many [b]Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [/b] Yes [b]How many people have you dated? [/b] Too many. [b]What do you look for in a guy/girl? [/b] Nice, funny, abs... [b]What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex?[/b] Eyes [b]What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? [/b] Perverts.. [b]Do you have a bf/gf?[/b] Yes [b]If so where did you meet them?[/b] School [b]What do you like most about your bf/gf?[/b] Everything [b]Do you have a crush right now?[/b] No [b]Do you believe in love at first sight? [/b] No [b]Do you remember your first love? [/b] Yes [b]Who is the first person you kissed? [/b] Joe [b]Do you believe in fate? [/b] Sometimes [b]Do you believe in soul mates? [/b] Yes [b]If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [/b] No ~Family Stuff~ [b]How many siblings do you have? [/b] Two [b]What are your parents names?[/b] Terry and Beau [b]What are your siblings names? [/b] Dustin and Adam [b]How many siblings does your mother have? [/b]2 [b]How many siblings does your father have? [/b] 4 [b]Where are your parents from? [/b] Germany [b]Is your family close? [/b] Yes, Very [b]Does your family get together for holidays? [/b]Yes [b]Do you have a drunk uncle? [/b] A few.. [b]Any medical problems run through your family?[/b]No [b]Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [/b]No [b]Do you have any nieces or nephews? [/b] Yes [b]Are your parents divorced? [/b] Yes [b]Do you have step parents? [/b]Yes [b]Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [/b]No [b]Did some of your family come to America from another country?[/b]No ~Music Stuff~ [b]What song do you swear was written about you or your life?[/b] Hell is for children- Pat (?) [b]What's the most embarrasing cd you own?[/b] Britney Spears [b]What's the best CD you own? [/b]Linkin Park- Meteora [b]What song do you absolutely hate?[/b] Im a slave for you [b]Do you sing in the shower? [/b] Sometimes.. [b]What song reminds you of that special someone? [/b] You and Me song- Wannadies [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue][b] "Arent you supposed to be the god of peace?" Desiree snapped at the tall man african man. "Doesnt mean I have to put up with your bullshit," He fired back. Desiree paced infront of the fireplace. The Peace god, Nathanial, his name was, had arrived only Five minutes after Leon 'poofed' out of there to god knows where. "Maybe you shut your effing mouth you stupid bugger." Desiree rested her head on the table top and groaned loudly. "Why me.." she muttered under her breath. Nathanial was either shocked to damnation by her crude language or he wanted to stop the sensless bickering, either or, he shut his trap. "Blondie, Cyr, Whatever your name is." She picked up her head and turned it to Cyrs direction. "Take "Bitch god" and go search for the other gods/goddess's I dont bloody have all day." Wordlessly they 'poofed' out, obviously thankfull to have a reason to get away from her. Desiree laughed loudly when they left, then she frowned. [i]What the hell was that all about?[/i] Left alone in the deafening silence, she awaited the arrival of the other gods and goddess's.[/size][/color][/b] OOC: Sorry for the shortness...
[size=1][color=blue][b] Desi rolled her eyes at Reapers incessant flirting. [i]Great, Im alone with him..[/i] Desi thought in sarcasm. She got another tall glass from her cupboard and poured herself some more scotch. "What made you change your mind?" Leon asked, attempting a stab at a conversation. Desiree ignored him and made a show of downing her scotch. She spilt some on her pants. "Oh my, I suppose I should go change then," She said in a sickenly sweet voice. [i]My excuse to get out of here.[/i] Desiree pushed past the french doors and walked down the long corridor. Moonlight was streaming through the large glass stained windows. Cyr was walking down the corridor with a confidence she hadnt ever seen the blonde woman have. "Wheres leon?" Cyr asked, Desiree couldn't recognize the tone. [i]Im losing my touch[/i] Desiree pointed torwards the opposite side of the corridor. "Don't get lost." When Cyr walked through the kitchen doors, Desiree continued her journey to her bedroom. It had been a while since she had been there, she realized as she onserved the room. Black leather couch, chairs, boots, shoes, even her mirror was lined with black leather. A bit of an overkill she admitted but the best part she decided would have to be the red velvet covers. Desiree quickly changed, not really wanting to leave Leon and Cyr in her kitchin alone for too long. Cyr would probably trip and set her hair on fire in the fireplace and Leon would try to put it out with his lips. Desiree snickered at this thought and walked out of the room. When she reached the Kitchen she threw open the doors and saw that Leon and Cyr were at opposite sides of the kitchen. Reaper still wasnt back. "Please, make yourself at home." Desiree told Cyr, holding out her hand that pointed to the chair. "And I dont get a 'make yourself at home'?" Leon asked. "No, you can take yourself out of it, if you wish to." Desiree fired back. Cyr giggled and sat down in the chair. [i]Maybe I just imagined her being seriouse back in the corridor.[/i] Desiree sighed and flopped down on the barstool. [/size][/color][/b]
[size=1][color=green][b] [i]I know three gods/goddess's and I have no way of knowing how to find them.[/i] Desiree told herself with disgust. How could she not remember to get contact information? "Well i'll not ruddy hell search for them," she said aloud. She sat down on her tiger fur rug and sprawled out. Soon after she lye down and slowly closed her eyes a noise brought her from her sleepy state. She shot up like a bolt and sprinted for the kitchen where the noise was coming from. She sighed when she saw the stupid blonde from earlier falling all over herself to get into her house from the window. "We have this thing, called knocking," Desiree icily informed her. The blonde looked up through her long tangled hair. Desi poured two glasses of scotch. "When you get you ass of my floor, would you care for a drink?" She asked the girl. The blonde stood up and brushed herself off. Desiree handed her the tall glass and sat down on the coffee table. "So.." Desi trailed off hoping the blonde would put a move on it. "My name is Cyr." The blonde told her. "So you came all the way here, to tell me your name is Cyr?" She asked Cyr bluntly. "Well no actually I ca-" Desi cut her off the second time today. "Enough with the small talk you bleedin chit, get on with it." She heatedly told her. Desi tilted her head back and drained the glass of scotch, after coughing a bit, she slammed it down on the table. Cyr hesitated and then said, "There'll be a meeting of the Gods/Goddess's(Evil) In 3 hours time." With that note she dissapeared. [i]How can everyone but me do that..?[/i]. "Tch. Didnt even touch the scotch, Rude if you ask me.." Leon said from behind her. Desiree turned around and gave Leon the coldest glare she could muster. "Why'd you send the chit? You could've told me yourself, AND graced me with the knowledge of this whole 'poofing thing.' " Leon raised an eyebrow "Poofing Thing..?" He trailed off. "Yes, the thing where you dissapear and re-appear somewheres else, the thing that everyone else BUT me seems to know." Her eyes mixed black and red for annoyance and anger. "Well, out with it!" [/size][/color][/b]
[size=1][color=FireBrick][b] Desiree paced impatiently, she had this weird feeling, and it wouldnt go away. She decided that either Leon or Reaper would show up at her house sooner or later begging her to fight, or preaching her morals. She sighed. Last night Desi decided that she would go along with this little 'war' that would be going on. She doubted that the goodies knew how to be bad enough to get what they wanted anyways. They didnt know the tricks or turns that could be used to their advantages. Like how to gut someone for example. But, she could be wrong. They could be badass-good guys. It was all confusing anyways, she'd find out later what was going on. Someone was walking up the long, curvy path leading to her castle. It didnt look like either Leon, or Reaper. Desiree grabbed her serpant dagger from her leg strap and strode defiantly down the path to meet this stranger. As she walked she could make out a vague shape of a woman. Her hair seemed to be blonde she walked with an air that most rich snobby people had. Desiree groaned inwardly and put her dagger back on the strap. Probably some gold digging wench. She sent the woman a 'mess with me and die look.' The woman was, shocked to say the least. She took a step back and gave desiree another look. "Is this the Holmes residence?" The woman asked sceptically. Desiree nodded and gestured for the woman to follow her. [i]The world wont miss her.[/i] Desi looked up at the cloudy, almost black sky. The blonde tripped on a root that lye across the path. Desiree turned back sharply, and rolled her eyes. She looked around, they were secluded by trees. Desi decided that killing her at home would make to big of a mess. As the woman started to get up, desi kicked her hard in the stomach. The woman fell back down clutching her stomach, she coughed up blood. Desi prodded the woman so shed turn over. She straddled the blonde and held her knife to the womans exposed throat. [i]Maybe I should have fun with this[/i] Desi gave the woman a small smile. Before she could cut any part of her. The woman realized what was going on and screamed out "STOP!" Desi flinched slightly, her eyes flecked red with annoyance. "Im on your side!" the blonde exclaimed. Desiree threw her a suspiciouse look. "Your the goddess of Sins, right?" The blonde quickly spilled out. "And you got this information from, where?" Desi asked the woman, pressing the knife harder to her throat. "I'm the Goddess of Water." She stated. "And im Mother Theresae," Desiree said sarcasticlly. How could this frail looking thing be a goddess? "I met with leon and he said I sh-" Desi cut the blonde off. "Enough said." She rubbed her temples. "Tell the bugger I'll join his bloody war, and to leave me the hell alone!" Desiree stalked off leaving the injured blonde to fend for herself.[/size][/color][/b]
[size=1] Assume you know nothing until proven otherwise. [/size]
[color=firebrick][size=1][b] Desiree steamed as she recalled the previous hours. Not too long after reaper left, Leon followed. Maybe he was going to follow her and attempt to get laid. She didnt know, and didnt really care. Reaper, Desi decided, would be worth following. After all, she was a good friend. [i]If I go along with this war, I die. If I dont, I die.[/i] It really wasn't a win/win situation. She'd have to think this over with her best friend, her bottle of scotch. Swig after swig, her vision continued to blurr and her thinking clouded. Desi fell out of her chair after her attempt to get up. She giggled and crawled up with support from the polished oak table. Instantly a thought came to mind. [i]What did Leon say about Poofing?[/i] Desiree's brows furrowed in confusion. [i]Think, Think, THINK![/i] She rubbed her temples softly at first, and then harder when she still couldnt think of it. "GRR!" She yelled out as she threw her bottle of scotch across the room. The fancy glass bottle shatterd into peices. Desi stared at the mess on the floor. [i]I wish it would just go somewheres else..[/i] Her thoughts trailed off as her eyes widend in realization. With a smug look on her face she concentrated, It wasnt too easy when she was as drunk as an irishman on St. Pats day. As her thoughts locked onto a certain place, the surroundings around her changed. Desiree looked around after she dropped from mid air onto the grassy floor. She sure as hell wasnt where she thought of. All action stopped around her. She seemed to land in some type of park. [i]Great, Lets give this another go.[/i] Desi suddenly landed right back into her comfy chair. "Maybe I wont do that again.." She told herself. [/b][/size][/color]
[b][size=1][color=firebrick] She could kick him, The bloody idiot was hitting on her. Her eyes narrowed. Good looking, he may be, but her was too full of himself for her to care for. [i]Does mind control work on gods?[/i] She asked herself. We could find out. Desiree ran her hand through her hair. It fell right back into place. "Annoying, thats what you are," She told him "Go away, I'll not do it." [i]Get out of the car.[/i] She sent to him. Leons Eyes flicked to the door. And flicked back to her. "Nice try." He drawled. Desiree looked into the rearview mirror. "Do you have a place to stay?" She asked Leon. He shook his head no. "Good you flippen bastard, I hope you rot on the street corner." Desiree opend the passanger door and kicked him out. She quickly pulled out of the parking lot and high tailed herself back to dublin. Later when she arrived to her castle. There was already someone there. She could vaguely make the shape out to be female. Desiree slammed the car door shut and walked up to the gates. Her eyes widened in amusement when she realized who it was. "Nice to see you again Reaper." [/size][/color][/b]
[color=blue][size=1] My favorite Action movies Would have to be: [b]Pearl Harbor[/b] [b]Black Hawk Down[/b] Something about war fascinates me beyond beleif, you pop in a movie thats about war and is set back in any time, and im set for life. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=firebrick] [b] "Bloody Hell," Desiree mumbled under her breath as she woke up from her somewhat comatose state. She took in her surroundings and started to remember. Liam, dead. She sensed a prescence, the same one that was responsible for her two ton migrane, and the same one who had turned her friend to a spy. "You truly are the bane of my existance," She told him coldly. Desiree didnt even bother to look at the abnormally tall man sitting in the passangers seat. "When I told you to leave me alone, Did you not get it?" Desi asked heatedly "I want NOTHING of this war of yours, yes, the powers are nice.. and usefull.." She trailed off, a smile played with her lips. "But it doesnt mean I want to die to some goody too shoes." Her head rested on the steering wheel as her emotions flicked through her eyes. Blue, Yellow, Silver, Red, and then Finally setting on black. Anger. "Who're you to barge into my head. You'll ruddy hell kill me." She said softly. Desiree wasnt stupid. Leon could kill her without a second of remorse. She'd have to keep herself in check. Most of the time anyways. "Whatever your drinking, You better pass it If I have to listen to you." Leon handed her a beer, he looked a bit peeved. Desiree sighed and said "Well, out with it." [/b][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue] Love, In my veiw is non-existant. I cant really name any relationships that havent gone horribly wrong. Love is not all it seems. Its pure hormones. If we had non Love wouldnt even exist. Its just one body reacting to another. Yeah, its fun to think that love may exist, but All 'love' gets you is pregnant and landed in a **** hole of a house. Or it gets you and your kids beaten by some loser guy you fell in 'love' with at burger king. When you see everything going on around the world and in your front door, how can you beleive in it..? It is just my opinion and I dont want to get yelled at for being shallow or cold hearted. So dont bother. I agree with island girl. Its what people want to hear And If you do believe in love. Dont throw the word around. Its special even if it isnt real. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=blue] My dad, Last I knew, worked for some kind of sheeting company.. I think it has something to do with metaling, I really dont care either. My mother works for SCOT (Service center operations Team) Routed through INS(Immagration naturalization service) She pretty much works to get immagrants in and out of the country. I [u]Might[/u] Follow my moms footsteps after highschool. A job for when im not in college if I dont go out of state. Im planning on being a lawyer or Novelist. Dreams can come true ~.^ [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=firebrick] Desiree turned her head sharply as she heard the door to her office slam shut. Liam, her 'Best Friend' had entered seeming to be angry. Desiree Raised her brow in question as Liam slammed down the newspaper on her desk. "Lass, what is the meaning of this?" Liam asked her. Desiree's Eyes scanned over the paper, a slow smile crawled onto her face. "It seems," She drawled "That I've [u]Finally[/u] cut you out of my business." Desiree had known for a while now that her supposed best friend, had been a spy. For who, she didnt know but she planned to find out. "Please remove yourself from my office." She demanded. Liams ears reddend as he reached over Desirees desk to grab her arm. Her eyes flashed red as she grabbed his reaching arm and gripped it tightly. "You don't want to do that," She suggested. Liam put on a blank face and walked out of her office without a word. Desiree Sighed and drummed her fingers on her desk. She checked her watch and waited for Five Seconds to pass. She closed her eyes and instantly dissapeared. Desiree walked out of her office and down the stairs. She saw Liam try to get into his car. Quickly she threw a thought to Him and quietly climbed through the passenger window. An hour or two later Liam pulled into a parking lot that was in front of a shabby looking inn. It seemed that they were no longer in Dublin, but in Drogheda. Desiree frowned when she saw a man she recognized. Her frown increased when she found out that was who Liam was meeting with. Liam clambered out of the car and shook hands with that horrible man. Desiree climbed out of her seat when she was sure they were inside. Oh yes, She was annoyed. Flecks of red started to show. She almost wanted to take off the fade and kill them both then and there when she saw them sitting at the pub, laughing at something the bartender said. No, she would wait until Liam was alone to kill him. The other man would have to wait until another time. Desiree sent a thought to Liam. [i]You want to tuck in.[/i] She saw liam bid that man goodnight and watched him climb the stairs to his bed. She followed him upstairs and through the door. [i]Maybe I should leave this to another..[/i] She thought to herself, but then quickly changed her mind. He was hers. Desiree pulled her favorite dagger out of her bra. It was a black snake, encrusted with emerald eyes. The actual blade was wavy. The colors around her bled as the fade came off. Liams eyes widened in surprise, he opened his mouth to call out. [i]No[/i] She thought to him. Liam stayed silent and attempted to run out of the room. She could almost smell his fear. [i]No[/i] She sent again. This time, he just stood still and awaited for what she had to say. She had nothing to say, she told herself after the deed was done. She didnt bother to put the fade on. If anyone bothered to put two and two together she'd kill them too. Desiree stuck the keys in the ignition and gripped the steering wheel tightly. [i]Shadow[/i] A voice boomed into her head. She felt a blinding pain before she passed out. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=blue] [b]Name:[/b] Desiree [b]Goddess of:[/b] Sins [b]Side:[/b] Evil [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]God Rank:[/b] Life And Death [b]Call sign:[/b] Shadow [b]Nationality:[/b]Irish [b]Personality:[/b] Shadow is Passive aggressive. She holds in her temper and burys it inside. Her cold, expressionless demenor often restrains her from making too many friends. Over all, shes just plain cold hearted. [b]Description:[/b] The most mysteriouse thing about her, perhaps, is her uncanny ability to change her eye color relating to her mood. Shadow wears black jeans that are torn in many different places, mostly the knees, A white tank top, and her black leather trench coat that almost touches the floor. She wears her mid-neck length brown hair down and prizes her black leather knee high boots, which have daggers that can stick out of the bottom, if a certain button is pressed. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] Born in Dublin, Ireland. Shadow had already been one to break the rules and tempt death at its every step. Her mother and father had died when she was of young age, a car accident it was said. She has lived on the streets since she was 10, And slowly turned into a conniving young con artist. Being the young con artist she was, She Lived in only the best and lived atop a pile of money. Shadows new powers only further pushed her to rid the world of good. [b]Abilities:[/b] When her heritage was discovered by herself. She gained the powers of Temptation, breif mind control, and Fade. [b]Temptation:[/b] The ability Temptation can persude others to see Shadows side, and take it. Its like offering a chocolate, you want it. That effect is used on the people/thing she minipulates. [b]Breif Mind control:[/b] Pretty much enough said. This ability allows her to breifly control the mind of another. Shadow mostly uses this when she has a death to plan that she doesnt need on her hands. [b]Fade:[/b] This ability allows Shadow to seemingly dissapear its usefull when spying on others. [/size][/color]
[size=1] Eh, Why dont You just ask the girl who has a crush on you to keep it all hush and make out with her for a couple of hours. It seems to work for some Guys. Maybe you shouldnt take my advice. Whatever you did. Fix it. Then spend another horrible year with her until you both cant stand eachother. I wont even go into Worst case scenario.. [/size]