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Everything posted by Myth

  1. [size=1] Its pretty good but I cant read the text over the right Eye. And the arrow makes it look a little funny, but other than that its great. Keep up the good work. [/size]
  2. Myth


    [size=1][color=Blue] No ones posted on this for a while but, Hey why not bring it back up? [b]First Name:[/b] Desiree [b]Age:[/b] Fourteen [b]Hair Color:[/b] Kinda red kinda purple.. You'd have to see to get it.. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Light Brown [b]Height:[/b] 5'6.. [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Go Look at Hot Topic [b]Personality:[/b] Eh, It varies. Sometimes Kinda Mean, Sometimes really hyper. [b]Hair Style:[/b] Most of the time, I wear my cat hat.. It covers most of my head..but other than that Straight and layerd. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Rock, Metal, Some Techno.. [b]Favorite musical Band/Artist:[/b] Marilyn Manson All the way! [b]Hobbies:[/b] Writing, Drawing, Friends, Wicca[/size][/color]
  3. [size=1] Arent you kinda screwing yourself in by telling whats its face that your on otakuboards during school? Not to be mean or rude or anything But thats kinda thick. What grade are you in?? At school, I hate to say this, Its kinda painfull, but.. Pay attention, do your work. The only reason computers are at school is because they provide more resources for your education... Not so you can mess around and drain away your braincells on their time. Do that in study Hall. [/size]
  4. [size=1] I happily stereotype Because its fun and gives me and my friends something to joke about. My defenition of prep is probably different than yours at our school we have the wanna be skateboarder kind of prep, you know The ones that wear DC crap and dont even know what the brand means.. Their also a bunch of pot heads Wear clothes way too tight so their flab hangs out. Its kinda gross and their just oozing with self confidence because they think That their jelly bellys are attractive Who the hell could be jelouse of a prep? They have one mind follow the same thing. Just my opinion. [/size]
  5. [size=1]Thanks, Ill take what you said to mind Im using regular paint.. [/size]
  6. [size=1] My banners arent, and never will be great, or even good for that matter... Im just putting it up for fun so dont be too harsh.. [/size]
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