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Everything posted by black_insanity

  1. [size=1][color=firebrick] My thoughts a mess, my head unclear, I miss those feelings, that were once roaming here. Words that were said, between you and I, the meaning now dead, my eyes left to cry. I screwed everything up, killed what I had. There's no going back, why must I feel bad? Alone I will stay, until my heart mends, forever astray, as everything ends. **please rate from 1-10, and tell me what you think** [/size][/color]
  2. [size=1]Omg. Omg. 50/10. Wow..[/size]
  3. [size=1][color=firebrick] Thank you for the review. I'll take what you said to use.[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=firebrick] First Name: Alyssa Age: Fourteen Hair Color: Blonde. Eye Color: Green. Height: 5'7 Wardrobe: I dunno.. Not ugly, but comfortable. Personality: Most of the time, I'm pretty happy. Don't debate with me though... You'll lose. I'll laugh. Hair Style: Long, and curly. Most of the time it's up in a pony-tail. Favorite Music Type: Rock, Metal, New Age Favorite musical Band/Artist: Marilyn Manson and Korn. Hobbies: Music, Writing, Drawing, Friends, Wicca [/size][/color]
  5. Awesome. My words can't seem to truly express how I actually feel about these poems... 10/10.
  6. [size=1]Heh, here's a new banner... Tell me what you think.[/size]
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