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Everything posted by catdemon
OH for most of the summer I'll be working my butt off to get some good hours in. I get 5 dollers an hour and so fur I have made 105 in 4 days::smiles geedly::
Um let's see what oh ya we're talking 'bout coffee wait COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE *starts jumping around in circles sceaming COFFEE * OOOOOOOOOO c coffee my mom got me into this one chicory. That is some good stuf. I can't put to much sugar or I have to dump it out. I had to do that once and it was a full cup. It happen at chruch I forget to tell my friend 2 scoops of sugar so she put wayyyyy to much in.So I had to *cringes*dump it all out. When I get coffee I get so darn hyper it is so not funny. I do get coffee icecream,cappuino,exc. As I said once the one I drink the most is chicory. The place I go to get my stuf is and Borders. I do not like StarBucks I know weird right. COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *starts hyperventilateing* *starts to jump around in circles again*. I need to stop talking 'bout coffee or I'll faint. :laugh: :babble: Oh ya The main reson I even LKIE COFFEEEEEEEEEEE (sorry:laugh: )Was my mom.She alwas made it now I make it to wake her up so I can go online.So I make Chicory just right that when she smell's it she wakes up;) . I love my jod because I can drink coffee. My jod is to wake up my mom:laugh: .I know funny right.
Well let's see I have alot of scars but I don't know how I got them. No wait I know how I got one of them. It was my 8th brithday and I got a N64 those were cool back then. Well when I had unwraped it and saw what it was I stared to spin around in circles. Yep that is what I did. Then i triped and fell on my gandma's wooden side table and busted open my chin. At frist I looked at my mom like it was all her fault then stated to cry. I had to go to different doctors till I was able to fine out that i needed stiches 4 of them. I now have 3 scars on my chin but the other two I do not know how I got them. My uncle has some to I'll tell them to you one of then had been from him juping on the bed (top bunk bed). He fell and landed ona coffe can. The coffe can was there because mom my and uncle had been doing a puzzle and thay forgot to put it away so he landed on it when he fell. He needed 24 stiches. Well that is just some of the different family stores that deal with scars. I may tell more of them later :p :D.:babble:
What do you think of when you here witch. I think of normal people with some cool abilites. I for one am one. but I can't tell alot of my friends though because they will think I'm evil. I was wondering if I should tell them anyway. I also want to know what you guys think of witches
Aieeeeeee! Estrogene levels...Choaking..Mee!
catdemon replied to Aries_t3h_ph34r's topic in General Discussion
Ha I got it the wrose in middle school because i'm the freak of the school. The people, called preps, are what i have to hadal a lot. It is harsh . So try to be friends with them that is my advice. -
Shay sighed she needed a shower. And now that Lorn is better she can get one. She went into the bathroom and looked for her necklace. It wasn't there! She ran down the stairs and asked Lorn if he knew were it was. Shay"LORN!!! DO YOU KNOW WERE IS MY NECKLACE!!!!!!!" CR"Whoa chill out girl" Shay"DON"T TELL ME TO CHILL OUT" Then all of a sudden she broke down hysterical cries. -----------------------------Flashback------------------------------------------ Shay(Alex back then)-What was that mom!? Mom-I do not know let me go check Alex. Shay-Mom don't. I have to, to make sure it is ok for your dad. But I think I know what it is. Who Alex. A big bad guy. The more for me to go check. But I might loes you to. No you won't honing. I know I will. You won't now just stay here until I get back. But... NOW. OK. Thx. Alex waited for about 10 min. then she heard 2 gun shots and heard 2 shouts. She sreamed,"NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO" and she ran outside.Then she yelled,"MOM MOM MOM MOM WHERE ARE YOU!?" Then she heard a faint whisper,"i th-thought i i told you to stay inside." Alex said,"you know I wouldn't." Mom,"I know." "Please hang on dad will be here soon."But she knew what the other scream came from her dad. Then ahe broke down. She was there when her mom took her last breath. When that happen something hit her she got up said a quick blessing. Then she packed alot of food some of her and her mom and dad's clothes, she then called 911 to tell them what happen but when they got there she wasn't. She had left never to look back but until now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ She then got up and mide said,"That happen & yaers ago as of 2 weeks of today."She then went to the couch and fell asleep. OOC:Everyone got that Flashback so tag everyone!!;) :D
Shay sat down on the couch when Michelle came in and saw the mess on the table. Michelle ran up the stairs and yanked open CR's door. She heard CR and Michelle yelling at each orther. she gave herself a silent smile and silently giggled. Then she heard Ryin yelling for help and Mich runing though the house this was all happening to fast for her she was still dazed from earlyer. Before she knew it thay were carrying Lorn inside the house. She just sat there with a dazed looked on her face. OCC:Sorry for not posting i had no time.
Shay just nodded her head. She went to get some baking soda and put some of it in Lorn?s shoes. When she came back she tolled CR to ?wait? she needed to get some thing. Before she left the house she had tacking off her necklace and put it in the bathroom. Then she realizes that Lorn was in the shower. And she couldn?t get her necklace. She went back downstairs and sat down across From CR and mind said, ?deal?. Ooc:Better?? :confused:
2004 Re-Elections [a.k.a. Is Bush a Good President?]
catdemon replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
I don't like Bush because he is said that some religons are'y religons and that he will change it if he can. Genkai you rule and so do you Ktangelprncss. I don't like where he's taking the money for the war. He also saying that the people who are helping the Afghanistan women are called terrorist. Mind you thier not all thier doing is helping the Afghanistan women. -
Name-Shaylee (shay for short) Age-14 Gender-female Weapons-throwing knives (8) and 2 short knives Personal-She rarely talks and she never smiles. Rank-tactition/spy Control-animal control Description-She has shoulder length dark brown hair with almost black eyes. She always wears boots with 1 of her 3 T-shirts (blue, black and purple) and straight-legged pants. She also has a necklace that has the black stone onyx on it. BIO-Her friends and family died when she was 7. She had to fight for her food and shelter. She had a secret that even she did not know. She was a loner. That was until she met Ryin. She found it out? There is that better??????? sorry about the 1st one I had to rush.;)
Name-Shaylee (Shay for short) Age-14 Gender-female Appearance- She has midback black hair with silver streaks always in a ponytail. She black eyes. She always wears black boots, a black renaissance shirt, and a black broom skirt. She also has a black stone that is on her staff. It is called onyx and is what gave her, her power. She is a witch you know. Personality ?She is somewhat shy. She can be curious, laid back, and/or protective . BIO-She grew up in the woods with her mom. Her dad died when she was little but he died happily. That is all she cared about. As she grew up she became to make friends with the elves and dwarf. She talks with the spirits. She knows that unicorn do exist for she has seen one. Her mother tells her to never go into the town. As she grew up she learned to fear the town. When she turned 12 she became curious what made her mom so scared of the town. She began to asked questions about the town. Her mom never answered so she asked the spirits they said that they do not know why. When she turned 14 she (against her moms will) went into town. That is when it all happened. Weapons-A magical staff that has the black stone onyx on it only be able to be taken off by her and a bow and arrows. (She made them herself.) Thats as good as it is going to get.;)
name-Shaylee (Shay for short) age-14 gender-female appearance-I'm Damaria tiwn tho i wear al black that is all that is different. personality-curious and lade back in what i do BIO-same as Damaria's tho I grew to have a cush on one of the elevs. weapons-magical staff & a bow & arrows made by the elevs
WOW that was great i wish i could write poems but i can't i'm only go at writeing stores tho.shigh
OOC:Sorry still new at this.This one will be better Shay walk though the town she was looking for something but she did not know what.She was also ponding about something her mom had said "protected the stone..."She went back to the house to ponder there. When she got there she went to the backyard to ponder there when she heard Ryin & Michelle talking. Ryin"I think i love you" Michelle"..." Shay"yuo guys should i leave" Ryin"yes" Shay"ok" When she went to the house she smelled something...Lorn shoes she went to get some backing soda and mind said to Lorn"next time put some backing soda in them emetly"
Eyes wide with disbelef Shay ran to her hiding spot. what was that.what just happen.She caped saing to hershelf over & and over again. OOC:I know it is short but hay at lest i did something.
name-shaylee(shay for short) age-14 gender-female weapons-thowing knives(8)2 short knives person-rarely talks never smiles ranktactition/spy control-animal control description-dark brown sholder lenth hair,wears boots,almost black eyes,wears straight legged pants,3 T.shirts(blue,black,purple)has a necklace that has the stone onyx on it BIO-her friends & family died when she was 7.she had to fight for her food and shlter.she had a secret that she didn' even know.she was a loner.that was until she met Ryin