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Maki Kiyoshi

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Everything posted by Maki Kiyoshi

  1. [font=arial][color=red][b]I'd say the hero villian type. The hero/villian who's not confused, they know what to do and some times ends doing both evil and good. They are cool 'cuz they are unpredictable[/b][/color][/font]
  2. [font=arial][color=red][b][Name: Arturo Nicknames: Fuzzy (mah family and close friends call me), Turi, Art, Artie, Shima, Hya, Maki Age: 18 Birthdate: April 25 Star/Zodiac Sign: Tarus Ethnic Origin: 1/3 mexican, 1/3 american, 1/3 Spanish. Hair Color: Dark Blonde, Brown and some times black. Eye Color: Brown Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lbs. Perfect Partner: no one. Personality: Tons of them, mostly the dark and intelligent and non-talkative, other times the stalker and the crazy canadian, funny guy, all day working guy, psycho guy and dreamer Makes Me Happy: Nothing at all, every thing that could have make me happy was taken away, but I'm not sad either. Favorite Music Type: Anything that goes with my mood. Favorite Music Bands/Artists: Andrea Bocelli, t.A.T.u., In-Grid, Anime and more. Hobbies: Programming, climbing, drinking, meowing, purring, nibbling and licking stuff, drawing, sketching, Counter-Strike, doing some illegal stuff, running, and the most of all listening to music.[/b][/color][/font]
  3. [B][COLOR=red][FONT=arial]er... the second one was just a not that common anime posse pic and the last one, well, I really like naked art. It's one of my favorite styles after death nature art or view art. I see nothing wrong with them 'cuz there is nothing wrong with them.[/FONT] [/COLOR] [/B]
  4. IMHO, Martial Arts are like Yoga, to explore your body and mind. Even though I've never try any martial arts I've been doing my own techniques since I was a puppie, so there.
  5. I'm lazy, but here is some of my art [url]http://users.dragoneye.ca/Omega-Anima/OAI-AS/OAI-FAS/Bunnie-Rabbot.jpg[/url] [url]http://users.dragoneye.ca/Omega-Anima/OAI-AS/OAI-FAS/Krystal.jpg[/url] [url]http://users.dragoneye.ca/Omega-Anima/OAI-AS/OAI-FAS/LP.jpg[/url] [url]http://users.dragoneye.ca/Omega-Anima/OAI-AS/OAI-FAS/Sketch.jpg[/url] [url]http://users.dragoneye.ca/Omega-Anima/GroupPic.jpg[/url]
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