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Everything posted by Alexander
I like them both equally. You forgot a choice.
Name: Kaworu Nagisa [AU] Age: 15 Your Weapons: No personal weapons, but can create a nigh-invincible A.T. Field, which makes him very difficult to destroy. Gundam Name: Epion Gundam Weapons: Progressive sword, Heat Rod, Short Range Rockets, Progressive Knives. Bio: [AU] Kaworu Nagisa, Aka Tabris. 17th and 'final' angel. Chose against initiating a third impact, and now fights against the angels to prevent it. Through technology created by [AU] Trieze Kushrenada, made a plane jump to this world, though he had in reality been shooting for another. Description: For Kaworu Nagisa, see attached picture. The epion is in reality a prototype Evangelion, not a Gundam, though it uses many traits of both. It's larger than the average mobile suit, and stronger, though it uses incredible amounts of power and is very difficult for anyone but Kaworu to control. The Epion is painted brown like the Epion, with black trim. It's most noticable feature is it's seven eyes; excatly like Liliths. Only the [AU] Trieze Kushrenada knows the true signifigance of this. Glossary: [AU] Alternate Universe. This symbol show that the character is not original nor one directly copied; it is a variant of a pre-existing character, from an alternate universe where things went differently. Notes: Anyone mind me throwing in Evangelion? I've toned down it's power so it'll be level with the other Gundams. It has some big drawbacks as well, which I'll show later on.
It's 4pm central right now here. I have to work tonight, though. BOO!:bawl:
Sigh... I remember a time when I wouldn't even consider entering a pointless topic like this. I must be getting desperate. Wait. I AM desperate.:o Well here's me again.
I have a few: Ryouga Hibiki: "WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOW!" JWD Ranma: "Duct Tape is like the force. There's a light side, a dark side, and it holds everything together." (Note: JWD stands for Just Won't Die!, and is from a fanfiction.) There are others, but I can't remember them now.
Well, that makes sence... a rather scary thought. Though even if we were to 'use' it, remember that it would take a long time for the person to even reach adulthood, and that his or her intelligence would not be affected at all, only the amount of experiences the person could have. We humans have limits, and there is no way a person who's lived for hundreds of years would recall clearly things from way back unless it's a reflex. On a side note, I am against any form of genetic manipulation until the human race 'grows up'. Which won't happen.
If this is early on, just keep searching. It's in the first internet area. And....when you reach the power plant.... make sure you get a walkthrough.... cuz you're doomed without it! It's incredibly hard. Same with the Ice puzzles....
Well, I know very little about him, but from what I know he's one of my favorites, and as such has a starring role in one of my fanfictions, alongside Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion. He's undoubtedly going to be different.... after all, he's much older in the story, and wiser as well. How exactly the two universes mix and they meet, I have yet to determine! -_-;
This is a new story, with characters from other animes likely to make guest appearances, but not control the story. It's center is around the Fire Child, Hijido, and the incredibly gifted Drow(Dark Elf)/Demon mage, Ragnarok. In lieu of a better name, I'll call it the Hijido Chronicles for now. --- "FLARE...." Hijido pulled back her hand, letting the spell's energy coalese into her hand. "...ARROW!" The beam of semi-solid fire srung forth from her hand, only to be hurtled into the heart of the target, a contruct of a rare fire resistant wood. "Excellent, Hijido, excellent! Your training is coming along smoothly." Master Kori smiled, bringing a smile to her own face. "You're progressing far faster than any other magic user I've seen. That is..." he added with an after thought, "...that I've trained." "My thanks, Master Kori." Hijido sat down wearily. It had been a long ten years under his careful guidance; ten years of training in harnessing, focusing, and implementing her innate talent at magic. Ten long years... and Hijido knew that they were soon to change. "Master Kori.... with all due respect.... I must again ask why I am not being taught higher levels of magic. You KNOW I have mastered the lower levels to the point of perfection... so why am I not advancing the way I feel I should?" Kori sighed. This discussion again. "And I must again answer in the same way. There are some things which cannot be explained without greatly endangering something or someone, and though it pains me greatly, I cannot, and must not, teach you any more than what you know. For one..." Hijido jumped off the bench, and began angrily pacing about the room, her cape; which she always insisted on wearing; billowing about her. "... you are a Ice magic user, and therefore find it very difficult to teach anyone Fire based spells. Going any farther could meant mistakes, costly ones. I've heard that a hundred times, Kori! I've studied the theories, practiced the basics, and gotten the lowest levels down to a reflex. So what make you think I can't take a little more! You said so yourself I had incredible control over my spells! HYA!" She threw another flare arrow at the target, this time incinerating it completely. Kori noticed that nothing near the target had been burnt at all. "While it is true that you probably could handle the spells better than most, I still want to wait until I can get a friend to teach you. She is an expert in fire magic and should help you in ways I never could, IF.." He leveled a finger at Hijido and smiled. "IF you two can control your tempers, that is." Hijido crossed her arms and harumphed. "It won't be very long, will it?" Kori smiled, a twinkle in his eye. "Sooner than you may think." "Ugh. More mysteries, more not knowing." Hijido proceded to blast each and every target in the room to bits. When she was done, she turned and left the room. Kori frowned, looking at the black spots on the floor and the charred wood. It was going to cost him plenty to have those replaced, he thought. Maybe he would need to get the enchanted versions after all. *** "Hijido? Hijido? Wake up, will you!" Hijido grumbled and dragged herself out of bed. "I'm coming!" A few minutes later she walked downthe stairs, dressed in her accustomary clothes and cape. She was rather suprised to see a young lady with fiery red hair sitting down at the table, chowing down on food. Hijido gaped at the stack of dishes near her. "Good lord, do you eat!" The lady turned around, annoyed at being interrupted in her munching. "So? I like food. What's wrong with that?" "Nothing, but you eat more than anyone I've ever seen, not that I've seen many." Hijido looked at her quizically. "Who are you anyway?" "Oh, right. I'm Lina Inverse, the world's most powerful sorceress." Lina gave a grin and started munching again. "Lina, that may hold true in your world, but not here." Kori's voice came from the kitchen. "Our world's a lot bigger and a lot more complicated than yours. There are a lot of people who would get very angry if you were to say that, and they'd either kill you outright, or find a way to kill you from afar. Or torture you. I recall a certain spell that caused a person intense pain whenever they eat...." He smiled when he noticed Lina turn a interesting shade of purple. Hijido chuckled. "So, Lina here's my new teacher?" "Yes, she is though I guess I miss guessed her when I first met her. It appears she isn't really a fire expert at all, but a..." "Black magic user. Fire just happens to be in that sphere of influence. Oh, I also dabble in White, Shamanistic, and I'm the only person I know who knows Dark magic. The latter came in quite handy a few times." "Can you teach me this Dark magic?" Lina shook her head empathically. "Not happening, those spells are way too strong. I'm either going to leave them deep in some deep dungeon where they'll be near impossible to find, or I'll take the secret of them to my grave. Just the casting of the spells could mean disaster." "Probably just..." Lina leapt up from the table, an angry expression on her face. "Listen here, I came here to teach you how to use fire and a few other spells, not to give away spells which can destroy the world! Either drop the subject, or forget about me teaching you anything." Kori laughed. "Oh, yes, you two'll get along just fine. Hijido knows the way to the training room, when you're ready." He walked out, laughing merrily. *** "All right. Let's begin." Lina hovered up into the air, her cape billowing in the enchanted chamber's wind. The entire room was hidden underground, a massive chamber that Kori had "stumbled upon" during the construction of his house. The mile wide domed chamber was completely covered in a number of powerful dweomers, allowing Kori to change the appearance at will. Even as she thought, the dark thunderclouds overhead changed to a bright clear sky. "Kori has spoken highly of you, and from what I have learned, I will need to teach you differently. First, we will cover the fireball." With a wave of her hand, a number of redish crystal spheres appeared floating around Hijido. She looked at them warily. "Are you ready?" "I'm ready for anything, Lina Free-verse." Hijido smirked. Lina frowned, annoyed at being mocked. "Don't be to confident. Now, defend yourself!" Hijido's reflexes kicked into high gear, dodging the numerous attacks from the crystal drones. "What is this?!" "This is your first test. You must destroy all twelve of the crystals with a fireball spell." Hijido threw a flare arrow at one of the spheres, who dodged it easily. "What kind of mad-woman are you?! I don't know the spell yet!" She took off into the air, desperate to escape the crystal's powerful strikes. "That's part of the excercize. You need to create the spell on your own. Now, get to it!" "You're insane!" Hijido angrily threw fire at the crystals. The crystals, undaunted, kept coming. "How do I MAKE a spell?!" Lina smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "That's for you to learn." Hijido continued to flit around, watching the crystals swarm around her like a bunch of flies. 'I'm not going to be showed up by her! If she wants we to make the spell, then so be it!' Hijido concentrated on pulling a high concentration of fire into one spot and sealing it with some magic. It took longer than she had hoped, for she still needed to dodge the relentless crystals. Lina watched as Hijido finnally began to work on the spell. A small smile, this time free of any smugness. The spell finally complete, Hijido flew straight up into the air, turning in midair to throw the fireball into the center of the stunned crystals. KAVOOOM! "Haha! I did it!" Hijido twirled in midair, her face covered with the expression of victory. "How about that?" "Very good, Hijido. Much better than I was expecting, and on the first try, as well. I recall losing my first fireball in midcasting." "Now what?" Lina smirked. Another dozen crystals, these ones blue, floated from behind Lina. "The next batch. And they only get tougher from here." "AARRGG!!" *** Hijido collapsed on her bed, completely exausted. For hours they had been practicing the fireball spell, and Hijido had gotten much better at it. Even so, she felt horrible. Blisters and burns lined her body, and her cape was practically ruined. 'I can't believe she actually attacked me during the last test. At least I survived that fireball. Heh. Just you wait, Lina Free-verse. I'll get you for that.' Her eyes closed, and she drifted off into a deep sleep. Lina nodded in understanding as she closed the door to Hijido's room. Kori stood there, waiting. "Maybe I was a little too hard on her. She took a lot of stress today." "Hm... Yes, she did well. I just hope that we don't push her too far. Remember what I told you about that." "Right. Well, I had better get some sleep. Goodnight, old friend." "You too." *** End Chapter 1 Notes: This is a original story, in a fantasy world where magic is not common, but not denyed either. Think Dungeons and Dragons. Slayers fans will notice that Lina is not acting like the traditional Lina. This story is written under the pretense that Lina, at some point, was thrown into this universe and, with Kori's help, got back home. And now, he called Lina here to train Hijido, knowig she would be the best person for the job. In a sence, she's grown up. Her martial status is deliberately left undefined. (Nya-nya! You'll all have to wait!) Lina's age is around twenty five. The only character that I currently have plans to put in is Saffron from Ranma 1/2. Obscure character, but with a little tweaking, he's all I need. Any ideas, wants?
I know this! I know it and I'll prove it! This is Ksopphghiel, the 21st angel, from the NG Evangelion Fanfiction, Relevation. It's an incredible story, a must read for Eva fans... and also the chief source of ideas for that Gundam Wing/Evangelion crossover of mine. -_-; [url]http://www.resurrection.cyril.com/[/url] Read. Enjoy.
Shinrai nursed the latest in the series of injuries, staggering to his bunk. [i]Why am I doing this? All I ever do is get hurt.[/i] The young saiyan teen curled back his lip, determined not to let his anger get the best of him again. He had been foolish. Again Gretz's comments had struck him to the core, and he had gotten mad. Which promptly led to him getting his *** kicked. So predictable of me. He could just see the smirk on his 'rival' ([i]More like personal abuser[/i]...Shinrai thought) Gretz's face as he cut him down, then began berating him. Several intermediates; trainers; sighed and shook their heads. Shinrai payed no attention to thier comtemptous stares. No doubt they were laughing at him again. They always did. [i]But it doesn't matter.[/i] Shinrai slipped into the comforting darkness of his room. The darkness always had been so much nicer than the light. Light meant day, work, and fighting. Dark meant peace, sleep, thinking. The room suddenly burst into light. Shinrai held up his hand as his eyes readjusted...and found themselves staring right into the two piercing eyes of his roommate. "Shinrai! You lost again!? You call yourself a saiyan warrior, and you have yet to win once! ONCE!" Komm scowled angrily, his eyes boring into Shinrai's. "Why can't you win for once! Do you know how damn demeaning it is, having to share a room with the most worthless Saiyan in the camp?!" "I recall *you* wanting to be my roommate, Komm. Something about making me into this warrior you speak of, and then gloating about how you transformed the renegade into the champion. And last I can recall..." Shinrai sat down at the nearby table and grabbed a glass of water. "..you failed." "If you'd just quit being so stubborn you'd be beating each and every one of these guys! I've seen your potential! I know you can do it but you don't! What saiyan doen't use his potential!" Komm noisily sat down and likewise took a glass. Shinrai said nothing. He drained his glass, set it down. "I got angry. I fought. I lost. I did what you guys wanted, it didn't work." "That's because you're stubborn!" "Correct. But I wouldn't be stubborn if I didn't keep getting these feelings. There's something wrong about this. I can't tell what it is yet.." "Not this again..." Komm let out a exasperated growl. "There is nothing wrong with this! Our people is strong now, stronger than it has ever been!" "If that's what you think, go right ahead and believe it. I'm going to sleep. After all," Shinrai gave a smirk. "One does need his rest if he is going to win tomorrow, correct?" Shinrai laughed as Komm struggled to geep a straight face. Again he glared, but Shinrai payed it no mind too. It didn't matter. There was something wrong about the fighting, he couldn't tell what...[I]But these little mental fights are great fun. Oh, such great fun.[/I]
Well, seeing all of the topics with attached pictures, I'll do the mods a favor and put in a topic where everyone can put their's. That way, there are fewer topics crowding out the good ones. Ahem. So. Attach your picture if you want, comments, etc, keep the insults and compliments light, and try not to make this place out of control, ne? --- Well. I guess you all get to see who the infamous Alexander looks like. Lucky you. Note that this picture is a bit old... a year old to be precise, and my acne's gotten a bit worse since. Sigh.
Whoa! I remember this from way back! Darn it, I can't even remember who I was, aside from being a namek... something about the true dragon balls... arg it was so long ago. Anyway... Go guys go! .... Hey.... No.... This isn't the original topic... The data's gone....erased with the crash... Sigh. I can't even join in now, it's gone on too long. I appologize for the out of game post. I shall trouble you no longer.
I am not on the chart. I would be; average, unnoticable except through actions and gestures. Maybe I look good. I don't know. I'm not the one to ask. It's not fair that way. After all this is the internet. Who knows what a person's really like...though I recall a method of determining the truthfullness of a person online, based on previous knowledge.
Geh. I love the show, but after seeing the original, unedited, AND subtitled versions, I find it hard to watch. I mean compared to the Japanese ones, the voice acting is horrible. I mean, it's decent, I loved the show even with that. AHH! I'm rambling again! Yue looks pretty impressive yes. Favorite card, don't have one yet.
Oh, a few more things; I am perfectly willing to change anything if it suits the game. 'There's only four evas?' Ahem. No. 00 through 02 - At Nerv 03 - Secret..shh... cannot use. 04 - Supposedly gone kaboom. Maybe it survived, and has found a pilot... 05-13 They exist, owned by Seele. But we can change that. Which means....lots of evas for everybody! :D :D I appologize if I seem pushy, OD. I'm just, a little sraight forward when I really get into things. If I get in your way just holler and Eva Unit Epion, AU(Alternate Universe) Kaworu Nagisa, and I'll be outta here.
This sounds great. BUT the Eva of mine if from a fanfiction I'm writing, and it won't work well if I must buy the stuff. It's a strange Gundam Wing/Evangelion mix with cross dimensional tendencies. Let's begin des... oh what the hell. I'll just show EVERYTHING I've got for it. --- The Next Generation Evangelion Prototype - Unit 17-Epion Pilots: Kaworu Nagisa The Epion - note the misspelling of the original Epyon- is the personal Evangelion for Kaworu Nagisa after the 'death' of the Seventeenth Angel (Sub Universe: Neon Genesis Evangelion) The Epion's designer was none other than the brilliant Trieze Kushrenada, who had been found in orbit, his escape pod nearly wrecked. Trieze founded the Rebirth foundation and began secretly planning a way to go back to his universe. After learning of the angel threat, he vowed to destroy all angels who would dare threaten his homeland,and transformed the Rebirth foundation into the Astar Foundation, dedicated to the destruction to the angel threat. They remained hidden through the entire Angel war, rapidly gaining in power. By the time of the 17th angel's apparent death, it's command ship, the Relevation, was complete and they were ready to go. Trieze's fondest job was designer of a Next Generation Evangelion, designed after the Gundam Epyon. It incorporated many of the Epyon's traits - including the use of Gundanium alloy - into a prototype Evangelion designed to far surpass both Gundams and Evangelions alone. They succeeded.... creating the most powerful Gundam and Evangelion ever made.... Abilities and Design Like the angel-based Evangelions, it had an AT field, immense strength and good reflexes, and a very complicated but potentially beneficial operating system. The A.T. Field The Absolute Terror field, named after the terror it causes, is a immensely powerful defensive field which protects all angels and Evangelions.
This is the story of a most unusual Saiyan, the strangest of them all. For unlike the entirety of the race, he was a pasifist. He refused to fight. This is the story of how a saiyan could break the mold... and survive. This is the story of Shinrai. If you're an action freak that doen't care anything about the individual personalities or plots, then keep your mouth shut here. I'm not going to take any flames. Constructive critisism, yes, but any of this 'What knd of idiot r u? This ain't DBZ, this is that psychology stuff!' and away you go. The first post does not begin the story, buts it sets it up. If anyone cares ([SIZE=3]I BET YOU WON'T! IT NEVER HAPPENS![/SIZE]) I'll continue posting.(Or I'll just leave the boards again in search of a place that actually pays attention to my fics! HAHAHAHAHAHA) [B][I]Power[/I][/B] [I]In the Saiyan world, nothing is more valuable, more coveted, and more tangable than power. It is the lifeblood of my people, the one thing all will seek. The thirst for it overrides normal common sence. Once we were a peaceful race, until we learned of our power, our talent. The powers of the Oozaru let us overwhelm our only competitors, the Tuffles. In less that three generations, or so I've read, the entirety of the saiyan race changed from a peaceful race that had little regrets to a warrior dominated monarchy. The true race for power began after the discovery of Ki, sending the entire race into a frenzy, attempting to hone thier skills enough to tap into this vast new power. Nowhere on the planet was the martial skills not taught. Everything unltimately resided on who became the strongest first. All searched out power, many found it, just as many lost it to others who sought thier power. And what came of it? The Shapechanger Frieza noticed us and whiped us out, after giving us the chance to prove our power on other planets. All the while conveniently shrinking down the list of civilizations Frieza himself would have to do. Will I ever tap into this power, the throbbing pulse of my people which led to nothing but death and despair? Never.[/I]
Gundam Wing is just a worthy of an anime as Dragon Ball Z. If you want a DBZ game, think of ways to get one; at the very least email the company that make these games and politely request it. You also could look for PS1 games, as Altrom suggested. Use your head, and you're figure things out.
Cloudstrife: Hey! Leave the guy alone. It was a valid thought. He said himself if you don't like science, 'leave this thread'. You have no reason to be here.
I will be going for my Seventh Dan in Aikido in around January. (Aikido Dans go from Seventh (lowest) to First (highest))
If you had 3 wishes what would they be and why?
Alexander replied to luvbug's topic in General Discussion
Respectable Wishes: "I wish that from now and forever after, all living creatures originating from the planet earth will be completely immune to any disease that it encounters." Pluses: Duh. Minuses: Medical industry collapses. "I wish that from now and forever after, all material that is considered pullution by humans vanish without a trace." Pluses: Duh. Minuses: Enviromental Control industry weakens. Some supplies(spilled gas) may vanish. Selfish Wishes: "I wish that I, and any whom I later chose, can cast Wish with no EXP cost!" Pluses: Infinite wishes. The meaning is clear. Minuses: Duh. Power Currupts, and Absulute Power corrupts absolutely. "I wish that I had unlimited access to the spell Teleport Without Error" Plusses: Car Muyo: No need for a car. Or anything, for that matter. I can go anywhere I wish as I please! No, wait, for THAT I need.... "I wish that I had unlimited Acces to the spell Gate" Plusses: I can go to any universe I want! Slayers, TM, Ranma, Just Won't Die, you name it, there I can go! Minuses: Unfreindly Inhabitants and no Travel Guides. -
Here's a little patriotic image for your wallpapers. It's not as serious as many others, but hey, it's XELLOS! What do you expect from the Trickster Priest?