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Everything posted by Alexander
How do you not have 'Tribute to the Doomed' or 'Nobleman of Crossout' on that list? I mean, come on. Both are common, powerful removal cards. As a bonus, Tribute to the doomed is good in combo with revival cards, and Crossout shreds nasty flip effects. Torential Tribute is definitely the strongest Monster Removal right now, regardless. I can't wait for the 'Destruction Ring' AKA 'Bell of Destruction' to arrive here, though. That card is wicked powerful if used right.
Spear Cretin: Can I use it's effect, after it is destroyed from an attack after being face-down, to special summon a Spear Cretin that already was in the graveyard back in face-down Defence mode? This is one of my favorite tricks, but I want to make sure this works.
No, it's definitely a Secret Rare. I think they weren't sure what to do with Secret Rares back then, and released a bunch of Gaias with Gold Lettering. The most recent printings of Gaia have the correct Holo-Text. My friend has 3...lucky rich kid. Though having 3 Right Legs of Exodia's kinda sad...when he's still missing two of the parts.
I do that myself, if some ways. I used to mimic pegasus quite a bit, because that's who my playing style reminded all of my friends of. I'd copy his mocking "Oh NOOOooo...." from the Kaiba duel, made all sorts of strange manuvers that confused the heck out of my opponents. Man-Eater Bug-ing my own Blue Eyes, for example, when it obviously gave me the upper hand. Or sacrificing Relinquished as Tribute for Relinquished. X D EDIT: And I AM a very serious player of the game. I don't have the experience people like Altron have, nor the flabergasting collections, but I'm still very serious at the game. I do the fun stuff just for that-fun. Or to distract an opponent. Sometimes, I just have to sing "Which!..One!...will you attack?" while pointing at different monster cards to bluff an opponent into not attacking! It's so funny! Canceling an game-winning attack because I LOOK so confident I can TOY with them! HAHA!
I know only one teenage girl I can actually call a friend...though she is so unbelievably annoying sometimes! ... Anna! If you're reading this: They *ARE* moles!
The way I see it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Gays, Lesbians, or Bisexuals. Be it 'in the genes' or not, higher-order emotions, like love, go past that. It's the PERSON a person falls in love with, not that person's body, regardless of if that was how it started anyway. If that person shares the same gender, than so be it. Here's a little test for your emotions: If your best friend suddenly admited he/she was gay/lesbian, would you reject her as a friend for that? For thier *feelings*? If that answer is yes, I suggest you take a long, hard look at your morals. That's how I've come to reach my view. I'm a straight, teenage boy, see. Gays/Lesbians, even as I defend them here, are kinda creepy to me. I will never hold them in disrespect for that, however. If I do hate a Gay/Lesbian/Bi, it will because of other things, things I would hate ANBODY for. If *my* best friend admitted he was gay, I would back him 100%. Though...if said friend said he loved ME, THERE's the galactic conundrum. I doubt I could comprehend the gravity of THAT situation...
Yeah, but that card won't be out for....3 sets or so BEYOND Labyrinth of Nightmare. That card just cries out "Kill Me!" because you opponent has a whole free turn to either kill it or destroy your magic counters, which will result in your monster going *poof*. It's like Soul Exchange...gets something strong out fast but adds an achilles heel...
To my knowledge, it is only in Japanese right now. It's fairly easy to get Black Magician Girls, actually. They're packed in with both Premium Pack 4s and Yugi Structure Decks. Search a site like cardhaus.com, Ebay, or just look around a big mall. I've found Premium Pack 4s in a number of different places. Actually, Thousand Knives, Black Magic Curtain, Arkana/Pandora's Black Magician, and the BMG all are in Premium Pack 4....
...I have a Flame Swordsman that had some printing problems, plus the Gaia the Dragon Champion that has Gold Lettering despite it's rarity...I don't think the latter's a misprint, though.
Skull Servant, I think most of you know, is one of the most pathetic monster in the game. For those that don't know, it's a LOB Common, 300 A/200 D, 1 Star Dark Zombie with no effect and a very, very poor fusion. It's one of the worst cards ever...which is *exactly* why the combo works! ^_^; "Skull Servant" + "Exchange" Get your hand down to just Exchange and Skull Servant, then play Exchange. In case you don't know, both players then chose one card from the other player's hand and adds it to thier hand. Now what some call the WORST MONSTER EVER is stuck in your OPPONENT'S hand and you have one of thier precious cards. Why the combo's so great: It's so FUN to pull off! Try it, if you can, and see your opponent's reaction. When I did it, my opponent's eyes just got HUGE when he realized what I had just done. NO ONE's gonna expect to get Skull Servant from that. Why it's not so great: Skull Servant has NO other use except for maybe paying tribute costs, so until you pull it off it's just a dead weight. (Use with Relinquished to tribute, Maybe?) Other good Cards to use it with: Ritual Monsters, (Just hope they don't have Graverobber) Exodia peices, (TWO Exodia Right Legs in you hand?!?) Gate Guardian, (Good luck getting this one out! HAHA!) Toons, (If they try to use it, watch their LP burn!) and ANYTHING else that's hard-to-impossible to use! This is not a Tournament combo, it's just for fun. Though I think it would be HILARIOUS if this combo somehow won the campionship! HAHA! Victory by Skull Servant!
Heck, in the manga, there ISN'T any difference in Yugi and Yami's height, and they still notice!
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Alexander replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Actually, I'm kinda annoyed that Relinquished is a major card in these. I worked HARD to get three MRL Relinquisheds, Mystic Space Typhoons, and Magic Jammers. Now they're gonna be everywhere! Annoying kids will be treating them just like Starter Dark Magicians! Augh! But I guess, it is a good thing. Polymerization being out there is nice. At least Jinzo isn't in the decks... My blood would BOIL if every little kid that doesn't know squat about the game had a card of that power and rarity. BOIL! -
My wierdest? 1) Using a Relinquished(On-field, with an absorbed monster equiped) as tribute to summon...a Relinquished! >D 2) Flipping over a Man-Eater bug...to kill my own Blue-Eyes! (While the opponent had powerful monsters to target!) 3) Playing a Cyber Jar in attack mode! (And kicking butt with it!) 4) Attacking a Blue Eyes with a hopelessly weaker Magician of Faith! As in, still 300 Attack Vs 3000 Attack. 5) Not playing a monster in my opening turn (Intentionally). 6) Nobleman of Crossout-ing my own monster! 7) Using Call of The Haunted to revive Jinzo! It's effect cancelled the ressurection, then COTH worked again, Jinzo was revived agian, killed again, revived again, killed again, revived again, killed again... XD And note, with the exception of #7, I had good reasons to make each of the moves! Each one was a part of a strategy...hell, even #2 was, in it's own weird way. #1, I needed to destroy another monster, so by sacrificing Relinquished for another, I could absorb again, AND Monster reborn the old one for twice the absorption! #2, well, if you opponent did that, wouldn't YOU be a little confused? A confused and potentially overconfident opponent is a weak opponent, Sez I... #3 Like #2, This was really a wierd trick to make the opponent confused as hell. Yes, Cyber-Jar's useless in attack mode, but once I used Magical Hats on it, my opponent and his monsters sung quite a different tune! XD #4 Once my Magician was dead, I could use Shallow Grave to bring it back for re-use, pulling the Raigeki needed to win the match. #5 Another 'Confused as hell' move. Heh-heh. It's funny how many different responces you can get to something like this...especially if they think you HAVE no monsters. I guess throwing out your best attackers wasn't such a good idea, Sez the Fissure... #6 I sideboarded in a flip monster I knew my opponent used alot, so I could annihilate all of those copies whenever I wanted, just by targeting mine. #7 I just wanted to get into a paradox! XD
Actually, I believe they were in Duel Monsters 4.
Hi again. I've re-evaluated my Relinquished deck. It's built for local rules (Mystic Typhoons + Dust Tornado negate), and is modified to take full advantage of the opposing deck's own strength...or lack of it. Monsters (16): 1. Barrel Dragon 2. Relinquished 3. Relinquished 4. Relinquished 5. Sonic Bird 6. Sonic Bird 7. Sangan 8. Sangan 9. Witch of The Black Forest 10. Magician of Faith 11. Magician of Faith 12. Mask of Darkness 13. Mask of Darkness 14. Morphing Jar #2 15. Cyber Jar 16. Kuribo Magic (12): 17. Black Illusion Ritual 18. Black Illusion Ritual 19. Black Illusion Ritual 20. Mystical Space Typhoon 21. Mystical Space Typhoon 22. Mystical Space Typhoon 23. Card Destruction 24. Monster Reborn 25. Change of Heart 26. Raigeki 27. Swords of Revealing Light 28. Pot of Greed Traps (12): 29. Gravity Bind 30. Gravity Bind 31. Gravity Bind 32. Magical Hats 33. Mirror Force 34. Call Of The Haunted 35. Ceacefire 36. Solemn Judgement 37. Dust Tornado 38. Imperial Order 39. Magic Jammer 40. Magic Jammer Note the deck's minimum size, lack of monsters, and HUGE trap count. With this deck, it's counter, counter, counter. It doesn't have a lot of offensive magic, mostly cards to negate my opponent's own or get Relinquished out. All others are misc. powerhouse cards. Relinquished is the star of the deck. Get him out with a Gravity Bind, absorb something up, and then start slapping the heck out of him. Morphing Jar #2 is the deck's most potentially devasating weapon. I've caused my opponent's to discard over half thier total deck from but one M Jar flip. With a combination of Call of the Haunted and Magical Hats, I can use it again, too. Ceasefire helps reveal face-down cards for Relinquished to absorb, plus it can do hefty damage if the situation is right. The deck has few monsters, and most are very very weak. I admit I need more monsters...that's the whole reason I only got 2nd place at the local tounament...I just didn't get enough defences! (Though I didn't get the second and third Gravity Binds until AFTER the tournament...) I may actually shave a M/T counter (*shock*) because the deck has that aspect practially mastered. I'm gonna put a Dream Clown in because his effect would absolutely be devastating in sync with Gravity Bind. Probably a Wall of Illusion, too. *yawn* Must rest before this obsession becomes the death of me.
Anime Pharaoh's Servant - Updated Restricted List!
Alexander replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Oh, well. I don't often use two Witches anyway and there are enough people nearby that want the Swords of Revealing Light that I'll be able to get something really nice for it. Like another Magic Jammer, maybe even a Barrel Dragon/Buster Blader. I'm not kidding, that's how crazy these people want one. -
Anime Pharaoh's Servant - Updated Restricted List!
Alexander replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Upper Deck has REALLY gotten me mad, now. I have no qualms about the Pharoah's Servant Restricts, but what they've done with the Witch of The Black Forest, Card Destruction, and Swords of Revealing Light is insane! I KNOW I'm biased on this, owning two of each and USING two of each, but COME ON! Edit: Sorry about the rant, but I paid a lot of good money on the Swords and I can't believe one is now useless. They have been lifesavers for so long...ugh. I was on the verge of making a Deck-Out deck, too! The whole scenario is making me sick... See, I understand the Pharoah's Servant restricts. I could tell Jinzo, Premature Burial, Call of The Haunted, and whatdot would be restricted to one from miles away. It's just that the new restrictions of old cards I not only did NOT see coming, but I DON'T think they're necessary. -
Anime Raise Your Life Points or Lower Your Opponents?
Alexander replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
Definitely Lower. Why? I've made miss-snatches with Snatch Steal before, several times bumping my opponent's LP to 15000 before I could end the effect of Snatch Steal. At the same time, I was at a mere 1200 LP. What happened? I turned the whole thing around and destroyed him via beatdown. If my opponent could gain 7000 LP and still be hammered into the ground...*ahem* -
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
Alexander replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
Eh...actually, I had totally forgotten about Shadi when I said that. -
Anime If you could have/make any Millenium Item, what would it be?
Alexander replied to MaceDavis's topic in Otaku Central
...This is wierd...Actually, I kinda like the Millenium Eye's ability...knowledge truly is power in and of itself, so even if it's magically weaker than the others, it's still plenty powerful. I mean, it NEARLY had Yami Yugi to his knees, so to speak. That's not bad. -
Try for some Giant Trunades, so you can just re-play all of your Magics/Traps while he has none to protect himself with. It's kinda a 1-turn Heavy Storm, but won't kill anything. They're MRL Super Rares. Of course, you can't go wrong with getting a few more Counter Traps and a Mirror Force...(keep looking, you may get lucky...) ("What? You want to trade your Graverobber for my *Starter* Dark Magician?" *yoink*) ("What? Two DBZ cards for a Gate Guardian?!" *yoink*)
I'm waiting for Christmas, so my parents will let me buy stuff again. =( They never understand that I need them NOW... =)
I asked HYPERSHADOW where he learned of this.
Or a 'Chance' deck, with Time Wizard, Barrel Dragon, Gamble, Graceful Dice, Skull Dice, and, later, the cards Constricting Passage, Second Chance(re-flip bad coin flips!), Dark Sage, and Indescriminate Destruction (Roll 1 die per turn, destroy all monsters on the field with that many stars. If you roll a 6, all monsters with 6+ stars go boom! Perm. Trap)
Time Machine, Harpy's Feather Duster, Dark Eyes Illusionist, and Meteor red Dragon aren't out in english yet. Don't know about Vasago.