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Everything posted by Alexander
You have a Yugi Starter Deck....that's plain to see. the best I can say is get some new cards quick. Starters may seem powerful at first, but against a custom deck, they'll fall quick. When you get some new cards, try to focus your deck. Give your deck a strategy. will you use a lot of Equipment cards to power-up your monsters? if so, try to have most of your monsters of similar typesso that they all can potentially benefit from them. Fields, too are handy if you have lots of similar monsters.
Anime Question about some of the cards and their uses
Alexander replied to ssj3gotenks2003's topic in Otaku Central
1) In-battle, nothing. They are, however, used in regards to certain card effects: Equipment Magic like Dark Energy, Trap Cards like Dragon Capture Jar, and Monster Effects like Buster Blader. 2)The Stars measure a monster's relative ATTACK and DEFENCE values. Monster abilities are not factored in. 2a) Certain monsters require that you sacrifice other monsters to play them. 5-6 stars: Sacrifice 1 monster of the field to play. 7+ stars: Sacrafice 2 monsters on the field to play. Fusion, Ritual, other Special Summons: These type of summons are different. Fusion: The two monsters fused are the only Tribute required. They may be sarificed from wither the field or hand. Ritual: You may Tribute monsters from your field or hand. So long as the total star value Tributed equals or beats the star value of the monster you are summoning. Magnet Valkrion/Gate Guardian: These Effect monsters require you to Tribute 3 specific monsters to play. You don't need to Tribute any monsters beyond the three specified. Special Summons: These do not require tibute. 3) Flip summon is the act of flipping a card that is already face down, face up. If you choose to do it yourself, it must go straight to attack mode. If flipped in battle, is keeps the mode. Note that just placing a monster face-down is NOT a flip summon, and that you can't Set and Flip a monster on the same turn. 4) Zombies can be destroyed normally. Defence zero is just what is says: a defence of zero. Why are they like that? To give them a big weak spot. Shield and Sword. 5) One monster on the field. A card in his hand doesn't really exist yet. 6) Yes. ALL dragons go to attack mode. 7) Lord of D. affects ALL dragons, including your opponent's. 8) Yes, they stay in your hand as if you drew them via your normal draw. However, at the end of your turn, if you have more than 6 card in your hand, you must discard down to 6 - and ONLY down to 6. 9) Illusionist Faceless mage has no effect. It didn't efen have one on the show...the effect you saw was the Eye of Illusion, not the Faceless Mage. 10) Princess of Tsurugi: Oh, yeah, they count! =) 11)Yes. Just say you are equiping it to . That card is MEANT for putting it on an opponent. 12) Little Chimera affects everybody. ALL fire monsters go up by 500 points, all water monsters down 400. 13) Nope. You lose nothing but the monsters. Feel free to ask me any more questions.... that's one of the main reason's I'm here. -
If you're using cheats to win, I can't help you. I'm BARELY holding on with what I have gotten normally. WHEN do Free Duelers start dropping power cards like BEWD?!
That's harder than it sounds. Tell me...what's Yugi's theme? Eh? "Endless Dramaticism?"
Huh...In my area, Yugi and Kaiba decks were common as hell...while boosters (ESPECIALLY LOBD) were big-time rare. I've heard about these tins, though...I myself traded for the same Lord of D. you have. (Because it's shiny. =) BPT-004 simply is short for *B*ooster *P*ack *T*in - Card #4. It's not a Japanese set. They simply made special versions of certain cards to be released with the packs. I'm sure the Dark Magician, Blue Eyes, Summoned Skull, and I *think* two others are also availiable from the tins. (I have Lord of D and Summoned Skull. I traded, did not buy tin. Cannot FIND tins.) I think, though, Lord Of D was released as a *Secret* Rare in the EX-R booster set in Japan. Same with the Flute. Think about that. The cards not in the LOB set are: Lord of D. (Kaiba Starter) Flute Of Summoning Dragon (Kaiba Starter) Card Destruction (Yugi Starter) Soul Exchange (Yugi Starter) A few others like Change Of Heart are in the decks, but not in LOB. They're in future expansions, and harder to get. (Change of Heart is Ultra Rare.)
I second that. I have more Dark Magicians and Blue Eyes than I can use, but only 1 Relinquished. Trust me, keep teh Relinquished.
Anime how did bakura beat pegasus in magic war!!!?
Alexander replied to Ya)\/(I-YuGI's topic in Otaku Central
Speaking of which, I haven't heard of Bakura ever USING the Eye. Why doesn't he? Is it because he isn't the destined one for the item, even though he stole it? -
Hey...I bet that there are three spaces for cards on that altar, too...because if so, perhaps that fufills the prophecy that only when the three God Cards and the seven Millenium Items are assembled are Yugi's memories finally revealed... Oh yeah. Shadi doesn't use the scale at all. That priviledge is reserved for a currently unrevealed character. *cough*isis*cough*
Ah...you mean *Silver Fang*. It's in Yugi's Starter Deck and the LOB series.
Defensive Counter-Strike: Basically stall with defence cards and use counter cards until you can use Shield & Sword to ravage your opponent. This deck is hard because it often relies on narrow opportunity windows to hit the opponent with one or two absolutely devastating attacks. Why: It's a uncommon deck type and requires a bit of skill and judgement to use. (EX: When is the right time to unleash your army of 2000 Defence monsters on you opponent?) Any Elemental Deck: A deck based on Fire, Aqua, Wind, or Earth. Not, Light, Dark, those are amazingly simple currently. As I see them, though, These deck types aren't tournament level in English. (Why are all the decent Water 6-Stars Fusions?!) Why: I'm making a Aqua deck. Plain and simple. Hence why this idea's silly.
While I don't exactly know much, I know of a few key differences... Legend of Blue Eyes: Out of Print. Because they aren't making any more, the prices rise. Metal Raiders: Counter Trap Cards debut. Magic Ruler: Ritual Monsters/Toon Monsters debut.
Well if this isn't silly...count me in! Age = 16 Favorite Monster: Relinquished Favorite Character: Pegasus, then Bakura, with Yugi a distant third Favorite Card(s): Magic Metal Force, Multiply, Black Magician Girl, B. Blader, Magnet Valkrion Card you Relate to: Retrained Elvish Swordsman. Favorite Episode(s): the Paradox Brothers, Pegasus Vs Yugi. (Could someone point me to a site with lots of Yu-gi-oh Monster pictures? I've tried but I fail each time.)
Would you mind showing us your deck? Ussually people include Cardlists, so that others can see what you're using and how to improve. Because, really, a single Starter deck has pretty much everything on that list. Besides, any monster can do direct damage if they aren't blocked. Ones like Queens Double are simply disasters waiting to happen.
Eh....I think I'll pass on another trap hole. Spellbinding Circle, maybe? No, wait...it's not all that it's cracked up to be...Another Magic Jammer?....Augh!
The one picture change i don't understand is the Polymerization Card image on the TV show (American version, at least). It's totally different from both the English card and the Japanese version(The one in structure decks, anyway.)
Anime What was your best move in the game and why
Alexander replied to Wormmon's Tamer's topic in Otaku Central
Ahem. I used a *Japanese* multiply card, from the Yugi Structure Deck, in a Non-tournament match where they allowed Japanese cards. Thus, it is not BS. You have Japanese cards yourself...so why is it impossible that I have it? [url]http://www.geekshelf.com/gallery/lordhyraken/Yugioh/multiply.jpg[/url] Here you go. My scan of the card - YU27 from the Yugi Structure Deck. -
Heh. I just threw him in there for fun, Altron. To be perfectly honest, I never use him in tournaments.
Here's my current deck. I'd say it's beatdown - with style. It's a nigh-pure Dark type deck. I'm hoping that will serve me well in the upcoming area tournament, just as the previous version of this did last week. Monsters: (18) x1 Relinquished x1 Magician of Black Chaos x3 Summoned Skull x3 La Jinn x3 Whiptail Crows x3 Ryu-kishin Powered x2 Wall of Illusion x1 Witch's Apprentice x1 Witch of the Black Forest x1 Man-Eater Bug (Nasty suprise for the people who think I'm TOTALLY Dark type! LOLZ) Spells: (13) x1 Dark Hole x1 Raigeki x1 Pot Of Greed x1 Change of Heart x1 Monster Reborn x1 Snatch Steal x1 Heavy Storm x1 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Mystic Space Typhoon x1 Sword of Dark Destruction x2 Mystic Plasma Zone x1 Black Illusion Ritual x1 Ritual of Black Chaos Traps: (9) x2 Trap Hole x1 Waboku x1 Solemn Judgement x1 Seven Tools of The Bandit x1 Magic Jammer x1 Mirror Force x1 Dragon Capture Jar x1 Magic Cylinder Deck Plans: Right now...none.
Anime What was your best move in the game and why
Alexander replied to Wormmon's Tamer's topic in Otaku Central
While Mystic Plasma Zone and Witch's Apprentice was out, I "Multiplied" my Kuribo and attacked him after a Raigeki. It was damage of about 6750 points....which is hilarious because they're JUST KURIBOS! I swear, the guy I played will never live it down. My most hilarious mistake was when I Snatch Stealed the almighty Griggle! MAN that was annoying. -
I might put up a picture of it if I have time(lol). I just need to scan it. BTW: Short for: "By the way." This translation was taken from [URL=http://www.stormpages.com/edhrzic/Yugioh.htm]Edo's Yu-Gi-Oh! Page[/URL]. Italics is stuff I added for clarity. THOUSAND EYES SACRIFICE Type: Fusion Monster Dark/Magic User [i]AKA Spellcaster[/i]/1/0/0 Effect: [Sacrifice [i]AKA Relinquished[/i]] + [Wicked God of A Thousand Eyes] When this card is on the Field, other Monsters cannot attack nor change their modes. Once during your turn, you may absorb 1 of your opponent's Monsters, gaining the attack and defense strengths of that Monster. You can only absorb 1 Monster at a time, and it becomes an Equipment card on this Monster.
Big problem #1: Magician of Black Chaos is a Ritual Card, and i see no Black Chaos Rituals in your Magic section. Without the rituals, the Magicians CANNOT be summoned. Also, cut the Bikuri Box, Crass Clown, Dream Clown, Polymerization, and Gaia TFK. Forget about Tremendous Fire and Ookazi, keep the Just Deserts if you like, they're good.
Uriel5: Hey now....that's a pretty nice combo.... =)
Actually the crows are pretty good...better than most of my deck's 4-stars. Perhaps maybe drop a Fissure for another La Jinn? Oh, yeah. Stop Defence. I suggest you find at least one. They can be very handy against Mystical Elves, Millenium Shields, and the like. After all, if you can go right through thier defence, why not?
Sorry. I meant lacking in *4-Star* powerhouses, or at least ones that I know of. Beatdown means hurting them hard and fast, so the key to a good starting offence is a quick, powerful monster that won't die on you. Preferably one capable of taking out monsters the opponent would use as tribute while you get your own ones out.
Ah, good. Besides, the local players are so poor strategists I don't need anything more. The one local with the actual BEUD and Gate Guardian is about the easiest guy to beat, really.